The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

4' 3 1 Crashes Kill Three in Deerfield and New York THE WEATHER FIVE CENTS (BJ U. Weather Burean) EVERYWHERE THE SPRINGFIELD UNION Cloudy, Warm Today And Tomorrow VOL. 91, NO. 241 Entered Springtield, as under the matter act at of Post March 3. Office 1870 at SPRINGFIELD, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1954 22 PAGES $15.00 YEAR THREE DIE IN CRASHES OF AUTOS Dartmouth Pair Returning From Smith Killed in Deerfield; South Egremont Man Victim in Hillsdale, N.

Y. Highway accidents yesterday killed a South Egremont man and, in Deerfield, two Dartmouth College students. Seward E. Doty, Jr. 28.

of South Egremont died early yesterday when his automobile shot off Route 23 and overturned about a. mile west of Hillsdale, N. a near the Massachusetts state line. In Deerfield, two out-of-state vouths, Dartmouth students. were killed, a.

almost m. instantly yesterday shortly when the benorthbound car in which they were riding left the highway at the foot of Long Hill in Wapping. The boys. Augustus Eckart. 19.

of Loudonville Loudonville, N. and Edwin Henry Parkhurst. 3d, 18. were of thrown Belvoir from the car. Cleveland, The Dartmouth College students were on the way hack to Hanover.

from Northampton where they had been visiting students atl Smith College during the evening. Police said Robert Allen Goodman. 19. of Cedar Brook Union Heights. Cleveland.

driver of the car. told them he dozed at the wheel. Dr. Kenneth Rice. of South Deerfield, associate medical examiner.

said that Eckart died of a skull Continued On Page 12 MENDES-FRANCE FACES THREAT IN CONFIDENCE VOTE, Socialist Party Indicates It Will Not Support German Rearming Proposal Paris, Oct. 10 INSISA Socialist official said tonight members of the National sembly will abstain Tuesday crucial confidence vote Pierre Mendes-France quested on his German rearmapolicy. the decision stands, it threaten not only the nine-power London azreement to bring Germany into the Allied system, but also' the life of three-and-a-hall-month old government. Pierre Commin, deputy tary-general of the Socialist in A speech at Lyons: "The national council of the Party will meet tomorrow its decision is already will not be possible for it for the London agreements they stand. It will Premier Pierre Mendes-France today a solid majority of French Parliament now appeared Continued On Page 12 WORLD -WIDE NEWS NOTES Says Liberation Near Taipei, Oct.

10 (P GeneralissiChiang Kai-shek said today that Chinese Nationalist preparations for a counter-attack against the Communist-held mainland were almost complete and the battle of liberation should begin in the foreseeable future. The Nationalist of state spoke to his troops on the 43d anniContinued On Page 10 DENNIS THE MENACE "The painters were here, but they gave up after about a half. hour." Damage From Heavy. Rainfall in Chicago At $10 Million Mark Chicago, Oct. 10 (LP) heaviest rainfall in history drove thousands from their home today, pushed the Chicago River out of its banks into downtown skyscrapers, and wrought at least 000 in property damage.

At Least 18 Die At least 18 persons died in raincaused accidents, mostly traffic crashes, the rain-pelted area. The Chicago poured into the giant Union Station and Dearborn St. Station, halting railroad traffic in and out of the two terminals. In addition, a big washout on the Santa Fe right of way. delaved traffic on that line.

At Union Station, about: 1000 travelers milled about in darkness, until employees guided them to the streets with flashlights. The Weather Bureau said that rainfall totaled 9.75 inches in the South Chicago sector around western and 120th PI. The rain, which began at supContinued On Page 12 Giving Promise of Things to Come Church leaders taking part in the cornerstone laying at Foster Memorial Church, Sixteen Acres, yesterday afternoon were. above, left to right, Rev. Albert Buckner Coe, moderator of the General Council.

Congregational- ational-Christian Churches in the linited States; Rev. Charles M. Bezdek. pastor of the local church: Robert F. Scott, chairman of the building committee; George R.

Hill, chairman of the building fund committee. Agawam Cop Arrests Escapee at Gunpoint Agawam, Oct. 10-A 15-year-old escapee from Shirley Industrial School was captured at gunpoint Patrolman Louis Tatro yesterdav afternoon near the Eastern States Exposition grounds in West Springfield. P'olice Get Tip Dozens of spectators stopped to watch as Tatro held the escapee, a Springfield resident, and four other youths against the fence under threat of his revolver. An phone call to police headquarters alerted authorities and Tatro said he spotted the car, in which the escapee was ridContinued On Page 12 30 Freight Cars In Pileup in Shelburne Falls Shelburne Falls, Oct.

10 Thirty cars of a 125-car Boston and Maine freight train overturned tonight at a grade crossing. No one was injured in the pileup. but railroad officials said 11 may take two days to clear the double tracks which. also are used by passenger trains. The line is the railroad's main connection between nearby Greenfield and Troy, N.

Y. The train was carrying carloads of freight from the Midwest 10 Portland. Me. A railroad spokesman said A car apparently deTrailed, causing others to pilcup. What United Fund Dollars Do House of the Overcomes Evil For girls with illnesses of envirand circ*mstance that tarnish the spirit, the Sisters of the Good Shepherd have a home at 584 Wilbraham Rd.

The Good Shepherd Association member of the United Fund. This vear $28.850 has been allocatled to help carry on this restoration center that strives to guide girls-. Catholic and non-Catholic lives of constructive benefit in the community. One Girl's Life Peggy's case is one example of Red Feather dollars. At 13 she stood before the magistrate's bench.

while the judge said, am going to place you in the House of the Good Shepherd. I you will profit by your stay there." Five years later she is in her final year of school at an academy. Her ambition is to he an air line hostess and she is planning to continue her education after high school graduation. Formal education has A major role in the schedule at House of Continued On Page 10 DISTRICT ATTORNEY IS SEEKING MOTIVE FOR TWO MURDERS Rain Changes Airport Near Chicago Into Base for Seaplane Chicago. Oct.

10 (-Four feet. of water on the runways of Howell Airport near suburban Blue Island didn't quite shut down operations today. A seaplane landed to scoul the area. SIXTEEN ACRES CHURCH ADVANCE IS CELEBRATED 200 at Foster Memorial Ceremony; National Moderator Speaker The "triumph" of Foster Memorial Church was cited yesterday as the cornerstone of new church structure in Sixteen Acres was laid at ceremonies attended by more than 200 people of the congregation. Rev.

Albert Buckner Coo. D. of Boston. moderator of the General Council of CongregationalChristian Churches in the United States. described the new building among 6000 Congregational churches in the country.

"We are rejoicing today, over the triumph of this he said. Part of World Church Dr. Coe added. "'You belong not only this community. and deservedly SO.

but" to National Council of Churches, and as well to the World Council of He stressed the responsibilities of all denominations to the Christians now confined in Communist countries. Rev. Charles M. Bezdek. pastor of the church.

conducted the outdoor service, delivering the Continued On Page EXPENSE LIMIT ON REVALUATION SAID NO BARRIER Jones Feels Job Could, Should Be Done Within $150,000 Figure A citywide property revaluation would. by law. have to cost about $150.000 and could he accomplished; for that a amount, Edward Jones. director of the Springfield Taxpayers' Association, said last night. Board's Stand Taken In a dramatic switch from earlier views, the Springfield I Board of Assessors last Monday favored a reassessment of the city's 50.000 parcels of real estate by outside firm.

Chairman Vernon E. Bradley estimated the cost at $250,000. A state law. however prohibits expenditure of more than twentieth of one per vent of the asHe sessed valuation of taxable property for a revaluation. That sets approximately a $130.000 maximum on a revaluation.

Jones last night said the STA. Continued On Page 1 $30 Million Lab for A-Engine To Be Built in East Hartford Pratt and Whitney to Get Air Force Facility Washington, Oct. 10 (UP) The Air Force, moving a step nearer atom-powered, is expected to start work soon on a $30,000,000 laboratory at East Ilartford, to help in developing an atomic airplane engine. $7,500,000 Already Allotted The laboratory. known as the "Ilartford Research Facility.

will be built by the Air Force in conjunction with Pratt Whitney Aircraft of Fast Hartford. Pratt Whitney is one of five companies which have been working for three years on an atomic engine and airplane. Plans for the laboratory were disclosed indirectly in the Air Research and Development Command's public works program for the present fiscal year. The budget included $7.500.000 for acquisition of land and start of construction on the "facility." When completed. it will cost $30.000.000.

Plans for its construction offered the first concrete clue that progress is being made on An atomic plane engine and that the program is moving out of the Continued On Page 10 JAMAICA ISLE IS THREATENED BY HURRICANE Center of Fierce Storm Now Expected to Skirt Tourists' Spot Miami. Oct. 10 -The 115-milea fury of Hurricane Hazel on A course that would bring it veered toward the northwest today close to the lush Caribbean tourist isle of Jamaica. May Skirt Island Forecasters predicted. however.

that if the howler continues in its present direction, its center would skirt the honeymoon isle "possibly 100 miles" and only its outer winds would strike there. The Jatest advisory placed the eighth tropical storm of the year 180 miles south southeast of Kingston. Jamaica. the island capital which was hard hit by a 1951 hurricane that killed 141 persons and left 25,000 homeless. The hurricane slowed almost A standstill tonight, the Miami Weather Bureau said at 11 p.

EST. and movement was expected to be "very slow" during the next 12 hours--About three or four miles per hour toward the northwest. The storm was some 750 miles south southeast of Miami and about Continued On Page 12 Hockey Results AMERICAN LEAGUE Providence 5. Cleveland 1 NATIONAL LEAGUE New York 2, Chicago 1. Today's Chuckle Income tax is a game of hide-and-lother seek -the tax collector seeks your hide.

'First Lady And Six Came Out Alive! La (United Press W'irephoto) Six Ohio teenagers miraculously escaped alive when this sedan plunged a 100-feet over a high wall near Cadiz. Ohio, Saturday night. Two of the teenagers suffered serious injuries while the driver escaped with only a black eve. Rescuers carried the seriously injured a half- -mile through coal -mine spoils banks to waiting ambulances. Liswell Death Inquest Called for This Week A judicial inquest into the death of Arthur H.

Liswell. of Westfield will be requested this week. Dist. Atty. Stephen A.

Moynahan said last night. Sunday. school superintendent, was Liswell. A 23-year-old old assistant found dead of poisoning in his home at 10 Madison St. on Aug.

2. report from the Harvard a UniverMoynahan said he is awaiting a sity School of Legal Medicine on chemical and medical examinatoltions made on the bodies of LisContinued On Page 12 N. 35 to 50 FHA Cases May Be Prosecuted Washington. Oct. 10 (INS) -Senate investigators said today they expect to turn over to federal agencies for possible criminal prosecution between 35 and 50 new cases unearthed in their inquiry into! housing scandals.

With the housing hearings off until Nov. 9, one group ol Senate Banking Committee staff members assembled evidence 10 be turned over to the Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service. worked on an interim report to the Senate on the housing investigation. SCHOOL STAFF NOT KNOWN YET, PRELATE SAYS Bishop Comments On Report Jesuits to Teach at Now Parochial Unit There has been no decision made regarding the faculty of the proposed new parochial high school to be built in East Forest Park. Bishop Christopher J.

Weldon said yesterday. It had been rumored that the new school- -not 10 be built for sevpral years -would he only for hovs and that members of the Society of Jesus would form the teaching staff. The Jesuits Ale noted as teachers and operate such 'colleges AS Georgetown, Fordham and Holy Cross. Bishop Weldon said that having Jesuits staff the now high school WAS one of many proposals made and being considered, but he em- Continued On Page 1 'First Lady of World' Is 70 Today New York. Oct.

10 (A) -On A recent evening, a tall. alert, grayhaired woman was dining informally with friends. "You she remarked AS she sipped a demitasse, "this is the first time in years I've done something like this unofficially. it's a funny thing. nobody ever seems think just to ask me over for Mammoth Party Today This might xiound merely like widow -talk.

even mildly forlorn and. complaining. except that the speaker was Anna Elcanor Roosevelt, mother of five, grandmother of 19. great grandmother of four, former-first lady of the United States, former U. S.

delegate to the United Nations, chairman of the governing board of the American Association for the United Nations, globetrotter. lecturer. columnist. magazine writer. book author and undoubtedly the most Moynahan Says He Doubts First Story of Chapin Believes 'Some Other' Reason Than Merely Frightening Lynn Ann Smith Prompted Slayings Dist.

Atty. Stephen A. Moynahan declared last night he believes that some motive other than a mere attempt to frighten baby sitter Lynn Ann Smith prompted 18-yearold Kenneth R. Chapin to kill her and Steven Ross Goldberg, four. "Difficult to Believe" "I feel difficult.

to believe Chapin went in the Goldberg house merely to frighten the girl. I feel that some other motive prompted him, asserted the district attorney. "What makes it seem so inusual to me is the fact that he saw the girl once through the window, then went home to get the knife and returned to stab the youngster to death," Moynahan said. byte said Chapin psychiatrists will be after his examined indictment in accordance with the law which requires such examinations in murder cases. The weapon allegedly used to kill the children was A souvenir which had been in the Chapin home several years, it was learned last night.

"Chemical Analysis Due Capt. James J. McCarthy. head of the Detective said Chapin got the knife from his father about, two years ago, presumably to use on Boy Scout camping trips. It is a small bayonet with fixtures on the handle so that it could be attached to the end of a rifle barrel.

It was not known offhand how the weapon originally came into the possession of the Chapin family, perhaps from some member or Continued On Page 12 Stand by Our Chapin's Minister Asks AR ACCuSed slaver Kenneth R. Chapin sat in his lonely cell at Hampden County Jail yes. terday, his minister called on the congregation of his church stand by our youth and turn to God in these dark and bitter hours." Cup of Life Bitter "We must stand by our youth -flir youngsters -in A time 1 never thought I would live to see. The cup of life has never been so bitter as it is today," Rev. Andrew J.

Stanton told A packed congregation in manuel Congregational Church. "When tragedy hits, it hits Ug all. God is in the shadows. Reach out and find him now. mi mixture "The cup of of the life sweet is a and curious.

the bitter, the light and the dark. Life's experiences are not constant. How can 11 know the sweet if we have never experienced the hitter? How cAn we know the light it we Continued On Page 12 The Weather FORECAST (By U. S. Weather Bureau)-Cloudy with A few showers this morning.

Partly cloudy warm and humid in the afternoon with high temperatures in the low 70s. Partly cloudy and warm tonight and tomorrow. Chance of- scattered thundershowers. tomorrow aftTEMPERATURES--In -In 1.he 21- hour period ending at midnight, Oct. 10.

Highest, 72 degrees; lowest, 60 degrees; mean. 66 degrees. Precipitation, .04 inches. ALMANAC- -Sun rises at 6.57. sets at 6.16.

Light all vehicle lamps at 6.45. Index Amusem*nts 17 Cartoons Page 16 City Pages 2. 3, 4, 7 Editorial Page 6 Jacoby On Bridge Page 10 Ol' Doc Brady Page 6 Puzzle Page 16 Radio. TV Programs Page 11 Social Pages 8, 9 Sports Pages 13. 11, 15 Stray Bits 3 Weather Map Page 2 West Springfield Page 9 to NEW HAVEN MAN SIGNS LEASE FOR ARCADE THEATER Extensive Improvements Planned for State St.

Site Party ist the mier ment If said cialist but It vote as said 1 The Arcade Theater in State St. has, been of New leased to Haven, Hoff-1 by Nathan E. Goldstein, Goldstein, president of the firm bearing his name. has announced. Operate Bijou Hoffman represents B.

and Q. Theatres, and Perakos Theatres. operating about 20 motion picture houses in this state and Connecticut. including the Bijou Theater here. He said that extensive improvements will be made at the Arcade "'in the very near future" and that operating policy.

of the theater will be determined when improvements are completed. The Arcade was built in 1932 by Nathan and Samuel Goldstein and was under management of Western Massachusetts Theatres. until, 1916 when Nathan E. Goldstein, took over, The present lease Continued On Page 12 Wisconsin Auto Crash Kills Five Oconto, Oct. 10 'INS)Four teenage girls and A father of seven children were killed today when two automobiles crashed on a rain-swept highwav one and one-half miles east of Lena.

Wis. The dead were identified as Lou. is Bortsch. 54. driver of one car: Alice Anderson.

18. driver of the other Darlene Crozier; 18. and her sister. Gloria. 15, and Janet Trepanier.

16, All of the vietims lived near Oconto. An 11-year-old daughter of Bortsch the only survivor of the wreck. which occurred during a heavy mist. One More Day For Puzzle Contestants in The Springfield Union's Prize Crossword Puzzle Contest have until 10- morrow night at midnight 10 get their solutions to Puzzle No. 16 into The Union officeor.

if mailed. the envelope must bear a postmark prior to midnight Oct. 12. The prize for Puzzle No. 16 is $200.

Still time to take a crack at it. Get a copy of Saturday's Union and go to it. Good Shepherd With Good CI TUT I a 5 1954 Be a Partner- GIVE NOW Reported to Date $466,574 famous feminine private citizen in the world. Tomorrow, this lady who is so seldom asked informally to dinner, will be back on the official dais again: guest of honor in the grand ballroom of the lotel I Roosevelt at a party of more than 1000 persons -most of them distinguished -to celebrate her 70th birthday. Tonight at Hyde Park, the family gathered for its birthday dinner: son Jimmy and daughter Anna from California.

son Franklin on short leave from his New York campaigning, plus possibly A few grandchildren. Son John lives at Hyde Park. Son Elliott was unable to come on from Denver for the affair. On the threshold of this milestone. Eleanor Roosevelt may have occasional wistful thoughts about Ha COZY cup-of-ica' existence.

but she knows avell that it isn't the Continued On Page 10 ELEANOR ROOSEVELT 1 3.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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