The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

The Weather 6. Weather, Bureau Cloudy Today Rain Tomorrow STABLISHED BY WEEKLY IN :824: DAILY IN 1844: SOVIET ATOMIC CHANGE 'ENCOURAGING Washington, However, Waits to See Results of Its 'Serious' Study 7 struck a somewliat less'hostile attitude toward the Eisenhower plan for an international pool of atomic energy for peaceful purposes. White House Statement Commenting on a Soviet Foreign announcement that the Kremlin had promised in advance to give: the Eisenhower speech 10 the United Nations Assembly serious presidential press secretary James C. llagerty said: is a most encouraging report, but we. would they would give serious consideration to a serious proposal by the President the United States." lagerty spoke after consulting President Eisenhower.

Washington kept its fingers crossed, however. There no means of knowing yet whether the Soviet leaders were really receptive to the plan, or whether, they felt merely that the blasts from the Moscow radio had had (Continued On Page 10A) Washington, Dec. 12 (AP) -President Eisenhower was encouraged today as Russia FEARS REPLACING 1,31 'FOUR SAYS STEVENSON Tells Rally Hc: Doubts Ike's Ability to Speak for Administration Philadelphia, Dec. 12 (A Adlai F. Stevenson said the Freedoms' have given way to the "four fears" and challenged the Eisenhower's Eisenhower adminis- to tration.

Sees "Sorry Confusion" In an address prepared- for delivery at a rally of Democrats from 11 Eastern. states and the District Columbia, Stevenson said that "sorry" confusion" has supplanted "the gallant hopes of yesterday" and that Democratic Party fortunes have suddenly improved. The freedoms of speech worship and the freedoms from want and fear enunciated by the late President Roosevelt. 'Steven'son said, "have been replaced by the four fears fear of depression, fear of communism, fear of ourselves, fear of freedom, itself. "Fear, said the who lost the 1952' presidential race, "is poison." In the" end, Stevenson said, he does not visualize America huddied in a paralysis of fear, divided by bitterness I I I and "mean but standing united in (Continued On Page 10A) Two-Headed, Four-Armed Baby Is Born Indianapolis, Dec.

12 (INS) -A 27-year-old mother gave birth today to a -baby boy with two heads, four arms and two legs, and the child was still alive but in critical condition tonight after a 90-mile-an-hour ambulance dash to Indianapolis. The baby was born this morning to Mrs. Cecil Hartley, in Washington, Ind. (Daviess) County Hospi1al. Doctors said he is normal from the upper waist down.

Delivery was by Caesarian section. A near crisis developed during the 120-mile trip Washington, to the James Whitcomb Riley Hospital in Indianapolis when it was discovered there was a shortage of oxygen for the incubator in the ambulance. Fortunately, the unescorted ambulance had ice-free roads and light traffic along the route, and the infant arrived at the hospital before the oxygen supply ran out: The mother, who has three other children, all normal and healthy, was reported in good condition. The father is an ordnance worker at the naval ammunition depot at Crane, Ind. Riley staff physicians immodiately: gave the child an intensive one-hour examination: and vowed they would do what they could to save him.

The child's color and breathing were termed good, but doctors (Continued On Page 18A) HOCKEY RESULTS QUEBEC LEAGUE Springfield Ottawa 1. time) Valleyfield 2, Chicoutimi 0 AMERICAN LEAGUE Syracuse 3, Buffalo 2 3 Cleveland 6, Providence 2 Pittsburgh 5, Hershey 2 NATIONAL LEAGUE Montreal 7 New York 2 Toronto 2. Chicago 0 Detroit 7, Boston 1 Springfield ED Republican DEAN TO WAIT ONE WEEK FOR RED APOLOGY Seoul, Dec. 13 (Sunday) (AP)- -U. S.

Envoy Arthur Dean today said he would wait no longer than a week for the Reds to make the first move toward resuming the broken off talks to arrange a Korean peace conference. pened absolutely, of the- week," he the United States of perfidy." nothing has negotiators who insultingly accused told a press conference today; the He told newsmen right after his time will have come for a definite walk out yesterday, that he would decision." not go back to the conference but Accused of "Perfidy" unless the Reds messaged him a Dean broke off current attempts retraction of their accusation that tow set up a Korean peace conference when he walked out on Red (Continued On Page 18A) Over 14 Pounds at Birth LES Entered SUNDAY IN 1878 second -class matter at 1 ost office under the act of March 8. 1879. Associated Press Pamela Jo Carey, nestled in the arms of her mother, Mrs. Jack Warren Carey, is just four days old- but she already has a wardrobe problem: Her clothes are simply too small! She is one of the largest babies ever born in Atlanta, weighing 14 pounds, seven ounces at birth in the Georgia Baptist Her pretty mother, 23, weighs 112.

"I bought clothes for a normal baby," she sighed. SAILOR IS BOOKED IN BOLAND DEATH Examiner. William J. Brickley said he died of multiple fractures of the skull and brain Wilson son said Effner was 'arrested after watch owned by Boland was pawned for. $3.

Wilson quoted Effner as saying he had given the watch to another sailor who pawned it. Wilson quoted Effner as giving this story. Boland invited: him Tuesday night to his apartment after they (Continued On Page 19A) Boston. Dec. 12 (AP) -Police Capt.

Francis G. Wilson said tonight a Lawrence, sailor would be charged with the slaying of John P. Boland, 26, Harvard graduate and a Massachusetts National Guard warrant officer. Wilson identified the man as John raigned in District Court Monday Effner, 22, a boilermaker 3d on a charge of murder. class on the USS Baltimore, with Boland, a native of Northampton five years Navy service.

where his uncle was one-time mayWilson said Efiner would be ar-for, was found dead Wednesday Medical in his Back: Bay apartment. SEEK FUGITIVE: IN MURDER OF YOUNG COUPLE Police, FBI Join Manhunt; Search Shifts From S. C. To Cincinnati Dec. 12 (P) A railway conductor's tip set off a search in Cincinnati, today for an escaped convict.

charged with killing couple in a lonely lover's lane and then hacking off the girl's head. FBI Aid Asked Police asked the FBI to check a report the 38-year-old suspect had gone to Cincinnati. U. S. Commissioner, William B.

Tyson, federal fugitive warrant at Florence, S. charging Raymond Carney with unlawful "flight to, avoid prosecution for murder. The action immediately threw the resources of the FBI into the manhunt. A widespread manhunt was on for Raymond Carney. alias Corney, alias J.

W. (Jake) Page, who is being sought in the killing of 15-yearold Betty. Clair Cain, a Pamplico High School student. and H. B.

Allen, 22, a Latta, S. Air Force veteran. The couple was beaten and shot Sunday night while parking on a river bluff. The girl's headless body, was found in a shallow grave. (Continued On Page 18A) SPRINGFIELD, Furcolo Stuns State ADA 4 for In Calling for Disbandment Gridiron Club Sidelights THAT JILTED ME YOU KNOW MAIN DENMY STORY DECEMBER 13, 1953 'BERMUDA DAZE SECRETARY DULLES WHAT THE VERY FOREIGN Stu LOOK QUESTION, SHOULDER (Associated Press Jim Berryman, cartoonist for the Washington St, has this comment on the winter dinner of the Gridiron Club in the Capital yesterday.

The organization of Washington correspondents included many prominent guests, headed by President Eisenhower. "These cartoon sidelights are suggested by the program of skits which highlighted the dinner. 1 3 3 CHICAGO TO DROP LOCAL BALL CLUB Springfield was officially declared out of the International Baseball League last night by James T. Gallagher, business manager of the Chicago Cubs who have operated the franchise here since 1950. Gallagher, spokesman for President Philip K.

Wrigley of the Chicago National League here next season and went on to say that the fate of the Club, stated that Chicago had no intention of placing a team The International League presi in the fold. Shaughnessy said Springfield franchise is now up to the International League. plans were under. way to obtain dent. Frank Shaughnessy, then another city.

to replace Springfield nounced from his Montreal home for the 1954 campaign. that the league no longer had any thought of trying to keep Spring- (Continued On Page 2B) ACCIDENT RECORD LOW IN DEER WEEK in By LEO "BUDDY" to The intensive hunting safety ing clubs and individuals, who factors in schools and at civic Western Massachusetts has paid Through late last night there had not been one: accidental shooting death. of at hunter, and only two the entire opened to gunners minor accidents, occurred during and archers. Teenagers Successful officers 'throughout the western and central Massachusetts counties vere most enthusiastic about the good conduct (Continued On Page 15A) Freddie Has Everything, Except Wife Baltimore, Dec. 12 (P)-Frederick Steeg got a divorce yesterday, and his former wife suggested he not be so good to the next one.

The 24-year-old Baltimore steel worker got. his decree on grounds of abandonment. He and his 21-year-old bride from Seneca, S. were married on May 30, 1952.3 On April 20, 1953. he came home from work and found a four-page letter, 3 which was, introduced as evidence: "Dear Freddie: "You are a wonderful husband for someone, darling, and I' hope you find someone to appreciate you.

You are good and kind and honest. You are very, very sweet. "But I just don't love you. be 'Hon, the television is paid, up until Here is the book for it, and I'll take over the car payments. The rent is paid up until next Tuesday.

"Hon, you won't have any bills now so you can take your big pay check this week and have yourself a ball. "You are handsome and have a (Continued On. Page 18A) 10 Cents TEN CENTS: $5.00 A YEAP T6TH PRICE YEAR OF SUNDAY. NUMBER 15 Informs Convention Group Does Not Enjoy 108 PAGES Foster FurAmericans this afterdisband for Party is the Confidence of Public Mass. Treasurer Styled Liberal Organization at Boston; DeHurls Bombshell in Address Before Selfclares Its Efforts Only Undermine Democrats By A STAFF REPORTER stunned Boston, the state convention of the "Dec.

12-State Treasurer for colo Democratic Action in Hotel Bradford noon by calling upon the organization to the sake of the Democratic Party. Democratic Spies and Ike Are Joshed by Gridiron Club Washington, Dec. 12 (P). Spies up took as to the Santa Claus and the Demohills, Malenkov turned crats were wooed by presidential suitors aplenty tonight at the annual winter dinner or the 68-yearold Gridiron Club at the Statler Hotel. A special target of the fun-pokwas the Eisenhower administration, depicted as wanderconfusedly in a programless McCarthy-haunted "Manana" (tomorrow) "Our budget isn't balanced land where: but Ike doesn't seem to care.

plans for cutting taxes are "The not getting Humphrey anywheredollar will not buy a beefsteak now, sometime in the future we will fix it up somehow." Invited to bear it' was President Eisenhower, foremost among some 500 guests who included Cabinet members, Supreme Court. justices, members of Con(Continued On Page 10.4) TEMPLE CONDUCTS 'ARABIAN JOURNEY' AS INITIATION RITE Shriners From New N. Canada Attend Tribute to A. M. Simmons For the time in 25 years; conducted "'An Arabian Journey" as part: of its initiation ceremony at the Masonic Temple Shriners from Rhode Island, New last night.

York, Vermont, Maine and as far north as Montreal, by the attended local tem- the event presented ple as a tribute to Arthur M. Simmons, chief director for the past 28 years. Mr. Simmons is the only chiet director in the country at this time. according to Melha Temple authorities.

especially selected cast in arrangement produced by Mr. Simmons, performed the ritual story in six scenes, aided. by the Melha Military Band. They included Victor F. Gries as potentate, Fred S.

S. Conkey Lyman as high priest and prophas chief rabban, Jonathan et, Ralph F. Beaudry as assistant rabban, Wayne H. Latham as ori-1 ental guide, Dr. Howard soIl as first ceremonial master, (Continued On Page 19A) Life in Navy Getting Better Every Sunday Newport, R.

I.r Dec. 12 P- Sailors can sleep late now. on Sunday mornings and still make Under "brunch" plan, which goes into effect tomorrow the Newport Naval Training Station mess hall and the club, a gob can saunter into chow anytime between 8 and 11.30. a. and stoke up on a full course breakfast.

No more hard decisions whether to desert a warm sack. or for-: an early breakfast. MARCEAU campaign" staged by sportdemonstrated safety hunting club meetings throughout off. SISTER OF POLIO Athol: Dec. $12 -The 22-yearold married sister of a 13-year-old boy who died of polio Monday has been stricken with the disease.

Estelle M. Whiting, 22, of Canaan, N. mother of. a fouryear-old daughter, was stricken at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Alexander W. Vysocky. She came here for the funcral Wednesday of her brother, Robert, but was too ill to attend." She taken to Franklin County Hospital in Greenfield, today. In Greenfield, it was reported tonight that she does not have any paralysis. She had been ill for with a virus infection before coming here.

She was attended in Athol by Dr. Bernard Rubino. Ano'her brother, Alexander Vysocky, in the Army, sailed for. overseas a week ago today. VICTIM STRICKEN Franklin County Hospital Admits Athol Visitor TOY FOR JOY AIMS AT- YULE SPARKLE The Toy for Joy Fund" needs more help to build that assurance.

Signs of Times. Evergreen trees are being carried from sales lots to homes. The platform the Nativity scene has been placed in Court Square. Candles and wreaths and strands of tinsel are being brought from storage into sight. Carols are beginning to be heard more often, in the quiet churches; 4 instrument of humanity and it has a he said, "yet a both the program program which the nation and the parakened being underthe ultra-conservation wing of the mined and by groups, liberal wing on the periphery of Republican Party and the ultrathe Democratic Party.

That group includes many people in those this that audi- I ence "and it is to speak. Soldier 1 Tells Story of He said that the ADA does rot have the confidence of the run and that many candidates the lic office "disavow" tion. He then told the story of a young soldier who fell on a hand grenade to save the lives of six American' soldiers. boy knew then as an he was unimportant and that sometimes one has to fall by the 'wayside so that others may live," said Furcolo, "'he placed America above himself." Furcolo then told the amazed and hushed audience that he did. not think that they should discuss anything at the convention except the question whether the ADA should continue.

Furcolo did not charge the group with criticizing congressional investigations. hut he took oc vision to. defend such investigations in general." He said that some are marked by a courtesy to witnesses while others are well conducted and of great value. Burns Expresses Surprise "I came face to face with the murderous evils of Godless communism when I served on the committee when in Congress which investigated the Katyn Forest killings in Poland." he said. At the of Furcolo's address, James M.

Burns Williamstown, state ADA chairman arose, expressed his surprise. and said that he did not agree with Furcolo's (Continued On Page 184) FEEDING HILLS MAN IS STRUCK BY AUTO Elmer P. Cleary Taken to Springfield Hospital Agawam, Dec. 12 Elmer P. Cleary, ahout 40.

of 1282 Spring. field Feeding Hills was seriously injured at 5.17 yesterday afternoon when he was struck by a car on Springfield Agawam, at the corner of Williams St. Cleary was taken unconscious to Springfield Hospital by Patrolmen Edward -Borgotti and Donald Conkey in the Agawam ambulance. In addition to head injuries and cussion, the injured man suffered a fracture of the left leg. Identified as the driver of the car involved was Mrs.

Winifred Kandal. of Warrentown West Suffield, Conn: Her statement concerning what occurred was taken by Patrolman Raymond DeForge. Mrs. Kandal was not detained. Rain was falling at the time of the 'mishap and driving conditions were generally hazardous.

The Weather FORECAST (By U. S. Weather. coming partly cloudy this after- clearing be: noon. Cooler with the highest temperature in the middle 40's.

Tonight, cloudy with rain continuing into Monday. TEMPERATURES -In the: 24- hour period ending at midnight, Dec. 12: degrees; lowest, 40 degrees; mean, 43 degrecs. Precipitation, 0.39 inch. ALMANAC Sun rises at 7.10, sets at 4.19.

Light all vehicle lamps at 4.49. News Index Amusem*nts Pages 12-13C Art A Page 11C Books Page 40A Camera Page 24A Contract Bridge Page 36A Editorial Pages 14-16C Financial Page 9B Home Modernizing Pages 41-43A Music, Radio Pages 10 10-11C Riding With Russell 39A Social Pages 1-9C Sports 1-8. 13B Stamps 26A U. S. MAY LINK a ATOMIC PLAN TO NATO DEFENSE Dynamic Program to Be Offered by Dulles, Paris Sources Paris, Dec.

12 (INS) -Authoritative sources disclosed tonight that U. S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles would submit to the Atlantic Pact Council next week. a dynamic program designed to stimulate Allied defense. Two Major Points The two major points in this program will be: 1.

A proposal that President Eiatomic pool offer be in" with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's long range peaccful objectives; A 2. An assurance that the U.S. will not withdraw. its military forces from as long as the cold war with Russia lasts, provided France and her five continental allies ratify the European Defense Community Dulles, who arrived today for the council meeting opening Monday, will formally call the 14 NATO na(Continued On Page 10A) SHOPPING CENTER: TRAFFIC CRUSH IS CONFUSING SCENE Christmas Lying Onslaught Packs Streets, Sidewalks, Parking Spaces Springfield, pre-Christmas experienced one traffic ot jams in many a year yesterday as thousands of cars became scrambled into the downtown shopping area, confusing pedestrians as well as other drivers; As one patrolman on duty along Main St. put it, A This is Main St.

by midafternoon resembled a miniature Coronation picture with cars heading in every direction, to and from the city, but in snail-like fashion. At police reported snarls were evident at almost every intersection. Use, Gutters As though it wasn't bad enough to have a heavy influx of machines reaming the streets. in search of passengers laden with gifts, parking space or just a look-see at what was going on, pedestrians in many instances were pushed. shoved, or decided it was safer to walk in the gutter to avoid col lisions with other swift-moving shoppers.

Patrolmen John Kenney and Ne(Continued On Page 19A) Indian Remains Found In Wis. 5000 Years Old Milwaukee, Dec. 12 (P-Radioactivity tests have proved that human remains, found in a Wisconsin burial ground last year, are those of Indians who lived more than 5000 years ago. a Milwaukee anthropologist said today. Dr.

Robert E. Ritzenthaler, associate curator of anthropology at the Milwaukee 'Public Museum, said "carbon 14" tests made at the institute for nuclear studies at the sity of Chicago determined that old copper culture Indians lived in the Oconto. area near Green Bay, about 5600 years -plus or minus 400 years. Ritzenthaler said it is the earliest date established through carbon 14. tests 1 for human remains found: in Northeastern: North America: Employees Will Present Car to Boss New Haven, Dec.

12 UP) The chairman of the board of the New Haven Clock Watch Co. and the international president of the Playthings, Jewelry and NovelWorkers Union: (CIO), will meet here next Friday, but not for. the reason you think. A No bargaining session is in" the offing, no union demands are to be made and Instead president Alex Bail of New York, on behalf of the 800 members of His union who work for New Haven Clock, will present the. board chairman, Dr, Max A.

Geller, with as new' automobile (a' 1954 Chrysler Imperial). The union credits Dr. Geller saving the company from bankruptcy, and thus with saving the jobs of its members. Louis Squeglia," the union's shop, it steward, wasn't for put it Dr. this Geller way this factory, wouldn't be in operation.

He's the People Own Biggest Business It's the New Atomic Energy Empire of This Country (Editor's -note: Here is the fabulous story of America's atomic energy empire the world's biggest business enterprise-owned by U. S. taxpayers and directed: by scientists ceaselessly probing on "every front from reasons flowers bloom to the roar of the hydrogen bomb.) Milwaukee, Dec. 12 (AP). The biggest business in the world is owned by the American people.

$6000 beginning less than 14 years ago, Ari the industry of the THINGS 1 A LA iT atom has grown to twice the size of the largest privately owned company. The government of the United States holds the mightiest monopoly in its history. Has Domain The of, atomic empire extend from the gold fields of South Africa's Witwatersrand to the uranium mines of Australia's rum jungle. purview of its directors the Atomic Energy Commission extends from the click of a prospector's Geiger counter to the roar of a hydrogen bomb. AEC owns some 3000 square miles of landS Incidental to its operations, the commission owns and runs cities.

finances and directs the biggest co-ordinated research program of all time. Its scientists probe the unknown on fronts from the cause of cancer to the reasons flowers bloom, from the shape of an atom to the way a pump behaves at 1500 degrees. $11. Billion Cost This monstrous program thus far has cost the country about 11 billion dollars. Its budget for (Continued On Page 10A) the din of streets.

Cards and packages are in the mail. And the lists at the end of the daily Toy for Joy story are filling more and more lines. Every familiar" sign proclaims that Christmas is nearly here. But every sign also repeats the need to toy fund total going (Continued On Page: 13A).

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.