Beyond the yellow walls - Chapter 1 - AriAri (ArionEvans) - The Backrooms - Anonymous on /x (2024)

Chapter Text

This fanfic is originally being posted on Wattpad by my boyfriend, his profile is "CookieDoll1700". English is not my native language and I have permission to translate this fanfic. This fanfic is intended to have short and simple chapters for quick reading, where readers can enjoy without worrying about getting lost between chapters. This is my first fanfic on AO3.

The night was cold and silent, and "A" sat at the deserted bus stop, lost in vague thoughts. His dog, a German Shepherd named Colosso, was by his side, restless. "A" pulled his hood up higher, trying to ward off the cold, when Colosso began to growl and bark furiously at an indistinct spot near a streetlight.

"Shhh, Colosso. What's wrong, boy?" said "A," trying to calm the dog. However, Colosso barks grew more frantic, slicing through the night's silence like a knife. Then, suddenly, the noise stopped.

"A" looked around, trying to understand what had happened. Colosso was gone. He stood up quickly, heart racing, and realized that half of Colosso leash was stuck to the ground, as if he had been pulled by an invisible force. "A" knelt down, touching the spot where the leash was stuck, trying to find any clue as to what might have happened.

That's when he felt the ground give way beneath his feet. A sensation of dizziness enveloped him as he was sucked into a dark void. Everything around him became a whirlwind of darkness and flashing lights. He felt his body being dragged through an invisible tunnel until suddenly, the fall ended.

"A" landed with a dull thud on a hard, damp floor. His head spun, and his vision was blurry. It took him a few moments to compose himself, and when he finally opened his eyes, he found himself in a completely unfamiliar place.

The walls were a faded yellow, covered in wallpaper with a worn-out and repetitive pattern. The fluorescent lights on the ceiling emitted a constant and unsettling buzz. It was a maze of endless corridors, all identical, all without an apparent way out.

"Colosso? Colosso, where are you, buddy?" called out "A," his voice echoing in the empty corridors. There was no response. Only the incessant buzzing of the lights and the distant sound of footsteps echoing disjointedly.

He began to walk, trying to stay calm. Every corridor seemed to lead to more corridors, endless, without an exit. Anxiety started to tighten his chest, but he knew he needed to find Colosso. And, more importantly, he needed to find a way out of that nightmare.

As he walked, a small shadow darted past in the distance. "A" tried to follow, but the shadow disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. There was something or someone there with him. He wasn't alone, but the company in that strange and oppressive place was not necessarily a relief.

With a lump in his throat and the determination to find his dog, "A" continued to explore the endless labyrinth of the Backrooms, each step taking him deeper into the shadows and mysteries of that forgotten place.

"A" continued to wander the endless corridors, his mind battling against the growing sense of despair. Each corridor seemed the same as the last, each yellow wall a replica of the one before. Fatigue began to weigh on him, and eventually, he allowed himself to stop and sit on the floor. The damp, stained carpet soaked through "A's" pants, but he was too exhausted to care. He leaned against the wall, trying to calm his heavy breathing.

That's when something caught his attention. To his right, on the faded yellow wall, there were childish scribbles. Drawings made with colorful crayons, some faded with time, others still vibrant. He approached to look closer, curiosity momentarily overriding fear.

There, among the scribbles, he saw a drawing that made him catch his breath. It was a dog. Not just any dog, but Colosso. The drawing was a childish version, but unmistakable, of his German Shepherd. There was something comforting and disturbing about that sight. How could someone, especially a child, have drawn Colosso there?

The drawings continued, depicting scenes that seemed like they were from a dream or a nightmare. There were figures of children running through the corridors, monsters of undefined shapes lurking in the shadows, and doors leading to even stranger and desolate places. But Colosso drawing was what held his attention the most.

"How is this possible?" murmured "A" to himself, his voice softly echoing in the empty hallway. He ran his fingers over the drawing, feeling the irregular texture of the crayon on the wall. The feeling of isolation lessened slightly, replaced by a strange connection to that place.

He knew he couldn't stay there forever. He needed to find Colosso and a way out of the Backrooms. He stood up, still looking at the drawing, and promised himself that he would find answers.

With renewed determination, "A" continued his journey through the maze. Each step took him deeper into the darkness and secrets of the place, but also closer to unraveling the mystery that connected that childish drawing to him and to Colosso.

Beyond the yellow walls - Chapter 1 - AriAri (ArionEvans) - The Backrooms - Anonymous on /x (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.