What Is TDEE, and Why Knowing It Can Help You Lose Weight Faster (2024)

TDEE is an acronym for Total Daily Energy Expenditure, which is really just the name for the total amount of calories you expend in a day.

Another way to think about TDEE is that it is really just your total metabolism

That is it.

Super simple concept, but simple doesn’t mean unimportant. In fact, understanding the concepts about what makes up your TDEE is maybe the most important thing you can do for controlling your success when chasing weight loss or body composition goals

What is TDEE?

When we think about TDEE there are really two main types of energy expenditure: Resting energy expenditure and non-resting energy expenditure.

Resting energy expenditure is simply the energy our body uses to just stay alive. It doesn’t include anything else, just keeping the blood moving and your tissue and organs alive. This portion of our TDEE is often referred to as our BMR or our RMR

Non-resting energy expenditure is everything else. This is the energy it takes your body to do everything else, which fundamentally boils down to three main things:

1) Digesting food, which we call the thermic effect of food (TEF)

2) Physical activity of daily living that is non-exercise activity, which we call non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT)

3) Physical activity that is structured exercise, which we call exercise activity thermogenesis (EAT).

That is it. Again, super simple… but also super important to understand as we are going to discuss below.

What Is TDEE, and Why Knowing It Can Help You Lose Weight Faster (1)

Why Knowing Your TDEE Is Useful for Weight Loss

Knowing your TDEE is useful for weight loss because it makes up 50% of the calorie balance equation. It becomes even more useful when you understand what portions of TDEE you have under your control AND which portions actually matter in terms of weight loss or weight gain in the real world.

Let’s cover resting energy expenditure first. Most people often think their resting energy expenditure, specifically their BMR, is one of the main reasons why they begin to gain weight and certain periods in their lives. However, this is actually not the case. In fact, BMR has almost no predictive value for whether people gain or lose weight… kind of crazy isn’t it?

This means that our non-resting energy expenditure must be what helps determine weight loss or weight gain…right? That is in fact correct. However, most people think that their exercise activity determines weight loss or weight gain. This is true in some sense, but it turns out that exercise actually has a much smaller impact on weight loss than most people think.

Also, while you can increase your thermic effect of food by eating a higher protein diet, it doesn’t really change enough to be meaningful for the large majority of people.

If that is the case, what DOES impact weight loss the most with regard to TDEE?

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The Importance of NEAT for Weight Loss

Studies have shown that our NEAT (the physical activity we do in a day that is not structured exercise) predicts most of the weight gain or weight loss in our adult lives.

And, it turns out for us that this is great news! Our NEAT is something that we have the most control over and small lifestyle changes can dramatically increase or decrease our NEAT.

What Is TDEE, and Why Knowing It Can Help You Lose Weight Faster (3)

How to Determine Your TDEE

There are a lot of different ways to determine your TDEE, with some being more accurate than others. There are formulas to calculate your TDEE yourself but the most effective way is to use a TDEE calculator. But note, all TDEE calculators are estimates and they all follow the same logic:

Step 1: estimate your BMR or resting-energy expenditure based on height, weight, age, and biological sex.

Step 2: multiply your BMR/resting-energy expenditure by a constant number to adjust for your physical activity.

That is fundamentally how all methods of calculating TDEE work.

Over the last several decades there has been a lot of research looking at how to accurately estimate TDEE.

There are a handful of research equations used such as:

There are also other commercially available calculators that use adjusted versions of these and also utilize data collected and refined from the users, such as our calculator here at Macros Inc that we have tested with over 2.5M users.

Tips For Increasing TDEE

When we think about how to increase TDEE there are realistically two main strategies that you have control over:

  1. Exercise more
  2. Increase your NEAT

Increasing exercise is a relatively straightforward concept. You can increase the number of days you exercise, increase the length of your exercise sessions, increase the intensity of the exercise, or find forms of exercise that burn more calories (e.g. swimming burns more calories than walking). However, realize that for most people, increasing your exercise probably only increases your TDEE by 200-500 calories per day.

Increasing your NEAT is probably the most effective way to increase your TDEE. In fact, lifestyle changes that meaningfully change your NEAT can increase your NEAT calories from a few hundred a day to a few thousand a day. In fact, NEAT levels can vary by up to 2,000 kcals a day per person!

Some really effective ways to increase your NEAT in a given day are:

  • Take more walks during the week.
  • Get a walking pad for your desk and walk while on phone meetings or doing computer work.
  • Do more physical chores around the house.
  • Park further from the store or buildings you drive to.
  • Walk or ride your bike when convenient.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Stand when you can versus sitting.


Understanding and calculating your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is important for achieving weight loss and body composition goals. While resting energy expenditure (BMR) has little predictive value, non-resting energy expenditure, particularly NEAT, plays a significant role in determining weight loss or gain.

Small lifestyle changes that increase NEAT can have a substantial impact on your TDEE. By incorporating more physical activity into your daily routine and making simple adjustments like taking more walks, using a walking pad, doing physical chores, and opting for stairs instead of elevators, you can effectively increase your TDEE and support your weight management efforts.

Remember, TDEE is an essential factor to consider and control on your journey towards achieving your desired body composition.

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What Is TDEE, and Why Knowing It Can Help You Lose Weight Faster (2024)


What Is TDEE, and Why Knowing It Can Help You Lose Weight Faster? ›

Total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) estimates how many calories your body burns daily by accounting for three major contributing factors: your basal metabolic rate (BMR), your activity level and the thermic effect of food metabolism.

Why is TDEE important for weight loss? ›

Knowing what your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is can help you take control of your weight. That's because your TDEE tells you how many calories you burn in a day. When you know how many calories you burn then you can also figure out how many fewer calories you should consume to lose weight.

What is your TDEE? ›

TDEE stands for total daily energy expenditure. It is the total energy that a person uses in a day. TDEE is hard to measure accurately and varies day by day. More often, it is estimated using factors such as a person's basal metabolic rate (BMR), activity level, and the thermic effect of food.

How does knowing your metabolic rate help you lose weight? ›

While knowing your BMR doesn't directly contribute to weight loss, it can help adjust your daily calorie intake and exercise goals to maintain your current weight or reach your goal weight.

What happens if you eat less than your TDEE? ›

Theoretically, any amount that is less than your normal TDEE can cause you to lose weight; it just depends on how quickly you want to see results. A lot of resources will tell you that you need to subtract 500 calories from your diet each day to lose one pound of fat per week.

What is the most accurate TDEE method? ›

Today, experts consider the Mifflin-St Jeor equation to be the most accurate, which is why we use it in our calculator tool above.

What is the largest contributor to TDEE? ›

RMR is the largest component of TDEE, but the greatest variation can be explained by body composition and body size.

What are the 4 components of TDEE? ›

TDEE is calculated by adding four numbers together: basal metabolic rate, thermic effect of feeding, exercise energy expenditure, and non-exercise activity thermogenesis.

How to boost your TDEE? ›

While exercise immediately impacts TDEE, it also helps to improve it over the long haul. Increased cardiovascular activity and a body composition comprising of more lean muscle will raise your Basal metabolic rate.

How do I work out my TDEE calorie deficit? ›

Since you're moderately active, you will use an activity factor of 1.55. Therefore, your TDEE is 2,170 calories (1,400 x 1.55). This means your body burns around 2,170 calories per day, including your BMR and physical activity. To create a healthy calorie deficit, you can subtract 300 to 500 calories from your TDEE.

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12 Metabolism-Boosting Foods to Aid Weight Loss
  • Fish & Shellfish. Metabolism-Boosting Powers: Fish (salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel) are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein. ...
  • Legumes (Also known as beans) ...
  • Chili Peppers. ...
  • Lean Meats. ...
  • Low-Fat Milk. ...
  • Broccoli. ...
  • Lentils. ...
  • Oatmeal.

What speeds up metabolism? ›

Alrutz shares these five tips to boost your metabolism:
  • Exercise more. Add interval training to your cardio routine and burn more calories in less time. ...
  • Weight train. ...
  • Don't skip meals, especially breakfast. ...
  • Eat fat-burning foods. ...
  • Get a good night's sleep every night.

Is TDEE good for weight loss? ›

Yes, eating below your TDEE creates a calorie deficit, which is essential for weight loss. However, it's important to maintain a healthy calorie deficit of 10-20% below your TDEE to ensure sustainable and healthy weight loss.

Does walking increase your TDEE? ›

Physical activity is the easiest way to change your TDEE, considering the most significant factors of TDEE are not in your control, such as your BMR. Short-term strategies for increasing your TDEE include purposefully planned exercise and adding more movement to your day by walking / moving more and sitting less.

Why is knowing your TDEE critical to dieting goals? ›

Understanding and calculating your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is important for achieving weight loss and body composition goals. While resting energy expenditure (BMR) has little predictive value, non-resting energy expenditure, particularly NEAT, plays a significant role in determining weight loss or gain.

Why do you need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight? ›

These stored calories will stay in your body as fat unless you use them up. You can do this by cutting how many calories you take in so that your body must draw on reserves for energy. Or you can add more physical activity so that you burn more calories.

Why you don't need to count calories to lose weight? ›

In general, calorie counting is not the best approach to weight control. When you rely solely on counting calories, you never learn to listen to your body's hunger and satiety signals. This can be a powerful tool in helping to keep off unwanted pounds.

Why is it important to eat enough calories to lose weight? ›

Why calories are important. You need energy from calories for your body to work properly. Your body uses this energy to function properly. To stay at around the same weight, the calories your body uses should be the same as the amount of calories you eat and drink.

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