Problem 93 Perform each computation without... [FREE SOLUTION] (2024)

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Chapter 1: Problem 93

Perform each computation without a calculator. Express the answer in degrees-minutes-seconds format. Use a calculator to check your answers. $$ \left(34^{\circ} 40^{\prime} 15^{\prime \prime}\right) / 3 $$

Short Answer

Expert verified

11° 33' 25''

Step by step solution


Convert seconds to degrees

Convert the seconds to degrees by dividing by 3600. \(15^{\text{''}} = \frac{15}{3600}^{\text{°}}\). Calculate \( \frac{15}{3600} = 0.0042^{\text{°}}\).


Add converted values to degrees

Add the converted seconds and minutes values to the degrees: \(34^{°} + 0.6667^{°} + 0.0042^{°} = 34.6709^{°}\).


Divide by 3

Now, divide the total degrees by 3: \( \frac{34.6709}{3} = 11.55697^{°}\).


Convert back to degrees-minutes-seconds

Separate the decimal part from the degrees: \(11^{°}\) and \(0.55697^{°}\). Convert the decimal part to minutes by multiplying by 60: \(0.55697 \times 60 = 33.4182^{'}\). Separate the minutes and the decimal part: \(33^{'}\) and \(0.4182\). Convert the remaining decimal to seconds by multiplying by 60: \(0.4182 \times 60 = 25.092^{''}\).


Assemble the final result

Assemble the degrees, minutes, and seconds: \(11^{\text{°}} 33^{\text{'}} 25.1^{\text{''}}\). The final answer is approximately \(11^{\text{°}} 33^{\text{'}} 25^{\text{''}}\) when rounded.

Key Concepts

These are the key concepts you need to understand to accurately answer the question.

degrees-minutes-seconds format

Understanding the degrees-minutes-seconds (DMS) format is essential in trigonometry. This format is used to express angles in more precise terms compared to decimal degrees.
Here is a quick breakdown:

  • Degrees (°) are whole numbers representing the large angle portion
  • Minutes (') are finer measurements, where 1 degree equals 60 minutes
  • Seconds (''), even finer, where 1 minute equals 60 seconds

As a result, 1 degree equals 3600 seconds since 60 minutes per degree multiplied by 60 seconds per minute equals 3600 seconds.

unit conversion

Converting DMS to decimal degrees and vice versa is critical. Here's a step-by-step method:

  • Seconds to Degrees: Divide the number of seconds by 3600, because there are 3600 seconds in one degree. For example, 15'' means \(\frac{15}{3600} = 0.0042\) degrees.
  • Minutes to Degrees: Divide the number of minutes by 60, as 60 minutes make one degree. For instance, 40' equates to \(\frac{40}{60} = 0.6667\) degrees.
  • Adding Converted Values: Sum up the degree values. So, 34° 40' 15'' is 34° + 0.6667° + 0.0042° = 34.6709°.
  • Degrees Back to DMS: For reverse conversion, separate the whole number part as degrees. Multiply the decimal part by 60 to get minutes. Any leftover decimals converted to seconds by multiplying again by 60.

These conversions allow you to shift seamlessly between DMS and decimal degrees.

manual computation

Performing manual trigonometry computations requires careful attention to each step.
For calculations without a calculator:

  • Step 1: Convert seconds to degrees. For example, \(\frac{15}{3600} = 0.0042° \).
  • Step 2: Convert minutes to degrees. Here, \(\frac{40}{60} = 0.6667° \).
  • Step 3: Add all degree values together: 34° + 0.6667° + 0.0042° = 34.6709°.
  • Step 4: Divide total degrees by the desired value, e.g., \(\frac{34.6709}{3} = 11.55697° \).
  • Step 5: Convert decimal degrees back to DMS: 11.55697° means 11° and 0.55697° for decimals. Multiply 0.55697 by 60 to get minutes: 33.4182'. Convert the remaining decimal to seconds: 25.092''.
  • Step 6: Present the final result: \(11° 33' 25'' \).

These manual steps ensure a deep understanding of the trigonometric operations and resulting angle formats.

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Problem 93 Perform each computation without... [FREE SOLUTION] (3)

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Problem 93 Perform each computation without... [FREE SOLUTION] (2024)
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