Thick Skull - reisanx - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

Chapter Text

Ochako shuffled in the large classroom in a hurry as other students practically squeezed in, hoping to get the first row of seats to be more attentive to one of the most important lectures in the final year of college: Thesis. Such a class determines how much merit a student can obtain in order to graduate from UA University, one of the most prestigious and competitive universities in the country. Ochako got her spot in this school with hard work as not only it poses the greatest hero course an aspiring hero could ask for, but also everything was practically free. It was fully covered by the government's funding which includes the tuition fee, cafeteria food, and even the dorms. Of course, Uraraka had to get in here so her parents won't spend even a penny for her. They are her biggest inspiration and ambition to get them a better, and comfortable life.

"Uraraka!" Exclaims a boy in which she averted her gaze to, then grinned. Izuku gestured for her to come over whilst removing a backpack from the seat beside him. She waves happily, skips to the mentioned chair, then murmurs a small thanks to him. Izuku is one of her first, dearest friends that stayed within the 3 whole years, and it looks like he planned to never go away. He feigned a huge, dramatic sigh which heaved a laugh from Ochako. "Can you believe we're in the final year already?"

"Stop being sappy." Said Todoroki with Momo beside him stifling a small giggle, while shaking his head with the covering of ears. Ochako didn't even notice him being there with his stoicness and face invisible from wrinkles because of lack of expressions. She was suddenly feeling a little nervous by her friend's statement. It occurred to her that she was not also ready because her college years are so fun, and she's always surrounded with amazing people. She's not certain if she was ready to let go yet.

But alas, they technically still have two semesters yet for the whole year. There's no point in worrying about what's there to come. Ochako just hopes everything goes to her plan into being successful.

The two men went into endless bickering which Izuku keeps including Ochako to get into his side and whine that Shoto is picking on him, earning a scold from Momo. Ochako just rolled her eyes, a grin still plastered in her lips as she is truly grateful to have such people be called her team, companion, and friends.

"Alright, settle down people. We don't have enough time for chatter." A dark, disheveled, gloomy man entered the classroom with a book in his hand and the other in his pocket. His voice, ever so cold, full of boredom. He had a deep set of eyebags, and stubble that looks unshaven for the past decade. Following his demands, the students scrambled onto their seats, paying full attention to the professor in front. A yawn escaped his mouth before speaking up again. "First of all, congratulations on making it your final year. Though it seems some of you won't make it at the end of semester."

Ouch. Ochako felt the last sentence hit harder than it should have. She knew she was already making good progress, and constantly meeting with her thesis adviser. The adviser already says that it's already so good so far. Still, the uncertainty was still there.

"However, I know everyone can pull through so lighten up." Says Aizawa in a chagrin manner. So much for dampening the whole mood of the class only to follow up with a sly encouragement. Ochako sighs and opens up her notebook, ready to take notes of the lecture.

As years go by in the university, the less requisites one will take, in order to fully attend the final requirements. For Ochako, other than her current class, she still had one elective to finish whilst others were either one or more. Ochako, committed to finishing everything as soon as possible, took classes in her past years to complete the units despite not having enough sleep or even nutrition. That bloomed into a better way to start her final year with only three things to complete. Besides, not all classes were scheduled everyday. Luckily her classes only held up once a week with thorough discussion.

It was a little tricky as the whole point of the paper is to link your quirk or its traits, perform experiments, and create hypotheses and conclusions to seek if your quirk will frankly contribute to society. Even with hands-on training that was enough to show how useful a person could be, how heroic their quirks are, it still needed to be defended. Those who have similar quirks and its functionalities were allowed to team up in writing. For instance, Kirishima and Tetsutestu for the hardening of body, Ashido and Sero in production of elements in their bodies, and many more. Much to her dismay, no one in the class had a similar quirk in terms of gravity. Nonetheless, it was also a good thing because it meant shorter paper. Though she's not the only one who was alone in writing. In her generation, everyone has such unique quirks that there is a small percentage of having the exact same quirk in the world. Despite her classmates having similar quirks with one another, it was purely voluntary whether one would team up or not.

Other courses had their own paper in accordance to it. Support course with the development of an item and claiming its usefulness for the heroes. Business course with well, business, as so Ochako have thought. She's certain there is much deeper than that but that wasn't any of her interest. Other shenanigans she didn't pay attention with because it didn't matter. As long as she passes and graduates, she's 'allz goodz'.

She observed the students around her, sensing the same pressure that she was feeling. It was relieving to perceive her classmates struggling the same thing as she did. It helped her feel less alone. Some of them looked pleased with their progress, some looked constipated in which she imagined what she looks like as well, and some were blank and out of it, bored out of their minds. That uninterested impression fell on Katsuki's face, not even bothering to open a book to follow the contents of the lecture. So much for being a genius. Besides Yaoyoruzu, Katsuki were in a group of students who have already finished their thesis in the past year. Though the required time for the defense was in the second half of final year, they had already wrapped up their paper, which piqued her envy to the geniuses. Still, they were required to complete the requisites to complete their units, and be in the same race of presenting their paper in front of a panel.

Ochako hadn't noticed that her gaze lingered longer accidentally when Katsuki threw her a look with one of his brows raised. The expression alone just screamed 'The f*ck you looking at?'. Quickly looking away, Ochako paid attention to her notes and professor.

How could she describe Katsuki? During the early years of the class, she guesses that she did quite get along with him with casual banters and teamwork with hands-on training. It was all one-sided really. Over time when training was becoming less until completely diminished, they never talked again. Katsuki was just like that. If he wasn't interested, and not required to talk to you, he won't bother acknowledging one's existence. After all, everyone was just extras, and he should be the best remaining winner.

In contrast, Ochako didn't really like his constant torment to Izuku, always picking up fights, and screaming at the top of his lungs. Probably having some unknown incident or awful pride against Izuku but it was still no excuse. Thankfully, he was getting more quiet and didn't interact much now, uplifting the unpleasant feelings towards him. In truth, the two even became friends once again which should've been in the first place. She couldn't spare another earful of insults and vulgarity. That's not what she needed at the moment. What she needs is to finish her damn paper, present it to the panel, then throw her graduation cap with her friends in celebration.

After three hours of lecture (with Izuku's endless mutterings which earned a playful pinch from her), Aizawa dismissed them with a wave of hand, and hurriedly left the class which they predicted to get some much needed sleep. Ochako exhaled through her mouth and stretched her arms, exhausted with all the notetaking. She knows though that her friend had better insights and pointers so she could take a look at them also. Having walked out the room, the four of them were on their way to wherever they had scheduled in.

"How is your paper, Urara-" Izuku didn't get to finish his sentence when a tall, blonde man bumped his shoulder to walk past them in a hurry even though he has all the time in this world. She rolled her eyes at his unnecessary behavior and comforted the green headed friend with a smile. Izuku just trailed a laugh while rubbing the rammed shoulder. "Excuse him, Uraraka. He's probably just on his way to work. It has been quite busy, right Shoto?"

Todoroki just hummed in response while looking through his phone for news or any messages in his agency. The two men along with the prickly blonde are in the same agency of Shoto's old man, the current number one of the country. No wonder why she can't seem to grasp their time as so much expectations were held upon them with constant missions.

"As I was saying. How's your paper?" Finally asked Izuku. All Ochako could do was massage her temples in stress, but also grinned at him.

"I guess it's going well. I'm mostly finished with the fourth chapter so I could get right on with the fifth. My adviser says it looks promising and good." Beamed Ochako, perfectly concealing her nervousness of the topic. Ugh, why must her life revolve around this piece of paper? She could think it was just a waste of a tree. However in this world, there are people who actually produce papers. So no trees are harmed. Curse this quirkful world. "How about yours?"

"Halfway done with the conclusions." Izuku says proudly. In the eyes of others, it might give off an impression of showing off but Ochako knows him very well. He was just being genuine and proud of his own work. Truly, she was also proud of him as he came a long, painful way. Before speaking again, he was cut off with a phone call which resulted in him stepping away a bit to answer. Ochako just sighed in response, unable to shake off the feeling of not yet finishing her own work.

A little bit of distress went away when her shoulder were held with comfort from Shoto with a nod. She looked up to him and patted his hand to show her thanks. "Don't sweat it, Uraraka. You're not the only one who's in a rush."

"I agree with Shoto. I believe you have enough to finish in time." Momo elegantly encouraged her with a smile and a wave to bid her goodbyes. Following her boyfriend, Ochako was left alone at last. What she really needed was a nice, peaceful silence. Though that thought is comically halted with a resounding voice.

"CHAKO!" A woman shrieked from behind her, embracing her tenderly, and practically merging her face to hers. A red headed hunk man also appeared suddenly on her side, once again between a couple. Removing the first letter of her name is the endearment this couple had towards Ochako. How long will she stop being a third wheeler?

"Hi, Mina! I missed you!" Ochako responded while laughing and squeezing the pink woman in a tight hug also. How she did miss her friend's/roommate's presence. Ochako stayed in their dorm while Mina temporarily lived with the Kirishima household during their break before the new semester began. "Are you coming back to our room tonight?"

"Yeah! We're on our way back to Eijirou's to pack up again." Mina nuzzled with her roommate's hair that received a groan from both her boyfriend and Ochako. Kirishima took Mina's arm, tugging her back to him in the process then made her wrap around him instead. Ochako giggled, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Why am I surrounded by couples in this early morning?" Ochako complained, simultaneously looking at her watch. Another hour until her next class, she could spare some time in the library to return to her paper. Kirishima barked a laugh then lifted his hand to shake Ochako's shoulder uncontrollably, causing her to wobble and possibly shaking her entire vision.

"Come on, Raraka. That's because you've never dated anyone at all! You know..." Kirishima trailed his words, grinned at her knowingly, presenting his shark-like sharp teeth, then wiggled his eyebrows. Here we go again. "My bro, Bakubro, is also single."

"When will you stop being a wingman of our stupid friend? Especially to our cute and soft Ochako." Mina exclaimed, Ochako nodding enthusiastically in agreement with a pout. It was visible that Kirishima kept insisting Bakugou to her. Well, not every time but sometimes. Many times that fingers could not keep track of. Kirishima has been teasing her since their first year so she guesses that it was just baseless joking. At this point, Ochako is used to it but still pangs her heart a bit. Is she so visibly alone that they would pair her with a grump? Hot and attractive, sure, but more of a grump.

"I'll be your boyfriend, Uraraka! Please, I'm so lonely!" All eyes suddenly darted to their small height classmate with purple balls as his hair. Mineta was looking at Ochako suggestively while rubbing his hands together like an evil scientist, scheming. Mina pushed him off of his face that startled several complaints about Mina's brutality, and tattling it to Kirishima. They all just rolled their eyes and ignored him by picking up their pace just so he could not catch up. Still gross as ever. His screeching voice still can be heard within distance. "Kirishima, how could you leave me like this?!"

"I'm just looking after my bro, babe. He's such a workaholic it's so f*cking creepy." Kirishima said to the girls, holding both hands up in defeat by two women who have a greatly smaller frame than him. "Who wakes up at five in the morning to workout then head straight to class THEN work? He needs some love."

Both women just laughed at the nice spiky man as he shed a fake tear while clutching his chest, letting out a fake sob in the process. She did admire how Kirishima actually cared about Katsuki but it was still a big fat no for her. Last thing she needs is a boyfriend when she's so busy juggling her work at Ryuko's agency while writing her paper.

They've parted ways after Ochako suggested for them to get a move on in getting Mina's luggage which they completely forgot. Waving goodbye, Ochako went ahead to the library with one thing distracting her mind.

Ochako's shift for patrol in the city has almost come to an end. The night sky was clear, stars burning brightly like beautiful glitters spread across the horizon. She couldn't wait to get home. Don't get her wrong, helping citizens with minor tasks is a privilege and honor for her. She just needs to sleep. Not only does she have a job as an official intern, but also all of her classmates from different agencies. At least six to eight hours a day were necessary for patrolling compared to the usual four hours, agencies jumping in for this opportunity as students who work under them can be used dry. Like fishing a treasure with no bait. Their salaries were competent though, probationary employees/interns are just victims of more work. Hence, lots of fisherman sniffing around. It started back in their last semester in the previous year as part of the curriculum.

That explains why classes in the university only offer an early schedule to delegate tasks in work and paper in the later time of the day. UA just spares no expense to the being of their students. On the bright side, it did make them prepared for future endeavors and upcoming opportunities. Ochako was thankful for that, still angry for being overworked.

"We could clock out now, Uravity." Asui says, another friend of hers and also colleague, as the Dragon Hero took them in with a UA alumni. Ochako smiled excitedly, changing their pace back to their agency's building. Asui observed her, noticing the smile not reaching up to Ochako's huge brown eyes before disappearing completely. The frog hero held up a finger to her lips in wonder. "You seem out of it."

Ochako seemed surprised by the sudden declaration. It is true that she was out of it yet she thought she hid it perfectly. That's Asui for you. Observant, smart, and most of all adorable. There were several factors that might be bothering her. Her cramped legs from all the walking, her paper that's yet to be finished, and continuous taunting of Kirishima for setting her up with Katsuki. The last aspect actually made her wonder what was so special about pairing her with him. Once again, Bakugou filled up the spaces of her mind with no consent. Seems like she needs some advice from her honest, unfiltered friend. Shaking her head, she smiled at Froppy, genuine this time.

"I'll tell you later on the way home. Let's g--."

A loud, ear piercing crash erupted two blocks from them, causing them to quickly shift their attention to smoke approaching the troposphere. Their eyes widened with the sudden shock and sound of shrieks from people, seeing that flames were starting to show over the roof of neighboring buildings.

"Heroes around the area of Musutafu, Ikko street come in for duty. A convenience store has been compromised with possible citizens still inside the building. One villain, likely possessing a fire quirk."

"Uravity responding! Froppy and I are on it!" Ochako alertly exclaimed to their earpiece while nodding to Asui, immediately sprinting to the scene. Ochako hoped the people would be unharmed in exchange for her rest. No matter how tired she is, this is what she was born to do, helping people and saving lives. A determined smile creeped up her face with her eyebrows furrowed together in concentration.

Katsuki stomped down to the common room, after quickly changing out of his hero costume to a casual one. What sh*t his day was with a bunch of useless f*cking extras getting on his way, and stupid ass patrols where old hags give him candy while pinching his cheek in gratitude for his help. He went straight to the fridge to get his pre-cooked meal he prepared over the weekend consisting of vegetables and protein. After cooking it up and immediately chomping it down, he decided to get back to his room as soon as he saw extras surrounding the television in the couch, watching the news intently. Sleep was what he needed at the moment.

Turning his back to get to the elevator, Kirishima called out his name and asked to go near him and a bunch of people whose names he didn't know with a hand gesture. This earned a scowl from Bakugou, then averted his glare to the television where his dumbass friend was pointing. The news were on with a reporter assessing the situation. It presented a scene of a harshly burning building with police surrounding the area, getting the citizens off the scene to cause no further harm upon them. Squinting his eyes, a floating figure of pink, and green silhouette providing backup. Uraraka?

"As of now, thirteen citizens were escorted out of the building by Uravity and Froppy. It is still unknown how many citizens are still inside." A woman alarmingly announced while standing behind the horrifying scene. It clearly showed both of the heroes coughing out of the thick, black smoke.

"Froppy turn that fire hydrant on!" Uravity instructed her colleague who followed the order straight away. Setting herself to float, she held tight on the walls of a burning building that caused her to yelp in pain because of the heat. Crawling around the building, looking out for more victims inside, evaluating where the villain is hiding, the fire slowly simmered down. When suddenly, another roaring sound escaped in the store, causing another outbreak of fire. Ochako immediately floated back to the front of the store. A large dark silhouette emerged from the building while shouting inaudible and unclear words. In a flash, Uravity has set her gravity down near Froppy who wrapped her tongue around Ochako, swiftly and calculatingly throwing her into the villain. Her body has turned rigidly straight feet first, swooping under the villain to kick its sternum, causing it to be out of balance. Her hand instantly wrapped around the villain's wrist, went around the person, kicking the spine of it simultaneously. The pink hero straddled on the torso to kneel on its free wrist, still keeping one of his arms up. Gunhead's martial arts lessons never fail her to be completely competent in hand to hand combat. In an instant, the villain was taken down that lasted only ten seconds, earning roars of admiration and amazement both in the television and common room.

"And just like that, the villain is caught by rising star heroes, Uravity and Froppy!" Cheered the journalist, police surrounding the heroes to cuff and escort the villain out of the area. Froppy went beside Uravity to wave and beamed a smile to the people in victory.

Kirishima stole a glance to his roommate, in a position that didn't need for his head to turn, who was watching as well. His hands were in his pockets wearing a blank expression. The red head smiled sheepishly, knowing what that face meant before the blonde turned around to get back to their room.

"Oi. Weren't you amazed by their performance?" Kirishima followed up with a hint of smugness. Katsuki growled then glared daggers to the f*cker. Katsuki exactly knew who the rock f*ck was talking about which made him more irritated. What was it with him trying to match up a round, gutsy woman to him? It was just one time when she almost took him out of the competition in the first annual sports fest that earned respect from him. Katsuki has made it completely clear to his airhead of a friend that that didn't mean anything.

"f*ck no." He snarled back. It was mediocre at best and took too long. It was reckless to get in head to toe with a villain that was thrice larger than her without even assessing what the f*cker could do. Seriously, did she even see what the beast looked like, and what it was capable of doing if she failed her little stunt? Katsuki could easily end the combat with his fists.

"I'm so glad we caught the last train." Ochako sighed deeply then slumped completely against Asui who giggled then patted her in the head, telling Ochako she did a great job. After fighting the convenience store villain, they went back to their agency to finish up a report that resulted in them clocking out at around ten in the evening. They didn't even have time to get to changing out of their costume as they wanted to run back home where they could shower off the ashes. Gym bags in their laps full of their possessions, Uraraka yawned while stretching her cramping legs. "I swear if they don't give us a bonus for this, I'll file a complaint."

Asui laughed again at the small threat but more quietly, feeling the exhaustion coming up in her small body. Asui perked up to her partner whose eyes were closed yet still awake. Tsuyu nudged her lightly with her shoulder. "Are you gonna tell me what was bothering you earlier?"

"Oh, it's just university stuff. You can sleep Tsu. I'll wake you up when we're near our station." Ochako avoided the question. While it is technically accurate that school stuff was bothering her, it didn't feel like a good time to bring up the unnecessary teasing received. Both of them are too tired to talk about it so she let it slide. If one more teasing happened upon her, that's when she'll question if there's substance to it. It was constant and repetitive. Surely, there was something going on with those remarks.

Finally, the two women begrudgingly saunter to the main door of their dorm building, fumbling on the keys to open it. One good thing about being in the final year is that the curfew has been lifted as there were classmates who reach until sunrise to come back from their evening patrol. For instance, them arriving at eleven o'clock. Ochako opened the door, smiling and gesturing to Tsuyu to come in first before locking the door once again behind her. A phone suddenly signaled a small ding with vibration in her pocket. Slinging her bag to the other side of her shoulder, she tucked into her pocket and caught a glimpse of a new message in the notifications.

Mina: Are you home?

Ochako typed in affirmation that she's indeed home while strolling through the dark common room until stepping in the elevator. Tsuyu pushed on their floor number then leaned on the metal wall, her puffy eyes becoming more presentable as minutes went by. Another notification popped up on her phone.

Mina: Can you get my phone charger at Ei's room?

Ochako's eyes widened, stunned. This seemed suspiciously staged. Immediately, she typed in a reply.

Ochako: Eh? How come you won't get it yourself?

Mina: Please! I'm so comfortable in my bed. Plus, I bought a pack of mochi to reward you for your hard work in the incident earlier.

Ochako: That's more of an exchange rather than a reward.

Ochako squinted her eyes and suspired. The elevator opened as Tsuyu strided out first. The frog hero looked back at Ochako who remained in the elevator, puzzled. Pinching the bridge of her nose, Ochako nodded off. "Go on ahead, Tsu. I forgot something downstairs."

Tsu shrugged, too burnt out to question what Uraraka had forgotten then went into her room. Ochako breathed out slowly before pushing the button to the men's floor just one story below them.

Ochako: Fine. This better not be a conspiracy to make me see Bakugou.

Mina: Ehhh? What made you think of that? Besides that grump is likely sleeping already like the old man he is.

That made Ochako laugh a little, door opening. Maybe all that teasing just made her paranoid. Clearly as it kept invading her thoughts unwillingly every now and then. It's funny to think though, if Bakugou keeps sneezing when his name is mentioned in someone else's mind. The halls were dark already, still she could make up with the numbers above the doors with little light illuminating on the ceiling and moonlight from the window at the end of the hall. Quietly, she trudged to Kirishima's room, basically dragging herself, and rhythmically knocked as to not wake up other rooms.

No answer. Huh.

Ochako knocked again but there was still silence. She whined in exhaustion. Kirishima is probably sleeping too as it is near midnight already. She would like to get back in bed already, thank you very much. More knocking hit the blue door until it was increasingly becoming more of a pound because of her swelling irritation. Ochako was feeling achy in her body, and fatigue was slowly creeping up to her.

"What the f*ck do you want?!" The door flung open brutally which almost trembled the whole room. Ochako was taken aback by the man who answered the door, his red eyes dark from anger, unkempt hair, in black tank top and sweatpants. She slightly winced at the unanticipated loud sound that came out of the blonde man, his slumber interrupted. Hope that scream didn't wake up any neighbors. That would be one hell of an explanation that she's not prepared for.

Katsuki's orbs wandered to his eye level before cascading to Ochako who was looking up to him expectantly. This made the woman completely aware how much of a height difference she had with him. Almost all men in her class towered over her to which still leaves her confounded. She remained 5'1 while the other already reached 6. Katsuki clicked his tongue, brows tied in fury. "The f*ck you want?"

Ochako smiled lightly at him then examined the room behind him in which Katsuki moved his side and bulky frame to stop her from snooping around. The only people who knew how his side of the room looked like were only Kirishima and Mina. Up until now, their classmates have not seen the entirety of the room. She pursed her lips to prevent a grumble. "Is Kiri here?"

"You tell me. He's probably out doing stupid sh*t." Katsuki scoffed while folding his arms to his chest. He lifted a brow at her who seemed to stay at her spot stubbornly. "Well?"

"Can you give me Mina's phone charger? It's pink--," Ochako was interrupted with an exasperated sigh coming from him as if he was listening to the most useless information in the whole wide world. His hand brushed over his face, clearly presenting his irritation with the situation. All Ochako could do was close her eyes, inhale sharply, counting to whatever number there is, before exhaling her thoughts rather than spitting them. Ochako combed up her hair away from her face in slight annoyance with her fingers. He wasn't the only one inconvenienced tonight so why is he acting like he's more disturbed? Ochako just left work, for pete's sake. Looking up again at Katsuki with tired eyes, she could no longer take up this back and forth nonsense. All she wanted was to take off this costume and sleep soundly in her bed. "Please?"

What the f*ck?

Now, it was Bakugou's turn to be dumbfounded. His heart suddenly stammered in his chest when she looked up to him through her lashes. That was the first time he witnessed such a sight from her. It drooped in a way that looked unintentionally obscene, though he knew that was not what she wanted at all. Her hands on her hips to commit authority in this interaction. And that sweet honey-like voice of slight pleading, that hitched his breath unknowingly like a huge blow to his face. Katsuki scanned her overall, seized that she was still wearing her costume from work. Parts of it were burnt, exposing white skin, and blackened fabric from the thick smoke of the fire in her patrol prior. Her hair was all tangled up, sticky from the sweat of the heat of the fire, and poked out in all directions like a bird's nest. He brought out his head past his door to investigate the hallway in case he sees Kirishima behind it all or any f*cking sleaze seeing what he's currently in front with.

It was just her.

He glanced back at her again, her expression of exhaustion still remaining unvaried. Now, he felt like an ass for being inconsiderate, his irritation overpowering nevertheless. The man grunted in protest, sending her an icy look, then searched for the damn pink charger that was easily spotted lying on Kirishima's dirt of a bed. He went back to her, handing over the cord that he would like to strangle Kirishima with for leaving him alone in this damn room. Ochako smiled tiredly at him again, blinking slowly, and muttering her appreciation. "That wasn't so bad now, was it?"

As Ochako turned away to get back to her own room, Katsuki leaned on his doorframe, crossing his arms that hid the sweat of his hands that could spark at any time. "You look like sh*t."

"And you look dashing as ever." Ochako responded in a singing mocking voice, waving off her hand and gesturing goodbye, not turning back to face him. She's finally going to sleep. Katsuki tried his f*cking hardest, all his strength and might, to not land his eyes on her ass that was tightly wrapped in her costume. He wasn't a pervert and a douche like the scummy little purple c*nt. Yet, hypocritically this time, it was difficult. Katsuki slammed his door before Ochako went in the elevator to go to her respective floor. Katsuki stared off the wall for a moment, then ran his hand frustratingly through the tangles of his hair. How the f*ck is he going to sleep now?

That damn Kirishima.

Chapter 2: The Party


TW: Mention of alcohol spike prank.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

"Come on, man. It'll be fun." Pestered Kirishima whilst following behind his best friend's rapid footsteps who keeps shooting him scowls and grunts. Normal people would already be trembling in their shoes with his eyes but Kirishima has grown accustomed to it. Immune even. "You don't even have to stay long. Just go and talk to other people, man. You keep working to the point your social skills have gone inept."

"How's that any of your f*cking business?" Retorted Katsuki, flicking off the hand that rested on his shoulder, effortlessly proving his friend’s point. What was so bad about it? He already completed his paper and sh*t. He could take up that extra time for training, and work for at least nine hours. Blondie got all the time in his world that he'd rather spend it fighting than going into some get together. Kirishima wasn't fazed by this, instead he put both of his grossly large hands for Katsuki's shoulder to make him face the red headed f*ck.

"Just do it, bro. There's chicks in there. Get laid or something, jeez." Kirishima says in defeat while Katsuki steps away from him once again. It looks like there was no changing his mind. Eijiro just sighed and watched his friend's silhouette going smaller into nothing. It was true that he's really concerned about his Bakubro. Sure, his temper has gone minimal but it was still possible to blow the fuse. He worries that because of this, Katsuki was going to be alone for a long time. That's one of the reasons why keeps bugging his friend to go out and socialize in which always returned to losses by Katsuki's stubbornness. Shaking his head, Kirishima went on his way to the groceries to buy drinks and chips for everybody.

"Come on, Chako. It'll be fun!" Begged the pink skinned woman lying on her bed to Uraraka who was busy, bending closer to her desk as she types something quickly into her laptop. It was Saturday morning, and apparently Mina's boyfriend is holding a party at their residence not only ten minutes from here. That's where Mina shortly moved in during the break, certainly plans on moving there again when the time comes.

"I still have work to do so I can't." Ochako said without turning back to spare a glimpse. She was making really good progress in her paper. In no time, she can finish it by the next month if she keeps up with this charade. The latter whined in objection, Ochako listening to her scrambling to the desk. Mina poked Ochako's cheek that was as soft and deep as a marshmallow, breaking the brown-head's attention to her document.

"Chako, I worry about you." Mina quietly reminded with her former grin dissolving. Ochako could just pout with a feeble hum in return, detecting the genuine tone in her roommate's tone. "You didn't even go home during the break, right? I don't want you getting holed up in a stuffy room while I'm out having fun. I want you to have fun too and take a breather."

This silenced the room further with only the heater humming its machinery. The issue of Ochako staying in the dorm wasn't that difficult and deep of a hole to delve into. She just didn't have the budget to get home to their hometown as most of her earnings go directly to her parents. Train tickets were expensive and all. That was her own will and decision with no regrets. It wasn't like she had anything to buy or needed to maintain with. Though, at times, this stopped her from buying 'unnecessary' tangibles that she just wanted, mostly cute stuff. It would feel like hell in that situation but what could she do? Ochako looked away for a moment, pondering what harm there is for spending a night without writing. It could maybe do her good by talking to other people to get her mind off her stress. She's been sleeping for a good eight hours every day, remaining healthy as well with mainly eating a salad or fruit. What could go wrong? "I-I guess I have been working too hard."

"Uh-huh." Mina responded excitedly, nodding while prompting Ochako to continue.

"And I haven't gone out in a long time." Ochako stated while progressively returning the grin to her friend.

"That's right!"

"And I haven't drank in a long time!" Ochako half-shouted while standing up from her seat.

"That's because you're a lightweight but I know!" Mina exclaimed louder, holding both Ochako's hands in anticipation. Ochako paused, letting the suspense go on until the pink lady shook her to her core when she couldn't wait any longer. Alright, it has been thoroughly decided. Ochako huffed a nod which earned a holler in celebratory delight.

"I don't have anything to wear though." Ochako recalled, reverting back to her seat to finish whatever she was doing with her paper. Her friend replied that she could lend clothes. In comparison, Mina is more fashionable and impressive with pairing clothes despite its different pattern or texture. One of her best and favorite types are faux coats, and high heels that made her taller enough to tower over other women with average height. Meanwhile, Ochako can always only be seen with a pair of shorts with a tank top or loose shirt. Hence, proving that she doesn't go out much. "Okay, you can pick what I should wear. Anything but short though, it's freezing outside."

"Don't you worry. I got you something that would blow the brains out of everyone and piss themselves." That announcement alone just made Ochako second-guess if her decision was wrong after all.

As hours went by, Mina went ahead in preparing herself for the party while Ochako refrained to her laptop, determined to finish up as soon as possible. It was visible that Ochako was excited as she bounced her legs against the table while typing furiously to her keyboard, heart pounding. Once Mina was done, she twirled around to present her overall appearance. She wore a tight tubed black dress that hugged her curves perfectly reaching over her thighs, stockings with flower embroidery that complimented well to her toned long legs, and last but not the least, black high boots with four inch heels. Her make up was very subtle yet accentuated her dark eyes

"You're a hottie, Mina!" Ochako shrieked while clapping her hands. Indeed, her companion was very exquisite. Kirishima is very lucky to call the woman his. Mina pretended to be shy while fanning her hand, knowing she did indeed look hot. "Won't you get cold though?"

"Yes, but I'll wear this in the meantime then stop by in Ei's dorm to change." Mina answered, putting on a green, corduroy jacket that didn't pair with the outfit well. Mina knew that so she'll get the fur coat she left in her boyfriend's dorm. Even so, she would catch a lot of eyes in the crowd. Mina immediately strutted to Ochako, pulling her from her comfortable seat, pushing her out the room hastily. "Your turn now, Chako. Shower's calling!"

Ochako wondered what her outfit would be, seeing Mina's prior. Standing in front of their life-sized mirror, her mouth went agape. She's already aware of the skills of her companion but it really went beyond her expectations. There stood a chick, bearing a black knitted long-sleeved off-shoulder top, low rise dark denim pants that flared right before her ankles, and black boots as well. A bit of her stomach beneath the belly button would peek out whenever she moved her arms. To top it all off, her face painted a pink glossed lips, mascara that constructed her eyelashes longer, and big hooped earrings. It shocked her how different she could appear when she actually tried. It was distinguishable that her confidence had risen up, feeling worthy of being considered a chick as well. Mina stared in admiration behind the brown-head, very pleased with her work. "See? Mind-blowing. Now, let's get trashed!"

Both of the girls giggled on their way out with their small bags slung over a shoulder, Mina locking the door behind them. Ochako really couldn't contain her excitement. It really has been a while since she went out, especially with her most fun friend. Not to be biased from her friend circle, Mina is the one that knows how to party. As they entered their elevator, Mina instructed Ochako to wait for her in the common room whilst she fetched her coat in her boyfriend's dorm.

Mina swung the door open with no regard for Bakugou who scowled at her sudden presence. The lady didn't mind him much as she scrambled to Eijiro's bed, flinging her corduroy jacket somewhere around the room, changing it to her intended faux coat. "Damn it. Can you stop throwing sh*t around, you stupid slob?"

"Oh hey, Bakubro. Didn't notice your sad aura over here." Mina teased, tucking her arms in the sleeves of her coat. There lies Katsuki on his bed with a book in his hand, black framed glasses worn to the bridge of his nose. At this point, the man wasn't even bothered how she would perceive him as the pinky was almost here every f*cking day much to his dismay. At the same time, Mina also acknowledges that the grumpy blonde was indeed her friend too thanks to her partner rubbing off on her. All the same, Katsuki could say the same thing about her. "You're not going to Ei's? You're missing out."

"What could I possibly miss out on?" Bakugou grumbled in his book while rolling his eyes. In Mina's point of view, her friend actually looked like a retired old man.

"Eh. Drinks and chicks. Especially brown headed ones." Insisted Mina while wiggling her brows with clear intent that she's referring to floaty. Opposed to her protests against Kirishima for partnering polar opposites, there was something intriguing how Katsuki would just react and be taunted about it. One of the benefits of being in Bakugou's circle is being able to annoy the crap out of him without him turning violent. Who would have thought that this big, angry man could be triggered with a small woman? It's fun seeing his face scrunched up in grimaces.

"f*ck off and get out already." Katsuki retorted, flipping a page of his book violently that could rip off from his grasp. Mina laughed, holding up her hands to show that she's done. Before getting out of the room, she bid her goodbyes that's only left with an ignored response. Ah, Mina remembers back then how Bakugou would throw her a pillow or anything he's holding when she goes into teasing mode, none of it actually giving her harm. How times have changed. Everyone has grown more mature and calm.

In her nostalgic state, she sees Ochako waiting patiently on the couch with phone in hand. Mina suddenly hugged her on the neck that made Uraraka yelp in surprise then landed in a fit of giggling. The common room was almost empty with only lower batches in their course hanging around, finally being able to obtain the room as the girls' batch seemed to overtake. Most of them are studying hard. Earlier years were indeed harder to take than later on. "Ready to go, hotshot?"

The Kirishima household was big enough to fit at least below sixty with two stories and a wide yard. With a hand held, the two girls, nodding to each other with determination, went ahead to burst into the door as if to announce their important presence. Blaring music blasted in their ears, people gathering around with cups of drinks on hand talking happily, and bright warm lighting illuminating the vicinity. Just the sight of it screamed fun and good memories. There were a lot of attendees but not to the point that it was suffocating and cramped. Looks like they were the last ones to come on the occasion.

"There's my girls!" Eijiro shouted across the room, trying to move out of a group to get to them. The bulky red head wrapped his arms around the two, fetching a kiss from Mina as Ochako laughed giddily. Still both of his arms draped over their shoulders, he leads them further inside until reached into the living room, more familiar faces appearing. Most of them were her classmates and the other students from different schools. Even Shiketsu, the university's rival, was present in the house interacting with a bunch of others. "What took you guys so long?"

Mina leaned in and whispered to his ear, getting wide eyes and an 'Oh' from Kirishima, a smirk slowly forming in his mouth. Ochako glanced at them with her head tilted in wonder. It was probably a couple stuff if it was intended to be whispered that refrains others from listening. Ochako shrugged, saying her hello's to people she knew with a grin. Little did she know, Mina whispered something about making Bakugou come over with a hint how beautiful her girl is tonight.

"I'll take a pic of you two to send." Kirishima whispered back as he fumbled in his pocket to reach for his phone. He dropped his arms that hung over them, quickly went ahead of them for a front capture then held up his phone. Understanding this quickly, the two girls made a heart shape with each of the arms over their head, face smushed together, face laced with happiness as both of them gave their best smile with their eyes twinkling. Oh, man this would be one hell of a banger, he thought while concealing his laugh mixed with menace.

Still on the bed, the book plopped beside him, clock ticking filtering the silence of the room with its hands indicating that it was almost eight. Katsuki lingered for a moment with his eyes closed, waiting for sleep to drift off to him when his phone suddenly lit up, exposing him to unwanted brightness. Brows furrowed, it notified him with a message of Kirishima sending him an attachment. An image of pinky and Uraraka displayed on his screen, gaze landing on the bare stomach that peeked by the shortness of her blouse. He scoffed, thinking about what the point of this was.

Kirishima: We winning in life

Katsuki threw his phone back in its place, reverting his hand to the back of his head. Why the f*cker keeps insisting on this crap, that he does not know. He was starting to think that the woman is the one noticing him based on the constant taunting of his best friend. The thought of it just made him cringe. Katsuki doesn't have feelings. It feels indifferent and very out of character for him. His reputation consists of being overly competitive and aggressive. In contrast he is also passionate about being the best hero in which many people looked over because of his negative traits.

Being number one is what matters to him and always will be. To claim it, it should only be his sole priority. Picking up shifts and completing his units are no problem for him if it benefitted him to be better than everyone. All these years even so, he feels himself falling short from his peers especially to Izuku. The f*cker kept getting better and better. It made him wonder if he could ever keep up with his childhood rival. Katsuki knows all the things he does is to get better than everything but why did it also isolate him? Izuku keeps winning yet the blonde couldn't take it against him. His hatred and pride are slowly dissipating that it scared him in where the place of his drive to become the champion will be.

The race isn't over. Just one more year to get out of this hellhole, then he could prove to the world how worthy he is in becoming a hero. He shuts his eyes and awaits for sleep slipping in again.

But alas, slumber isn't on his side for tonight. f*ck. He needs a drink, and he knows where he could get it from.

Ochako and her best friend spent the night sharing gossip and laughing in the corner, the latter's boyfriend nowhere in sight to entertain his guests. Apparently, his neighbors were also in here so he was catching up with them. Though Ochako noticed that Mina was fidgeting, visible to her eyes that she's looking for him. "Mina, I think you should go to him."

Mina's head snapped back to Uraraka, shaking her head furiously. "I don't wanna leave you alone, not when Tsu and the others still aren't here."

In their group chat, Momo informed the two that they'll be arriving late as they will just be leaving the Todoroki residence to visit Shoto's siblings and parents. Tsuyu on the other hand states that Fumikage overslept after his night shift with the hero Hawks. Finally, Izuku is having dinner with his mom so it's a blur whether he will be attending at all.

"Eh? I can hang around Kyoka and Denki."

"Really? You wanna be around that?" Mina rebutted, her chin beckoning to the couple sitting on the couch. Denki was in a silly state once again with both of his thumbs up whilst Jiro is laughing her ass off, clearly out of this world. It's endearing how Kyoka still finds her boyfriend's oddity funny throughout time. Ochako pondered how many of her friends are in a relationship with one another. She couldn't hang out with them anymore without avoiding their sexual tensions, or even heavy tensions when they're in a fight. Ochako hummed in agreement. No way she wanted to get between that.

With several more bickering about whether Mina should leave or not abruptly stopped when her gaze flickered behind Ochako, determination changing in a snap as if a bright idea had come up to her. Confused, the latter looked over her shoulder to see what her friend was staring at. Tall, blonde, and in an all black outfit. Ochako co*cked her head in disbelief at the sight, thinking her eyes weren’t seeing right. She looked back at the pink lady whose smile was as wide as the sky. "Mina!"

"Come on, Chako. Stick with him for a moment then I'll come back to you." Mina pleaded, showing off her puppy eyes that cannot be resisted by Ochako. Why is it so effective everytime? What a master manipulator she is. The latter wanted to stand her ground but before the thought could become an action, Mina forcibly turned her around and pushed her towards Katsuki. Ochako whined in protest, her friend laughing before bidding her goodbyes to continue her hunt.

Almost bumping on to him and spilling her drink, the man looked down at her nonchalant as always. Mina looked back at them again, giggling. Ochako stood up straightly, fixing her hair that was blown from the sudden plunge before clearing her throat. Jeez, why is she feeling so nervous all of a sudden?

Mina looked back at them again then giggled. Perhaps her boyfriend's vision made sense after all.

"I didn't strike you a party person." Ochako joked to put a halt on the awkwardness that is forced upon her. She swears that Mina could become a little too strong and bold sometimes. Katsuki just grunted in response, his red orbs wandering in the vicinity. Ochako sipped her juice to relieve her nervousness that spawned out of nowhere. "So... What brings you here?"

"Eh. Drinks and chicks." Katsuki repeated raccoon's answer from earlier, harshly snatching a shot from a passerby who quickly stumbled away from realizing who stole their drink. Katsuki downed the shot with no problem, his Adam's apple bulging out in the process when his head turned upwards. Ochako became confounded by his reasoning.

"Chicks? Bakugou, you dog! I didn't know you had it in you!" Loudly exclaimed Ochako, elbowing Katsuki on his side, then laughed wholeheartedly. All of a sudden, the heavy burden and anxiety weighing her heart disappeared. Who would've thought Bakugou could joke like that? Ochako kept cackling, carefully toning it down when Katsuki was directly eyeing her with a blank expression. It almost felt like he was looking through her with no hint of emotion in his face. That hitched Ochako's breath, her heart pounding as if she's made a grave mistake. "A-are you serious?"

"Whatever." Katsuki muttered, snatching another shot from someone else's grip then took a swig again. Pure vodka slid down his throat that burned in pleasure. Oh, he really needed that. Just another three shots more then he's gladly out of here. Ochako was about to speak up when she was cut off by someone calling out her name from behind which caught her full attention. That someone was Iida with other of their classmates.

"I'm just gonna go over and say hi. See you later?" Ochako reverts her attention to Katsuki who is, surprise surprise, out of her senses already. She looked around, seeing him heading towards the counter that offered several drinks. Wow. Looks like he was serious about his drinks and chicks statement.

Ochako strided over to the group to make small conversation with the group, asking about what was happening with their lives lately, before excusing herself to visit the bathroom. Thankfully, the line wasn't that long. Ochako's fourth in line, giving her time to think about her previous interactions. Was it just her or did Bakugou look bothered?

Meanwhile, Katsuki completed his mission with five shots already. It was time for him to head home. Even though he has such alcohol tolerance, those shots can help him sleep tonight. As he was about to saunter out the door, two hands wrapped around his biceps, mildly stopping him from his tracks.

"Hey, Bakugou." Camie purred as she drew her body closer to his side. Katsuki just sighed, giving her a look that she should stop. Indeed, Bakugou had occasional hook-ups when he was in deep stress to the point that working hard wasn't taking effect. Camie was one of the hook-ups that just happened during the provisional license exams in their first year. It was a mutual decision to restrict their relationship to only sex. "Do you wanna get out of here?"

Katsuki breathes out deeply, not looking at the woman using her appeal to make him agree. Yet, Bakugou wasn't in the mood. Not now. "No, Camie. I appreciate the offer though."

"Oh, come on. Just a little. It's been so long." She murmured, shaking his arm to get his attention. Nope. Not happening and not effective, as far as Katsuki is concerned. Though this felt like it's going to take a while much to his dismay. His body suddenly craved for more alcohol in his system.

Ochako came out of the bathroom, smiling lightly to the next person in line as she tugged her top down to be more presentable. As she walked, shaking the water off her hands to look for Mina and Eijiro, two figures intertwining caught her off guard in the corner of her eye. She stopped dead in her tracks, her gaze fixated on Katsuki with a woman from Shiketsu practically merging by how she was tightly gripping her classmate's arms. Her free hand crawling all over the man's chest and circling it around. They were talking. Talking! When Katsuki couldn't even spare her a complete sentence without a hint of impatience as if she is the most boring and inconvenient person in his presence.

It annoyed her.

It also annoyed her further when she realized she had no reason to feel this way other than the fact that Kirishima kept taunting her to his best friend. Why even do that when he clearly had someone else already from the other university? Gosh, she felt very stupid and embarrassed. Was Kirishima just poking fun of her for staying single all these years? Why she feels that way, she doesn't know either. And that infuriated her most of all. Mindlessly, her feet stomped on their own to the counter, poured herself a drink a shot angrily then downed it like a stranded man in a desert thirsting water.

The texture and taste felt like a slap on the face, resulting in her to cough while fanning herself with her hand. How could Katsuki drink this earlier without even a flinch? She could feel it taking effect already, causing her face to become more heated. Mineta, who was standing beside her, scrambled to her with a red cup in hand. "Woah, Uraraka! Slow down!"

Ochako, without a second thought, took the cup to drink until empty to wash off the bitter taste of the alcohol. The juice tasted subtly different than earlier. Nonetheless, it did a good job in washing out the alcohol. Mineta was shaking in his feet while smiling incredulously, his fingers going around like floaties at a car store. "Uraraka, we just indirectly kissed!"

"Oh, shut up and pour me another one." Uraraka spat, basically shoving the cup back to the little one's face then proceeded to pour another shot of vodka in a little glass. Mineta handed the juice back to her like a dog waiting for orders. Uraraka took a swig again then chased the taste away with the other liquid in her hand. Slowly feeling euphoric, she also felt like she was getting thirstier and thirstier. Thus, she kept requesting for more juice to shake off the dehydration, anger vanishing simultaneously.

"Sorry but I'm not really in the mood." Carefully said Katsuki while taking off the woman's grip away from him. Normally, he would storm off already but he wasn't sure if that's the right thing to do with someone who might help destress again in the future. At last, Camie stopped her insistent nature and backed off a little. f*cking finally he could sleep already.

Before taking a step to leave the loud place, he heard a familiar but odd laughter across him. His attention snapped to the direction of the ongoing hysterical sound, displaying Ochako gripping the edge of the counter as if to stop herself from falling with the other hand rested on her forehead, and the little purple f*cker standing close to her placing a palm on her side.

Camie caught a glimpse of the instant transformation in Katsuki's expression from blank to pure fury. A bit of his fangs peeked through his mouth as his brows went up in frustration. Little sparks were exploding in his hands as his posture freezes in place. Her gaze fell to the girl that Katsuki was eyeing, co*cked her head in realization. Ah, so that's why.

In a blink of an eye, Katsuki went over to the visibly drunk woman, gripping her wrist tightly away from Mineta. The dazed woman felt like a rag doll, the thought of it made her giggle. Katsuki grimly grabbed Mineta's collar, who looked taken aback then yelped by the sudden movement, and stared him down darkly before screaming at the top of his lungs. "WHAT THE f*ck ARE YOU DOING?!"

Mineta's soul left his body as his ears ring from the booming sound and smoke progressively burning by the hands of Bakugou. "W-we were just having fun! I was trying to stop her because she's shaking and then--."

The little f*cker's excuses were interrupted by another thunderous applause, screams, and cheers from the dining room near the kitchen. Katsuki realized that Ochako has sneakily slipped past him as she was there on top of the f*cking table, dancing to the beat of a rap song blaring in the background.

Mineta screeched in excitement, running into the kitchen while pushing through the crowd that contained the same thrill as he did. Katsuki, in pure shock and confusion, could only stumble to the table dumbly. His eyes fixated on the woman dancing sensually, using her arms and hips to pop on the beat, resulting the hem of her top slowly approaching to the middle of her flat stomach. Her eyes were closed, and her lips slightly apart as she continued to sway her hips, caressing all parts of her body. Everyone was cheering so loud that it felt like they were in a sports festival once again. Mineta, whose nose is bleeding, couldn't contain his euphoria any longer as he attempts to climb on the table to join her.

"I think the f*ck not!" Katsuki fumes, gripping on the back of Mineta's shirt, then throws him out of the room with his adrenaline rushing. He whipped his head back to her, seeing that she was still swaying her hips along her head while biting her bottom lip. Katsuki just stood there, his heart trying to escape out of his ribcage by pounding heavily, feeling all his blood rushing up to his head that it made him lightheaded. Was this really Ochako or is his imagination just running wild?

For a brief moment, they made eye contact, the same droopy eyes reminded him the other night. It was exactly the same which gave him shudders. Only this time her hair that passed after her shoulders were flipping from her spins and movement of her head. What the actual f*ck?

"Take your shirt off!" Heckled someone from the crowd in which Ochako will gladly grant its request. She crosses her arms, gripping the bottom hem of her top, and struggling to take it off until it reaches the ends of her black brassier.

"sh*t! KATSUKI, STOP HER!" Screamed Kirishima in panic, watching in horror as a terrifying scene unleashes before his eyes. The couple just became aware of the situation when they heard shouting from upstairs, sensing that a fight was forming. This, however, is so much worse than that.

His friend shot his explosions in his hands that blasted him above to wrap himself around the drunk girl's body then effectively took her down the furniture which sealed off her bare skin from the public. Katsuki cursed out everyone that wasn't affected by his usual burst of temper. Instead, the crowd cheered at the end of her performance as Katsuki ran to the redhead in the same panic with Ochako lying on his back who kept laughing like a maniac. "Let's take her home."

"Wait! I think the key's in your dorm!" Mina exclaimed, catching up to their fast pace nearing the front door, panicking also by her friend's disoriented state.

"Stay here, babe. Look after the house. We'll take care of it, yeah?" The red head reassured his girlfriend while pecking her on the lips. Mina nodded, tears forming in her eyes and hand covering her mouth in shock. Katsuki practically kicked off the door to let them outside quickly, his hands sparking in small explosions. "Oi, don't blast off, she might fall!"

Katsuki growled in response as they quickly jogged back to their dorms, his hands firmly gripping her thighs to prevent her from colliding the pavement. Ochako groaned because of the throbbing pain in her head and twisted stomach, her vision spiraled. At that moment, Ochako thought they were crossing bumpy roads which kept shaking her head, making her gag loudly. Eijiro held the back of her head in concern as he inspected her half lidded orbs. "Raraka, how much did you drink?"

"Aaah- I-I think two shots with um- six cups of j-juice." Ochako slurred, struggling to catch her breath and words. The two men looked at each other with terrifying adrenaline. Kirishima knew that Uraraka's limit was three shots before becoming blacked out drunk. Below that is just tipsy and obnoxiously competitive. Someone f*cking spiked the drink.

They rushed to their dorm, Katsuki kicking off the door once again then threw the woman to his bed. Both of the men looked for the key in a hurry, screaming at each other how dirty Kirishima's side of the room is.

All that happening in the background, nasty bile was reaching up to her throat as her vision continued to double, causing her to choke out her own vomit as she lay on her back. It felt like a heavy substance was crushing her that stopped her from being able to move. The retch caught both of the men's attention, cursing out at the state of her as she struggled to breathe, feeling mushy liquid blocking her airways. Kirishima grabbed a trash can as Katsuki immediately positioned her on her side to face the edge of the bed which helped her vomit out colorful bile. The best friends winced at the cries and smell, Katsuki rubbing her back in an attempt for comfort. After letting it all out that seemed like ages, Ochako unconsciously lied on her back again with her eyes shut to stop the world from spinning. She coughed out her throat that was burned by acid and alcohol.

"I think we should let her stay here, man." Suggested Kirishima in agitation as his hand removes strands of her hair out of her face. As much as he wanted to protest about the inconvenience, Katsuki couldn't help but agree. She might f*cking choke again by her own vomit or even fall on the bed. Katsuki wasn't that evil to leave a girl by herself let alone sleep on the curb drunk. However, this didn't stop him from growling in anger. It was such a drag that affected his sleep but if he wasn't at the party, who knows what could've happened? Ochako opened her eyes once more from the statement.

"Noooo. I can-- go home. I'm all al-right." Ochako complained with out of control gagging between her words while she attempted to get up by propping her elbows against the bed. Unfortunately, her actions shakened her line of vision which led her to sob out a vomit again onto her clothes.

"f*ck! You're getting it on my bed!" The blonde exasperatedly complained then propped the trashcan back to her face. In frustration, Katsuki could only pinch the bridge of his nose, snarling back to Kirishima whose face was written with concern. "Find out the f*cker who spiked the juice!"

In an instant, Kirishima was out the door and slamming it violently behind him. All Katsuki could do was shake his head in hope that the door wasn't beaten to a pulp. He began with adjusting his bed, properly placing the pillows higher to make her head propped up nicely as the latter's gaze bore on him. Katsuki raised his brow at her unwavering silent stare before she started to uncontrollably sob. Full on wailing and sobbing that alarmed him.

"What's wrong?" Katsuki quietly asked, careful not to step on any eggshells, wiping the constant tears streaming down with his thumbs. Ochako sniffled then wiped her nose with her sleeve which was repulsive in Katsuki's perspective.

"My head hurts so much and it's so hot and I feel sticky and gross!" Ochako whined then sobbed more loudly than before. Though most of the alcohol has left her system, a number of it still remained that caused her to be a whiny pre-teen. What a brat. The man just rolled his eyes, rubbing her messed up face using a tissue with a little pressure than intended in which she whined about next. Since when did he become a damn babysitter?

"Alright, alright shut the f*ck up already." Muttered the blonde then reached out for the remote of the air conditioner. He then opened his drawer to fetch a fresh shirt and shorts that might fit her, pausing in realization. It was bad enough that her clothes had become soaked, dirty, especially disgusting, from her bile, and also the fact that she spread her germs around his bed. It didn't settle him right that he might change her while she's incoherent and out of it. Katsuki isn't the type to jump into anything that takes advantage of a woman, more so a whining, crying, drunk one.

With this, Katsuki set aside his clothes then kneeled on the bedside to get her attention. He leveled his face with hers while providing a soft expression in an attempt to calm her down. "Listen, round face. I know you're in pain right now but you need to change. Can you do it?"

Ochako peeked at him, a blush forming brightly on her cheeks. It's either the alcohol or the embarrassment that's contributing to the blood rush. The way his voice was so quiet and no hint of raspiness in his tone like the usual did wonders to her. It was such an unfamiliar sound like hearing a melody only once in your life to never remember it ever again. Bakugou's face remained ceaseless, expecting her answer.

"Okay... Please go out for a moment." Ochako hid her face that was as red as a tomato using a blanket. As soon as she heard him shuffling and the door shut, she immediately changed out her clothes then took off her earrings, more and more blood rushing to her head. Consciousness and a clearer view of the situation was starting to hit her. His black shirt was so loose on her as its neckline was so wide that it looked like a boat, and the shorts reached below her knees. It looks hilarious on her drunken side but the back of her mind is telling her she looks crazy. She went back to the bed out of dizziness of the remaining alcohol then covered herself with a blanket.

I can't believe I'm actually in a man's clothes and bed. Is something going to happen? Is this the hook-up that Mina is talking about?

"O-okay, Bakugou. I'm done changing." Ochako nervously called out. The thought of unexpectedly getting laid just made her more lightheaded and unprepared. Minutes passed by the door never opened. Perhaps she misunderstood the situation. It's Bakugou she's talking about here whose drive is only to be number one. It might've never occurred to him of such a thing. It was shameful to think about but what could Ochako do? She's entirely inexperienced with this stuff. Her heart slows down its prior beating and stops the tension in her body. Maybe he slept somewhere else.

All the while, Katsuki was on a phone call with Kirishima to have some grasp on the situation. Apparently, a bunch of extras thought it would be funny to mix bourbon and liquor in the punch. The other end of the call deliberately left out their names as he knows that Katsuki might beat the sh*t out of them when he sees them. The party continued on and is still alive as ever. He also conversed with Mina who asked about her best friend's situation and reminded Katsuki to not be so hard on her. It's obvious that it wasn't Ochako's fault at all but it annoyed the f*ck out of him that Mineta was there in the beginning of her vulnerability. Maybe if Katsuki had followed her around and looked after her, this nuisance wouldn't have happened.

It took a couple more minutes until the call was over before he went back to his room. It was such an unexpected sight. Ochako was right there on his bed, sleeping soundly with a drool sticking to his pillow. It never occurred to him how something like that could affect him differently. All the mocking Kirishima has given him became half-truth when she was right there. Almost like she was meant to be in his room sleeping and just being present. Admittedly, she did look funny wearing his clothes that were a tad bigger than her. Nonetheless, she actually looked quite good and comfortable.

Katsuki quietly approached her, poking her cheek that was bouncier than he had thought with his index finger. Ochako frowned then swatted his hand away, proceeding to her deep slumber immediately. A chuckle escaped his mouth as he shook his thoughts away. "You're such a pain in the ass, round face."


If anyone has noticed, this was very much inspired by the dancing scene on table scene in Ten Things I Hate About You! That sole part is the reason why I had a rough idea of this fic!

Chapter 3: The aftermath and the Mission

Chapter Text

Different ceiling, different bed and covers, and different room. That's where Ochako found herself when woke up. She blinked rapidly, her eyes popping open. The unfamiliar place alarmed her awake. Propping her elbow on the bed, she scans around the room, just noticing that some items were floating around that made her stomach churn from motion sickness. Ochako had no gloves on, becoming clearer that she did sleep in another room. Her eyes wandered more after releasing the items, heaving subtle crashes to the ground, until it landed on Mina's corduroy jacket hanging on a headboard of a bed across hers. It recalled the memory of Mina saying she's going to change her coat.

No way. No freaking way.

In sheer panic, she looked at her body under the blanket, exhaling in relief as she was still fully covered. However, as far as she remembers, this wasn't what she was wearing last night!

Ochako scrambled all over the bed to search her purse, hands shaking as she gripped her phone. Her eyes widened more than ever. Three missed calls from Izuku, and over a hundred messages bombarded her group chat. Most of the messages were from Momo and Tsuyu who were asking about her and where she was. It seemed like Mina didn't thoroughly inform them about her situation much to her dismay. She also shared the same curiosity on what happened to her. Ochako sent a reply that she's doing okay and that she'll explain later.

Palm rubbing her head, she attempts hard to remember as much as she can from last night.

All she could remember is shots then black out. Stupid lightweight. Hold on, if she's in Kirishima's room, then she's wearing Katsuki's clothes, slept in Katsuki's bed, then woke up in Katsuki's bed while wearing Katsuki's clothes. While her mind spirals in Katsuki, the door whipped open that caused her to shriek so loud that her voice cracked.

"Shut the f*ck up, Uraraka!" Katsuki screamed back as he enters his room, slamming the door behind him where Ochako witnessed clearly some of their classmates: Sero, Kaminari, and Mineta, watching in utter disbelief as she did. What the heck were they doing there? Katsuki practically shoved a glass of water to her face which she accepted and downed it empty. Panting, she watched the blonde man get his desk chair and setting it in front of her. He slumps down, crossing his legs and arms as if waiting for her to react.

"How did I-- Why am I wearing- What?!" Ochako tried to question while flinging her arms around. Katsuki smirked in amusem*nt, sending her shivers in her spine.

"You f*cking ruined my night that's what. Calm your sh*t and ask properly." Katsuki scoffed, which made Ochako gulp in anxiety. Oh no, what did she do? Her face reddened in embarrassment just thinking about the questions passing through her mind.

"U-um, d-did? Did we do it?" Ochako asked incredulously before everything that made the other barked a laughter. Regarding her appearance, it's not her fault that she thought something dubious happened! Ochako doesn't know if she will be offended or relieved by his innate reaction.

"In your dreams, round face." Mocked Katsuki, his grin still glued to his face. Ochako rolled her eyes then sighed out of frustration. At least, nothing actually happened. That's a really good start. Katsuki co*cked his head then chuckled smugly once again. "Oh? Are you disappointed nothing happened?"

"In your dreams, Bakugou. I'm glad you find this funny." Ochako snapped back sarcastically, repeating the same tone and delivery of his answer earlier, making Katsuki entertained again. The blanket fell from her shoulders, revealing one side of it completely exposed as the neckline was too wide for her. The man tried his best to not think how she really fit into his shirt that's giving him a knot in the stomach. "W-well why am I wearing your clothes?"

"You puked on yours like a sh*t-slob." Ochako covered her face in disappointment after she heard his answer. These clothes were trusted and lent to her then she went ahead and ruined it. She felt like such a bad and irresponsible friend to Mina. Trying her best to keep calm, she faced Katsuki again with glistening eyes. "Any other questions?"

Ochako absorbed all the information Katsuki has been giving, though half of it were insults about how she's devastated his night and sleep. Apparently, she slept there because she got black-out drunk and their room was locked. Hence, answered her inquiries on why she was there and what happened. Also, the man clearly and emphasized that he did NOT sleep beside her. Ochako couldn't help but laugh ridiculously at her own actions, and how she screwed up. Oh, she can never face him properly ever again. Might as well try to lift the ongoing tension and humiliation with unwanted humor. "Who would've guessed your 'chicks' would turn out like me."

Ochako really did take his response from last night to heart, to which Katsuki was only half kidding.

"Oh f*ck off, round face." The man said seriously, standing up from his and went over the door to leave it slightly ajar, before letting an arm outside. The other side exploded by his quirk, earning screams and complaints from their classmates who were actively eavesdropping on them. "Go home."

It took her a moment to realize how exhausted Katsuki looked. He had dark circles formed under his eyes that dropped from being deprived of sleep. Perhaps he took offense to her little joke by taking lightly of the situation and how much she bothered him. Guilt wrung up to her. With that, she swung her legs over the bedside then attempted to stand up straight as it felt like she's jelly from all the wobbling. Ochako tried to look normal as possible as she sauntered sorely over Mina's corduroy to wear. Katsuki noticed how little steps she was taking and how she was slightly shivering. Thus, kept his mouth shut from yelling at her to hurry up.

Before opening the door, she looks up with a thin smile to hide her mortification. "Thank you, Bakugou."

She exchanged awkward greetings to the gawking boys outside the room. Believe her when she says she couldn't fathom what's happening either. She effectively walked fast to the elevator to get to their room, wishing that the soreness in her body was not showing off.

Ochako flopped down to her bed, screaming into her pillow to let out all of her shame. It really was hard to swallow the fact she slept in a man's bed, let alone Bakugou freaking Katsuki. The man that's been teased by her a suspiciously amount of times. The man that she avoids because, for unexplained reasons, she feels that she can't look at him straight without feeling giddy or red-faced. The man who suddenly grew a lot taller and wider throughout the years, his face maturing, and getting more attractive in the process.

Ochako sighs, her cheeks flushed hot like fire. She reached out for a protein bar that she keeps at bay to satisfy her hunger. By the time she noticed that she was starving, the clock struck one. Meaning she was comfortably sleeping for so long.

In Katsuki's bed.

The thought of it just ties a knot in her stomach and makes her heart beat faster than it should have. The more Ochako thinks about him, the more she feels distressed and confused. She reached up her phone to open their group chat. This calls for an emergency girls' meeting.

After sending her word, she hurriedly went to the dorm's shared bathroom, still acknowledging that her muscles were stiff but got a little bit better than prior. After thoroughly washing everything out of her body and eyes using hot water, she changed into her usual clothes that consists of a white shirt and pink shorts. Katsuki's clothes were neatly folded on her desk to take note that she needed to return them through Kirishima. It felt like too soon to see him again without her steaming out from shyness. Satisfied with her overall attire, she went on ahead to the common room to talk to her girl friends.

Mina, Tsuyu, Momo, and Kyoka already formed in a circle around the table, whispering to each other then laughing. Ochako greeted them then took a seat between the green girl and the rockstar. Mina pushed out a plate with full breakfast food to Ochako which she immediately devoured like an animal. The protein bar wasn't enough to fulfill her hunger so this greatly assisted her to get back her strength and energy.

Moaning in satisfaction and fullness, her attention now reverted to her friend that was carefully watching her in anticipation and a lopsided smile. Now, where was she and why did she call them again?

"So how was it?" Tsuyu asked in her usual monotone voice. Uraraka let out a 'huh' while drinking water. If the food is what she's asking about then it was so wonderful and delicious. Though it looks like it was home cooked rather than obtained from the cafeteria that's open every single day. The green girl held a finger up to her mouth in wonder. "Sex with Bakugou. How was it?"

"My, I can't believe you would actually ask that." Momo chipped in with a hand covering her lips.

Ochako's eyes widened like the moon then choked on her beverage. After wheezing and coughing, she shakes her head and flaps her arms around crazily. Her friends could only bite back their laugh as they witness Ochako stutter out excuses as her face reddens hot again. "W-WE DIDN'T DO ANY--"

"Eh? Then why did Denki say you were limping out of his room earlier?" Jiro interrogated deviously, her cheek propped with her palm as she continued to watch the comedy happening before her. "Wearing his clothes for that matter."

"Is that what it looks like?!" Ochako half shouted in panic, causing eyes from other students falling to their group. Mina shooed them away before they even came near to their emergency meeting. "I swear nothing of the sort happened!"

The girls groaned in disappointment then each clicked their tongue. Well, Ochako was sorry to not live up to their expectations, especially that she was the only one single in their group. She pouted, thinking that it's more appropriate now to ask around what happened to her to dodge unnecessary questions about him.

"Really? We wanted to know how he is in bed! I think he's more of a rough and aggressive type of guy." Kyoka said wistfully as the others nodded in agreement. Well, except Ochako who was cringing at the topic. As much as possible, she did not want to deep dive into that rabbit hole.

"I get you. Bakugou does have that dominant bad boy vibe in him." Mina added while crossing her arms and leaning on the chair as if she was contributing is such an important manner.

"That might be so but Bakugou has a soft spot for Ochako. I think that he won't do anything that might hurt her." Tsuyu countered which also earned a hum of agreement at the table. Soft spot? What soft spot? He kept calling her names and even mocked her. How's that soft, Ochako scoffed in her mind.

As her friends went on in their debate, snippets of Katsuki suddenly flashed in her mind. Ochako remembered perfectly of his touch last night. How his thumb wiped away her tears. How his face looked so different and handsome when he wasn't scowling. How his voice was so soft like velvet that it almost slipped past her senses. Ochako's hand shot up to her face like a slap, then began to drift up from her seat as she positioned herself in a fetal position as if to hide herself completely.

The girls, who are completely unfazed by this, stopped their conversation as Tsuyu wrapped her tongue around Ochako's ankle to get back to her seat.

"I just want to know what I did last night, for Pete's sake." Ochako whined then flopped her cheek against the table in defeat. The girls just giggled at her, saying small apologies and comfort. Even so, Ochako continued to complain. A habit that she's had when she's overly flustered or drunk as Mina has always mentioned. "I don't get why we're talking about this. You all have boyfriends."

"Oh, come on, it's just for fun! Bakubro is mysterious and hot. All girls would wonder at some point how sex with him is." Mina says as she pats the brown head who was still blushing and pouting. Times like this, Mina becomes aware how adorable her roommate could be that for certain, captured a lot of guys' attention. Too bad Ochako never took notice of them. Mina also doubts that such mere guys wouldn't be able to make Ochako flustered as she was right now about Bakubro. "You don't know how many girls actually dig that."

"Yeah, I take back how I said he could never be popular. Ever since he made up with Midoriya, and became less aggressive, a lot of girls have taken notice of him." Truthfully admitted Tsuyu. That Ochako would agree. She knows entirely how that one Shiketsu girl was all over him last night.

Ochako listened carefully to Mina's and Kyoka's stories who were present at the party when she was still there. It explained a lot about why her body was so sore when she woke up because supposedly, she danced her pants off on top of a table, almost flashing everyone before Katsuki could even stop her.

"You guys should've seen Bakugou. I almost thought he was going berserk." Jiro joked while shuddering. She observed Katsuki's reaction when he flung himself towards Mineta then cursed out everyone who were watching Ochako dance. Though she didn't say anything, Kyoka knew something was up. Two hypotheses passed in her thoughts, but either of the two can be reflected that Bakugou was a bit weirder to Ochako compared to others.

Even more, the juice that she drank was spiked by some students from other classes, further letting Ochako connect the dots on why she couldn't remember all the information from last night. That was awful. How could some people think that is a fun prank? Furthermore, there were a bunch of videos of her shenanigans in different angles circulating around the forum of UA and Shiketsu. It awarded her an unwanted title for being the spotlight of the party. When Tsuyu was about to show her the videos, Ochako refused rigidly. The latter would rather forget and not know what she did than think about it all night in humiliation.

However, Ochako vividly now remembers why she drank in the first place. That will be a secret that she's going to take to her grave.

After a beat of silence, Jiro spoke up again. "Are you sure you guys didn't f*ck?"

"KYOKA!" Momo exclaimed while also visibly holding back her snickers. Ochako just groaned and hid her face in embarrassment. Her friends are so bold to think that Ochako is brave enough to do something like that. Especially with Bakugou.

Weeks passed by, Ochako tried her hardest to minimize her interaction with Katsuki who in the first place, doesn't even acknowledge her. But hey, it was just in case a conversation would strike up in any way. Classes were hell for her as well. Though she's doing great in avoiding eye contact with him, Ochako could feel his eyes burning to the back of her head. It must just be paranoia but again, just in case. Her paper, on the other hand, is progressively getting better. Only a few tweaks from here and there then she might consider herself finished already. If her adviser has given her a waiver of approval, Ochako can now be stress free.

Currently, Ochako and Tsuyu are on their way back to their agency as Ryukyu has called them for a meeting for a new mission. It was thrilling but at the same time, anxiety inducing. It's been a while since they've called for a mission since all their duty as of the moment is patrolling.

There were unfamiliar cars in front of the building that didn't look like the same type as what their agency gives to their employees. Whose cars would these be? Her hands went a little cold when they entered the elevator to get to the twelfth floor for the conference room. Somehow, this felt like bad news for Ochako. Stealing a glance to her friend, Froppy seemed calm as usual, not sensing the same impending doom Ochako is currently feeling. Perhaps she's just uneasy about going on a mission. This isn't what a hero should feel.

An employee in a suit bowed at their arrival before opening the door on his side that leads to the meeting room. The brown head heaves her thanks as she enters then scans the room then lands on a man that was watching her. This ceased her feet from walking, stunned eyes dilated. It seemed like her instincts were true after all, much to her dismay. All her efforts of avoiding the blonde man gone just like waves breaking a dam.

There sat Katsuki in his winter costume because of the shivering cold of the current weather, and crossed arms paired with a scowl that showed impatience from their late arrival. Beside him was Shoto that lightly gave her a bow of greetings along with Endeavor standing in front of the table.

"Hello Uravity, and Froppy. Please take a seat so we could get started." Says Ryukyu happily then gestured to the chairs across from their other classmates. Froppy immediately stole the seat across Shoto and Ochako swears that her friend just betrayed her by giving her an all-knowing sly smile. Ochako cursed the green girl in her mind as she took the seat across from Bakugou who stopped looking at her. Instead, his attention was now fully to the two top heroes in front. "We are here today to discuss about a joint mission in rescuing Uzunagi Aoi."

Ryukyu clicked the remote directed at the projector, showing a head image of a little boy no more than a third grader with black jet black hair and green eyes.

"Uzunagi? Is he related to the mayor?" Tsuyu asked with a finger on her mouth. Ryukyu smiled enthusiastically at her then nodded, proud of her apprentice's sharp thinking.

"Correct. He's the mayor's son who is currently being held for ransom. With the sources of both the police and the undercovers of our agency, they are located in an abandoned building at the riverside near the train station. Our main culprit or the mastermind of this hostage is the villain: Dai Ishida. Quirk: Actor. He is able to take the form of a person and reenact the same actions of his target as if repeating a scene, but will revert back once questioned unrelated to the part of act, or if he willingly acts out of script. He is a former employee under the mayor that got terminated due to malicious acts against female employees. As a result, his wife and kids left him with nothing.

"The mayor requested Endeavor's agency to partner up with us as he sees the potential of my dear apprentices on the news, and their capability to operate this mission in a hushed manner. Not only the goal of this mission is to retrieve the boy, but also to avoid the public attention as this can raise political tussles, and the mayor's credibility of keeping the city safe. Therefore, the top ten heroes cannot be present in this mission meaning the four of you will carry the task. We must remain vigilant while aware of the importance of these two objectives. Endeavor, please explain the mechanics."

Endeavor huffed in response as Ryukyu turned to the next slide of the presentation that displayed the blueprint of the building. "As all of you can see, the property has a secret basem*nt that is secluded from sound with its thick concrete walls. Probably that one of the villains has built this with their quirks. This is where Bakugou comes in to be able to use his quirk freely without catching the attention of neighbors near the building. It is considered the hiding spot for the boy. Additionally, Bakugou is the leader of this mission's group."

"f*cking right, I am." Katsuki scoffed with a smirk flickering on his lips, itching for a fight of the mission. Ochako tried so hard to not think about how admiring he looks with his passion mixed with arrogance. Damn her friends for implanting Katsuki in her brain! The mission should be prioritized. Thinking about him could change the trajectory of this success.

The number one hero further explained the process of the mission. It starts tomorrow morning at three, supposedly the meetup for giving the ransom money was on that evening to trick the villains. How the mission will entirely operate will be based on Katsuki's plan. The team wasn't phased by this as they have fully trusted the Explosion user from his credibility and smartness. Katsuki has proven a lot of times to lead a team and win. For instance, the battle with another class where each team shall capture all the members of the opposing. Not even five minutes within, Katsuki has led his group to success with no injuries and members captured.

Endeavor is the one that in fact proposed Bakugou to be the mission's leader despite his son participating. The flaming hero could see the utmost potential in the upcoming professional. Still, he remained the aim of his son to climb the highest ranks in heroes of the country. Conversely, he would like to further push Bakugou's abilities as his mentor with Midoriya away for patrolling. Endeavor wrapped up his presentation with a prompt for questions from the heroes.

"I've got one." Katsuki arrogantly says as his body turns unafraid towards the flaming giant. "Any rules?"

"Arrest all the villains, rescue the boy, and no noise." Answered Endeavor which received a sneer with delight from the blonde man. Not a f*cking problem. How the mission will proceed is already made in his mind.

Ochako is confident the plan will be successful. She's certain the others think the same as well.

The morning before the dawn breaks with its cold air lingering on their skin were enough to keep them awake. The agents of the mayor and police were on standby with police tape surrounding the vicinity. Ochako is wrapped around the frog hero to prevent her from hibernation because of the winter air glaring upon them. The three stood before the tall building with its grime and creeping vines surrounding the old concrete. Katsuki was a step ahead from them, squatting, as he examined the establishment. A minute remains before the official time of the raid. The members have positioned themselves in their fighting stance while they wait for the leader's signal to move. Each member's concentrated breath stopped momentarily when Katsuki held up a hand before forming it into a fist.

Immediately, the heroes went to their respective positions as Katsuki's plan replayed in their minds.

"Before I attack underground, you second-rate f*ckwits will clear out the building."

Uravity released her gravitation once she reached the rooftop then kicked off the rusting metal door to rush in.

"You Icyhot will start on the first floor to seal off the exits and take out the sleeping f*ckers assuming they take shifts to patrol. You keep that up until you clean the highest floor once the two have done their duties."

Todoroki swiftly hid behind a wall where he saw a silhouette walking around the floors, who Froppy attacked right away, before running into the rooms to freeze the drowsing hoodlums before they woke up and fight.

"Frog will go with IcyHot to support him to take out the patrols by going invisible and sticking to the wall so you can't be seen until you reach the middle floor. You need to be f*cking fast so half-and-half here can go into the rooms."

Froppy went ahead of Shoto to rapidly utilize her tongue to prevent the patrols from seeing the red and white haired running around from room to room. In an instant, Froppy quietly takes out the suspects by effectively hitting a spot that puts them in an unconscious state as she ascends the building.

"Floaty, you start from the rooftop until the middle, same as frog girl. You stick yourself to crawl on the ceiling then jump on the patrollers. You also need to be f*cking fast."

Uravity once again lifted her body's gravity until she reached the ceiling that's high enough in order to not be seen by the patrollers. Her back leaned against the dusty surface as her palms rested besides her waist that's utilized as her turner, and legs folded as her feet were supporting her movements. The position allowed her to see clearly where the enemies are, and enabled her to examine the halls while avoiding attention. With years of practice and Aizawa's intense training, it is now nearly impossible for her to get motion sickness that can churn her stomach outside down. The goal was after taking out a villain, she needs to float herself in an instant to get to the next person. That was enough to challenge her ability to concentrate on holding back her dizziness and stomachache.

"Once you two meet in the middle, and when Icyhot has cleared out all the rooms, give me a f*cking signal. Two will go back to their responsive captive. Confirm where their sh*tty boss is. One will get the boy in the basem*nt with me while I fight everyone."

Though it felt a bit awkward to stay on the ceiling, Katsuki's instructions were far more effective. Not one patroller has noticed her from above yet there are sensory types. Before they looked up to her position, Ochako was one step ahead of them by throwing something far from her position to avert their attention to the sudden noise.

As soon as his back was turned, Ochako released her gravity and wrapped her legs around the enemy's neck, then forced her body to twist and fall onto the ground. In a blink, the enemy has lost its consciousness. She breathes out a huge amount of air before gravitating herself upwards once again. The woman has been doing that move since this mission in appreciation for Gunhead's martial arts. Froppy and her were the key of this plan so Shoto can hold up his end of the bargain.

Once Shoto reached the middle with Froppy ahead, he climbed out a window at the end of the hall, freezing it shut when he departed. His ice acted as a stairway for him to ascend to the rooftop for inspection in each room. When he reached the highest floor, he was met with several tied up and passed out villains lying on the floor. Certainly, the two women have done such a fast job.

As soon as Ochako discerned movement on the walls yet not seen clearly unless you stare hard enough, it was a sign that Froppy and her have finally met in the middle. It seems like Froppy has waited for a while as she was stoically stuck in the room while looking up.

"Release!" Uravity exhaled then falling shortly to the floor. Froppy jumped down as well while her invisibility has vanished. Not a second later when they could take a small breather, red and white appearance stepped off the stairs while panting. All of them met eyes, and then like lightning, they bolted out of the third floor to get to their stupefied suspect as Froppy darted to the basem*nt. Ochako pressed on the button of her earpiece as she ran up the stairs. "Go!"

Katsuki's ear perked up when he heard Ochako's signal with a smirk forming out of thrill. His body has been rigid from the tension of itching to beat someone up and letting his explosions go nuts. Impressive. It took his team at least three minutes to clear out the entire building. Now it was finally his f*cking time.

His palms exploded inside the building through the entrance, not loud enough to wake up other neighbors from their comfortable slumber. His explosions continued to lead him to the trapdoor where he met the green girl running towards it as well. Froppy used her tongue to effectively open it and Katsuki went in, his hands heaving the loudest blast as soon as he got in underground.

The basem*nt was lit with several fluorescent lights as its walls lead to only one way. It is wide enough to fit at least two cars, visible that it was built in only a day using two people's quirks. It was cold and white with the soil surrounding despite the concrete's thickness that can withstand even with Bakugou's quirk.

Froppy hopped behind Katsuki, desperately keeping up, who was screaming curses as he pointed his explosions right in the face of the enemies while charging forward. The latter used his flying body and force to draw out the villains only to seize them all from movement by his explosions and punches. The whole time, he grinning from ear to ear as he lets loose of all the tension he felt from waiting prior for his team to clean. Katsuki grabbed one enemy's shoulders to use as a handle, tumbling above the head to land on the ground still gripping tightly, then harshly throwing the said enemy to a group standing dumbly, all of them falling like a bowling ball hitting pins. The power difference was so wide that it is not even in the same league. Hell, not even the same level. This was the peak of Katsuki under the guidance of the number one hero of the country. His palms alone were horrific enough to make enemies shake in fear, and this f*cking elated him.

Tsuyu couldn't help but feel somewhat bad that they had to face the most intense pain inflicted onto them. The explosions and his screams were constant to the point that it became deafening. She pushed a button to her earpiece to communicate with her other teammates. "Uravity! Shoto! Status of Dai Ishida?"

"My guy said he's not here but home!" Ochako exclaimed through the communications while releasing her grip on the patroller's twisted arm, faced down and begging from pain, then kicked off his face to immobilize him.

"Same here. He said Ishida will come back at the agreed time." Added Shoto, his ice slowly emerging to the villain's scared face before completely covering it. Froppy looked up to Katsuki who gave her a nod in affirmation as they sprint towards the end of the hall where a door and a glass window is displayed. A number of villains keep to their ground as they await the approach of the heroes who are coming like a meteorite with Katsuki's explosion heat.

"Standby until Bakugou gives the signal!" Instructed Froppy as she assisted Bakugou who's mainly targeted by numerous villains by wrapping her tongue on the villains' wrists then throwing them out of the scene, hindering them from any reaction and senses. The leader's plan that's heavily emphasized with authority echoed once again in their running thoughts.

"When I say get out, everyone get the f*ck out of the place. I don't f*cking care where you are or whatever half-ass sh*t you're doing. My signal is the absolute order."

Both heroes above the basem*nt ran towards a near exit window in which not completely frozen over Shoto's quirk, being the final part of their mission. However, as Ochako have sprinted to the exit, her eye caught a door slightly ajar and faint sobbing sounds inside. Ochako slowly stopped her tracks as her heart starts to briskly pounded. Did Shoto forget this room?

"We will end this stealth mission in under ten minutes with total victory."

As Asui and Bakugou drew near the room, the latter pointed his palm to the windows and blasted the glass, shattering loudly with its parts scattering the vicinity. With this, Tsuyu immediately dove in only to see a little standing in the corner, trembling in fear. His appearance and his bed were far right in the corner, absent from glass shards, that made her wonder if Bakugou already knew of this. The leader did not think twice of breaking the glass. The woman immediately hopped to his direction then examined his state. No signs of bruises or harsh treatment much to her relief. The boy was disoriented in what she assumed who just woke up, and was crying heavily to the point his chest went up and down abnormally. She took note of her mentor's description about the main enemy's quirk.

"Do you know who we are?" Froppy asked carefully as she anticipates the possible change of his appearance. The little boy gulped before letting out a squeak for an answer.


The woman immediately took a blanket from his bed to wrap him around and to hide his identity once they reached outside. Out of the corner in Bakugou's eye as he knocks out a final opponent by locking his ankle against the latter's nape, he understood the meaning behind Froppy's actions. They got the real one. Due to this, the blonde man kicked off the wooden door where Froppy passed through briskly as she carried the kid with her wrapped tongue. They instantly bolted through the depressing long hall to the basem*nt entrance.

Ochako peered to the doorway with guard straight up only to see the back of a little figure, whimpering out his cries. Like a little boy. The room was dark but the light from outside enabled her to at least discern the silhouette. Her eyes widened in confusion and shock. Did they move the target's location? She took a step back from the door, feeling all sorts of uneasiness. She had a gut feeling that the attack was going too smoothly but she trusts the plan and her team. Staying there was bad news and that she should already be on standby to her exit point. Yet before she could press her earpiece to confirm the rescue's situation, the team's leader shouted in the communications.


The faint sound of a window shattering and a door brutally flinging open rung in her ears, indicating her teammates simultaneously got out of this hellhole. The figure's cries turned into a maniacal laughter as he turns to the gravity hero with an increasing interval of beeping device strapped into his torso. Half of his face melting from a little boy into a man with unstoppable tears with a grin laced in hysteria. Realization dawned in her rumbling thoughts as she turned her heel to sprint towards her exit point in a panic. How on earth could that person be here when his goons answered the same?

Dai Ishida. Quirk: Actor. A man who had nothing to lose.

Ochako is confident the plan will be successful. It just didn't occur to her that she would be the flaw.

Chapter 4: The News


TW: Graphic mention of injury and blood.

Chapter Text

The three heroes regrouped outside the entrance as they gasp for breath from continuous attacks and running. The sky is still dark from their fast-paced completion of the mission. The agents under the mayor practically snatched the little boy from Tsuyu's grip, scratching her tongue a bit in the process. Just like that after retrieval, black cars with heavily tinted windows drove away on a whim. No offense taken as that was their job. Bring back the boy to his family with no eyewitnesses.

Tsuyu frantically looked around the vicinity when she noticed one of their members was missing. The boys became keen on the lack of presence of the gravity hero a second later. Katsuki stopped the police from barging in the building to arrest incapacitated villains, sensing an impending tragedy. Hairs in their nape and limbs started to rise. The police later detected there was something big in the air and smell. It was completely silent, only their heartbeats could be heard. The leader pushed the button of his earpiece as his eyes apprehensively scanned the surroundings.

"Oi! Where are--?!"

The silence taking over the place was suddenly splashed away by a tumultuous ignition coming from the top corner of the building. Lights from the neighborhood that were dimmed soon came alive, curtains opening from the thunderous burst. It was so powerful, the streets trembled and gifted a wind whiplash. Three heroes looked up in horror as the fire's ablaze continued to spread out, covering its halo with black and thick smoke.

Before the others could fully process the tragedy happening before their eyes, Katsuki's explosion blared beneath him as he flew up into the fire despite the protests of others. The fire's heat was so intense he could see the wavelengths of the air shaking, several concrete disintegrating and his own skin burning. The man barged in the fire, entering a place that conveyed minimal damages. His eyes kept observing all over the place, heart racing that caused him to wheeze not only from the smoke he's inhaling but also from agitation. There was no sign of her.

"Uraraka!" Katsuki called as he continued to trudge forward the falling debris in front. The smoke was starting to get into his throat and lungs, tears forming in his eyes from the harsh heat and dry air. Katsuki will persist until he finds her whole.

The place is painted in orange and black despite its white appearance, completely modifying the walls. Seconds go by, fear sheathes his heart. His mind kept repeating the same question: how could he let this happen in his own watch?

From the distance, Katsuki could only make out whimpers accumulating in his ears. His attention darted to the direction of small cries then rushed to the sound. He had hope that it was her. His palm exploded away a blocking concrete, a scene so horrific feasted in his eyes involuntarily right after.

The gravity hero was barely recognizable by the amount of blood and dust pooling around her. Her back leaned on the wall, head down as her burnt hair stranded across her empty gaze, as she sat limply with a huge amount of debris crushing her legs. Ochako's arms were feebly resting to her sides as she tried her best to slow down her blood rush with steady but weak. Oh, how she wishes she never looked into the room.

Katsuki sauntered over to her sickening state in hesitance and displeasure. In an immediate manner, he took the crushed stones to throw away immediately to which Ochako responded with a meek sob. His heart stopped as he saw clearly the aspects of Ochako's situation. One side of her waist was sliced deeply, several burns surfacing all over her skin from neck to toes, and a metal rod impaled vertically through her thigh. The woman was covered in her own pool of blood, painfully visible that her head had a severe collision to the wall. Katsuki kneeled in front of her as his hands wandered around her head and body to check for any ruthless wounds. The fact that she was still alive and whole despite the explosion was a f*cking miracle and gained even more respect for her.

"Uraraka, can you hear me?" Katsuki choked out which at this point, he does not know if the cause was the cloud of black smoke hovering over them, or the pain of her look rising in his throat. Ochako could only discern a muffled calling from the intense ringing in her ears, head throbbing down to her neck. With only an eye open as the others were stained with thick blood and dust, her blurry vision draws out the features of black clothes and blonde hair.

"Bakugou?" Croaked Ochako while she coughs out clots of blood swimming freely in her mouth. Her heart ached from her failure and her sorry state. She did not want to be seen by anyone how much she caused damage to the mission. The woman tries to speak once again, feeling the scratches inside her throat hindering her from talking, more blood bursting out of her lips and teeth.

"I'll get you out of here. Just stay f*cking awake." Instructed Katsuki calmly in order to deduce panic to the woman who was still responsive. It was evident that she is concussed by her dilated pupils, and only running on adrenaline that can crash at any moment. His arm scooped beneath her knees with the other enveloped around her back diagonally in support. Both his legs that were formerly kneeled turned into a squat that's set for an abrupt stand, his hand gripping tightly on Ochako's belt. This was the only way for a straight and clean out of the impaled. Katsuki glanced back at Ochako with apparent pain written all over her expression. "No matter what you can't be f*cking loud, you understand?"

An explosion paired with a shriek will certainly capture the attention of neighbors. Ochako was aware of this but the harsh reality scared her so much that her breath became frantic. Katsuki hushes her to calm her down as he whispers reassurances that she could do it, that she is gutsy enough to pull it off. They were running out of time until the room they're in will be demolished. Ochako buried her face to the crook of his shoulder gear to suppress her hyperventilation and whimpers of fear. Katsuki tightly gripped her body onto his as a signal that he will move her now to which she responded with a meek nod.

Katsuki counted to three before he began to pull her up steadily. The pain scrutinized from both the metal rod being released from its stab in her muscles and the burnt flesh interacting to his solid grasp. Her lungs that were filled with pollution ached internally making her struggle to breathe correctly. Ochako's teeth sank into Katsuki's shoulder as she screamed excruciatingly into his skin with eyes scrunched shut. The man gritted his teeth from the painful screeches coming out of Ochako. For all she knew earlier that there was numbness from the neck down but it was heavily conspicuous that she was wrong. The experience of the metal rod impinging agonizingly from her thigh continued to keep her biting down into Katsuki's shoulder to the point her jaw locked.

The metal rod subtly chimed as he stood up carefully. With that, the gut-wrenching operation was a success. Ochako was quivering from shock and panic, blood overflowing to her costume from the gaping hole in her flesh. Katsuki nestled his face to Ochako's neck while he caressed the back of her head, finally breathing out his held up air in relief. "Good girl."

The woman proceeded to wail helplessly as pain coursed through every part of her. Katsuki changed his clutches to let her body hang in front of him with her limbs folded on his neck and waist, his arm clasping securely around her lower back as the other positioned for an immediate escape. Ochako's breathing and palpitation started to slow down, head hanging up to the ceiling from exhaustion. In her mind right now, all she could think about was how good sleep is, as her eye fluttered. Ochako's body started to relax then sink into his arm limply. Katsuki's distress and dread arose again from the sudden Ochako's near passing out state. They were running out of time.

"f*ck! Where's the nearest hospital?!" Roared Katsuki in the communications that was immediately answered by a standby cop. The establishment was five minutes near but he can greatly shorten into one. It must be shortened whatsoever. His palm restored energy and sweat for a few seconds, a technique learned from his mentor, then blasted out of the burning floor that further deteriorated in his contribution of explosives.

The remaining heroes, police, and bystanders watched the sky as a fast ignited figure sped through the horizon. People were starting whisper with their own conspiracies as the police attempted to keep them out of the scene. Shoto and Froppy pursued the meteor-like flying above, Shoto grabbing Tsuyu's wrist as he slid them with his ice quirk through the quiet street. The question earlier that pierced through their communications gave them a rough idea of what happened. Their hearts raced the same as the speed they're taking on ice, Tsuyu gripping her friend's hand anxiously. Shoto was not the one to show his emotions but his eyes poured out worries as his eyes remained on the explosions in the sky. They could only hope that Ochako was going to be okay.

And that Katsuki wouldn't burn the place down in rage.

The dull fluorescent light and pungent disinfectant was enough to wake the worn out heroes as they sat on the plastic chairs of the hospital's halls. No one dared to speak up after the incident. Tsuyu perched beside Shoto with Katsuki slumping across. Though no visible emotions are in their faces and expressions, they were anxious to know about their team member's whereabouts and status. The two heroes just arrived in time to calm the leader down when Bakugou was yelling and cursing at everyone to hurry up and treat the gravity hero. They caught a glimpse of Ochako's state in his arms that had a ragdoll-like movement with her limbs and head dangling lifelessly, utterly void out of her own strength and light in her eyes. Ochako's blood marked their tracks from the entrance to the lobby. It just kept pouring like an overflowing sink. It was sickening and a fact that is hard to swallow. The thought of it anew made the frog hero swell up in tears with a ball blocking her airways.

For a while, the bustling nurses and patients treading around made the time slower than usual. There were a lot of possibilities in mind yet it was just too difficult to bring up. Not now. Not ever. Tsuyu leaned back on her seat, sighing silently while Shoto scrolled on his phone for any updates from their agencies. The sun has started to present on its own, beaming sunlight through the windows behind Bakugou whose attention was the floor and shaking hand from the burst of extreme explosions. This always occurs when his quirk was utilized beyond how he usually uses it.

So, this is the calm after the storm.

His clothes were covered and hardened with blood that earned him several stolen glances from everyone. He reeked of it. He reeked of his failure to protect his members. It was a lost the battle, win the war. In normal people's minds, it was clear they thought that it was normal hero work and that they just had arrived from fighting villains. Some truth in that, indeed.

Unexpectedly, the number one hero trotted to their clique with Ryukyu trailing behind him with sorrow plastered in her eyes. Their attention and grasp in reality snapped back to Endeavor who towered over them with his overwhelming appearance and presence. With crossed arms and icy blue gaze peering down to them, a stomach dropping declaration was preached.

"The mayor wants to meet us."

Tranquility deafened the entire car ride, three members at the back while the top heroes sat in front, taking over the vehicle. The route from the hospital to his office was quite far, which gave them enough time to have a rough idea of what the meeting will come to be. The mission was a success indeed, but they failed to meet one of the main objectives. All of them now sat on a long couch in front of the politician with his secretary setting down a tablet. It faced towards the heroes to comprehend what it was displayed.

The device showed news outlets that reported the bombing incident of the building. It was clear that it was downplayed as a gas leak, and that heroes present were attempting to stop the leak. This is all thanks to the top heroes' influence over the media and police cooperation as they are painfully informed of its confidentiality under the orders of the mayor. The latter are aware that their jobs are at stake once revelation appears all over the news. However, comments from the neighbors and hearsays say otherwise. The heroes were well known for being active uprising stars in their field. The fact that bystanders informed the others how they fled the scene raised multiple theories of the incident but it was nowhere linked to the kidnapping of Izunagi Aoi. The people and news could only make up that something big has happened that's hidden yet not worth the effort to delve into it further. Gas leak, explosion, heroes and police all in the same area could be just a part of their missions. Nonetheless, it still captured a lot of attention.

"I am very disappointed in all of you." The mayor spouted with his hands intertwined up to his upper lip. The top heroes could only bow their heads in apology which raised irritation in Shoto and Katsuki. So there was a noise coming from the building after his son was successfully rescued. Big f*cking deal. Tsuyu, sensing the accumulating tension from where she sat between the two, mildly gestured them to tone it down to which they followed. It was unwise to go against the authority of the city.

"We humbly apologize. It was a big mistake on our part." Endeavor pardoned that received a scoff from Uzunagi.

"That's right. To think that you four are under the top heroes is beyond belief." Insulted the man in a suit as his fist landed on the mahogany table. "I gave you all one job!"

"With all due respect, sir. The mission was a success in rescue and arrest. There are no eyewitnesses to Aoi's appearance. The explosion only occurred right after your son was taken home." Shoto calmly remarked as a matter of factly, brows meeting in annoyance. Endeavor listened patiently to his apprentice's assertiveness because he agrees as well. It was more than a success. No one could pull it off in just mere ten minutes with all villains roped and without backup. The fact that a mission that may take half a day was greatly cut by their apprentices is inconceivable. The news stated how they wanted it to be in which only ridiculous conspiracies emerged from citizens. Certainly, this issue will die out in a day or two. Though it seems Uzunagi won't let go of it anytime soon.

"You did not capture the main villain. Only one of you found him but look what happened!" The mayor exclaimed as his voice grew louder and harsher at every word. Katsuki's hearing heightened at the mention of his member's accident. The veins in his temples and jaw bulged in suppressed anger with gritted teeth. "Uravity was it? What a complete utter disaster."

Let it slide.

"Mayor, we have done everything we could. Please don't say unnecessary words towards our teammate." Tsuyu defended her absent friend while being offended by the man's hurtful remarks. Tension kept rising in the air, making both top heroes on guard for what's bound to happen.

"Nonetheless! I had high expectations for her based on her performance on the news."

"And she did her job perfectly, sir. The villains in her charge are all taken to the station." Shoto argued, his voice leveling up the same as the stubborn mayor. It was beyond irritating that Uzunagi kept spouting beration towards Uraraka.

Calm the f*ck down.

"You all dare go against me?! Shameful to think that failure will soon become a professional."

Any f*cking minute now.

"Mr. Uzunagi, I think this is getting out of hand." Says the secretary, eyeing the heroes from the heated argument in the room as everyone was filled with anger. Yet, Uzunagi proceeded with his insults.

"Perhaps it was a huge mistake to use Uraraka Ochako in this missi--!"

The mayor's declarations were soon adjourned by Katsuki's abrupt stand to lunge on the table between them, the latter's hands tightly gripping on the politician's collar as few of its buttons popped off. Katsuki pulled the collar so hard, Uzunagi's glasses became disarrayed with his body flinging up from his seat. The hero vigorously made the other face him, squatting on top of the table.

"What part do you not f*cking understand, old man? Your son is safe, and the villains were apprehended. You think you can take Ishida all by yourself?" Katsuki spat with his voice steady yet deep in authority. His eyes turned into dark rubies as veins bulged in his jaw. The mayor stared at him dumbfoundedly, eyes widened like saucers from the disrespect. However, the hero wasn't fazed by Uzunagi's reaction or the consequences his actions may hold. It provoked the f*ck out of him on how his teammate is repeatedly insulted and humiliated despite the fact that Ochako's presence were not there. "This wouldn't have happened in the first place if you kept track of your little sh*t. Don't pinpoint your mistakes to others. I don't care if you're the f*cking mayor, the f*cking president, or even the f*cking king of the world. Keep her name out of your damn trap."

The mayor is pushed back to his swivel chair as Katsuki jumps down the floor then heads to the door. Uzunagi, who was bewildered and agitated by the hero's intensity, adjusted his glasses back to its appropriate face then glared at Endeavor. The number one hero could only cross his arms and close his eyes by his apprentice's outburst yet he sympathized with his reaction. Todoroki and Tsuyu sat there, feeling the same frustrations as Katsuki from hearing the mayor's slanders to their friend. "Endeavor! Is that how you train your employees?! I could have his license revoked, mind you!"

"Be careful, mayor. One might tread around those words lightly." Endeavor proclaims as all the heroes rise from their seats to exit as well. "A hero's heart must have full compassion towards other people. These heroes will soon surpass even the strongest of all. Please remember that."

And with that, they left the room. Ryuko sighed in disbelief while rubbing her temples from stress. The heroes were now descending the stairs as the elevator was cramped with clerks who were on their way to the cafeteria due to lunch rush.

"Endeavor, you should really look after your kids. Mine are well behaved, right Tsuyu?" Scolded Ryukyu as she brushed Tsuyu's hair with her hand who just giggled and shook her head. That statement didn't have a hint of truth as the dragon hero had to strictly hold on to Tsuyu's shoulder in order to halt the latter from arguing heatedly with the higher up. Despite the apprentices being in their 20's, they were still being treated as children as per their behavior, and once in a while childish tactics. Ryuko did a good job from lightening the dampened mood by her playful banter which awarded her relief. Endeavor mumbled to himself what he should do to lower that boy's temper.

Once they reached outside of the establishment in which Katsuki was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed paired with a scowl, the mayor's secretary caught up to them with her gasping for air as her hair went out of place. The heroes glanced at her with concern and a puzzled expression. The secretary, after painstakingly a few moments, cleared her throat then bowed apologetically to the heroes.

"I apologize for the mayor's behavior. Though this is not a valid excuse, the mayor was worried about his son's abduction which resulted in him acting that way." The secretary explains while still bowing in shame. She dug into her pockets then handed out a piece of folded paper. "This is from Aoi. Please read it carefully. We are eternally grateful for your hard work, heroes."

Tsuyu took the letter then the secretary finally left the scene. The two men curiously hovered over her shoulders as they read the contents of the letter. The changes of their moods and their facial features softening forged a grin from Ryuko and a huff from Enji. Looks like there's nothing to worry about much more.

The top heroes and their employees are separated as the former will fetch the police report based on the interrogation, and the latter either visiting the hospital once again or going home.

Ochako's nose scrunched up from the awful and stifling smell of alcohol and air purifier. Disoriented, her eyes fluttered beneath her eyelashes as blurry vision progressively became clearer on the whiteness of her vicinity. Of course, she was aware that she was in the hospital due to many encounters from the other heroes' incidents such as her situation currently. The pain subsided into nonexistent. As if she never felt antagonized in the first place. Fingers gliding over her bandages in her wrists and torso, Ochako became fully enlightened of a green head sleeping soundly beside her bed from his chair. A small smile plastered on her face's weak muscles.

It reminded her of the days when the scenario was switched in which Izuku was always injured due to his dangerous missions. It also nudged a memory on how she had special emotions for him. Perhaps it could fall into the romantic area. Who could blame her? Izuku was such an inspiring sweetheart that deserved all the appreciation in the world. His views and efforts just sparked a fire in her that helped her get through in a lot of tough times. Yet she knows that she'd go to such lengths just to have her feelings reciprocated. Thus, Ochako decided with a heavy heart to just bury her feelings beneath countless graves to be contented. No one knew about it. It felt unnecessary to tell anyone because it was her own love.

It makes her glad her selfless decision led to a good ending for him. It took a year though to fully deteriorate her emotions to nonexistent for him. It was for the best for Izuku and especially for her. Because when Ochako loves, she loves hard. That is one of her greatest strengths and also greatest weakness. It aided her to become a better hero because that's where her grief led her. To work harder, be with her friends, and make her parents live freely. Now, she was free.

How nostalgic.

Izuku stirred awake from the subtle movements of the cold blanket that he was napping on. The man looked up his friend who was beaming at him in which swelled up tears in his green orbs. Ochako cackled wholeheartedly at her friend's empathetic reaction, her bandaged hand reaching up to his face to wipe off his tears. Izuku gratefully held her hand to bury his face further into her skin. That just stung Ochako's heart considerably.

"You're finally awake." Izuku quietly exhaled, wiping his own tears with tissues on the bedside. Ochako tilted her head disorientedly. Finally? The man took notice of her bewilderment then contemplated if he should answer honestly. The young woman squeezed his hand, prompting him to tell her the truth. "You've been asleep for almost a week."

"A week?" Ochako surprisingly asks, her voice hoarse out of dehydration and damage from the long exposure of fire and smoke. All it channeled was air and a meager tone. Like hearing a squeak from a really old rubber duck toy.

Izuku nodded and explained further what happened throughout her absence. Apparently, her parents came to visit her but had to get back to their business. Mina and the others were in the cafeteria downstairs in which they took turns watching over her. No wonder why Izuku looked exhausted. Several thoughts raced in her dazed mind and one of them was her work. It was a week's worth of patrolling yet she was immobilized and severely injured. It was such a waste due to her own faults and not reacting fast enough. Ochako was far from being a hero that she thought was within her grasp. Worried friends and family guilted her entirely because of her own mistake. And her paper. Oh, her paper.

It wasn't good. She had to get her thoughts aside immediately to not concern her friend once again. She needed to be distracted to stop wallowing in guilt and failure. Ochako's eyes fell on a square bandage on Izuku's left cheek. Her gaze lingered there for a few seconds before the boy chuckled slowly while tracing over the gauze, seeming to receive her unspoken questions.

"Kacchan and I have been sparring a lot lately for training." Earnestly answered Izuku with a trail of hesitancy. He was more than happy when his childhood friend asked him to go sparring with him but he didn't expect it to sometimes go overboard. Izuku knows Katsuki very well. It was his friend's way of getting rid of pent up rage and frustration, not towards him but to something else. Though, this quite stumped the green head, detecting that there must be concealed additional aspects about it. It was decided that he should not probe around in order to prevent Katsuki getting more provoked than the latter already was. The spar occurred almost every day until exhaustion catches up to them or when Endeavor would scold them. Obviously, their mentor's words went through from one ear to another with their continuous brawling in their agency's gym. It got so intense that even Shoto recognized there was more than hostility in Katsuki's attacks. Something more deep than aggravation, sloping more into misery.

Izuku observed the sudden changes in Ochako's facial expression from an extensive range of emotions. Izuku thought of a possibility on why Katsuki was acting the way he is now. Though, this is just his disclosure and assumptions, it might be right in front of him. Figurative and literal. The real question was: When did it start?

"Is he picking on you again?" Ochako attempted to lecture yet her shortage of voice failed to make her look authoritative. All what her friend heard were loud whispers and weaving vocals.

"Don't speak, Ochako. Your throat is still recovering. Also, for your information, Kacchan and I are way past that." Izuku assisted Ochako to sit up straight, fluffing the pillow behind to support her as she pouted in annoyance. The childhood friends already stuck through thick and thin with a lot of healing on both parts. Now, they were just normal friends. Occasionally though, Katsuki still screams at him which he does to everyone. He guesses that part of the blonde should not be modified rather should be endeared. At this point, everyone is already used to it. For lower batches, on the other hand, Katsuki was a nightmare. The man went through his yellow backpack to scavenge for his extra notebook and a pen for the woman to scribble in. "I'll go tell them you're awake."

Izuku rested his palm on her shoulder before smiling tiredly down to her. Ochako nodded while averting her gaze to the window. The sun glared through the glass, producing rays that would feel euphoric to touch from its comfortable warmth. The heat reminded Ochako of one person. It haunted her thoughts, and made her crave for the same touch and affection. It felt like her heart skipped a beat by the thought of Katsuki. Once again, she was saved by the same man.

Ochako considers herself as an independent woman which she proved for all these years being alone and not opting for help. She strived to win everyday whether big victories or simple ones. Yet the thought of being in someone else's arms as they usher her reassurances despite her being in agony, that just had an impact on her. As inexperienced as Ochako was when it comes to extensive unfathomable emotions, she still knew where to draw the line and what exactly she felt. That's how she was able to identify what she felt to her former crush. It was a first to have someone hold her like how he did. Firm but careful. Brimming with warmth and restlessness as if she was the most fragile in the world.

However, a part of her ought to stray from that same path again. The path that wishes to stay with somebody out of reach. The path that made her pillowcases washed with sorrow and longing every moonlight peering in her windows. The path that watches over someone who did not need her. The path that Katsuki would certainly trample over. A man she knew for some time that only has his goals only set in his wishes. Besides, wasn't it too early to proclaim her feelings? Only a few months have passed since the start of their final year. Ochako is messing with her own mind carelessly and excessively.

To begin with, what made Ochako think of such ideas? Drugs from the hospital affecting her disorientation and haze? Or perhaps this was the situation victims encounter when saved numerous times?

White Knight Syndrome. Yeah, probably that.

She had her fair share of observation whereas fans become obsessive or deeply in love with the heroes that captured them out of a horrid and dangerous situation. There were cases that such people would willingly go through incidents with villains just to be saved by the same hero in charge of the patrolling area. Ochako looked down at her bandaged hands, undergoing the same despair that she hadn't had for a long time. This was dangerous. It must be stopped before she tips beyond breaking point.

Into the vault we go.

Clouded thoughts soon abandoned Ochako when her dear friends entered her room with a smile. Ochako couldn't help but feel a tad bit disappointed when her sight did not catch a glimpse of blonde hair and red eyes. What was she thinking?

Yeah. It was wise to lock it away.

Little did she know, Kyoka and Izuku saw how her eyes jumped from each to their faces as if looking for somebody and the hardening of her expression. The two of the most observant people in the class that would catch what people would amiss yet they will stay quiet about it. All the former could think was that something interesting will emerge out of the blue and out of control.

The reunion went on for hours with an exchange of a lot of tears, and complaints from Mina for making her worried. At certain points, Kirishima had to tell her to calm down and not touch their friend much as a reminder that Chako was still in recovery. Having said that, the patient couldn't contain her wheeze of laughter from her friends' dynamics while she wrote her responses on Izuku's notebook. Ochako was so content to have all her close friends be with her when she was spiraling in guilt and the vault. This scene was what she needed most and certainly distracted her from her worries.

Alas, fatigue started to embrace her that led the group to signal to let her have a peaceful rest. Hours felt like minutes being with them. Ochako slumped her shoulders in dejection as she waved goodbye to her friends. As much as she wanted them to stay, she recollected how they would take turns to check up on her to let her be awake with someone she knew. How lucky she was to call them hers. Tsuyu, who was the last person to go, handed a piece of folded paper which she reluctantly accepted. With that, the frog hero left her alone with a warm smile.

Oh, no. Could this be a termination notice? Ochako's heart pounded as the possibilities written in the letter made her apprehensive. Shutting her eyes and exhaling a brute force of air, which was excruciating in her throat, her quivering hands revealed the content. She flew her eyes open in anticipation only to be met with a messy and misaligned handwriting.

Her chest tightened as she etched every word in her mind, memorizing them by reading it over and over again. It was a letter of appreciation and apology from Aoi where he thanked the heroes for saving him from bad guys. How sorry he was that the gravity hero got into trouble with the mentioned bad guys. The end of the letter was a drawing made with a crayon of the four heroes side by side, with the two women between the men. Tears fell onto the parchment, a silent sob letting loose in her mouth as her heart ached. Ochako was so happy to know the boy was saved by them.

This was it. The essence of being a hero. Ochako did not fail. Instead, she was praised by a little boy. Motivated, Ochako swore to get better as soon as possible to go back to her work that she loves dearly. And the thought of it made her so happy that her tears would not stop streaming down.

Chapter 5: The Visit


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The windows of the spacious gym fogged up from the nonstop battle of two men who are panting and sweating heavily. The room was heated from Katsuki's explosions from the spar with Izuku who was out of breath. They were fighting on the air for an hour to challenge them that whoever falls to the ground first loses. In arrogance, Katsuki claimed the victory when the other was forced to fall down by the former's agility and overhead explosions. Day by day, their tactics and planning were professional already. Once they graduate, they might reach in the top ten in their first year of going official. Katsuki smirked co*ckily at Izuku as he wiped off the sweat on his forehead. As he was about to taunt the other that he won against him again, Shoto appeared in the gymnasium with hands in pockets. "Oi, Bakugou. It's time for patrol."

Katsuki clicked his tongue in annoyance as he didn't get the opportunity to rub his victory on Izuku's face. Getting up from his slumped position on the wooden bench, he went past the two as Izuku's gaze steadied onto the blonde's broad back. To test his hypothesis, he has to take some small but drastic measures.

"Hey, Shoto. Is someone with Uraraka today?" Izuku, all of a sudden, loudly asked his friend who was within his radius to which made the latter frown. Katsuki still proceeded to trudge towards the metal doors with brows stitched together.

"Why are you shouting? No one's with her because the others have stuff to do." Exasperatedly reminded Shoto while handing out a water bottle he cooled with his quirk, still within Katsuki's earshot. "Which reminds me. Bakugou, we will eat tomorrow night to celebrate her return. Would you like to..."

The metal doors slammed shut harshly that echoed the entire vicinity which silence immediately followed, Shoto's invitation falling short in the other's hearing. Dark eyes and bulging veins in his jaw drew in Katsuki's expression in intense resentment. He's no dumbass to get what green head was pertaining to. How the f*ck did Izuku came into the conclusion that Katsuki was aggravated because of Ochako? Nonetheless, it had nothing to do with him. It was his failure as a leader that led her to a catastrophe.

However, a part of him wanted to see how she was at least doing. It was still a relief for him that she's alive. There just wasn't any opportunity as her friends were always around her and being sappy. Other than him not wanting to partake in that, he also did not want others to know that he considers visiting her. It felt unnatural as he didn't bother checking on the others when they were hospitalized. In contrast, this was a special case for some f*cking reason. It infuriates him how, for the first time in his life, he keeps second guessing what he wanted. Now that Izuku has provoked him with an eavesdrop, it is almost out in the open why Katsuki is fighting him for several days, acting oblivious but careful.

Schemy little sh*t.

It was near dinner time when Ochako had completed a part of her paper. Thankfully, her adviser agreed in having virtual meetings to check up on her work and providing useful points for modification and corrections. Mina brought her laptop days after she was fully conscious and with her doctor's permission.

As for her work, by all accounts she was not fired. In fact, far from it. All the heroes in the agency await her return for a celebration which makes her more excited to get better than ever. It's her current goal to get better as soon possible to get back in action. Her stuff and clothes were already packed as her discharge is already scheduled. Setting her laptop on the bedside table, Ochako slumps down to her pillow as she peers out the window, huddled with her most comfortable pajamas.

It was an exquisite sight. The moon and stars queued for its time to shine as the sun sets from the sky. The day was peaceful and quiet for there were no visitors checking up on her. If she had to be honest, Ochako preferred it that way. Her throat and vocals were coming in contact yet sort of ached with long term conversation.

The staring contest with the sky broke when the door slid open. Expecting a nurse bringing her the usual bland meal, someone truly unexpected took its appearance. Stunned eyes and mouth agape, there stood the very person that she unwillingly searches for every visit. The last person she wanted to see, and avoid at all cost. On the condition that her mind is fully wired in not blowing things out of proportion.

Heart pummeling out of her ribcage, Ochako maintains her composure with every part of her frozen by his mere presence. All she could think of is that she wanted to run away just to not see him in a pitiful state. The man stared her down before pulling a seat closer to her, then taking a seat with his elbows propped on his knees. His eye mask and grenade gauntlets were nowhere to be seen, only half of his face visible from his long collar that resembled Best Jeanist's, his first mentor. It was obvious that he came right after his patrol, his ruby eyes seemingly exhausted yet alert as it burns right through her now clear hands.

Ochako could not wrap her mind around the fact that Katsuki is here with her alone. She meant no offense when she thought that it was somehow out of his character. Yet there he was, seeming strict and tough as ever. The stillness of the situation made the both of them stiff with awkwardness. It made Katsuki wonder if it was a mistake visiting out of the blue that he decided that he should leave and forget this visit. Ochako could see right through his contemplation, feeling a bit bad he came all this way whilst she thought of escaping.

"It's nice to see you, Bakugou." Greeted Ochako using her warmest smile to ease the strain. Even so, Katsuki did not meet her eyes. Instead, it shifted then glued to the floor. It was hard to look at her and her mildly changed aura. Guilt and regrets filled him up overwhelmingly causing his breath to be unsteady and heavy. Ochako could almost read him like an open book, much to her surprise. It was as if she knew what was racing in his mind just by the darkness of his red eyes. Most of the time, people would perceive him as hard to read including her friends. Yet, here she was being able to understand every muscle twitch and movements of his face. It felt somewhat powerful yet wrong. Ochako's face tilted to properly meet his. "Not going to talk? That's quite mean."

Her statements snapped his gaze back to hers, just to see her beaming brightly as if nothing bad happened. As if he didn't just hear her cries in excruciation. As if he wasn't scared sh*tless that she was this close into dying in his arms. Those snippets of her, drained of blood, haunted him until this day. It felt almost insulting that she was taking the severe situation lightly, in the same way he felt when Ochako was drunk out of her mind and she was laughing.

"You finally looked at me." Teased Ochako, her grin not leaving. Katsuki could only frown at her bubbly responses. Certainly, there was no hint of artificial kindness and weightlessness in it but it rubbed him the wrong way. The blonde man clasped his hands together, not knowing what to say or even have the courage to speak out. It felt lame of him to act like this because he wasn't a f*cking kid anymore. So why? "You alright?"

"I'm..." Katsuki spoke after a moment of silence, his deep voice echoing the room. Ochako smiled at him encouragingly, her gaze not leaving his. He took a deep breath before sticking his stare back to the marbled floor. "I'm sorry for failing you, Uraraka."

"Fail me? Are you kidding?" Ochako questioned through her grin with a small chortle. At the moment, she must be the one to bear the burden of being strong in this conversation. Both of them were vulnerable and Ochako couldn't stand seeing him keeping his brave facade that was filled with guilt and frustrations. "Bakugou, you saved me. If anything, I'm the one who should be sorry."

"The f*ck you mean by that?" Katsuki grunted with an eyebrow raised at her, meeting her eyes once again. Ochako shook her head. "It's my fault you went through sh*t."

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Bakugou. I'm the one at fault because I was too slow to react. I didn't follow your orders immediately. I'm grateful that you're thinking about me but it's out of our hands now. What happened, happened." Ochako genuinely assured her comfort then bowed her head for forgiveness. Though her voice was a bit hoarse, her words will certainly reach him.

"Who says I was thinking about you." Katsuki mumbled while intertwining his hands. Ochako almost didn't catch what he murmured, a blush creeping to her cheeks.

"When I woke up, all I could think of was how I missed out on everything. How much I failed as a hero and as a student. It felt incredibly selfish that I didn't think of how you guys felt, which made it worse. But once I read Aoi's letter for us, I began to forgive myself. I know you're here for my forgiveness but there's nothing to give, really." Ochako averted her stare back to the window. Her heart was beating faster than it should be and cold sweat was trailing on her back of nervousness. At this point, Ochako perceived her feelings were continuously flowing whether she liked it or not. It wasn't an effect of any medicines they give her or her disorientation. Ochako was fully aware and conscious of what she was saying or doing. Yet, why does it make her anxious? With a sigh, Ochako turned to him, his soft gaze fixated on her with a bit of surprise plastered in his expression. The woman beamed at him bravely.

"You've already saved me twice from dire situations, and I'm truly grateful. In a way... That makes you my hero, doesn't it?"

It hit him like a deer in the headlights. Ochako was smiling graciously at him as pink and orange skies dawned in her background, her cheeks tinged with a blood rush as her big eyes glistened with pure admiration. Her warmth gushed throughout the air that blended perfectly with her heart out in her sleeve. It almost felt as if an angel was right in front of him. Katsuki could almost feel the heat forming up to his ears and neck as he stared up to her, taking in the warmth radiating out of her. The man briefly broke off their eye contact before he could stare much further. Why the f*ck is she looking at me like that?

"Shut the f*ck up, Uraraka." Katsuki quietly retorted whilst concealing his small blush under his high collar. At the same breath, his chest was thumping incredulously which was not his intention. The woman really knew how to mess with him with just words. Ochako co*cked her head, mischief forming in her heart.

"Eh? Could it be I'm your first fan, Dynamight? I'm honored!" Teased Ochako as she giggles at his innate reactions. Who knew making fun of the oh so mighty scary grumpy Katsuki would be so elating? Katsuki glared at her then scowled, heaving her a laugh once more. At last, the weight of their previous talk has lightened.

"Don't push it. You sound like a f*cking donkey." Katsuki harshly snarled, crossing his arms, unamused. Not only he came here to apologize which took a lot of f*cking courage, thank you very much, he was also getting ridiculed by the small woman. Katsuki did not sign up for this sh*t. In contrast, it took off some of the burden on his shoulders as the lead of the mission. Seeing her laugh was enough to see that she was doing alright. Katsuki scanned her appearance, noticing the color and strength recalled to her face and body. Much better than the horrid snippets ingrained to his brain from the tragedy. However, he ogled at one particular change in her appearance located in her head. "You look different."

"Not sh*tty?" Ochako continued to taunt which earned her a roll of eyes and a click of tongue in annoyance. She only repeated what he commented the other night with no hard feelings. Her fingers ran through her hair, fingers twirling at the short strands. Ochako smiled and drifted into the distance. From passing through her shoulders, her hair turned short in a long pixie cut look that reached to her jaw paired with side swept bangs. Though, Ochako planned to have her hair reach to her waist like Tsuyu, perhaps it was better to have it snipped. After all, hair holds memories. On the bright side, it is almost as if she cut off the trauma and tragedy behind. "Yeah, Kyoka helped me chop off the burnt hair. Does it look bad?"

Katsuki pursed his lips, wondering what he could comment about it. It seems unnecessary but it almost felt like Ochako was waiting for his approval. As if his opinion matters most. Katsuki thought of what Izuku would say about it as he was the embodiment of giving praises to almost everyone even though it was f*cking unwanted compliments.

Pretty? Sounds corny. Unique? Now that f*cking sounded more like an insult. Cute? No f*cking way.

"It suits you." It was true. Katsuki preferred short hair on girls rather than the opposite. As a defense, he thinks that hair could get in the way of a hero's work especially when it can be used as a target for capture, considering how easy it is to grab it and drag the person. It was more practical and pleasing to look at.

Ochako's mouth turned agape from the sudden compliment she received from him. She expected a form of insult or a jab as that was his thing but it went the exact opposite. She means, he just compared her laugh to a donkey prior. An awkward laugh escaped her lips before she could entrap it as she brushed her hair in a shy manner, feeling red all over her face. Bit by bit, the vault's lock was turning for opening. Which was not at all good. Before she could fully process what just happened, a nurse flew in just in time with the mentioned dinner. Katsuki stood up and fetched his bag to leave as it was a signal that it was near Ochako's sleeping time but the nurse's statements stopped him in his tracks.

"Ms. Uraraka, your discharge papers for tonight are ready in the billing section. Please proceed there after your meal so you can finally go home." Enthusiastically reminded the befriended nurse, turning to Katsuki who looked puzzled. Deep inside, the nurse squirms at his appearance. "My nephew is a huge fan of you, Dynamight. Keep up the good work!"

With that, the nurse left them with a thumbs up and a grin. Katsuki's brows knitted as he turned to Ochako who was covering her face with her hands. Katsuki took a seat once again as his eyes squinted with suspicion at the woman. "I thought you're supposed to be out tomorrow?"

"You even know that?" She asks astounded, eyes poking through her open fingers. How much does he actually know about her? The thought of it makes her shiver.

"You know how sh*tty hair runs his mouth." Katsuki shrugs as a matter of factly as his arms cross once again. The woman trailed a laugh as she scratched her nape in embarrassment.

"I wanted to surprise them." Ochako pouted as she chomps down her food containing porridge, steamed vegetables, and yoghurt. Katsuki watched her carefully, noting that her cheeks have become rounder when she eats. A squirrel hiding acorns is comparable to her current state which makes him conceal a laugh. How is it that round? Ochako paid her attention back to him, seeing his eyes fixated on her in boredom as his knuckle rested on his cheek. Quickly attending to her food again, she becomes more and more flustered. "W-why are you still here?"

"What else? I'm waiting for you." Katsuki nonchalantly stated, though there was a bit of 'isn't it obvious?' tone under it. Ochako shook her head vigorously as her arms fling around, a habit when she's incredibly embarrassed. The man dug daggers at her before sneering. "I'm on my way home too, round face. Might as well take you with me. Besides, how the f*ck can you go home in that state?"

"I can make things float, Bakugou. I can carry my stuff home!" Make him take me? That certainly earned a blush from her.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Katsuki says dismissively while he fishes out his phone to play mindlessly. It made Ochako forget how stubborn he could be. Once he set his mind into something, there was no changing it. Ochako huffed in annoyance as she continued to purge her food, at the same breath, feeling relieved that someone was with her on the way home. As much as an independent she is, it was comforting to know she had someone to go home with. Not particularly Katsuki, though. That prickly bastard.

The food and drink were finished on a whim. Ochako swings her legs out of the bed to take one of her bags but Katsuki beats her to it by snatching it out from her grasp. The woman frowned at him then reached for her other bag, the man repeating the manner as he did earlier. Alright, it was obvious he was doing this on purpose, much to her annoyance. Ochako eyed him carefully as he did the same, then in a blink she took hold off her laptop bag. The woman smirked at him with victory while he didn't look too bothered about it. Indeed, it was the lightest one out of the three. Katsuki effortlessly swung her bags over his shoulders void of his metal gear along with his own as he turned to the door to finally depart the room.

On the way to the billing section, Ochako thought it looked quite funny how her bright pink bags deeply contrasted his dark aesthetic. It certainly earned them looks from others, the woman clearly seeing their heart eyes being on the tall man ahead of her. Who could blame them, really? His stature and face matured in a way like fine wine, combining his much more calm and quiet demeanor. Total heartthrob in the making. Even Ochako acknowledges this as a woman. Her wandering thoughts come to a halt with a mild yelp when she bumped hard to his rock muscled back, making her senses snap back at her. Before she knew it, they arrived at the section.

Ochako trotted towards the counter to swiftly write down her information as Katsuki waited behind her. All the while, her doctor went to greet her and wish for her recovery, earning a brief smile and appreciation from the brown head. Grabbing Katsuki aside, the doctor conferred reminders to him while she was busy filling up. Normally, information like this would fall to deaf ears with Katsuki yet surprisingly, he listened intently to the doctor's do's and don'ts notes. The doctor just assumed that he was Ochako's close companion which made her list the prompt.

Finally, they were out of the hospital but boy was it freezing. As soon as they stepped foot outside, the cold rigid air embraced Ochako, making her nose red while shuddering from the gusting wind. Pajamas were not a fit answer for the weather. Ochako's teeth literally cluttered as she hugged herself from the low temperature. The hospital's radiator made her forget how frosty the country was. Katsuki, taking notice of this, settles her to a nearby wooden bench then he rummages through his black gym bag. At the same time, Ochako took out her gloves and thick cardigan from her backpack set beside her. It might not be that much of help but it was better than having her skin exposed.

By the time she wore her last glove, her vision caught a glimpse of a long wool cloth settling around the nape. Ochako looked up to him, wishing that she didn't. Her breath hitched in which let out a thin smoke, as if time had also become frozen along with the icy air. Katsuki delicately wraps his scarf around her neck with no sign of emotion in his face. The vault was opening little by little from his acts of service.

Katsuki studied her flushed face for a moment, an image of mochi visiting through his thoughts. Ochako's face was so plump and round paired with her pink cheeks. It was such a distinct feature on her that he couldn't help but be attentive to it whenever her presence was within his radius. Blinking with no thoughts, Katsuki continued to cloak her neck up until her forehead in a teasing manner.

"Hey!" Ochako yelped in protest through the scarf as she clutched down the scarf to glare at him. However, Katsuki's soft gaze blended with a subtle smile stopped her from doing so. Instead, her eyes settled to the bricked ground, unable to calm her racing heartbeat. "Thanks..."

Katsuki hummed in response, swinging their bags over his shoulders again to head to the train station. Ochako followed, then sauntered beside him while not being able to look at him, her grip to the beige scarf not loosening. What is this feeling?

The whole train ride was silent after their little interaction. Not that they mind as there was nothing to talk about at all. Katsuki hated small talk and the other knew that with all the years of being classmates or acquaintances. Besides, Ochako's thoughts kept her occupied enough to not say anything. The pair sat next to each other despite the train not being packed, producing her anxiety and fidgets. On the other note, the man just thought that she was cold as to why she was moving around so much which he didn't care for. It was her fault for wearing thin pajamas and ugly green frog slip ons. If he hadn't been there, who knows what could've happened to her. Freeze to death?

Tranquil atmosphere continued up until they arrived at their building's front entrance. Ochako felt a bit despondent that their interaction will come to an end tonight the moment they walk in that door. That there is no saying when they will talk or hang out again. These thoughts lead to her second guesses on why she inherently feels that way. On what the reason was behind her sense of longing. Ochako didn't want to conclude the night, realizing that there was so much more she wanted to say. Why?

Her steps shifted from slow to completely stopping mindlessly, leaving her figure behind as the other walked up the stairs. Glimpsing the loss of silhouette beside him, Katsuki examined the woman on his rear. Her expression was something he could not make up with or comprehend as her eyes blazed through him with pursed lips of contemplation. The pair stared at each other's eyes for a long time.

Before she knew it, as much as she didn't intend or ought to, the vault was absolutely open. It was an entirely different perspective towards her former admiration for Izuku. It was not a syndrome nor an afterthought. It was genuine and real admiration. Her soft exhales smoked through the frosty air, time ticking gradually slower. Epiphany just dawned to her doom or destiny. Consequently, Ochako took a risk without considering her future heartbreak she persistently avoids.

"Do you want to grab drinks with me sometime?"


My idea of Ochako's new hair is like Rin's from a sign of affection! Here's a visual reference. Welp, this is the end of the sudden drop of a whole lotta chapters in one whole day. Stay tuned for weekly updates! Thank you everyone! (´꒳`)♡

Thick Skull - reisanx - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.