The mechanisms by which thyroid hormones exert their ... - [PDF Document] (2024)

LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM - levothyroxine sodium tablet Phys icians Total Care, Inc.----------

WARNING: Thyroid hormones, including levothyroxine sodium, either alone or with othertherapeutic agents, should not be used for the treatment of obesity or for weight loss. In euthyroidpatients, doses within the range of daily hormonal requirements are ineffective for weightreduction. Larger doses may produce serious or even life threatening manifestations of toxicity,particularly when given in association with sympathomimetic amines such as those used for theiranorectic effects.

DESCRIPTIONLevothyroxine sodium tablets, USP contain synthetic crystalline L-3,3’,5,5’-tetraiodothyronine sodiumsalt [levothyroxine (T ) sodium]. Synthetic T is identical to that produced in the human thyroid gland.Levothyroxine (T ) sodium has a molecular formula of C H I N NaO * H O, molecular weight of798.86 g/mol (anhydrous), and structural formula as shown:

Inactive Ingredients

Levothyroxine sodium tablets, USP, for oral administration, are available containing 25 mcg, 50 mcg, 75mcg, 88 mcg, 100 mcg, 112 mcg, 125 mcg, 137 mcg, 150 mcg, 175 mcg, 200 mcg or 300 mcg oflevothyroxine sodium, USP. In addition, each tablet contains the following inactive ingredients:butylated hydroxyanisole, colloidal silicon dioxide, crospovidone, magnesium stearate, mannitol,microcrystalline cellulose, povidone, sodium lauryl sulfate and sucrose. The following are thecoloring additives by tablet strength:

Strength (mcg) Color additive(s )25 FD&C Yellow No. 6 Aluminum Lake50 None75 FD&C Blue No. 2 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Red No. 40 Aluminum Lake

88 D&C Yellow No. 10 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Blue No. 1 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Yellow No. 6Aluminum Lake

100 D&C Yellow No. 10 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Yellow No. 6 Aluminum Lake112 D&C Red No. 27 Aluminum Lake, D&C Red No. 30 Aluminum Lake

125 FD&C Blue No. 1 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Red No. 40 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Yellow No. 6Aluminum Lake

137 FD&C Blue No. 2 Aluminum Lake150 FD&C Blue No. 2 Aluminum Lake

175 D&C Red No. 27 Aluminum Lake, D&C Red No. 30 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Blue No. 1 AluminumLake

200 FD&C Red No. 40 Aluminum Lake

300 D&C Yellow No. 10 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Blue No. 1 Aluminum Lake, FD&C Yellow No. 6Aluminum Lake

CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGYThyroid hormone synthesis and secretion is regulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis.Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) released from the hypothalamus stimulates secretion ofthyrotropin-stimulating hormone, TSH, from the anterior pituitary. TSH, in turn, is the physiologicstimulus for the synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones, L-thyroxine (T ) and L-triiodothyronine(T ), by the thyroid gland. Circulating serum T and T levels exert a feedback effect on both TRH andTSH secretion. When serum T and T levels increase, TRH and TSH secretion decrease. Whenthyroid hormone levels decrease, TRH and TSH secretion increase.

The mechanisms by which thyroid hormones exert their physiologic actions are not completely

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The mechanisms by which thyroid hormones exert their physiologic actions are not completelyunderstood, but it is thought that their principal effects are exerted through control of DNAtranscription and protein synthesis. T and T diffuse into the cell nucleus and bind to thyroid receptorproteins attached to DNA. This hormone nuclear receptor complex activates gene transcription andsynthesis of messenger RNA and cytoplasmic proteins.

Thyroid hormones regulate multiple metabolic processes and play an essential role in normal growthand development, and normal maturation of the central nervous system and bone. The metabolic actionsof thyroid hormones include augmentation of cellular respiration and thermogenesis, as well asmetabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. The protein anabolic effects of thyroid hormones areessential to normal growth and development.

The physiological actions of thyroid hormones are produced predominantly by T , the majority ofwhich (approximately 80%) is derived from T by deiodination in peripheral tissues.

Levothyroxine, at doses individualized according to patient response, is effective as replacement orsupplemental therapy in hypothyroidism of any etiology, except transient hypothyroidism during therecovery phase of subacute thyroiditis.

Levothyroxine is also effective in the suppression of pituitary TSH secretion in the treatment orprevention of various types of euthyroid goiters, including thyroid nodules, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis,multinodular goiter and, as adjunctive therapy in the management of thyrotropin-dependent welldifferentiated thyroid cancer (see INDICATIONS AND USAGE, PRECAUTIONS, and DOSAGEAND ADMINISTRATION).Pharmaco*kineticsAbsorption

Absorption of orally administered T from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract ranges from 40% to 80%. Themajority of the levothyroxine dose is absorbed from the jejunum and upper ileum. The relativebioavailability of levothyroxine sodium tablets, compared to an equal nominal dose of orallevothyroxine sodium solution, is approximately 99%. T absorption is increased by fasting, anddecreased in malabsorption syndromes and by certain foods such as soybean infant formula. Dietaryfiber decreases bioavailability of T . Absorption may also decrease with age. In addition, many drugsand foods affect T absorption (see PRECAUTIONS: Drug Interactions and Drug-Food Interactions).Distribution

Circulating thyroid hormones are greater than 99% bound to plasma proteins, including thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG), thyroxine-binding prealbumin (TBPA), and albumin (TBA), whose capacitiesand affinities vary for each hormone. The higher affinity of both TBG and TBPA for T partiallyexplains the higher serum levels, slower metabolic clearance, and longer half-life of T compared toT . Protein-bound thyroid hormones exist in reverse equilibrium with small amounts of free hormone.Only unbound hormone is metabolically active. Many drugs and physiologic conditions affect thebinding of thyroid hormones to serum proteins (see PRECAUTIONS: Drug Interactions and Drug-Laboratory Test Interactions). Thyroid hormones do not readily cross the placental barrier (seePRECAUTIONS: Pregnancy).Metabolism

T is slowly eliminated (see Table 1). The major pathway of thyroid hormone metabolism is throughsequential deiodination. Approximately 80% of circulating T is derived from peripheral T bymonodeiodination. The liver is the major site of degradation for both T and T with T deiodinationalso occurring at a number of additional sites, including the kidney and other tissues. Approximately80% of the daily dose of T is deiodinated to yield equal amounts of T and reverse T (rT ). T andrT are further deiodinated to diiodothyronine. Thyroid hormones are also metabolized via conjugationwith glucuronides and sulfates and excreted directly into the bile and gut where they undergoenterohepatic recirculation.Elimination

Thyroid hormones are primarily eliminated by the kidneys. A portion of the conjugated hormonereaches the colon unchanged and is eliminated in the feces. Approximately 20% of T is eliminated inthe stool. Urinary excretion of T decreases with age.

Table 1: Pharmaco*kinetic Parameters of Thyroid Hormones in Euthyroid Patients

Hormone Ratio in Thyroglobulin Biologic Potency t (days) Protein Binding (%)*Levothyroxine (T )Liothyronine (T )

10 to 201


6 to 7† ≤2


*3 to 4 days in hyperthyroidism, 9 to 10 days in hypothyroidism†Includes TBG, TBPA, and TBA


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Levothyroxine sodium is used for the following indications:Hypothyroidism

As replacement or supplemental therapy in congenital or acquired hypothyroidism of any etiology,except transient hypothyroidism during the recovery phase of subacute thyroiditis. Specific indicationsinclude: primary (thyroidal), secondary (pituitary), and tertiary (hypothalamic) hypothyroidism andsubclinical hypothyroidism. Primary hypothyroidism may result from functional deficiency, primaryatrophy, partial or total congenital absence of the thyroid gland, or from the effects of surgery,radiation, or drugs, with or without the presence of goiter.Pituitary TSH Suppression

In the treatment or prevention of various types of euthyroid goiters (see WARNINGS andPRECAUTIONS), including thyroid nodules (see WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS), subacute orchronic lymphocytic thyroiditis (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis), multinodular goiter (see WARNINGS andPRECAUTIONS) and, as an adjunct to surgery and radioiodine therapy in the management ofthyrotropin-dependent well differentiated thyroid cancer.

CONTRAINDICATIONSLevothyroxine sodium tablets are contraindicated in patients with untreated subclinical (suppressedserum TSH level with normal T and T levels) or overt thyrotoxicosis of any etiology and in patientswith acute myocardial infarction. Levothyroxine is contraindicated in patients with uncorrected adrenalinsufficiency since thyroid hormones may precipitate an acute adrenal crisis by increasing the metabolicclearance of glucocorticoids (see PRECAUTIONS). Levothyroxine sodium is contraindicated inpatients with hypersensitivity to any of the inactive ingredients in levothyroxine sodium tablets. (SeeDESCRIPTION: Inactive Ingredients.)WARNING: Thyroid hormones, including levothyroxine sodium, either alone or with other therapeuticagents, should not be used for the treatment of obesity or for weight loss. In euthyroid patients, doseswithin the range of daily hormonal requirements are ineffective for weight reduction. Larger doses mayproduce serious or even life threatening manifestations of toxicity, particularly when given inassociation with sympathomimetic amines such as those used for their anorectic effects.

WARNINGSLevothyroxine sodium should not be used in the treatment of male or female infertility unless thiscondition is associated with hypothyroidism.

In patients with nontoxic diffuse goiter or nodular thyroid disease, particularly the elderly or those withunderlying cardiovascular disease, levothyroxine sodium therapy is contraindicated if the serum TSHlevel is already suppressed due to the risk of precipitating overt thyrotoxicosis (seeCONTRAINDICATIONS). If the serum TSH level is not suppressed, levothyroxine should be usedwith caution in conjunction with careful monitoring of thyroid function for evidence of hyperthyroidismand clinical monitoring for potential associated adverse cardiovascular signs and symptoms ofhyperthyroidism.


Levothyroxine has a narrow therapeutic index. Regardless of the indication for use, careful dosagetitration is necessary to avoid the consequences of over- or under-treatment. These consequencesinclude, among others, effects on growth and development, cardiovascular function, bone metabolism,reproductive function, cognitive function, emotional state, gastrointestinal function, and on glucose andlipid metabolism. Many drugs interact with levothyroxine sodium necessitating adjustments in dosing tomaintain therapeutic response (see PRECAUTIONS: Drug Interactions).Effects on Bone Mineral Density

In women, long-term levothyroxine sodium therapy has been associated with increased bone resorption,thereby decreasing bone mineral density, especially in postmenopausal women on greater thanreplacement doses or in women who are receiving suppressive doses of levothyroxine sodium. Theincreased bone resorption may be associated with increased serum levels and urinary excretion ofcalcium and phosphorous, elevations in bone alkaline phosphatase and suppressed serum parathyroidhormone levels. Therefore, it is recommended that patients receiving levothyroxine sodium be giventhe minimum dose necessary to achieve the desired clinical and biochemical response.Patients with Underlying Cardiovascular Disease

Exercise caution when administering levothyroxine to patients with cardiovascular disorders and to theelderly in whom there is an increased risk of occult cardiac disease. In these patients, levothyroxine

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therapy should be initiated at lower doses than those recommended in younger individuals or in patientswithout cardiac disease (see WARNINGS; PRECAUTIONS: Geriatric Use; and DOSAGE ANDADMINISTRATION). If cardiac symptoms develop or worsen, the levothyroxine dose should bereduced or withheld for one week and then cautiously restarted at a lower dose. Overtreatment withlevothyroxine sodium may have adverse cardiovascular effects such as an increase in heart rate, cardiacwall thickness, and cardiac contractility and may precipitate angina or arrhythmias. Patients withcoronary artery disease who are receiving levothyroxine therapy should be monitored closely duringsurgical procedures, since the possibility of precipitating cardiac arrhythmias may be greater in thosetreated with levothyroxine. Concomitant administration of levothyroxine and sympathomimetic agents topatients with coronary artery disease may precipitate coronary insufficiency.Patients with Nontoxic Diffuse Goiter or Nodular Thyroid Disease

Exercise caution when administering levothyroxine to patients with nontoxic diffuse goiter or nodularthyroid disease in order to prevent precipitation of thyrotoxicosis (see WARNINGS). If the serum TSHis already suppressed, levothyroxine sodium should not be administered (seeCONTRAINDICATIONS).Associated Endocrine DisordersHypothalamic/Pituitary Hormone Deficiencies

In patients with secondary or tertiary hypothyroidism, additional hypothalamic/pituitary hormonedeficiencies should be considered, and, if diagnosed, treated (see PRECAUTIONS: AutoimmunePolyglandular Syndrome for adrenal insufficiency).Autoimmune Polyglandular Syndrome

Occasionally, chronic autoimmune thyroiditis may occur in association with other autoimmunedisorders such as adrenal insufficiency, pernicious anemia, and insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.Patients with concomitant adrenal insufficiency should be treated with replacement glucocorticoidsprior to initiation of treatment with levothyroxine sodium. Failure to do so may precipitate an acuteadrenal crisis when thyroid hormone therapy is initiated, due to increased metabolic clearance ofglucocorticoids by thyroid hormone. Patients with diabetes mellitus may require upward adjustments oftheir antidiabetic therapeutic regimens when treated with levothyroxine (see PRECAUTIONS: DrugInteractions).Other Associated Medical Conditions

Infants with congenital hypothyroidism appear to be at increased risk for other congenital anomalies,with cardiovascular anomalies (pulmonary stenosis, atrial septal defect, and ventricular septal defect)being the most common association.Information for Patients

Patients should be informed of the following information to aid in the safe and effective use oflevothyroxine sodium:1. Notify your physician if you are allergic to any foods or medicines, are pregnant or intend to

become pregnant, are breast-feeding or are taking any other medications, including prescription andover-the-counter preparations.

2. Notify your physician of any other medical conditions you may have, particularly heart disease,diabetes, clotting disorders, and adrenal or pituitary gland problems. Your dose of medications usedto control these other conditions may need to be adjusted while you are taking levothyroxinesodium. If you have diabetes, monitor your blood and/or urinary glucose levels as directed by yourphysician and immediately report any changes to your physician. If you are taking anticoagulants(blood thinners), your clotting status should be checked frequently.

3. Use levothyroxine sodium only as prescribed by your physician. Do not discontinue or change theamount you take or how often you take it, unless directed to do so by your physician.

4. The levothyroxine in levothyroxine sodium tablets is intended to replace a hormone that is normallyproduced by your thyroid gland. Generally, replacement therapy is to be taken for life, except incases of transient hypothyroidism, which is usually associated with an inflammation of the thyroidgland (thyroiditis).

5. Take levothyroxine sodium in the morning on an empty stomach, at least one-half hour before eatingany food.

6. It may take several weeks before you notice an improvement in your symptoms.7. Notify your physician if you experience any of the following symptoms: rapid or irregular

heartbeat, chest pain, shortness of breath, leg cramps, headache, nervousness, irritability,sleeplessness, tremors, change in appetite, weight gain or loss, vomiting, diarrhea, excessivesweating, heat intolerance, fever, changes in menstrual periods, hives or skin rash, or any otherunusual medical event.

8. Notify your physician if you become pregnant while taking levothyroxine sodium. It is likely thatyour dose of levothyroxine sodium will need to be increased while you are pregnant.

9. Notify your physician or dentist that you are taking levothyroxine sodium prior to any surgery.10. Partial hair loss may occur rarely during the first few months of levothyroxine sodium therapy, but

this is usually temporary.11. Levothyroxine sodium should not be used as a primary or adjunctive therapy in a weight control

program.12. Keep levothyroxine sodium tablets out of the reach of children. Store levothyroxine sodium tablets

away from heat, moisture, and light.13. Agents such as iron and calcium supplements and antacids can decrease the absorption of

levothyroxine sodium tablets. Therefore, levothyroxine sodium tablets should not be administeredwithin 4 hours of these agents.

Laboratory TestsGeneral

The diagnosis of hypothyroidism is confirmed by measuring TSH levels using a sensitive assay(second generation assay sensitivity < 0.1 mIU/L or third generation assay sensitivity < 0.01 mIU/L) andmeasurement of free-T .

The adequacy of therapy is determined by periodic assessment of appropriate laboratory tests andclinical evaluation. The choice of laboratory tests depends on various factors including the etiology ofthe underlying thyroid disease, the presence of concomitant medical conditions, including pregnancy,and the use of concomitant medications (see PRECAUTIONS: Drug Interactions and Drug-LaboratoryTest Interactions). Persistent clinical and laboratory evidence of hypothyroidism despite an apparentadequate replacement dose of levothyroxine sodium may be evidence of inadequate absorption, poorcompliance, drug interactions, or decreased T potency of the drug product.Adults

In adult patients with primary (thyroidal) hypothyroidism, serum TSH levels (using a sensitive assay)alone may be used to monitor therapy. The frequency of TSH monitoring during levothyroxine dosetitration depends on the clinical situation but it is generally recommended at 6 to 8 week intervals untilnormalization. For patients who have recently initiated levothyroxine therapy and whose serum TSH hasnormalized or in patients who have had their dosage or brand of levothyroxine changed, the serum TSHconcentration should be measured after 8 to 12 weeks. When the optimum replacement dose has beenattained, clinical (physical examination) and biochemical monitoring may be performed every 6 to 12months, depending on the clinical situation, and whenever there is a change in the patient’s status. It isrecommended that a physical examination and a serum TSH measurement be performed at least annuallyin patients receiving levothyroxine sodium (see WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS, and DOSAGE ANDADMINISTRATION).Pediatrics

In patients with congenital hypothyroidism, the adequacy of replacement therapy should be assessed bymeasuring both serum TSH (using a sensitive assay) and total- or free-T . During the first 3 years oflife, the serum total- or free-T should be maintained at all times in the upper half of the normal range.While the aim of therapy is to also normalize the serum TSH level, this is not always possible in a smallpercentage of patients, particularly in the first few months of therapy. TSH may not normalize due to aresetting of the pituitary-thyroid feedback threshold as a result of in utero hypothyroidism. Failure ofthe serum T to increase into the upper half of the normal range within 2 weeks of initiation oflevothyroxine sodium therapy and/or of the serum TSH to decrease below 20 mU/L within 4 weeksshould alert the physician to the possibility that the child is not receiving adequate therapy. Carefulinquiry should then be made regarding compliance, dose of medication administered, and method ofadministration prior to raising the dose of levothyroxine sodium.

The recommended frequency of monitoring of TSH and total or free T in children is as follows: at 2and 4 weeks after the initiation of treatment; every 1 to 2 months during the first year of life; every 2 to 3months between 1 and 3 years of age; and every 3 to 12 months thereafter until growth is completed.More frequent intervals of monitoring may be necessary if poor compliance is suspected or abnormalvalues are obtained. It is recommended that TSH and T levels, and a physical examination, if indicated,be performed 2 weeks after any change in levothyroxine sodium dosage. Routine clinical examination,including assessment of mental and physical growth and development, and bone maturation, should beperformed at regular intervals (see PRECAUTIONS: Pediatric Use and DOSAGE ANDADMINISTRATION).Secondary (Pituitary) and Tertiary (Hypothalamic) Hypothyroidism

Adequacy of therapy should be assessed by measuring serum free-T levels, which should bemaintained in the upper half of the normal range in these patients.Drug Interactions

Many drugs affect thyroid hormone pharmaco*kinetics and metabolism (e.g., absorption, synthesis,secretion, catabolism, protein binding, and target tissue response) and may alter the therapeutic responseto levothyroxine sodium. In addition, thyroid hormones and thyroid status have varied effects on thepharmaco*kinetics and actions of other drugs. A listing of drug-thyroidal axis interactions is contained inTable 2.








The list of drug-thyroidal axis interactions in Table 2 may not be comprehensive due to the introductionof new drugs that interact with the thyroidal axis or the discovery of previously unknown interactions.The prescriber should be aware of this fact and should consult appropriate reference sources (e.g.,package inserts of newly approved drugs, medical literature) for additional information if a drug-druginteraction with levothyroxine is suspected.

Table 2: Drug-Thyroidal Axis Interactions

Drug or Drug Class EffectDrugs that may reduce TSHsecretion - the reduction is notsus tained; therefore,hypothyroidism does not occurDopamine/Dopamine AgonistsGlucocorticoidsOctreotide

Use of these agents may result in a transient reduction in TSH secretion when administeredat the following doses: Dopamine (>1 mcg/kg/min); Glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone > 100mg/day or equivalent); Octreotide (> 100 mcg/day).

Drugs that alter thyroid hormonesecretionDrugs that may decrease thyroidhormone secretion, which mayresult in hypothyroidismAminoglutethimideAmiodaroneIodide (including iodine-containingradiographic contrast agents)LithiumMethimazolePropylthiouracil (PTU)SulfonamidesTolbutamide

Long-term lithium therapy can result in goiter in up to 50% of patients, and either subclinicalor overt hypothyroidism, each in up to 20% of patients. The fetus, neonate, elderly andeuthyroid patients with underlying thyroid disease (e.g., Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or withGrave’s disease previously treated with radioiodine or surgery) are among thoseindividuals who are particularly susceptible to iodine-induced hypothyroidism. Oralcholecystographic agents and amiodarone are slowly excreted, producing more prolongedhypothyroidism than parenterally administered iodinated contrast agents. Long-termaminoglutethimide therapy may minimally decrease T and T levels and increase TSH,although all values remain within normal limits in most patients.

Drugs that may increase thyroidhormone secretion, which mayresult in hyperthyroidism

AmiodaroneIodide (including iodine-containingradiographic contrast agents)

Iodide and drugs that contain pharmacologic amounts of iodide may cause hyperthyroidismin euthyroid patients with Grave’s disease previously treated with antithyroid drugs or ineuthyroid patients with thyroid autonomy (e.g., multinodular goiter or hyperfunctioningthyroid adenoma). Hyperthyroidism may develop over several weeks and may persist forseveral months after therapy discontinuation. Amiodarone may induce hyperthyroidism bycausing thyroiditis.

Drugs that may decrease Tabsorption, which may result inhypothyroidismAntacids- Aluminum & MagnesiumHydroxides- SimethiconeBile Acid Sequestrants- Cholestyramine- ColestipolCalcium CarbonateCation Exchange Resins- KayexalateFerrous SulfateOrlistatSucralfate

Concurrent use may reduce the efficacy of levothyroxine by binding and delaying orpreventing absorption, potentially resulting in hypothyroidism. Calcium carbonate may forman insoluble chelate with levothyroxine, and ferrous sulfate likely forms a ferric-thyroxinecomplex. Administer levothyroxine at least 4 hours apart from these agents. Patients treatedconcomitantly with orlistat and levothyroxine sodium should be monitored for changes inthyroid function.

Drugs that may alter T and Tserum transport - but FTconcentration remains normal; andtherefore, the patient remainseuthyroidDrugs that may increase serumTBG concentration Drugs that may decrease serum TBG concentration


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Estrogen-containing oralcontraceptivesEstrogens (oral)Heroin/Methadone5-FluorouracilMitotaneTamoxifen

Androgens/Anabolic SteroidsAsparaginaseGlucocorticoidsSlow-Release Nicotinic Acid

Drugs that may cause protein-binding s ite displacementFurosemide (> 80 mg IV)HeparinHydantoinsNon-Steroidal Anti-InflammatoryDrugs- Fenamates- PhenylbutazoneSalicylates (> 2 g/day)

Administration of these agents with levothyroxine results in an initial transient increase inFT . Continued administration results in a decrease in serum T and normal FT and TSHconcentrations and, therefore, patients are clinically euthyroid. Salicylates inhibit binding ofT and T to TBG and transthyretin. An initial increase in serum FT is followed by returnof FT to normal levels with sustained therapeutic serum salicylate concentrations, althoughtotal-T levels may decrease by as much as 30%.

Drugs that may alter T and TmetabolismDrugs that may increase hepaticmetabolism, which may result inhypothyroidism


Stimulation of hepatic microsomal drug-metabolizing enzyme activity may cause increasedhepatic degradation of levothyroxine, resulting in increased levothyroxine requirements.Phenytoin and carbamazepine reduce serum protein binding of levothyroxine, and total- andfree-T may be reduced by 20% to 40%, but most patients have normal serum TSH levelsand are clinically euthyroid.

Drugs that may decrease T 5'-deiodinase activity

AmiodaroneBeta-adrenergic antagonists- (e.g., Propranolol > 160 mg/day)Glucocorticoids- (e.g., Dexamethasone ³ 4 mg/day)Propylthiouracil (PTU)

Administration of these enzyme inhibitors decreases the peripheral conversion of T to T ,leading to decreased T levels. However, serum T levels are usually normal but mayoccasionally be slightly increased. In patients treated with large doses of propranolol (>160mg/day), T and T levels change slightly, TSH levels remain normal, and patients areclinically euthyroid. It should be noted that actions of particular beta-adrenergic antagonistsmay be impaired when the hypothyroid patient is converted to the euthyroid state. Short-termadministration of large doses of glucocorticoids may decrease serum T concentrations by30% with minimal change in serum T levels. However, long-term glucocorticoid therapymay result in slightly decreased T and T levels due to decreased TBG production (seeabove).


Anticoagulants (oral)- Coumarin Derivatives- Indandione Derivatives

Thyroid hormones appear to increase the catabolism of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors,thereby increasing the anticoagulant activity of oral anticoagulants. Concomitant use of theseagents impairs the compensatory increases in clotting factor synthesis. Prothrombin timeshould be carefully monitored in patients taking levothyroxine and oral anticoagulants andthe dose of anticoagulant therapy adjusted accordingly.

Antidepressants- Tricyclics (e.g., Amitriptyline)- Tetracyclics (e.g., Maprotiline)- Selective Serotonin ReuptakeInhibitors (SSRIs; e.g., Sertraline)

Concurrent use of tri/tetracyclic antidepressants and levothyroxine may increase thetherapeutic and toxic effects of both drugs, possibly due to increased receptor sensitivity tocatecholamines. Toxic effects may include increased risk of cardiac arrhythmiasand CNS stimulation; onset of action of tricyclics may be accelerated. Administration ofsertraline in patients stabilized on levothyroxine may result in increased levothyroxinerequirements.

Antidiabetic Agents- Biguanides- Meglitinides- Sulfonylureas- Thiazolidinediones- Insulin

Addition of levothyroxine to antidiabetic or insulin therapy may result in increasedantidiabetic agent or insulin requirements. Careful monitoring of diabetic control isrecommended, especially when thyroid therapy is started, changed, or discontinued.

Cardiac GlycosidesSerum digitalis glycoside levels may be reduced in hyperthyroidism or when thehypothyroid patient is converted to the euthyroid state. Therapeutic effect of digitalisglycosides may be reduced.

Cytokines- Interferon-α

Therapy with interferon-α has been associated with the development of antithyroidmicrosomal antibodies in 20% of patients and some have transient hypothyroidism,hyperthyroidism, or both. Patients who have antithyroid antibodies before treatment are at

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- Interferon-α- Interleukin-2 higher risk for thyroid dysfunction during treatment. Interleukin-2 has been associated with

transient painless thyroiditis in 20% of patients. Interferon-β and -γ have not been reported tocause thyroid dysfunction.

Growth Hormones- Somatrem- Somatropin

Excessive use of thyroid hormones with growth hormones may accelerate epiphysealclosure. However, untreated hypothyroidism may interfere with growth response to growthhormone.

Ketamine Concurrent use may produce marked hypertension and tachycardia; cautious administration topatients receiving thyroid hormone therapy is recommended.

Methylxanthine Bronchodilators- (e.g., Theophylline)

Decreased theophylline clearance may occur in hypothyroid patients; clearance returns tonormal when the euthyroid state is achieved.

Radiographic Agents Thyroid hormones may reduce the uptake of I, I, and Tc.

SympathomimeticsConcurrent use may increase the effects of sympathomimetics or thyroid hormone. Thyroidhormones may increase the risk of coronary insufficiency when sympathomimetic agents areadministered to patients with coronary artery disease.

Chloral HydrateDiazepamEthionamideLovastatinMetoclopramide6-MercaptopurineNitroprussidePara-aminosalicylate sodiumPerphenazineResorcinol (excessive topical use)Thiazide Diuretics

These agents have been associated with thyroid hormone and/or TSH level alterations byvarious mechanisms.

Oral anticoagulants

Levothyroxine increases the response to oral anticoagulant therapy. Therefore, a decrease in the doseof anticoagulant may be warranted with correction of the hypothyroid state or when the levothyroxinesodium dose is increased. Prothrombin time should be closely monitored to permit appropriate andtimely dosage adjustments (see Table 2).Digitalis glycosides

The therapeutic effects of digitalis glycosides may be reduced by levothyroxine. Serum digitalisglycoside levels may be decreased when a hypothyroid patient becomes euthyroid, necessitating anincrease in the dose of digitalis glycosides (see Table 2).Drug-Food Interactions

Consumption of certain foods may affect levothyroxine absorption thereby necessitating adjustments indosing. Soybean flour (infant formula), cotton seed meal, walnuts, and dietary fiber may bind anddecrease the absorption of levothyroxine sodium from the GI tract.Drug-Laboratory Test Interactions

Changes in TBG concentration must be considered when interpreting T and T values, whichnecessitates measurement and evaluation of unbound (free) hormone and/or determination of the free Tindex (FT I). Pregnancy, infectious hepatitis, estrogens, estrogen-containing oral contraceptives, andacute intermittent porphyria increase TBG concentrations. Decreases in TBG concentrations areobserved in nephrosis, severe hypoproteinemia, severe liver disease, acromegaly, and after androgenor corticosteroid therapy (see also Table 2). Familial hyper- or hypo-thyroxine binding globulinemiashave been described, with the incidence of TBG deficiency approximating 1 in 9000.Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, and Impairment of Fertility

Animal studies have not been performed to evaluate the carcinogenic potential, mutagenic potential oreffects on fertility of levothyroxine. The synthetic T in levothyroxine sodium is identical to thatproduced naturally by the human thyroid gland. Although there has been a reported association betweenprolonged thyroid hormone therapy and breast cancer, this has not been confirmed. Patients receivinglevothyroxine sodium for appropriate clinical indications should be titrated to the lowest effectivereplacement dose.PregnancyTeratogenic Effects. Pregnancy Category A

Studies in women taking levothyroxine sodium during pregnancy have not shown an increased risk ofcongenital abnormalities. Therefore, the possibility of fetal harm appears remote. Levothyroxinesodium should not be discontinued during pregnancy and hypothyroidism diagnosed during pregnancyshould be promptly treated.

Hypothyroidism during pregnancy is associated with a higher rate of complications, includingspontaneous abortion, pre-eclampsia, stillbirth and premature delivery. Maternal hypothyroidism may

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have an adverse effect on fetal and childhood growth and development. During pregnancy, serum Tlevels may decrease and serum TSH levels increase to values outside the normal range. Sinceelevations in serum TSH may occur as early as 4 weeks gestation, pregnant women taking levothyroxinesodium should have their TSH measured during each trimester. An elevated serum TSH level should becorrected by an increase in the dose of levothyroxine sodium. Since postpartum TSH levels are similarto preconception values, the levothyroxine sodium dosage should return to the pre-pregnancy doseimmediately after delivery. A serum TSH level should be obtained 6 to 8 weeks postpartum.

Thyroid hormones cross the placental barrier to some extent as evidenced by levels in cord blood ofathyreotic fetuses being approximately one-third maternal levels. Transfer of thyroid hormone from themother to the fetus, however, may not be adequate to prevent in utero hypothyroidism.Nursing Mothers

Although thyroid hormones are excreted only minimally in human milk, caution should be exercisedwhen levothyroxine sodium is administered to a nursing woman. However, adequate replacement dosesof levothyroxine are generally needed to maintain normal lactation.Pediatric UseGeneral

The goal of treatment in pediatric patients with hypothyroidism is to achieve and maintain normalintellectual and physical growth and development.

The initial dose of levothyroxine varies with age and body weight (see DOSAGE ANDADMINISTRATION: Table 3). Dosing adjustments are based on an assessment of the individualpatient’s clinical and laboratory parameters (see PRECAUTIONS: Laboratory Tests).

In children in whom a diagnosis of permanent hypothyroidism has not been established, it isrecommended that levothyroxine administration be discontinued for a 30-day trial period, but only afterthe child is at least 3 years of age. Serum T and TSH levels should then be obtained. If the T is lowand the TSH high, the diagnosis of permanent hypothyroidism is established, and levothyroxine therapyshould be reinstituted. If the T and TSH levels are normal, euthyroidism may be assumed and,therefore, the hypothyroidism can be considered to have been transient. In this instance, however, thephysician should carefully monitor the child and repeat the thyroid function tests if any signs orsymptoms of hypothyroidism develop. In this setting, the clinician should have a high index of suspicionof relapse. If the results of the levothyroxine withdrawal test are inconclusive, careful follow-up andsubsequent testing will be necessary.

Since some more severely affected children may become clinically hypothyroid when treatment isdiscontinued for 30 days, an alternate approach is to reduce the replacement dose of levothyroxine byhalf during the 30-day trial period. If, after 30 days, the serum TSH is elevated above 20 mU/L, thediagnosis of permanent hypothyroidism is confirmed, and full replacement therapy should be resumed.However, if the serum TSH has not risen to greater than 20 mU/L, levothyroxine treatment should bediscontinued for another 30-day trial period followed by repeat serum T and TSH testing.

The presence of concomitant medical conditions should be considered in certain clinical circ*mstancesand, if present, appropriately treated (see PRECAUTIONS).Congenital Hypothyroidism


Rapid restoration of normal serum T concentrations is essential for preventing the adverse effects ofcongenital hypothyroidism on intellectual development as well as on overall physical growth andmaturation. Therefore, levothyroxine sodium therapy should be initiated immediately upon diagnosisand is generally continued for life.

During the first 2 weeks of levothyroxine sodium therapy, infants should be closely monitored forcardiac overload, arrhythmias, and aspiration from avid suckling.

The patient should be monitored closely to avoid undertreatment or overtreatment. Undertreatment mayhave deleterious effects on intellectual development and linear growth. Overtreatment has beenassociated with craniosynostosis in infants, and may adversely affect the tempo of brain maturation andaccelerate the bone age with resultant premature closure of the epiphyses and compromised adultstature.Acquired Hypothyroidism in Pediatric Patients

The patient should be monitored closely to avoid undertreatment and overtreatment. Undertreatment mayresult in poor school performance due to impaired concentration and slowed mentation and in reducedadult height. Overtreatment may accelerate the bone age and result in premature epiphyseal closure andcompromised adult stature.

Treated children may manifest a period of catch-up growth, which may be adequate in some cases tonormalize adult height. In children with severe or prolonged hypothyroidism, catch-up growth may notbe adequate to normalize adult height.


4 4




Geriatric Use

Because of the increased prevalence of cardiovascular disease among the elderly, levothyroxinetherapy should not be initiated at the full replacement dose (see WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS, andDOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION).

ADVERSE REACTIONSAdverse reactions associated with levothyroxine therapy are primarily those of hyperthyroidism due totherapeutic overdosage (see PRECAUTIONS and OVERDOSAGE). They include the following:

General: fatigue, increased appetite, weight loss, heat intolerance, fever, excessive sweating;

Central Nervous Sys tem: headache, hyperactivity, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, emotional lability,insomnia;

Musculoskeletal: tremors, muscle weakness;

Cardiovascular: palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmias, increased pulse and blood pressure, heartfailure, angina, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest;

Respiratory: dyspnea;

Gastrointes tinal: diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and elevations in liver function tests;

Dermatologic: hair loss, flushing;

Endocrine: decreased bone mineral density;

Reproductive: menstrual irregularities, impaired fertility.

Pseudotumor cerebri and slipped capital femoral epiphysis have been reported in children receivinglevothyroxine therapy. Overtreatment may result in craniosynostosis in infants and premature closure ofthe epiphyses in children with resultant compromised adult height.

Seizures have been reported rarely with the institution of levothyroxine therapy.

Inadequate levothyroxine dosage will produce or fail to ameliorate the signs and symptoms ofhypothyroidism.

Hypersensitivity reactions to inactive ingredients have occurred in patients treated with thyroidhormone products. These include urticaria, pruritus, skin rash, flushing, angioedema, various GIsymptoms (abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea), fever, arthralgia, serum sickness andwheezing. Hypersensitivity to levothyroxine itself is not known to occur.

OVERDOSAGEThe signs and symptoms of overdosage are those of hyperthyroidism (see PRECAUTIONS andADVERSE REACTIONS). In addition, confusion and disorientation may occur. Cerebral embolism,shock, coma, and death have been reported. Seizures have occurred in a child ingesting 18 mg oflevothyroxine. Symptoms may not necessarily be evident or may not appear until several days afteringestion of levothyroxine sodium.Treatment of Overdosage

Levothyroxine sodium should be reduced in dose or temporarily discontinued if signs or symptoms ofoverdosage occur.Acute Massive Overdosage

This may be a life-threatening emergency, therefore, symptomatic and supportive therapy should beinstituted immediately. If not contraindicated (e.g., by seizures, coma, or loss of the gag reflex), thestomach should be emptied by emesis or gastric lavage to decrease gastrointestinal absorption.Activated charcoal or cholestyramine may also be used to decrease absorption. Central and peripheralincreased sympathetic activity may be treated by administering β-receptor antagonists, e.g., propranolol,provided there are no medical contraindications to their use. Provide respiratory support as needed;control congestive heart failure and arrhythmia; control fever, hypoglycemia, and fluid loss asnecessary. Large doses of antithyroid drugs (e.g., methimazole or propylthiouracil) followed in 1 to 2hours by large doses of iodine may be given to inhibit synthesis and release of thyroid hormones.Glucocorticoids may be given to inhibit the conversion of T to T . Plasmapheresis, charcoalhemoperfusion and exchange transfusion have been reserved for cases in which continued clinicaldeterioration occurs despite conventional therapy. Because T is highly protein bound, very little drugwill be removed by dialysis.


4 3


General Principles

The goal of replacement therapy is to achieve and maintain a clinical and biochemical euthyroid state.The goal of suppressive therapy is to inhibit growth and/or function of abnormal thyroid tissue. Thedose of levothyroxine sodium tablets that is adequate to achieve these goals depends on a variety offactors including the patient’s age, body weight, cardiovascular status, concomitant medical conditions,including pregnancy, concomitant medications, and the specific nature of the condition being treated(see WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS). Hence, the following recommendations serve only as dosingguidelines. Dosing must be individualized and adjustments made based on periodic assessment of thepatient’s clinical response and laboratory parameters (see PRECAUTIONS: Laboratory Tests).

Levothyroxine sodium tablets should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach, at least one-half hourbefore any food is eaten. Levothyroxine sodium tablets should be taken at least 4 hours apart from drugsthat are known to interfere with its absorption (see PRECAUTIONS: Drug Interactions).

Due to the long half-life of levothyroxine, the peak therapeutic effect at a given dose of levothyroxinesodium may not be attained for 4 to 6 weeks.

Caution should be exercised when administering levothyroxine sodium tablets to patients withunderlying cardiovascular disease, to the elderly, and to those with concomitant adrenal insufficiency(see PRECAUTIONS).Specific Patient PopulationsHypothyroidism in Adults and in Children in Whom Growth and Puberty areComplete

(see WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS: Laboratory Tests)

Therapy may begin at full replacement doses in otherwise healthy individuals less than 50 years old andin those older than 50 years who have been recently treated for hyperthyroidism or who have beenhypothyroid for only a short time (such as a few months). The average full replacement dose oflevothyroxine sodium is approximately 1.7 mcg/kg/day (e.g., 100 to 125 mcg/day for a 70 kg adult).Older patients may require less than 1 mcg/kg/day. Levothyroxine sodium doses greater than 200mcg/day are seldom required. An inadequate response to daily doses > 300 mcg/day is rare and mayindicate poor compliance, malabsorption, and/or drug interactions.

For most patients older than 50 years or for patients under 50 years of age with underlying cardiacdisease, an initial starting dose of 25 to 50 mcg/day of levothyroxine sodium is recommended, withgradual increments in dose at 6 to 8 week intervals, as needed. The recommended starting dose oflevothyroxine sodium in elderly patients with cardiac disease is 12.5 to 25 mcg/day, with gradual doseincrements at 4 to 6 week intervals. The levothyroxine sodium dose is generally adjusted in 12.5 mcg to25 mcg increments until the patient with primary hypothyroidism is clinically euthyroid and the serumTSH has normalized.

In patients with severe hypothyroidism, the recommended initial levothyroxine sodium dose is 12.5 to25 mcg/day with increases of 25 mcg/day every 2 to 4 weeks, accompanied by clinical and laboratoryassessment, until the TSH level is normalized.

In patients with secondary (pituitary) or tertiary (hypothalamic) hypothyroidism, the levothyroxinesodium dose should be titrated until the patient is clinically euthyroid and the serum free-T level isrestored to the upper half of the normal range.Pediatric Dosage - Congenital or Acquired Hypothyroidism

(see PRECAUTIONS: Laboratory Tests)General Principles

In general, levothyroxine therapy should be instituted at full replacement doses as soon as possible.Delays in diagnosis and institution of therapy may have deleterious effects on the child’s intellectualand physical growth and development.

Undertreatment and overtreatment should be avoided (see PRECAUTIONS: Pediatric Use).

Levothyroxine sodium tablets may be administered to infants and children who cannot swallow intacttablets by crushing the tablet and suspending the freshly crushed tablet in a small amount (5 to 10 mL or1 to 2 teaspoons) of water. This suspension can be administered by spoon or by dropper. DO NOTSTORE THE SUSPENSION. Foods that decrease absorption of levothyroxine, such as soybean infantformula, should not be used for administering levothyroxine sodium tablets (see PRECAUTIONS:Drug-Food Interactions).Newborns

The recommended starting dose of levothyroxine sodium in newborn infants is 10 to 15 mcg/kg/day. Alower starting dose (e.g., 25 mcg/day) should be considered in infants at risk for cardiac failure, and thedose should be increased in 4 to 6 weeks as needed based on clinical and laboratory response totreatment. In infants with very low (< 5 mcg/dL) or undetectable serum T concentrations, therecommended initial starting dose is 50 mcg/day of levothyroxine sodium.



Infants and Children

Levothyroxine therapy is usually initiated at full replacement doses, with the recommended dose perbody weight decreasing with age (see Table 3). However, in children with chronic or severehypothyroidism, an initial dose of 25 mcg/day of levothyroxine sodium is recommended withincrements of 25 mcg every 2 to 4 weeks until the desired effect is achieved.

Hyperactivity in an older child can be minimized if the starting dose is one-fourth of the recommendedfull replacement dose, and the dose is then increased on a weekly basis by an amount equal to one-fourththe full recommended replacement dose until the full recommended replacement dose is reached.

Table 3: Levothyroxine Sodium Dos ing Guidelines for Pediatric Hypothyroidism

AGE Daily Dose Per Kg Body Weight*0 to 3 months 10 to 15 mcg/kg/day3 to 6 months 8 to 10 mcg/kg/day6 to 12 months 6 to 8 mcg/kg/day1 to 5 years 5 to 6 mcg/kg/day6 to 12 years 4 to 5 mcg/kg/day> 12 years but growth and puberty incomplete 2 to 3 mcg/kg/dayGrowth and puberty complete 1.7 mcg/kg/day

*The dose should be adjusted based on clinical response and laboratory parameters (seePRECAUTIONS: Laboratory Tests and PRECAUTIONS: Pediatric Use).Pregnancy

Pregnancy may increase levothyroxine requirements (see PRECAUTIONS: Pregnancy).Subclinical Hypothyroidism

If this condition is treated, a lower levothyroxine sodium dose (e.g., 1 mcg/kg/day) than that used forfull replacement may be adequate to normalize the serum TSH level. Patients who are not treated shouldbe monitored yearly for changes in clinical status and thyroid laboratory parameters.TSH Suppression in Well Differentiated Thyroid Cancer and Thyroid Nodules

The target level for TSH suppression in these conditions has not been established with controlledstudies. In addition, the efficacy of TSH suppression for benign nodular disease is controversial.Therefore, the dose of levothyroxine sodium tablets used for TSH suppression should beindividualized based on the specific disease and the patient being treated.

In the treatment of well differentiated (papillary and follicular) thyroid cancer, levothyroxine is used asan adjunct to surgery and radioiodine therapy. Generally, TSH is suppressed to < 0.1 mU/L, and thisusually requires a levothyroxine sodium dose of greater than 2 mcg/kg/day. However, in patients withhigh risk tumors, the target level for TSH suppression may be < 0.01 mU/L.

In the treatment of benign nodules and nontoxic multinodular goiter, TSH is generally suppressed to ahigher target (e.g., 0.1 to 0.5 mU/L for nodules and 0.5 to 1.0 mU/L for multinodular goiter) than thatused for the treatment of thyroid cancer. Levothyroxine sodium is contraindicated if the serum TSH isalready suppressed due to the risk of precipitating overt thyrotoxicosis (see CONTRAINDICATIONS,WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS).Myxedema Coma

Myxedema coma is a life-threatening emergency characterized by poor circulation and hypometabolism,and may result in unpredictable absorption of levothyroxine sodium from the gastrointestinal tract.Therefore, oral thyroid hormone drug products are not recommended to treat this condition. Thyroidhormone products formulated for intravenous administration should be administered.

HOW SUPPLIEDLevothyroxine Sodium Tablets, USP are available as capsule-shaped tablets that are debossed with anM on one side of the tablet. The other side of each tablet is debossed with an L to the left of the scoreand an individual tablet identification number to the right of the score. The scored side of the tablets ismore fully described in the third column of the table, below:

Strength(mcg) Color

Identificationinformationdebossed on scoreds ide of tablet *

Packaged in NDC Number

125 Gray L | 10 Bottles of 30 NDC 54868-3390-2


Bottles of 90 NDC 54868-3390-3Bottles of 100 NDC 54868-3390-0

137 Turquoise L | 15 Bottles of 30 NDC 54868-5477-0Bottles of 90Bottles of 100

NDC 54868-5477-2NDC 54868-5477-1

150 Blue L | 11 Bottles of 30 NDC 54868-1093-1Bottles of 50 NDC 54868-1093-0Bottles of 60 NDC 54868-1093-5Bottles of 90 NDC 54868-1093-6Bottles of 100 NDC 54868-1093-2

175 Lilac L | 12 Bottles of 30 NDC 54868-4507-0Bottles of 90Bottles of 100

NDC 54868-4507-2NDC 54868-4507-1

200 Pink L | 13 Bottles of 30 NDC 54868-0890-1Bottles of 60Bottles of 90

NDC 54868-0890-0NDC 54868-0890-5

Bottles of 100 NDC 54868-0890-2

300 Green L | 14 Bottles of 30 NDC 54868-2271-2Bottles of 100 NDC 54868-2271-0

*The identifying information debossed on the scored side of the tablet is listed in the above table byproduct strength. Refer to the third column of the table, entitled ‘Identification information debossed onscored side of tablet’.

Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F). [See USP for Controlled Room Temperature.]Protect from light and mois ture.Dispense in a tight, light-resistant container as defined in the USP using a child-resistant closure.

U.S. Patent No. 6,645,526U.S. Patent No. 6,936,274U.S. Patent No. 7,052,717U.S. Patent No. 7,195,779

Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc.Morgantown, WV 26505


Relabeling and Repackaging by: Physicians Total Care, Inc.Tulsa, OK 74146


LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM TABLETS, USP125 mcg (0.125 mg)(Rx only)

Each tablet contains:Levothyroxine sodium, USP . . . . . . 125 mcg

Dispense in a tight, light-resistant container as defined in the USP using a child-resistant closure.

Keep container tightly closed.

Keep this and all medication out of the reach of children.Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F).[See USP for Controlled Room Temperature.]Protect from light and mois ture.Usual Dosage: See accompanying prescribing information.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM TABLETS, USP137 mcg (0.137 mg)(Rx only)

Each tablet contains:Levothyroxine sodium, USP . . . . . . 137 mcg

Dispense in a tight, light-resistant container as defined in the USP using a child-resistant closure.

Keep container tightly closed.

Keep this and all medication out of the reach of children.Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F).[See USP for Controlled Room Temperature.]Protect from light and mois ture.Usual Dosage: See accompanying prescribing information.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM TABLETS, USP150 mcg (0.150 mg)(Rx only)

Each tablet contains:Levothyroxine sodium, USP . . . . . . 150 mcg

Dispense in a tight, light-resistant container as defined in the USP using a child-resistant closure.

Keep container tightly closed.

Keep this and all medication out of the reach of children.Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F).[See USP for Controlled Room Temperature.]

Protect from light and mois ture.Usual Dosage: See accompanying prescribing information.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM TABLETS, USP175 mcg (0.175 mg)(Rx only)

Each tablet contains:Levothyroxine sodium, USP . . . . . . 175 mcg

Dispense in a tight, light-resistant container as defined in the USP using a child-resistant closure.

Keep container tightly closed.

Keep this and all medication out of the reach of children.Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F).[See USP for Controlled Room Temperature.]Protect from light and mois ture.Usual Dosage: See accompanying prescribing information.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM TABLETS, USP200 mcg (0.200 mg)(Rx only)

Each tablet contains:Levothyroxine sodium, USP . . . . . . 200 mcg

Dispense in a tight, light-resistant container as defined in the USP using a child-resistant closure.

Keep container tightly closed.

Keep this and all medication out of the reach of children.Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F).[See USP for Controlled Room Temperature.]Protect from light and mois ture.Usual Dosage: See accompanying prescribing information.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM TABLETS, USP300 mcg (0.300 mg)(Rx only)

Each tablet contains:Levothyroxine sodium, USP . . . . . . 300 mcg

Dispense in a tight, light-resistant container as defined in the USP using a child-resistant closure.

Keep container tightly closed.

Keep this and all medication out of the reach of children.Store at 20° to 25°C (68° to 77°F).[See USP for Controlled Room Temperature.]Protect from light and mois ture.Usual Dosage: See accompanying prescribing information.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM levothyroxine sodium tablet

Product InformationProduct T ype HUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG Ite m Code (Source ) NDC:548 6 8 -339 0 (NDC:0 378 -18 13)

Route of Adminis tration ORAL

Active Ingredient/Active MoietyIngredient Name Basis o f Strength Strength


Inactive IngredientsIngredient Name Strength



CRO SPO VIDO NE (UNII: 6 8 40 19 6 0 MK)






SUCRO SE (UNII: C151H8 M554)


FD&C RED NO . 4 0 (UNII: WZB9 127XOA)

FD&C YELLO W NO . 6 (UNII: H77VEI9 3A8 )

Product CharacteristicsColor gray Score 2 pieces

Shape CAPSULE Siz e 9 mm

Flavor Imprint Code M;L;10


Packaging# Item Code Package Description Marketing Start Date Marketing End Date1 NDC:548 6 8 -339 0 -0 10 0 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

2 NDC:548 6 8 -339 0 -2 30 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

3 NDC:548 6 8 -339 0 -3 9 0 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

Marketing InformationMarke ting Cate gory Application Numbe r or Monograph Citation Marke ting Start Date Marke ting End Date

ANDA ANDA0 76 18 7 10 /0 6 /19 9 4

LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM levothyroxine sodium tablet

Product InformationProduct T ype HUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG Ite m Code (Source ) NDC:548 6 8 -5477(NDC:0 378 -18 23)

Route of Adminis tration ORAL

Active Ingredient/Active MoietyIngredient Name Basis o f Strength Strength


Inactive IngredientsIngredient Name Strength



CRO SPO VIDO NE (UNII: 6 8 40 19 6 0 MK)






SUCRO SE (UNII: C151H8 M554)

FD&C BLUE NO . 2 (UNII: L0 6 K8 R7DQK)

Product CharacteristicsColor turquo ise Score 2 pieces

Shape CAPSULE Siz e 9 mm

Flavor Imprint Code M;L;15


Packaging# Item Code Package Description Marketing Start Date Marketing End Date1 NDC:548 6 8 -5477-0 30 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

2 NDC:548 6 8 -5477-1 10 0 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

3 NDC:548 6 8 -5477-2 9 0 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

Marketing InformationMarke ting Cate gory Application Numbe r or Monograph Citation Marke ting Start Date Marke ting End Date

ANDA ANDA0 76 18 7 11/21/20 0 5

LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM levothyroxine sodium tablet

Product InformationProduct T ype HUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG Ite m Code (Source ) NDC:548 6 8 -10 9 3(NDC:0 378 -18 15)

Route of Adminis tration ORAL

Active Ingredient/Active MoietyIngredient Name Basis o f Strength Strength


Inactive IngredientsIngredient Name Strength



CRO SPO VIDO NE (UNII: 6 8 40 19 6 0 MK)






SUCRO SE (UNII: C151H8 M554)

FD&C BLUE NO . 2 (UNII: L0 6 K8 R7DQK)

Product CharacteristicsColor blue Score 2 pieces

Shape CAPSULE Siz e 9 mm

Flavor Imprint Code M;L;11


Packaging# Item Code Package Description Marketing Start Date Marketing End Date1 NDC:548 6 8 -10 9 3-0 50 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

2 NDC:548 6 8 -10 9 3-1 30 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

3 NDC:548 6 8 -10 9 3-2 10 0 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

4 NDC:548 6 8 -10 9 3-5 6 0 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

5 NDC:548 6 8 -10 9 3-6 9 0 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

Marketing InformationMarke ting Cate gory Application Numbe r or Monograph Citation Marke ting Start Date Marke ting End Date

ANDA ANDA0 76 18 7 0 9 /24/19 9 6

LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM levothyroxine sodium tablet

Product InformationProduct T ype HUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG Ite m Code (Source ) NDC:548 6 8 -450 7(NDC:0 378 -18 17)

Route of Adminis tration ORAL

Active Ingredient/Active MoietyIngredient Name Basis o f Strength Strength


Inactive IngredientsIngredient Name Strength



CRO SPO VIDO NE (UNII: 6 8 40 19 6 0 MK)






SUCRO SE (UNII: C151H8 M554)

D&C RED NO . 2 7 (UNII: 2LRS18 5U6 K)

D&C RED NO . 3 0 (UNII: 2S42T28 0 8 B)


Product CharacteristicsColor purple (Lilac) Score 2 pieces

Shape CAPSULE Siz e 9 mm

Flavor Imprint Code M;L;12


Packaging# Item Code Package Description Marketing Start Date Marketing End Date1 NDC:548 6 8 -450 7-0 30 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

2 NDC:548 6 8 -450 7-1 10 0 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

3 NDC:548 6 8 -450 7-2 9 0 in 1 BOTTLE

Marketing InformationMarke ting Cate gory Application Numbe r or Monograph Citation Marke ting Start Date Marke ting End Date

ANDA ANDA0 76 18 7 0 4/16 /20 0 1

LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM levothyroxine sodium tablet

Product Information

Product T ype HUMAN PRESCRIPTIONDRUG Ite m Code (Source ) NDC:548 6 8 -0 8 9 0 (NDC:0 378 -18 19 )

Route of Adminis tration ORAL

Active Ingredient/Active MoietyIngredient Name Basis o f Strength Strength


Inactive IngredientsIngredient Name Strength



CRO SPO VIDO NE (UNII: 6 8 40 19 6 0 MK)






SUCRO SE (UNII: C151H8 M554)

FD&C RED NO . 4 0 (UNII: WZB9 127XOA)

Product CharacteristicsColor pink Score 2 pieces

Shape CAPSULE Siz e 9 mm

Flavor Imprint Code M;L;13


Packaging# Item Code Package Description Marketing Start Date Marketing End Date1 NDC:548 6 8 -0 8 9 0 -0 6 0 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

2 NDC:548 6 8 -0 8 9 0 -1 30 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

3 NDC:548 6 8 -0 8 9 0 -2 10 0 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

4 NDC:548 6 8 -0 8 9 0 -5 9 0 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

Marketing InformationMarke ting Cate gory Application Numbe r or Monograph Citation Marke ting Start Date Marke ting End Date

ANDA ANDA0 76 18 7 0 8 /0 7/19 9 5

LEVOTHYROXINE SODIUM levothyroxine sodium tablet

Product InformationProduct T ype HUMAN PRESCRIPTION DRUG Ite m Code (Source ) NDC:548 6 8 -2271(NDC:0 378 -18 21)

Route of Adminis tration ORAL

Physicians Total Care, Inc.

Active Ingredient/Active MoietyIngredient Name Basis o f Strength Strength


Inactive IngredientsIngredient Name Strength



CRO SPO VIDO NE (UNII: 6 8 40 19 6 0 MK)






SUCRO SE (UNII: C151H8 M554)



FD&C YELLO W NO . 6 (UNII: H77VEI9 3A8 )

Product CharacteristicsColor green Score 2 pieces

Shape CAPSULE Siz e 9 mm

Flavor Imprint Code M;L;14


Packaging# Item Code Package Description Marketing Start Date Marketing End Date1 NDC:548 6 8 -2271-0 10 0 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

2 NDC:548 6 8 -2271-2 30 in 1 BOTTLE, PLASTIC

Marketing InformationMarke ting Cate gory Application Numbe r or Monograph Citation Marke ting Start Date Marke ting End Date

ANDA ANDA0 76 18 7 12/0 5/20 0 0

Labeler - Phys icians T otal Care, Inc. (194123980)

EstablishmentName Addre ss ID/FEI Bus ine ss Ope rations

Physic ians To ta l Care , Inc . 19 41239 8 0 re label, repack

Revised: 3/2011

The mechanisms by which thyroid hormones exert their ... - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the mechanism of the thyroid hormones? ›

Thyroid hormones stimulate the respiratory centers and lead to increased oxygenation because of increased perfusion. Thyroid hormones cause increased development of type II muscle fibers. These are fast-twitch muscle fibers capable of fast and powerful contractions. Thyroid hormone increases the basal metabolic rate.

What is the mechanism of action of the thyroid hormone drugs? ›

The thyroid hormone receptors belong to a nuclear receptor superfamily that also includes receptors for other small lipophilic hormones. Thyroid hormone receptors function by binding to specific thyroid hormone-responsive sequences in promoters of target genes and by regulating transcription.

What is the function of the thyroid hormone PDF? ›

Some of the important functions of the thyroid hormones include- neural growth and differentiation, myocardial contractility, regulation of bone formation and resorption, development and function of brown and white adipose tissue, cholesterol metabolism and synthesis, and in-utero they are important for fetal growth ...

How do thyroid hormones exert their effects on cells? ›

Thyroid hormone effects on the target cells are mediated via ligand-inducible nuclear receptors/transcription factors, thyroid hormone receptor (TR) α and β, of which TRα seems to be critically important in regulating bone cell functions.

What is the mechanism of action of the thyroid hormones Wiki? ›

Mechanism of action

The thyroid hormones function via a well-studied set of nuclear receptors, termed the thyroid hormone receptors. These receptors, together with corepressor molecules, bind DNA regions called thyroid hormone response elements (TREs) near genes.

What is the mechanism of hormone action? ›

“Genomic mechanism of hormone action” refers to the regulation of target gene activity by hormones via their protein receptors, which also possess all the features of a transcription factor. This mechanism engages transcription and translation, and its biological effects are executed by a newly synthesized proteins.

What is an action of the thyroid hormone Quizlet? ›

Actions of thyroid hormones: -increase basal metabolic rate. -stimulate synthesis of sodium and potassium. -increase body temp.

What is the mechanism of action of thyroid hormones Pubmed? ›

Thyroid hormone (triiodothyronine [T3]) regulates gene expression by binding to high-affinity nuclear receptors. Thyroid hormone receptors (TRs) recognize specific response element sequences in the promoters of T3-target genes and activate or repress transcription in response to hormone.

What mechanisms in the body does the thyroid control? ›

Thyroid hormone is the hormone that controls your body's metabolism, the process in which your body transforms the food you eat into energy. The two main hormones your thyroid releases — thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) — collectively make up thyroid hormone.

What is the primary function of the thyroid hormones? ›

The thyroid gland releases triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These hormones play an important role in regulation of your weight, energy levels, internal temperature, skin, hair, nail growth, metabolism and is an important part of the endocrine system.

What are the important hormones and functions of the thyroid glands? ›

As an endocrine gland, your thyroid makes and secretes hormones. Your thyroid produces and releases the following hormones: Thyroxine (T4): This is the primary hormone your thyroid makes and releases. Although your thyroid makes the most of this hormone, it doesn't have much of an effect on your metabolism.

What are the steps of thyroid hormone synthesis? ›

This chapter describes the following steps involved in thyroid hormone synthesis: (1) inorganic iodide is transported into the gland; (2) intrathyroidal iodide is oxidized to iodine under the influence of H2O2 and peroxidase; (3) iodine is bound in thyroglobulin to tyrosine, forming monoiodotyrosine and diiodotyrosine; ...

What is the mechanism of T3 and T4? ›

When T4 enters the circulation, it gets converted to T3 through the process of deiodination. T4 and T3 can then exert negative feedback on TSH levels (high levels of T3/T4 decrease TSH release from the anterior pituitary, while low levels of T3/T4 increase TSH release). T3 is the predominant inhibitor of TSH secretion.

How do thyroid hormones work together? ›

The thyroid gland and the pituitary gland work together. The pituitary gland (located near the base of the brain) makes, stores, and releases thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). When TSH is secreted by the pituitary gland, it causes the thyroid gland to release more T3 and T4.

What hormone controls the actions of the thyroid gland and the cell metabolism? ›

The thyroid gland is regulated by thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). In addition to TRH/TSH regulation by TH feedback, there is central modulation by nutritional signals, such as leptin, as well as peptides regulating appetite.

What is the mechanism of action of T3 and T4? ›

The influences that thyroid hormones have on these diverse functions are primarily mediated through binding of T3 and T4 to specific nuclear receptor sites. The nuclear action of T3 results in organ-specific increases and decreases of specific mRNAs, leading to alteration in the level of the corresponding proteins.

How does the thyroid hormone move through the body? ›

Thyroxine (T4) is produced by the thyroid gland under regulation from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. The feedback loop signals to the hypothalamus in to release thyrotropin-releasing hormone, which then stimulates the pituitary gland to release the thyroid stimulating hormone.

How is thyroid hormone regulated and action? ›

The thyroid gland is regulated by thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). In addition to TRH/TSH regulation by TH feedback, there is central modulation by nutritional signals, such as leptin, as well as peptides regulating appetite.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.