The Houston Daily Post (2024)

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i >
days v t to their
fiA I ° n iv Mel nt one returned
W Auit to oldfrlcnda
vtttlrnon lcfi early In the
SS 8Pcn8CV
M Vcliih h been
iW1 ffijiM A C Stewart
VChon Sli EJln MUwnrl on a
tl1 il t1 It to relnttves
MrtUcr ent a few days In
Vk wltl > friends
ltf thi r r W Holo nn < 1 Ron ToP
iSffwm f w I19 vlslt0
liSb ns booh spending
VfnMum visiting friends
t tt of Huntsvllie I ntrlval
P Sr and Mrs 8 w Sholnrs
IrtcDr who has been
l S A n VkTai Houston vlsttlug
cut < TCr n d tn her home
tVnISSrn Is KnenilliiB several
H RsVlltlflK friends
5 J S Anderson and
spending n fort
Kendall arc
e h
lfj 0 recuperating
fil and lllllan Barclay who
e >
Sttro charming guest of the
fl ItiNi left tills week
Kinffl it Fdnj rrlday
bJ As miiip at Pocahontas
intcrtalned her friends
w nults
wcrt lu honor of her
ft o t t
< of
iJ J Anar n little daughter
Viorecd from n r Lnke
> Mr Oteme Foiitonot who navo
hr Mr and Mr Kontcnot have
thclr home lu Opelousas
In to wife nud baby vis
jf Lambert
this week
i J Helmke and daughter Miss
nro speudlng tho
tj c jew Orleans
VotcII and family left Monday
rj ihe New buglnnd States
jfyStof Johnson U Mating in
tnmi A le Bni laughter Miss
returned from a tilp to Sour
rj G Barry and little daughter
tldtinir at
and family of Church
tVe ten visiting tho family of
4 TV K Toler and Mr and
returned from
W J 8 Uinim have
y UEIU Montgomery Is visiting
I Wlclil nd little sot nro
ToTt nr II R Scott
to Indianapolis to visit rclat vcS
Tnd Mrs George Sarnpo of Alton
Ernests of Mr and Mia W K LrtW
In A McWorkmnn of G < ieydnn la
iW smlTh of I fa etto is tho
> f Mls iertio Shoem iker
Alice Stoke ho has been lsltlns
fp S IMrlier for n fortnlffht left
Jit or her home In North Iwiulslnna
follcwlosf vcuns poop o enjoyed n
trlDtSMrmentnu and ride in n Inrco
te boat out the rler to beaiitiful
i ArLhnr Mes < r Iitiis Wllllanid
ti Porman Homer Wllllnmi Georcc
it Barnpv Crn and MI e < Jussle
V Willie Williams Lillian AVjnn
le Aaftel Pu le Knockton Mabel
fit and Miss Kdmunson
Annie Humphreys of Mnrfa Is visit
in aunt Mrs T J Dodson
ud Mrs Ohclm left this week for
j North
t Joe Zorn and little son of Beau
tare > kiting relatives hero
iP J Barges is tlslting ln San An
rt Join Dlbrcll returned to her home
iiafter after an extended lslt to rein
u Mary Ersklne of San Antonio Is >
Sliii Aenns Donoho
is Nannie Jtffortou has returned from
ti George Chamberlain has returned to
Antonto after a uionlkH visit to rcia
la iemln
0 IS Smith and little daughter
i Hrt returned to their home In Han
n Cora Morris of San Antonio Is a
it of Mrs Anthon IMbrell
111 id illuter hus returned to San
aloaftera pleasant visit to the Misses
n anl Mrs Joe DIbiell visited Mcx
last week
11 Urona Cserv of Iullng who has
I a nest f Mrs M M Wllllaius has
M home-
D 0 Saelb > and daughter Jnnle
iJiitoB vlsltetl Mr Alt Shelbys family
nnd Mrs n Woodward of Yoakum
fi Jr D c tottys family
UlUiil Mtllnr < > f San Antonio Is vis
l ljrotner Mr Alfrnl Mcllor
anl Mrs Morris Li vy hnv o returned
a Antonio
iflwc r1 111 < D ° f Rln Antonio
n t of Miss 1 mini Carpenter
ft1 o nnd Miss
Mi 0LK < irrTln < > ero guests of Mr
Mrs Charles 3eh lust SUurday and
YL Ir Ioh Taylor am visiting
II at 5 Cente mT Point Mr and Mrs P
jfl A UKlst Ilndenbcrg have re
Mfrom a Msit to the family ot their
u A Unflenherg In oakum
C Lamkln and family have re
from a 5tny In Klngsland
s Jessie and Josle Hunt who have
tWUng their slhtcr Mrs John T
° hao returned to their home ln Vic
et of Burleson county
KwihLt0 th nmllv ot Mr otto
iSvpjas K01c t0 DdUllle to
P Hlije his
returned from n visit
Prn r FiV ° tc county
h lac of Yoakum
totiw11 n u whllo en route to
slSLSI r X 3 Is now employed
returned from n
Mini and Cucro
Isltlng in Yoakum
ivp thMuik i returncd rrom
Jehu i A
H ne rJ 1 Vln B tho tnmy ot
kte retnrnrfi and daugh Miss Tm
rned to their h
to relatives > h
whn Sr
Bitter a Viit ° mc In lions
hcre the home
n chlIl
H rtwhn
Bd < l < Knox
ta rBd are at
u fi
niter a visit
Hlfi to relatives In
f1 Bush fro5nsM vv nUlnrt n21n5 wve removed to
b UndVi lIla sened her pel
store and will teach tula
t MnsC her r sister i U hcr Mrs from A Vcw F New 0r
a J Mr
M King
tnt > fc of
no much mcrrl
talrth lu
Tuesday afternoon
mildSi n Pty given
4 f1
m Mr o nB daugh
rnail toi KMH Quite
liftna s nt
f ssa Tn Kcn ° n t Mon
i4rgtlv 8 rf pJtaU < Jiall
uVif twniVirT Anderson cle
WdliVTS1 anfl1
u ance and Invited a
homJtti eek IIormllB turned to her-
S J r for vml wV 1 SC0 0U
Vi In lS ° toyfon has returned to her
lortie Sliinrabun nftirn
pleasant viii
r rKUJ MlM Ld SetttVo
inrtr Bouta
MIb Nellyc Pox after a rleasant
visit ta
Wor h relutu < > hom*o In
Lr aiA oynon and children
M ai and
J1 Tbeodnp nalilua vMm havi Wen on
nh ii 0nrll v ChrlRtl Kueta of Oai
2l V ion on the bluff returned
i0 lc t nu El v > this xveek
Father Co lon C ttU Lf
lnM A vo o Hn ln relumed to her hom*o
vltlt tn ncr old hrine here
Mr Graham formerly ot Coushatta In
Is in the city and will make his home here
Mrs V II 1onlcr who hut l > ncn Alslt
Ins tho family of Uev W TV Watts for
Fcvernl wicks retuued to Ilcaumout on
Mr nud Mrs Trank Ilall left on Thnrs
dav for their home at Beaumont
El i IIar < If np < l daughter Mm Kf
no Strickland arrived on Thmsdays train
I hey have been visiting nt Carthago two
fr Tord and wife are at home from Aus
tin where they ha > c been attending Btato
military encampment
Miss Jennie Sanders nnd Mri C W
Jlutts have returned from n visit to Lnf
Kin to organize a temple of the Rathbone
Tlie Beach Danctug club is the latest
pleasure organization In the cltv
Miss Ollio Iondran Is visiting her broth-
ers at Sllsbee
Mrs J b Mayfleld Is visiting her sick
mother at Alto
Miss Lilian Iangley has returned from
Austin where she has been attendtug the
summer normal
Mis J J Hajter and children are visit
ing Overton
Miss Jennie Ilarrlq is at home from Il
e6tlne where she has been visiting Dr
Links family
C D Crockett and wife left this week
on a > lRit to Ilcaumont
Mrs Julia Curl nnd Miss Ethel Hughes
left for their hom*o ar Dallas after spi > ndlng
three weeks tn the city Miss Ethel came
to be bridesmaid at the marriage of her
cousin Miss Mamie Schlndler to Mr Trank
Sharpe which took place at Christ church
on the nth of July
Mr S Illrsh and family are visiting at
The event of the week socially was the
wedding of Wllklns Winn Hunt and Miss
Mlra Scarborough at Trinity Episcopal
church Thursday night July 30 It was a-
very pretty wedding and was witnessed
by an audience which far exceeded the
capacity of tho church Tho beautiful vo-
cal selection 0 Proinl o Me was sung
sweetly by Mrs J L Loekett Jr as the
bridal party entered the church and Men
rlelliohiis wedding mirch was plnjed by
Miss Kate Carroll accompanied bj Prof
nick of Cuern on the violin ns the bridal
pnrtv proceedid to the chnnc I The at
tendants were Misses Dora Hughes of
Floresvllle Lutlc Oervals Maggie Hunt
and Kate Stouer and Messrs Stuart Hunt
Winn Trojlor Tom Trnylor and Jo OCon
nor Little Ml s Rebecca La rock boro
the wedding ring on a satin plllotr and
was ns graceful and self composed is any
of the party
The bride nnd her maids all wore white
organdie and tho groom and his attend-
ants conventional evening dress The cere
mnnv was performed by Itev A W Bur-
roughs according to thu beautiful iltunl o
the Kplseopal church
Afttr th cerrmonj the bridal party nnd
a number of friends pnrtook of a wedding
supper at tho St James hotel given In
Mr Scarborough the brides father and
then went to the Casino where a dance
was tendered by the young men ot Vic-
Tho bride Miss Mira Is the daughter of
J A Scarborough proprietor of tho St
James hotel and Is n beautiful and at-
tractive young lftdv The groom Is a popu-
lar young stockman residing about ten
milts below Victoria
The Hmreer pavilion was tho scene of a-
very ciijovable dance last evening ln which
n large rumbei of tho young people par
Mrs Otto Von Rosenberg Mrs n IT
Mitchell nnd Mrs S T Carter all from
Lofkbnrt arc spendliw the summer In
The senior members of tho Young Mens
Christian Association of San Antonio nc
couipnultd by some of their friends let
todnv on tho yacht Oriole for several dava
rruls e on the buy They will visit Coipus
thrlstl befoio returning
Mrs Winchester Iv > o who has been en
loving tho const life for the past two
vvocki left Inst Filday for San Marco
Judge KcKo will remain here the rest Of
the summei
V II R Grem nud party came In on
Mr GreenK private car Inst Thursdiy nlgnt
and are now enJOlug angling for tarpon
over nt tho club
Piof nnd Mrs J 0 Holland returned
this week from a couple of mouths stay
Mils Jennie Mae Tlsher of Fort Worth Is
spending a while In Rockport the guest of
her cousin Miss Nina Tlsher
Misses Myra and Myrtle Lott and Miss
Virginia Pettus of Gollnd are at the Del
Miss Lun Roord of Bryan Is at tho Bay
Thcr are about COO sumnur visitors here
now ail of whom seem to be having a roynl
good time enj lng the delightful sea
breeze fishing dancing etc
Mr and Mm William Blake of Shiner
Miss Pear Moore after a visit of several
months In St Louis has returned to this
Mrs W Grey of Tranklln Tevas is In
the cltv the giiest of Mr nnd Mrs W L
Holder on South Sycamore street
Mrs W J Bell nnd talented daughter
Ivviln after spending a few das in tho
city left vestcrday for their home at Ter
Mrs Tom Ardls and little daughter aro
in Ilcnrne where they will visit friends
ntlvrs for a few weeks
and re
Miss Itwtha Mason after quite a stay
last night
in Houston arrived home
Boulvare left this
Mrs Charleston 8 C whero
her oil home at
isV fvMTeT mlng young
flroVo7niSntsvli arrived
s this city
icsterdny to make
In the city
b < ru f npn 1Ja 1 of Lufkln Is In the city
for a todays with her parents Ur and
JV Sra Rock Ark
Galloway of Syca
Is visiting Ml s Maybell
ThVnfSSlMle hat was to be held at the
friWlco whee tbey will remain the bal
Wfyi rfcTli Jewett Is here
OV of
vlsl l refa1rveV on Vorth 7ekMn street
for Beeville Friday
Miss mile Hiak left
to Iprnd mootn wrh ner sister Mra i < u
7nTi Mcumty or mjiu Mr it
AicAnulty of o Mortn Mr V tt
r 1
i vr
ofS 8A A n mV5t anv nf am U t
tntVa Uma ° Uatt vlltlnS rclatlvea In
kJl8 J nB S tcnl and Mr M Lemmans
monh Tu ln Stn
AnonU >
Mrs Mary Cochran and daughter of Tcm <
pie are the guests of Jlrs 8 A Hill Sr
rt Bethany has returned from
vl lt at Sealv
Mrs Jack MeDade and children are visit
ing relatives here
Mrs e Grades and children have return-
ed from Ln Grange
Mr and Mrs Gus Glenn have returned to
their home ln Temple after spending a few
days here last week
Miss Amelia Trenckmann is visiting Mr
O A Trenckmann
Mrs C L Vndhan en nnd daughter have
returned to their home In Caldwell
Mr James B Baker nnd wife of Fort
Worn spent tevernl days here last week
the guests of Mr and Mrs J G Wcssen
Mrs Thomas McNeal Mrs W K Baylor
and Mrs John Lane visited relatives tn
Lullng the past week
Miss Inez Carter of Belton Is vi itlng
tn the city ns the guest of Mrs Ur Knollc
Mrs Sclglcr ot Galveston Is visiting her
father Dr W F Blunt
Miss Maggie Townscnd and Mrs Took
went down to Weimar Tuesday on a short
The Misses Warshawskl are visiting rela
tives at Scaly this week
Mrs Fannie Trigg Is visiting her daugh
ter Mrs Klein In Gonzales this week
Mrs L J Myers who has been quite
sick is convalescent and able to be up
Mrs John T Storey has been visiting
the family of Land Commissioner Storey
ln Austin this week
The concert nnd entertainment at Scheha
garden Saturday night for the benefit of
the city band was well attended and the
band rendered somo very flno music
The wedding bells are being put In readi-
ness for n lively glngle soon and Madam
Grundy Is asking Who But echo an-
swers only Who
Married at tie residence of tho brides
parents Mr nnd Mrs J A Jackson yes-
terday afternoon at 530 oclock Miss
Laura Jackson of this city to Mr Sam
Buchnnan of Brrnham Tho happy couple
left on the 710 Katy for Houston nnd
Galveston to spend a few days after which
the will return to Brcnhnm their future
Misses Alma Howard and Vada Meyer re-
turned from Brdlvlllo today whero they
have boon attending the normal
Miss Ida Lockwood la ot borne for a few
Ml es Luna Prelblseh nnd Fannie Cnl
more are vltlllng In Wnllls
Misses Lydla nnd Anne Wtms and Hugh
Melbourn went to Glddlngs last Wedues
Misses Anno nnd Rebecca Castleton arc
visiting In IIiy City
Mrs A C Wilson of Hnglr Lake was ln
the cltv several days this week
Mrs J P Biiclnnnn Misses Buchanan
nnd Mr Tom Bnehnnin and Miss Nannie
Jnck on of Rrenhnm Miss Hvn Smith and
llr It n Nicholson of Chappell Hill md
Mrs Belle Chreltzhrrg of Taylor attended
the BuchananJackson wedding
A very pleasant snclvl was enloyrd last
night nt the usldenee of Mr and Mrs H
A Cllne complimentary to Miss Wooten
a charming young lady of Beaumont
Mr nnd Mrs K II Huston and family
left this week for San Antonio where they
will uslde for several months
Mr and Mrs It U Vineyard and Mnser
Robert nnd Miss Mav left Tuesday for hmi
Antonio Mnita and other points
Mrs Tom Brooks nud children are visit-
ing relatives In llou ton
Miss Kathcrlne 13 Mayes an accom
pllsl od oung lady vvlio his been a teacher
In the schools of Chicago Is tho guest ot-
her aunt Mrs S H Dnidcn
Mrs L n Beadle and llltlo daughter
Helcu Of Lnlie City nre pleasantly domi-
ciled at the Nation hotel
Mr nnd Mrs 1 II Herring accompan-
ied by Miss Ceolle Stnley are spending a
few days In New Orleans
Mrs It 1 Hortou has been visiting
filends lu Glen Flora this week
Mrs r Pjge nud daughter Mrs A P
SpnrkmHn returned to the city this week
Mr and Mrs J J Prldgcn nnd family
are visiting relntlves nt Mt Lebniion Ln
Mr S Wooten of Beaumont Is thu
gue6t of Mrs H A Cllne
Mr nnd Mrs II L Strieker entertained
a number of friends nt their hospitable
hom*o on Thursday night the occasion being
the ninth anniversary of their marriage
The pilnclpal feature of the evening was
mutlc on the nngelus ou tho vlollu by Colo-
nel J II Gibson and some choice vocal se-
lections beautifully rendered by Mrs Nettle
Groom Most dcllclou refreshments wcio
served by Masers Phil and Ilnmmnri
htrlcker after which npproprlato toasts
were offered At about il30 Xhe uOstN
reluctantly tock leave of their host and
Jio tess
Mrs Lnurn Uissby and daughter Mrs
Manning leavo today for n months vhlt to
friends In Buffalo and Ialrfleld
Mrs Jnmcs Connaughton has returned
from retersville where she has been visit-
ing th fnmlU of Colonel BB refers
Pdlter W C Ptny and wife of Prnnklin
spent a few dns this week here
i m 1
Miss Kittle Tracey of Bockdalc visited
frleude In this city Sunday
MIsh Biible Covington has returned from
a several weeks vltlt to Ennls
Misses Ncellc nnd Josle Camp left Fri-
day for Houston where they will reside lu
Miss Carrie Waltman la visiting relatives
In Jevvctt this week
Miss Bettle Mcnu*tt of Ran Marcos Is
vl ltlng relatives In the city
Mlf nulla Chonto of Rmlthvllle Is vlslt
lnMr Stann Adnms of Dallas visited
friends In Hcarne several days this week
Miss lent Brnshear returned Wednesday
from a vlMt to Austin
MIsr Welch Is visiting In Terrell
Mlsi Mae Hel Parrlngtou of Willis is
visiting friends in this city
Mr and Mrs W II Strauthers who have
lived in Alvln for the past teu years left
Tuesday for San Angelo where they will
make their future home
Miss Naunio Smith returned Wednesday
from a pleasant weeks visit to friends In
G 5
Mrs SI A McCreery has returned from
visit to her daughter ntMarlln
Mrs U W Murdock of Anglcton Is visit-
ing her sister Mrs M I spencer
Mw P M Diinlay and daughter have re-
turned from a two months visit to rcla
lw MSI rtlWren are visiting rela
U Ml ss lnTH e 11Lewls ha returned from
Port Worth
The last day of the Chautauqua was the
scene of a rosrrlage which w s slightly
tinged with romance A few year ago
George Murphy and Miss Minnie Flannlken
were students In Trinity university at Te
huaoann When their school days wero
over they separated Mr Murphy going to
Colorado to make his fortune and Miss
Ktnnnlken to ber home near Tohuacana A
was kept up and both came
here to attend th Chautauqua Yesterday
fgrj >
Two cars of Iron Beds for this weeks selling Two
cars only not many to distribute mongst Hous
tons thousands who have long recognized this
Houstons lowest priced furniture house Values ad- °
vertised can only be guaranteed while goods hold out
Tills week f QR
Single or double size white enam
Enameled white blue
pink or green with brass knobs
single or double sizes a splendid
500 bed this week < 34S
Very handsome artistic design
large heavy white and gold pink
and gold or blue and gold einmeh
usual figures 850 C i C
tlm week wtu
Very handsome highly artistic de-
sign in green and gold pink and
eled very substantial good 300 goWi blue and old re lllv
value lflS good 1000 Bed this week U 4u
Full size single or double beauti-
ful design white green or blue
enamel brass top rod head and
foot heavy brass knobs rE
900 Bed this week 0 i d
Carpets Etc
fntiie stock now made specials
Everything going at less prices
Clearance must be effected
BRUSSELS 3 patterns all wool
legular value 65c Iflf
This week O i 32 >
Monday Only
for a lively time
18x36 at only AOl
RUGS Jute Smyrnas
18x36 Monday at only
thev decided they mold no longer live
without encli other nml rep ill ed to th
county clirks ofllcc whcio n lleiiisn was
piocuml nnd thn eereniony performed They
left f i the gioom hnnii nt Dulvcr
Mrs J W Barker returned n few dnys
alnco from n visit to relatives at Orange
and other points
Mr nnd Mm ttcorgc Carltn hnvn gotten
home from n pliasant trip to Michigan
where they vlMted Mr Cnrlltift relative
Mrs II II Jackson returned Wcduesday
trom n ten days stny at thnppoll 1111
She went to attend the bedside of her
brother who had his nrm torn off
Mrs Mnrshnll lingers and family will
Have In n few days for Cnllfornli which
Stnto will bo their futuro home
Mr and Mrs Dan Stumps of Anahuac
arc lu town
I >
nro guesla of the family of J W Mnller
The hop given at the opera hnusi Thurs
dny night compllmentry to Miss Dickson
a guest of Mis Bulah Bunting wns a
grand succes
Hon James Mnrbiirger nud wife of CIs
tein spent a day In our city with relatives
Mrs II A VVnodi and Miss Neva Burin
relumed this week from a tilp to Kentucky
and New York
Miss Willie May Johnston of nnkum re-
turned hom*o this week nftcr visiting rHu
tlves here
Mrs Johnson nnd daughter of Son An-
tonio arc visiting Mrs McVca
Tast Bnndny Mr J L Shilling enter-
tained n party of friends nt her hom*o threo
nillca north of Colmisnell In honor of
the birthday of her husband Sir J L
Shilling and that of his two friends
Messrs H n Craig and Jacob Wolfe It
was an Imitation of the old time Texas
dtnlngs and the old Southern hospital ty
wns In evidence A long table well laden
with tempting viands fruits etc was sur-
rounded by about twentyfive congenial
friends who had brought with them their
best thoughts wishes and witlclsms Lnte
In the afternoon the guests rilunctnnty
bid goodby to their hoit nnd hostess and
enjoyed n pleasant drive back to town
Mr nnd Sirs J S Underwood ot Frank-
lin visited New Iberia during the past
Mr and Mrs P B Burke visited rela-
tives In Franklin last week
Misses Maud and Bessie neott of Loko
Charles after spending a week here with
friends returned home Monday
Mrs T O Hutches and family are vis
Itlnx friends la Lake Charles and thenco
the > llt have for Kunsas to be nbs nt
till full
Mlv snisletBfll in visiting SIlss niln
hnltlii In IloiKiton Texas
MKs Unlay Cull is visiting relatives ln
niklinrt leias
Mi J 1 Demiody ot Waco 1b visiting
her iniitber Jlrs M MellvlUo
Mis IMdle Webb of Waco Is visiting the
fnmlle Mr IM Watson
Mrs A M Nallv lins returned hom*o from
u vlflt to her parents In Lexington
Miss Lena Ilrnniigu has returned to her
hom*o in CufTO t
MIhips Mnry Rteffcrs nnd Trankif Lceper
hnvn rohirned from II visit to Ln Giango
Sirs J II Jones and children nre visit-
ing relatives In Cucro
Mrs i Holmes left Tuwdav on a
visit to her paienls n Cleveland Ohio
Mr nnd Mrs Murdock visited relatives
In Alvln this week
Misses Jennie Willis nnd Kate Rharp
ppent dn In town this week nnd returned
to Qulniinn
MIkk Pauline Prewltt pcnt a week lu
Houston vlsltlrc
The lreslij terlnn Indies nro doing some
prettv work on the windows of their new
A girl baby nrrlved at the hom*o of Judgo
nnd Mrs Munson Wednesday
To the Kdllor of The Post
Navasotn Texns July 21 In the so
cl v column of The Houston Post unli
the head ot Navnsotn the Item of news up
pears that Mrs Tanner was n gist at
ihf nroirelve evichre partv given ut Sirs
E A Harris rmldence Will yon In Jui
tlcp to myself correct this Itam nc It was
Mrs Turner nnd not Mrs Tanner wf
ot the Presbyterian minister The reasi tn
for the request Is obvious Thanking yoj
In advance I am respectfully vonrs
Ida Baskervllle Tanner
Miss Bttlle Holt of Weimar was married
to Sir Henry Hurr of Glldden Texas
They deiiirted for ew Qrleans anl
Oneida III the hom*o of tbo bridegrooms
parents Miss Holt la the daughter of Prof
J W Holt nnd the pet of tho Weimar In-
stitute having taught In that Institution
aft r Inning rocelved her primary educa-
tion there They vvill return to Texas
about heptember where they will make
their home in futuro
Misses Bcnlah McMurry of Tyler and
Fannie Harrison of Grand fiallne were tile
guests of Mrs N V Iollov last week
J JJ Whlsnant nnd daughter Miss Alice
went to Llndalc last week
Misses Sallle Wood of Pine Springs and
Lee McDougal of Tyler are visiting Mrs U
W Kay tb week
Miss Valta Carter has returned to her
home at Garden Valley
25 styles Alatting
China and Jap grades
25c to 35c a yard This
week all at
Cane Seat
golden oak
Bedroom Suite
Solid Oak golden fituMi French
plate mirroi full size bed ami
washstand regular
1S00 value
A llandsoino Book of Mantel
and Grate Furniture sent free for
the asking lively prospective
mantel buyci should immediately
take note of our ofler to funiLsh
mantels for onefourth less than
can be obtained anywhere else in
the cltv
29 r t P
Greenberg Bros 405 Main Street
me artistic de R
This Bed large handsome
in white blue
sign pink or green
4 with bras s top
poles heavy
brass knobs
regular 1500
Parlor Cabinet
Real Imported Wicker Stock bevel
plate mlrroia magnificent cteatlon
of regular value 3500 JE AA
this week
Imported Wlck
ci must elegant
aw jji sui te
consists of 1
bifi I Manj
Rocker 1 La
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Reference the current page of this Newspaper.

The Houston Daily Post (Houston, Tex.), Vol. XVIIITH YEAR, No. 121, Ed. 1, Sunday, August 3, 1902,newspaper, August 3, 1902; Houston, Texas. ( May 23, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,;.

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The Houston Daily Post (2024)
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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.