THE DUNHAM GENEALOGY - [PDF Document] (2024)


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THE DUNHAM GENEALOGY Related Families:- BILLINGS POWELL. HICE ••.•.•. GRAY •.•.•. ROOT •••.•. ANDRUS •.• Chester Forrester Dunham, Ph.D. Author of Christianity in a World of Science, The Northern Preachers and the Civil War. Toledo, Ohio, 1 ') 56.

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Related Families:-

BILLINGS POWELL. HICE ••.•.•. GRAY •.•.•. ROOT •••.•. ANDRUS •.•

Chester Forrester Dunham, Ph.D. Author of

Christianity in a World of Science, The Northern Preachers and the

Civil War.

Toledo, Ohio, 1 ') 56.





1. The Meaning, Significance, and Sources of Ancestral Names

2. The Elder Wm. Brewster and Mr. Richard Warren Families

3. Pastor John Robinson and the American Mayflower Pilgrims

4. The History and Gazetteer of the United States of America

5. The Dunham Family: Tradition,Genealogy,Citations,and Family Residences: England, Holland, Massachusetts, Vermont, Illinois, and Ohio.

6. The Dunham Affiliated Families: Morton, Whiston, Rickard, Tilson, Hatherly, Conant, and Fay.

7. The Billings Family and Affiliates:Kenney,Belding,MacMillan, Chapman,Stebbins,Citations,and Residence:Onawa,Iowa.

8. The Dunham Family Affiliates: Yates, Robson, Layne, Brown, Powers, Cosgray, and Citations.

9. The Powell Family and Affiliates: Morgan, McManus, Fee, Ketchum, Barbour, and Citations.

10. The Hice {Hise) Family and Affiliates: Fowler ,Gibson, Miller, and Citations.

11. The Gray Family: Tradition,Gene..1logy,Citations,and Residences: Scotland, North Ireland, Mass.,N. Y .and Ohio.

12. The Gray Famil Affiliates: Root, Hart, Russell, Andrus, 5=1oes (Close , Wertz, Holliday, Fox, and Welly.

13. The Appendix: Familv Ancestral States (U.S.A.),Overseas Resi­dences of C.G.Dunham, and American urban Residences of














R.M.Dunham,Citations,and Special Data. 137-152.

14. The Index of Family Names: Dunham, Powell, Gray, and Andrus. 153-160



Pre Lice

This genealor~ical rese;irch of the Dun!1,.m, Billings, Powell, Hice, Gray, Andrus, and rel:tted Ltrnilies, is interesting,enlightening,and vital; revealing the life of an ancestor, a L11nily, a community, a state, a nation,

and a world: new and old. The biogr.1phy of an Individu;d is a basic foundation of the story of a Family; and the F,llnily narr:dive is ;1 fundamental phase in

the lite of a Community; .ind the Community narr:1tion is ;1 vital influence in the history of a State, a N:ttion, and the World.

A year portrays pe rson:11, soc i:d, economic, politic,d, cultural, spiritual, national, ,ind inte1nation:il lifr: 1492, 1620, 1776, 1861, ,rnd 1956.

A n:ttional section: reve.ils distinctive ch:ir;icteristics, quite varied

t rom other regions: l'\o rtl1. South. New E:ngLrnd, Deep South, Middle We st, ,,nd F:1 r West.

This research is not definitive or final,until all the data is discovered. It is ever revisable when-ever new facts .tre unearthed.and new rnaterial provided, Tradition, :tnd Le ;~end-Mythology must :1 lw.i ys be proved ultimately by "vital" sLttistics. If you.the reader, ,l reLttive, ;i friend, or <1n :11n;1teur

:~ene,ilogist can provide ;i n<:>w version, gre,1t or sm:1ll, it \vill be happily received .t nd inc orpo r;ltcd in the 1~e nca logy.

We appreciate the collcbor.itive f~enealogic:il rese:irch of:­Florence l. R:1rcLiy, of Whitrnan,Mass.

Arn. Boer,the Buri~enwcster of Zevenhuizcn,HolLind. Dr. H;1ns Breyman,of West Berlin,Gerrn~ny. Vera Creswell,the Postrnaster of Sc-rooby,EngLtnd, Thelma Powe 11 r'ee, of C;inonsbur g, P.1.

Edna Fowler.of Penn Run,Pa. Clayton J. Fullt·r,of Montgornery,Vermont. Frances Stron;~ Hclm;in,of lndiana,Penn;i. Sutton Hice.of York,Nebrask.1. Ruby D~m Hurlbut,of Enosburg F;dls, Vermont,

Frank £. Le.ich,Postmaster of Dunham-on-Trent.England. Edna,Librarian of Ebensburg,Penn;1,

Mrs. J. Lloyd Lewis. Posl1n.ister o! Lbnbrynm:1ir,Wales.

Misses l·:lL·.abeth Lucile ,rnd Louise M:irie MacMillan,of On.1w:i,lowa, Lucile F.Pierson,of Holly Hill,l<'Jorida. Thomas Parry,Libr:iri;1n of the N;it'l Library of Aberystwyth.Wales. William Galbraith Smith.of W.ishington,D.C. Elsie C. Wells.of Bakersfield,Vermont.

(Loan books frorn the New EngLind Historic Society.Boston)




Humanity has been endowed with one name,then two names,later three names;and sometimes four names. Royalty and nobility are bestowed with a host l')f names. The name of the primitive,savage,barbarian was a secret:a magical treasure. He was not known by his private name,but by a convenient ''public'' name that signified a relations hip,a c haracte riza tion,or even a "nickname."

The name l')f the Biblical Hebrew is a branch of the Family Tree,or descriptive of the infant's birth,or commemorative of family history.or the pl')rtrayal of spiritual ideals to suggest a noble way of life.

The triple-names l')f the Roman were: 1. The personal name of the individual (praenomen). 2. The clan name "f the household (nomen). 3. The family name of the clan branch revealing ancient lineage (cognomen). The Roman military Cl')nquerl')r at times was accorded a fourth line to glorify his victory,and the Roman statesman tn accord appreciation of his civic achievements.

One's Name should uniquely distinguish the Individual. One should be proud of the Family or Surname (last name);of the Baptismal or Christening Given Name (first name);and of the Middle or Secondary Name.

I.This tri-fold name,or three names;are descriptive of one:s heredity: the Genealogy nr History of one's Family.the record of ones Ancestors:or a branch of the Family-Tree.

2. These names also reveal one: s environment: locality ,occupation, geograph­ical setting,relatives and friends.

3. Also these names portray personality:physical characteristics,mental traits,and ideals of character;suggestive of the hopes of parents to be achieved

in the life of the child. One!s Name or three-fold Name may answer one or more or all of the

following queries: 1. What is his original home or pre side nt residence?

2. What is his life-work? 3.Who is his father? His relatives and friends? 4. What is his most prominent personality trait? 5. What is his distinctive:: peculiarity?

BIBLICAL NAMES OF OUR AMERICAN ANCESTORS Abia & Abiah:Jehnvah is. Father. Abijah:My Father is Jehovah. Abraham: father

0 f a multitude .. Almnn: hidden;hiding place. Andrew: manly. As;i: healing,physician. Benaiah: built by Jehovah; Jehovah is intelligent. Benjamin: son of the right hand; son 0 f my right hand,pnrtending com fort and consolation. Caleb: (dog) bold,im­petunus. Cnnsider: diligently. Daniel: God is Judge;God is my Judge. David:be­lnved;favnurite. Ebenezer: stone nf help;God's help;God:s helper;God is Helper.



Elias: (The Greek form of Elijah) My God is Jehovah. Elijah: Jehovah is God; God Himself. Elisha: God is Saviour. Enos: mortalrman;especially as mortal, decaying. Ephraim: fruitful,doubly fruitful. Erastus: beloved. Gideon:hill­breaker;tree-feller;great warrior or destroyer. Hezekiah: Jehovah is strength; strengthened of Jehovah;hc1rden. Increase: increase,produce. Ira: watchful, watcher,citizen,watchful. Isaac:laughter,mockery,he will laugh:--r;-;ael: The prince that prevails witp God; ruling with God;a prince with God;a contender with God;a soldier of God. Jabez: height;a high place;who causes sorrow. James: (Jacob) heel-catcher,supplanter. Jeremiah: exalted of Jehovah;Jehovah will rise. Jesse: root, root of God and ancestor of the Messiah;firm. John: Jehovah favored. Jonathan: Jehovah is given;God-given. Joseph: addition;inc reaser;adding. Joshua: Jehovah saves. Josiah: Jehovah supports;founded by Jehovah. Matthias: g_ift of Jehovah. Micaiah: who is like Jehovah. Moses: to draw;drawn out;drawn out of water. Nathaniel (Nathanaelt gift of God;given of God. Noah: rest;quiet. Peter: a rock,a stone. Silas: (a contraction of Silvanus,Sylvanus):wooded. Salmon: clothed or clnthing. Samuel: heard of God;asked of God. Solomon: peace Stephen: crown. Sylvanus: {Silvanus):wooded. Theophilus: beloved of God;friend of God;loved by God. Thomas: turn. Timothy: honoured of God,honoring God. Zurishaddai: The Almighty is a Rnck;My Rnck is the Almighty.

Abigail: snurce nr ca use of de light;ex ulta tion. Anna: grace. Bathsheba: daughter of an na th. Ba thshua: daughter of prosperity. Deborah: bee, wasp. Elisabeth:the nath 0f God;God is a Swearer. Esther:Star;the planet of Venus. Eunice:thankful,to praise,good victory. Hannah:grace,graciousness,favor. Humility: gentleness.lowliness of mind.affliction. Joanna: a gracious gift of God. Judith: Jewess. Lydia (Lidia): {A country and people of North Africa;a devout woman nf Thyatira;a seller nr purple). Martha: lady. Mary: exalted;bi.tter;re­bellion. Mercy: kindness;loving kindness. Myrtle: tree. Phoebe (Phebe) :radiant. Rachel (Rachael):ewe;a lamb. Rebecc;1 (Rebekkah) :fhttcring. Sarah: my princess. Susanna: (Susannah) lily.


Heinrich: (Heinerich,Henrich,HENRY,Henricus) a courageous man;a spirited man;a spirited he ro;manly courage ,vigor. Georg: (George) a farmer ,one who tills the soil ;a husbandman,an ag ric ulturis t. Wilhelm: (William) a defender;a potential shield;a strong protector. Johannes: (Jnhann,Johan,Han,Hans,Jan) the mercy of the Lord;the grace of the Lord Rei. nhard: (Richard) richly hnnored; rich;honored. Christopher: .1 bearer of Christ.Matthias: (Mathias) the gift of God. Sebastian: a ugus t;exa l te<t,e leva ted. Dietrich:(Derrick) a patriot nr friend to the people.

-V ,dentin: (V ,:dentine) strong ,powerful ,a rnan of valor. Peter: (Petrus) a rnck nr stnne;nrze that is imn1ovable nr firm.



THE FAMILY PARENTAL NAME: Mac,O',Fitz,Son and Sen mean::son of. Mac Dnnald, Mac Millan, Morgan, Powell(ap Howe 11), Rickard, Johnson, Ericksen.

THE LIFE-WORK NAME: (Occupation,vocation,profession,position,business) Barbour, Briggs, Brewster ,Carpenter ,Chapman, Forrester ,Fowler ,Miller ,Smith.

THE PERSONAL CHARACTERISTIC NAME: (Physical appearance,mental trait, m'1ral attribute) Beard, Burley ,Gray ,Brown,Coy ,Savage ,Barlow ,Hale ,Huff ,Sage.

THE GREAT PERSONAGE NAME: (Given or baptismal:Kinr Q ueen,President, Admiral, Gene ral,Sta tesman,Reforme r, Ecclesiastic) Richard,Henry, William, Ge'1rge, Louis, Elizabeth, Mary ,Margaret,Calvin,Patrick,Pete r ,Paul,Sam uel..Arthur.

THE GEOGRAPHICAL ENVIRONMENT NAME: (Regions,places,localities) Field, Fnrrest,Chase ( a forest),Close (field),Dunham,Morton,Olmstead,Moor,Hatherly.

THE NAME OF NATURE'S LIFE: (Animal,fish,bird,tree & ) Fox,Hart,Root,Cr.1ne, Chickering, Fish,Pike, Bunting ,Sturgeon, Bird, Branch,Oake s ,Stump, Crowe, Martin.

THE NAME OF THE COSMIC UNIVERSE: Starr,Snow Raines,Cloud,Storm,Sun,Ice.

THE NAME OF A PRODUCT OF MANKIND: (Buildings,tools,farm produce) House,: Yates (Gates) ,Shedd,Lodge ,Castle, Temple ,Lane ,Rhoades.Rice, Wheat,Key ,Dorr.

THE FAMILY NAME OF F EMlNINITY: (Characteristics, traits ,ability} Libbey, Libby, Hanna,.Hannah, Ruth,Queen, Luce ,Lucey, Isbell, Isabella ,Allis, Jayne.

THS NAME OF CHRONOLOGY: Spring,Summe rs, Fall, Winter, Day,.Knight, Weeks, Holliday ,Sunday, March, May, August, Monday ,Noon,

THE NAME OF FINANCE: Penney ,Dollar .Cash,Fee ,Ste rling,Coin S ilve r,M0 1,ey.

THE: NAME: OF ELEMENTS: Hnttrn.rn.Conl.11.:rn Heise,Heiss,Hise,Hice,Cooley,.Cool.

TH~,: NAME: OF CHARACTERIDC.:AL!:i: Mercy,Tlnnkful,HopePatience ,Faith.

THE NAME nF AGE: Y rrnn•~. Y ()uni~m;rn, l<.:lde rkin, Slde r, Old, Ya, r ,Oldf.1 the r.

TtH~ hlCh-NAME:Sally: (Sarah),Mellie: (C.tmilb),Abhie (Abigail), Mnl';:(.\1ary).

-:- 3


THE BREWSTER FAMILY (Ancestors of Hannah Eliza Andrus Gray)

"Verile Soyl'Z M;1 G.trde."

ELDER WILLIAM RREWSTER ( l ) Born: 1566 the L1st h:1lf,or iirst p.1rt of 1567. Died: April 10,1644,Plymouth,M;iss. M,1rried: Mary __ __,.---,-- Died: April 17,1627,Piytnouth,Mass. ( 2) Horn: August lZ,1593,Scrooby,England,

2.P:itience ( 2) 3.Fe~1r ( 2.) 4.Love ( 2) 5.Wrestling ( 2) 3.InLrnt ( 2 ) Died: June 20,1609,Leyden,Holland.

JONATHAN RREWSTER ( 2 ) Rorn: August 12,1593,Scrooby,E:ngbnd. Died: August 7,165CJ,Preston,Conn. Married: Lucretia Oldham.sister of John Oldham.April 10,16;~4 Horn: ____ Died: ,\,arch ·1,1678-<1,Preston,Conn. C'1ild: Benjamin ( 3) Horn: l'\ovember 17.1633,Duxbury,M;1ss.

LH.::NJAMIN BREWSTER ( 3 ) Born: November 17,1633,Duxbury,Mass. Died: September 14,1710,Norwich,Conn, Married: Ann Darte,February 2.8,165g-6o. Born: _____ ~ Died: ;'\,',;iy '1,1708. Child: Mary ( 4) Born: December 10,1660.

;'\,tAR Y BR£WSTER ( 4 ) Born: December 10, 1660. Died: -------l\.1;1rried: S;1muel Fitch.son of the Rev.Mr.James Fitch,November 28,1678. Born: Apr i 1 lf, r, C,.]) i e, l : l 7 .!. 5.

Children: I. ~.L1ry (5) Born: l\.L-trch 10,1679-80 • .!..Samuel (S) Born: October 5,1681. 3.Hezekiah ( 5) Born: Janu;iry 7,1682..

4.Eliz.ibeth (5) Born: Febru;iry 15,1684. 5. Abig;ti 1 (5) Born: Feb r u;i ry 16 86, 6.Sa111uel (S) Born: November 28,1688. i'.P.enj.1rnin ( 5) Born: March 29,16'1}.

BENJAMIN FITCH ( 5) Born: !\larch 2.'1,16'11, M:n-ried: Hann.1h Reed,Nov,l8,1713.Died:Oct.10,17l7. Child: Mary ( 6) Born: Sept.2.6,1714. M,1rried: l);,vid Andrus.

Died: P;1 wle t, Vermont, Janu.1 ry 22, 1798 . .1


THE WARREN FAMILY • 'Pro Patria Mori••

(Related Families: Bartlett, 13a rn:iby ,Perry, Dunham)

RICHARD WARR.SN ( l ) Born: _____ Died: 1628,Plymouth,M;1ss.

lv,arried: Elizabeth _____ ---:-~- Born: 1583. Died: October 1673. ;1e 90 ye;irs. Child: Mary ( 2 ) Born ;1bout 1606.


Born: ;ibout 1606.

Married:Robert B.trtlett ,1bout 1628. Born: .tbout 1603. Died: 1676. Child: Lydia ( 3) Born: June 8,1647.

LYDIA BARTLETT ( 3) Born:June 8,1647. Died: Decernber 11,1691. M:irried: ( 1) J,1rnes Rdrn:1by,1G66-67 Died: 1677.

M;.rried: ( 2.) John Nelson,.ibout 1681. Died: April 2ri,16')7.

Children: l.J:imes ( 4) Born ·1bout 1670. 2..Stephe!1 ( 4)


Born:Plymouth about 1670. Died: Freeto,,,.n.~, .c,s.,J:tly 5,17.~6.

IvL-trried: Jo;rnnd Harlow,.tbout 1697. Born: M.,r.24,106<1. Died:Sept.4,1725.

Child: Lydia ( S ) Rorn:;1bout 1700.

LY DIA HARN AB Y ( 5 ) Born: about 1700. :VL-trried:Williani Pt>rry,,\,;iy 2.'1,1718. Born: .,bout !6ri-L Dit>d .,bout M.:r,8,1728.

Child: Lydia ( 6) Born .1bout 1724.


Born: about 17Z.4.-2S. Died:1787.

l'vL1rried: (I) l\i;ithaniel Fullcr.Jr.,Jurw 12.1744.

Childn~n: l.Lydia ( 7) 2..Willi.1rn l'liller ( 7)

M a r r i e d : ( Z ) Ebe n e ze r D un h " 111 , S r . , 1'. i .1 y 12 , 1 7 4 8 • B o r n : Fe b . 5 , I 7 18 - I ') • Die d : A II g • 4,. (i 6 Children: Jo in na, Phebe, Si Iv ;in us, Jc s se, H.1 nn.i h, Ab i :;.1 i 1, E: un ice, T ho111 .1 s, N ,1 t h.1 nie I.

Ebe ne ze r , J r • Born: PI y 111 pt on , M:. s s • , 176 0 - 6 1.

1--: BEN E Z I:: R DUNHAM ( 7

Born:Plympton,!v;:tst>.,1760-61. Died: E'nosliuri~.Ver1nont,J;1nt1.try 28,1836 •

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



l.JOHN DUNHAM was exiled to Holland,and to America, because of Anglican ecclesiastical and royal persecution of the free faith---of the Se para tise, Independent,Non-Conformist,Pilgrim ,Congregationalists.

2.JOHN GRAY emigrated from Scotland to Ulster,North Ireland;and to America,because of the National Established Church and British Royal Throne per secutinn of the Presbyterian Faith of the Scotch and Scotch Irish.

3. The Separation of Church and State,and the freedom of the local·church fron, an autocratic national institution; was a vital need in Great Britain,and a sublime spiritual dream for the New World of America.

4. The Dunham descendants of Lydia Perry and Ebenezer Dunham,Sr.are also descendants of Mr.Richard Warren of the Mayflower Pilgrims of 1620.

5. The Gray descendants of Hannah Eliza Andrus and George Marshall Gray,are also descendants of Elder William Brewster of the Mayflower Pilgrirns of 1620.



The supreme Christian lay leader of the Free,Separatist,Independent, Nnn-Cnnfnrmist,Congregational Church was William Brewster who provided his Mannr fl")r the place of worship for the Free Church of Scrooby,England. As a religinus exile he was Elder or Teacher of the Free Church of Leyden, Hnlland,under the spiritual leadership of Pastor John Robinson. Later he was the Acting Lay Pastrir of the Free Church of the Pilgrims of Plymouth,Mass. still under the guidance of Pastrir Jnhn Robinson,who was refused a passport to the Pilgrim New World by the Old Wnrld Archbishop and King of Britain.

William Brewster graduated frrirn Cambridge University,and was a member 0f the Gentry Class. He was an "intelligence agent" or assistant to Queen Eliza­beth's Secretary nf State ,Sir. William Davison. He served as Postrnaste r of Scrnoby,England,from April),15')4 to September 30,1607.

While exiled tri Leyden,Holland,he published,and circulated by an under­grnund in Gngland, leaflets, pamphlets and books of the Free Church;condemned by mediaeval Jnhn Bull as seditious,heretical,and criminal.

The record nf Elder William Brewster in the Free Church of Plymouth in the New Wnrld from 1620 tn 1644:

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I • I

' .

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II.DIR w ILLIAK 'BRPSTBR (Holding the Bible)

PASTCR JOHN ROBINSON (f.ead1ng 1n Prayer)

GCNERNCR CARVER (Hold 1ng hi ■ hat)

Mr ■• W lliam Br Son At the rtght o Brewster

'R1ll1am Bradtord (At Brew1ter'1 lett)

Mr I. Wm Brad ford (It Rob1naon 11 right)

A Farewell Bon Voyage Prayer Service on the 1h1P ''Speedwell'' at Delft Haveil,Holland,July 22,1620,which 11 to join the ''Mayflower" 1n England, to "exile" the P11-gr1m1 tn the New "fforld. The "Speedwell'' became un ■eaworthy and 102 P1lgr1mt & adventurers jammed the ''llaytlower'' wb1ch 1atled l•t• tn September.

Tb11 detail ta trom a m111terp1ece by the tamou1 A■er1can h11tor1cal artist Robert Weir. Th11 cab1net- ■ 1zed Pilgrim portrait is the art trea ■ ure or Cheater F. Dunham. Mra.Thelma G. Dunham's ancestor is Elder w1111am Brew ■ter.



l. The Lay Pastor of the Free Plymouth Church from 1620 to 1629. 2. The Elder (Teacher) of the Free Plymouth Church. 3. A Deputy of Plymouth General Court in 1636. 4.. The fourth Signer of the Maylowe r Compact. 5. Chaplain of the Plymouth Military Company.

MR.RICHARD WARREN (1580-162 8)

Richard Warren was called Mr. pronounced "master".a member of the Gentry. He was characteriz.ed ~ grave London merchant. He was an Assistant Governnr nf Plym0uth Colonyl624-28;a member of the group of twelve vnlunteers nf Camp Cnd exploring partie~and was in the first Indian enc0unter. He was nne nf the "Purchasers" of 1627,a financial project to buy all C()lnny rights frnm the Lnndnn .t-.ierchant Adventurers.

Mr. Warren was the 12th signer of the Mayflower Compact. He was pnrtraying as a useful instrument in sharing the trials and tribulations of the first years nf the Plymnuth Plantation. Especially during the fearful disease epidemic,Richard Warren was of "great usefulness."



The Pilgrims cc1.rried through the Protestant Reformation to its logical conclusinn: tn restore Jesus' Faith ,tnd Way of Life to its New Testament purity,simplicity,reality,and pnwer. The barnacles of superstitinn,hierarchy, formalisrn,inquisition,and pnwer-politics were tn be abolished. It was not to be J. re-forming of rnediaevalism,but rJ.ther a creative restoration of original eJrly Christianity.

When Jesus called,set part,or ordained the 12 :1nd the 70;that consecra­tinn and dedicatinn was a single and unique type of self-giving,not a series of acts,nor one graded according to the nature of the service. Apostles,prophets, teachers,evangelists,pastors,and healers--all received identical ordination, The later orders nf priests,bishnps,archbishops,metropolitans,patriarchs, cardinals ,and popes we re the result of political evolution, influenced by the R'"'man government: nf the Caesars,and the Hebrew Temple priesthood, The priest as media t0r, middleman between God and the believer ,commissioned by G'"'d tn '"'ffer up a real sac rifice--did nnt exist in the service of the early Chris­

tian Church. The Pilgrims came tn America without a Minister because of the

Anglican Ecclesiastical-R0yal "ban'; and f0r many months were a lay-minis­

= 7 =


tering cnngregatinn. These first Cnngregationalists landed on Plymouth Rock and straightway established the First Cnngregation:11 C'.1urch in that combina­tinn Meeting Hnuse,Church,School,and Town Hall,

THE BASES OF PILGRIM FAITH l. Democracy in Religion:

Name,Jesus is present and the two equality.

Where two nr three are gathered in Jesus' or three worship as disciples in spiritual

2. Fellowship in Religion: They all served ,1ccording to his or her ability fnr there were no class stru~gles dut> to wealth,position or family pride.

3. Mnrality in Religion: They believed in Christian character and persnnality,in keeping the Sabbath holy,in Church attendance,in daily prayer, in Bible reading,in being a Christian example for all,

4. Intelligence in Religion: They we re we 11 grounded in their religion, and fnunded Harvard Cnlle'.~e tn provide a school for a trained Christian minis­try,which was expanded alsn tn include tn create an intelligent laity.

5.Unity in Religion: Never apprnving creedal and ceremonial uniformity, nr a regimented prngram,they have ever sh,1red the spirit of 'unsectarian' unity.

6.Prr,gress in Religion: As the Sun brings new light every day,so their faith must grr,w in "light and truth' and ever be dynamic,organic,and atomic in spirit,in pnwer,and destiny. The lightning flash came to their souls from Jesus.

a. F rnm a fearful tn a loving God. b,Original sin tn nriginal Divinity. c.A Cnming tn a Present Jesus. d. F rnm selfish tn unselfish universal Salvation. e. Frnm a pa rt of Life to All Life.

THE CONVICTIONS OF PILGRIM FAITH 1. Tn God Direct (Directly~.: We go to God in prayer,directly taking our

burdens• We believe in the Universal Priesthood oi all believers. We have no ecclesiastical father cnnfessor to penalize regarding our misdeeds.

2. To An Open Bible: We always read, uncle r stand,and interpret the Bible as more Light and Truth illumine the same. We have no chained Bible in a dead language ,censored by a dictatorial ecclesiastical council,or a commanding priest.

3. To a State Free Church: We desire:the separation of Church and State; religious toleration and tnlerance. We need no merger of State and Church,dom­ina ted by a theologic. l inquisition,a book-burning index,and a control of civic political ~fficials.

4. To Reality From Mystery: We seek the creative spiritual value:-the building nf the Kingdom of God on earth in all hearts. We preserve no martyr­bones or saintly bodies under an altar,or officiate at costly services for those

= 8 =


1n a sn-called purgatnry,rH c0ndemn any branch nf the Christian Church as false. 5. Tf'l Jesus Supreme Leadership: We explnre and interpret the Mind of

Jesus tn achieve His Way nf Life;nnt the philosnphy of Ambrose,Ignatius, Luther, Calvin, Camp be 11, n r Pa trick. Jesus is the Supreme Leader of the Pilgrim Faith.

The Pilgrim Spirit cnmprises: The lviayflnwer Compact the T0wn Meeting, the C0lnnial Church, the New England Conscience, a Church as br,,ad as Christendom, interdenominational not sectarian in spirit.

Pilgrim Exiles in Holland and America we re ably describes in 1835 by James Thacher in his @History of the Town of Plymouth.

" It was in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth.,King James, and Charles the First,that the wicked domination of tyranny and oppression both in Church and State,had become so intolerable,that a portion of their subjects •.• were compelled to abandon the soil of their fathers,and subject themselves to the miserable condition of exiles in :, foreign land.''

''This little band of Pilgrim brothers, .• constituted them­selves into a church,of which Mr.John Robinson was the pastor,and under extreme errbarrassment and difficulty,effected their emigration to Hol­land,and to0k up their residence in the city of Leyden,in the year 1610, where they remained in peaceful and quiet enjoyment about eleven years.'

''Having nume rnus and insurmountable objections to the c,,untry nf the Dutch,as a permanent residence for themselves and pos­terity,they deliberately decided nn the memorable enterprisc,of trans­pnrting them selves tn this remote and unexplored region, where they might

e njny their wr,rship,and npinir,ns unmnle sted."

................................................................................................... Thelma Gray Dunham is a member of the

Society of Mayflower Descendants; her Pilgrim Ancestor

is Elder William Brewster, the Separatist Spiritual Leader

of Scrooby,England;Leyden,Holland;and Plymouth,America.

= 9



The Supreme Spiritual Apnstle of the Free,Independent,Separatist, N 1·m-Crrnf0rmist,Lncal,C,..,ngregatinnal Church: Jnhn Robinsnn was the Asso­ciate Pastnr nf the famnus Free Church nf Scrooby,England,meeting in the Mannr of William Brewster;the Pastor of the Church being Pastor Richard Clyftnn. Jnhn Robinson was later exiled to Holland,being called as the sole Pastor of the Free Church nf Leyden,his lay associate and religious teacher being Elder William Brewster.

Althnugh Pastnr John Robinson was forbidden by the English Ki!lg and the Anglican Archbishop to sail with the Pilgrims on the Mayflower in 1620 for the New Wnrld,he was the absentee Pastor of the Free Church in Plymouth, Massachusetts;the acting unordained lay Minister being Elder William Brew­ster,who served in every pastoral capacity,save that of officiating at the Sacrament of Communion.

John Robinson was a graduate of the University of Cambridge;a member of the social class, the Gentry;a great preacher ;a keen theological writer; a noble pastor'and a loyal,personal Friend. His outstanding theological master­piece is: "A Justification of Separation from the Church of England!'

Governor William Bradford,of Plymouth Colony,Massachusetts,a pro­tege of Elder William Brewster,and a member of the Free Church of Leyden, Holland,and nne nf the Mayflnwer Pilgrims,portrayed this citation of Pastor Jnhn Robinsnn:

• 'Mr. Jnhn Rribinson w;is Pastor of that famous Church of Ley­den,in Hnlland. He was a man learned and of solid judgment, of a quick and sharp wit, nf a tender conscience, and very sincere in all his ways •••• very cnurtenus, affable, and snciable in his conservation ••• was ever desirous of any light ( in Christian Faith ),very profitable in his ministry, and comfortable tn his people. He was rnuch belnved of them, and as loving was he unto them. He was much esteemed and reverenced nf all that knew him."

Pastor Jnhn Rnbinson knelt in a Farewell Pastoral Prayer with the Leyden Pilgrim s,about tn sail from De 1ft, Holland, on the ship Sp~edwell. This vessel after leaving England,became unseaworthy,returning to port, and the Mayflower received all Pilgrim passengers, a goodly number not sailing because nf lack nf accommodation for more than 102. Pastor John Robinson and Elder William Brewster were the Guiding Spirits of the Pil­grims from Plymnuth,England to Plymouth,Massachusetts,in 1620,and for n1any later years.

= 10 =



The urgent quest for a direct ocean highway to India fron1 Europe un­veiled a new world,the central portion of which was destined to become the Unites States of America. A dream of gold,adventure,trade,colonies,religious, social,economic and p0litical freedom, stimulated Spanish,French,Dutch, Swedish,and English pinneers to explore and occupy North America. The Eng­lish genius for permanent cnlonization,founded thirteen Atlantic seaboard settlemr.nts,cnmpnsed of th0se seeking economic opportunity and religious freedon1.

The unrestrained spirit of the New World gradually weaned away the cnlnnists from 01d Wnrld traditinns,and resenting overseas supervision,es­pecially in the realm of taxatinn,their independence was won from Mother Cnuntry J:::ngland,after a prolf1nged revolutionary conflict, with substantial aid fr0m the French.

The American Cnrnmande r ,George Washington,became ,by election, the first president of the new republic nf thirteen united states,directing the af­fairs of state under a cnnstitution ,which provided a government of three de­partments;executive,legislative,and judicial;specific supreme powers ild«.nin­istered by the central or federal government;and other powers were allocated to the states.

Purchase, state ce ssion,exploration,annexation,conflict,and treaty ,en­abled emigrants by canalboat and covered wagon,to push back the frontiers to the Pacific Coast;conquering forest,swamp,beast and savage;leaving farm, ranch,and town in their train. Later,homestead laws,railways,and irrigation projects wooed an influx of hardy European immigrants to settle the virgin soil and build new communities. Further European colonization and interven­tion in other parts of the New World were sumn1arily and permanently checked by a maxim ennunciated by President James Monroe that •· We should con­sider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hen1isphere as dan~erous to our peace and safety.••

Meanwhile the slave labor system,dominating the cotton and tobacco plantations 0f the Southland,festered into a sanguinary four years of civil conflict, which was w0n by the North,afte r tremendous mutual losses,Pre sident Abraham Lincnln,and General U.S.Grant,being the leaders in the cause to pre­serve the Uni0n plus the amendment to emancipate the slaves. A period of tragic rec0nstruction f0llowed,which only the industrial progress of later decades has erased. American inventive genius forged the re-united nation into the fnrefront,0f business world-power.

The steamboat, railway, trolley car, sewing machine ,electric light,

~ 11 -


e leva tor, s k ysc raper s tee 1-f ra nie, telegraph, telephone, ha rve s te r, reaper ,printing press, rubber vulcani za tinn,nil refining,ae roplane, radio, T-V;ha ve evolved great cities, immense tac tnrie s, large scale produ, tion ilnd world markets.

In crushing Spanish tyranny, through conflict, the United States becan1e a world colnnial power,by the acquisition of Porto Rico,Guam,and the Philippines; independent Hawaii having been annexed by request,and Alasks some decades pre­viously,by purchase from Russia. The Republic of Panania granted the United States jurisdiction over the Zone boW1ding the Panama Canal,a major engineer­ing prnject, W1iting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.,

The United States entereJ the World War I on the side of the Allied Powers to wipe out military ;1utncracy,to protect the lives of An1ericans,to conserve the rights of snia.11 nations;inheriting post-war problems of agricultural and indus­trial deflation, settlement ot w;i r debts,and reparations ,and the social experiment of alcoholic prohi],ition.

Ame ric;tn F reednw was endangered hy Hitler autocracy ,by Mussolini dictatnrship and Hirnhitn dornin,1tinn,.rnd the United States entered World War 2.

tn help the Allies destroy the menaces of freedom. But the Ally Communist Soviet Russia soon after the finale victory of

World War 2 ,endeavored, through a 'cold war ;of sabotage, spy-work, military secret plans,thefts,dishonest camouflage and propaganda;to force Communism upon America and the entire world. The cold conflict between the Free World Dernocracies,the United States being the leading rnernber,and the Enslaved Peoples F~1ke Dernncracies,Russia being the supreme controller:has divided the world intn two pnwerful oppnnents:America and Russia. This ideological cold war became quite blnody and hot in Korea,becoming a stale-mate 'loss' for America and the 'United Natinns' of I\ew York City,because of politically dominated-strategy f rnm Washington.

Uncle Sam fnr a gond many years has become a Santa Claus for national grnups as well as fnr 'free' international groups. The Federal Governn,ent has been most paternal in un;:ie rgi rding power p rnjects,agricultural product sub­sidie s,and states aid. The negrn anti-segregation quest made national strides thrnugh a Supreme Cnurt ruling.

Amnng the outstanding achievements of the United States are:the creation of a democratic,political,and racial unity out of a diversity and variety of peoples and races; the development of a universal education through school, press,library,theatre,radin,and television; the increasing freedom granted t.o women; the spirit of religious toleration; the opportunity to make the most of one's talents; and the high standard of living,and noble ideals of life.



Barnard, Verrn'1nt: Windsnr Cnunty,Z6 miles N. W. of Windsor. Dunham and Billings Family Residences.

Chicagn, Illinnis: Cn'1k C()unty, beautifully situated on Chicago River :1 t its en­trance int() Lake Michigan. The gr()wt~ .ind p r0spe ri ty nf this place is unex­ampled. In 183Z it c0ntained 0nly Z50 inhabitants and a few small stores. In 1837 it crrntained nearly 5,000 inhabitants,abnut 80 or 90 stores,10 public houses, 21 physicians,40 lawyers,and 6 clergymen,whn have churches. The favourable l0cati'1n '1f this city must always make it ,1 place of considerable and increasing trade. There are rich prairies back nf the tnwn,and along the N. branch of the Chicag0 (river) fine grnves nf timber.

Dunham and Powell Family Residences. Ebensburg,Pa: Cambria. Cnunty,central part of Pa,bounded E. by the Allegheny

Mts. It is watered by hes of the Susq uehannah and Cnnema ugh rive rs. Sur­face hilly. County town: Ebensburg, 131 miles N W. by W frorn Harrisburg.

Powe 11 Family Residences. Enosburg, Vermont: Franklin Cnunty,58 miles N. W. from Montpelier. Pop.1830 1560,

Dunham Family Residences. Greensburg,Pa: Westmoreland County,in the SW part of Pa. Surface extremely

hilly and broken, but abounding in the rnost fertile soil. Greensburg,county town, on a branch of Sewickly Creek 170 miles from Harrisburg.Pop.1830,810.

Hise and Hice Family Residences. Indiana,Pa: Indiana County,near the W.part of Pa.N.of Kiskiminitas River,a

wealthy agricdtural county with an enterprising population.Indiana,, county town, 35 miles NE of Greensburg.

Hise,and Hice Family Residences. (Also Fowler & Gibson) Medina,Ohio: Medina County,N.part nf Ohio,next to Lorain and Cuyhoga,is watered

by branches nf Rocky and Black Rivers and Chippeway and Wolf Creeks. Medina,cnunty town,handsomely located,containing about 300 inhabitants.

Gray and Ront Family Residences. Morgan,Ohio: Ashtabula Cnunty,NE. part of Ohio. This county is generally level,

with a go0d snil and well watered. Morgan town population,600. Andrus Family Residences.

Pelham,Mass: Hampshire C0unty, W.part of Mass.crossed by the Connecticut River, Watered als0 by branches of Westfield and Swift Rivers. Soil fertile and well cultivated. The Farmington Canal terminates in this county. Pelham town population 1830,904; 1837,957.

Gray Family Residences. Plymouth,Mass: Plymouth County,r-.:.part of Mass. The surface is broken;drained

= 13 ::


by the Taunton River and other .streams. It is 38 miles SE.of Boston. Plymouth county town is the oldest settlement in New England,and is celebrated as the place where the Pilgrims landed in 1620. Part of the rock on which they first landed is still preserved,having been removed to the centre of the village. Population 1830,4758; 1837,5034.

Dunham,Brewster, Warren,Morton Family Residences. Plympton,Mass: Plymouth County,population,1830,920; 1837,835. A 'suburb' of

Plymouth. Dunham Family Residences. Richford, Vermont: Franklin County,NW. part of Vermont. The E. part is hilly,

extending to the Green Mountains. The t O'Ml population in 1830 was 704 •. Dunham Family Re-sidences.

Royalton, Vermont: Windsor County on the W .side of the Connecticut River, 59 miles SE. of Montpelier,that is, Windsor Town. The County is in the E.part of Vermont,a populous county,well watered,with a soil best adapted to grazing. The Royalton population in 1830 was 1893.

Dunham and Kenney Family Residences. Salem,New York: Washington County,in the E. part of New York.Surface

mountainous,and well watered. Some of the soil is well adapted to wheat. Salem is 46 miles N.from Albany and contains numerous mills.Population, 1830, 2972; 1835, 2680.

Gray Family Residences. Saybrook Twp,Ohin: Ashtabula County,NE.part of Ohio. This county is generally

level,with a gnnd s0il and well watered. Population 1830, 627. Andrus Family Residences.

Seville,Ohio: Medina County,9 miles S. of Medina. Contains 2 churches and about 275 inhabitants. Gray Family Residences.

Toledo,Ohio: Lucas County,a new county in the NW .part of Ohio,comprises part of the territory recently in dispute with Michigan,and part of Henry and Wood Cnunties. The Maumee River flows through the county and Toledo from SW .to Maumee Bay,on Lake Erie. The Wabash and Erie Canal follows the course of the Mawnee,and unites with the river at Manhattan,a little below Toledo. The city on the W .side of the Ma urnee River ,has rapidly increased in business and population. In 183 7 ,it contained 2072 inhabitants,and several la;rge hotels and extensive warehouses. The Miami and the Wabash and Erie Canals will terminate here,which will add greatly to its already extensive trade. A railroad from Sandusky also t'erminates here.

Dunham Family Residences. (Also Yates and Powers). Wheatfield Twp,Pa: Indiana County,Population 1830, 2961.

Hise and Hice Family Residences. Worcester ,Mass: W orce ste r County ,pop.1830, 4172. Early settled,and suffered

much in Indian wars. A thriving and beauti! ul plac~. ,Gray Family Residence,. -:: 14 =





ARMS: Azure a chief indented or.

CREST: A Martin pass. or between two spears erect.

MOTTO: "SEMPER VIGILANTE." Always Watchin§,or Ever Vigilant.


From: Scrooby,England,to Leyden,Holland; to Lancaster,England; to

Plymouth,Massachusetts; to Plympton,Massachusetts; to Royalton, Vermont;

to Enosburg, Vermont; to Richford, Vermont; to Montgomery, Vermont; to

Barnard, Vermont; to Onawa,Iowa; to Chicago,Illinois; to New York City,N.Y.,

to Chicago, Illinois; to Toledo, Ohio; to Chicago, Illinois; to Wahpeton,North

Dakota; to Toledo,Ohio.


John ( 1 ) Joseph ( 2 )

Eleazar ( 3 ) Israel ( 4 )

Ebenezer Sr. ( 5 ) Ebe ne ze r Jr. ( 6 )

Ira ( 7 ) Almon Smith ( 8 )

William Forrester ( 9 ) Chester For re s te r ( 10 )

Chester Gray ( 11 ) Richard Marshall ( 11 )

Markus Democrates ( 12 ) ( )

) = 15 =



A prince of Nnrthu.mbria,one of the seven sons of King Aethelfrith, was educated at the Christian Iona Mission. During his nine year reign as King ,he adm inis te red a splendid, poor re lief program ,constructed Christian Churches and Monasteries.hoping that all his subjects would accept the Christian Way of Life.

He was slain in the Battle of Oswestry,August 5,642 A.D. against the heathen Monarch.King Penda of Mercia.

Oswald was enshrined as Saint of the Dunham-on-Trent Parish Church after the Protestant Reforrnation,the Church having been dedicated in Pre-Reformation days:S.S.Peter and Paul.


This English village is located on the west bank of the Trent River, thirty miles from Nottingham. The Danes in the 9th century swooped down upon the Trent region,plunderingly raiding the communities. In 1066, William the Conqueror achieved a conquest of the Trent area,and in the survey Domesday Book of 1086 A.D •.. Manor in Dunham is so recorded for taxation purposes. The first recorded owner of Dunham Manor is King Edward the Confessor {1041-1066).



DUNA,a Sax,m Chief; DUNHAM-ON-TRENT, an ancient English village;Cnunty DUNHAM,the ancestral home of George Washington: reveal s0me nf the pers0nal and place names of DUNHAM.

l. In the latter part of the fifth century A.O. the Saxon Chief DUNA nr DUN.and the Old l~nglish Village or HAM combines a personal and a place name:- DUNA'S HAM nr the homestead of DUNA::DUNHAM.

2. The Anglo-Sax0n DUNHOLM: DUN means mountain while HOLM means is land:: a mnuntainous is land.

1. The ancient town nf DUNHAM-ON-TRENT (river) means village-on­the-hill.

4.A place name from an early home: DE DUNHAM.

DUNHAM according to one tradition is therefore believed to be a Saxnn settlement named after Chief DUNA and the community location HAM.or

= 16 -=-



DU~ HA }.1-0 N -TR E ~ T



Nottinghamshire ENGLAND


The Toll Bridge



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village--DUNHAM. The Saxons invaded Britain about the middle of the fifth century--449 A.O. The Saxon King Edwin and his leaders became Christians through the Sacrament of Baptism in the River Trent in 601 A.O .

• A change '"'f locality may mean a different dialect pronunciation and spelling nf the Dunham Family Name:

1. DUNHAM: Nottinghamshire and Americ.1. 2. D0NHAM: Devt'"lnshire and America. 3.DENHAM: Kent C'"'unty and America. 4.DOWNHAM: N'"'rinlkshire. 5. DYNHAM: Dnrsetshire. 6.DOUHAM: Devrrnshire and Nnttinghamshire. 7 .DANHAM: H01land.

The Dunham Family is first listed in early days as de Dunham. l.Robert--snn of Hugo de Dunham ........ Exe heque r Red Book--115 5 A. D. 2.Reginald de Dunham John de Dunha11, •••.••.•••••• .Red Book 1210-llll A 3.Henricus de Dunham ••••....•....•...•..••• Crusade subscription 1276 A.O. 4.Richaid de Dunhani ...........................................•.......•.. 1200 A.O. 5.Alexander de Dunhan1 ................................................... 1205 A.D 6.King Edward I (Edward de Dunham, William de Dunham,Robert de Du 7. John de Dunham •••..•••••••••••••....•. The Close Rolls 1336 A.D. 8.Robert de Dunham The Close Rolls 1337 A.O. 9.King Henry III (Richard--son of Oliver de Dunham; John--son of Ad

de Dunham;Reginald--son of Ede. de Dunham) The de Dunhams for several hundred years were a family of power,

position,and several possessed Knighthood nobility titles.


RYCHERT DUNHAM ( 1) B,.,rn: 1294 Son: R,,bert:B,.,rn:1318,Devonshire.


Bnrn: 1318. Son: Robert:Born:1348. ROBERT DUNHAM ( 3)

Born: 1348. Snn: Gregoire:Bnrn:1382. GREGOIRE DUNHAM ( 4 )

Bnrn: 1382. Snn: R'"'bert:B,.,rn:1430. ROBERT DUNHAM ( 5 )

Bnrn:1430. Snn: John. Bnrn: 1450 in Parish of Dunham-on-Trent. SIR .JOHN DUNHAM ( 6 )

cc 17 =


Born: 1450, Dunham-on-Trent. Son: John. Born: 14 74. SIR JOHN DUNHAM ( 7 )

Born:1474. Son: Jr,hn. Born:1498. SIR JOHN DUNHAM ( 8 )

Born: 1498. Son:Ralph. Born: 1526,Scrooby,England. RALPH DUNHAM ( 9 )

Born: 1526,Scr ooby,England. Son: Thomas. Born: 1560. THOMAS DUNHAM ( 10)

Born: 1560. Son: John. Born:1588-89,Scrooby,England. Son: Robert. Born: 1605. Emigrated to Virginia in 1635 •.

JOHN DUNHAM ( 11 ) Born: 1588-89,Scrooby,England. Died: March 2,1668-9,Plymouth,Mass.

'The early bearers of the Dunham Family Name in America were char­acterized by their industry, frugality, piety, and love of liberty.

Many of the Name took a leading part in the Colonies struggle for in­dependence,and the Revolutionary Annals of Massachusetts alone containing the Names of over a hundred Dunhan1s.

A prominent physical trait in certain branches of the Family is longevity. '

THE LA ZOUCHE FAMU.,Y William la Znuche ( 1 )

Born: 1276. Son:Jrihn 2 Si r J 0 hn Z o uc he ( 2 )

Married: Margaret de Bergh,daughter of John de Bergh. Daughter: Slizabeth Zouche ( 3 )

Elizabeth Znuche ( 3 ) Married: Sir Nicholas Bnwett. Daughter: Elizabeth Bowett ( 4)

Elizabeth Bowett ( 4 ) !vlarried (1) Sir Wm Chawnrth (Died). Married (2) SIR JOHN DUNHAM. Snn: John ( 5 ) Born: 1474.

= 18-


L O N D O N tngLtnd













The Dunhalll Fal1lily lived in E:ngland and Holland,and the Affiliated Family Warren in r-.:ngland ,and othc r Affiliated Fa 1nilics in England and Holland:Barlow, Kcnney,Morton,and Bradford, Religious persecution was the basic reason for these exiles across the North Sea and later across the Atlantic Ocean.

Sc roo 1)y, N ottingha In shire, England. This small,rural,village is of gre;it irnportance for here one of the Separa­

tist Coni~reg;1tional Churches was born, also one of the great Pilgrim leaders,El­der William Brewster,and his protege,John Dunharn,exilcd to Leyden and Deacon in the Pilgrim Church in Plymouth,Mass. Only I 1/4 rniles north east was the birth­place of Governor Bradford of the Pilgrillls at Austerfiel<l. Pastor John RoLinson the Pili~rim spiritual leader supreme \Vas born Sturton-le-Steeple,also in Notting­hams11ire, So the Brewster Manor House became a church,Brewster an Elder or Church Teacher,z1<; well as Postlll 1ster of the village. The Minister of the Scrooby Church was Rev,Rich:ird Clifton from the nearby town of Babworth,his associate being, Rev.John Robinson. John Dunham lived here during childhood and youth.

London, England, This metropolitan capital city of r2ngland,Great Britain,the British Empire,

:ind the British Commonwealth of Nations, was also a home of the Dunham Family. It is not known just when they moved from Sc rooby to London,or whether it was before or after the exile of John to Lcyden,Holl,rnd,or whether John ever lived with his relatives in London,but the capital was a Dunham Family residence,

The cult11ral heritage of London fro1n 1600 to the present day,has been of supreme value for the intelligent families of the city. West:ninister Abbey and the rnernorial tombs of the great,the Houses of Parliament and Big Bcn,St. Pauls Cath­edral,The Tower of London and London Bridge,the British Musewn and the National Gdlle ry, Buckingham and St. Ja rne s Palaces, Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus, the Pall Mall and Hyde Park,the Bank of EngL-rnd,atmospheric fog and mist ,the Old Curiosity House ,Scotland Y, !" i, rose gardens and tea --plus many other i11tc rests.

Leyden,Holland. John Dunham was a religious exile in Leyden,Holland wiU1 Pastor John Rob­

inson,Elder Wm.Brewster,the Morton Farnily,his children and second wife Abigail Barlow,the marriage date 1622. When he left Holland for Lancaster,England,and how long he lived in Holland and Lancaster we have no record. Leyden was a treasure city ,of castles, gateways ,canals, tree-bordered quays, the c loth-hall,m use urns, the University, weaving establishments for linen, woollen blankets, & butter-cheese marts

Lancaster, England. About 1630 John Dunham and Family emigrated from Lancaster to Plymouth,

Mass,where he later becanie a Deacon in the Pilgrim Church. Lancaster was a river port,market town,and county G.H.Q. Here was the Castl0 with John of Gaunt's Chair,Storey Instit'..1tc,products:sail cloth,oil cloth,furniture,candles and cordage..::19=



Plymouth is the first home of the Mayflower Pilgrims of 1620,in the New World,and a precinct of Plymouth, June 4,170 7, was established as the town of Plympton. The Plymouth setting was not an unknown first discovery of the Pil­grim s,and the Welsh Captain Jones of the Mayflower. Bartholomew Gosnold, first discovered it,May 15,1602,bestowing the name of Cape Cod Harbour,because of the many codfish in the waters. When Henry Hudson anchored here,August 3, 1609,his men found wild grapes and roses ashore,he named the region New Hol­land, the extremity being called White Point,du~ to the glaring sandhills. Then in 1614,Captain John Smith of Virginia,surveyed in region,describing the harbour as "sickle-shaped." ln 1616 he published his rnap of New England,calling the har­bour Plymouth since is resembled the harbour of Plymouth,England. The Pil­grims either accepted Smith's harbour title,or christened it Plymouth because of the kind farewell at their last English port,Plymouth.

This New Plymouth, with harbour,sandy beach,predominant hill or sand­dune,and a landscape of low,gnarly pines,a~ing oaks,acorns aground,sassafras bushes, walnut,ash, beech,birc h trees, groWld herbs and berries: strawberry, rasp­berry, yarrow, sorrel,live rwort, wa terc res s,leeks, onions ,and 'Rild c:ucks and geese in nearby fresh water ponds. An inland exploration revealed Indian corn­fields, with assembled seed for future cultivation, graves ,deserted Indian round huts with the 'remains' of venison,broiled herring,eagles claws,tobacco seed, wooden dishes and trays,crab shell and fiber baskets,heavy mats,and earthen pots, In the brush was found an Indian white birch-bark canoe,ribbed with white cedar,and sewed with fine roots. Then a deer-trap of Indian technique was dis­covered. These forests provided the timber for their Cornmon Meeting House, hill fortress,and family homes of English styled,wattle and daub construction crowned by steep,thatched roofs. The street line was· laid out,first known as "The Street "then "Broad Street" and later "Famous Leyden Street."

The Andrus-Gray Family ancestor in Plymouth was Elder William Brew­ster of Scrooby-Leyden fame;the Perry-Dunham Family ancestor was Mr.Rich­ard Warren of London-Mayflower 1620. Elder Wm Brewster and Deacon John Dunham were from Scrooby and Leyden,whose son Joseph married Mercy Morton whose parents were froni Leyden.

Plyrnpton was created from a precinct of Plymouth,the Free Church or-ganized October 1698,and the town incorporated in 1707. A Joseph DW1ham was a

"first" member of the church. The DW1ha1n Families resident in Plympton were: I:.:leaz.,r, Israel,Ebenezer ,Sr.and Ebenezer, Jr.our American Revolutionary War ancestor who married Sarah Chase at Plyrnpton in 1785,later moving to Vermont. Other Plympton Revolutionary War veterans were:Sylvanus Dunha1n, John Dunham, Silas Dunham,Simeon Dunham,Asa Dunhan1,Israel Dunham,Elijah DWlham,and James Dunham,Jr. Plymouth and Plympton were the two first New World resi­dences of the Dunham Family. From there to Vermont,Iowa,Illinois,and Ohio.::::zr _


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DEACON JOHN DUNHAM (The Separatist, Independent,Non-Conformis t, Congregational, Pilgrim, Exile)

John Dunham was born in Scrooby,England in 1588-89,and his personal religious friend,Elder William Brewster, was born in the same village in 1560. The Scrnoby Separatist Church met in the Brewster Manor home under the spiritual leadership nf the Reverend Rich:1rd Clyfton and later the associate the Reverend John Rnbinson. At about the age of fourteen John Dunham became the prntege of William Brewster,and it is believed that he united with the Scrooby Church. When because nf Anglican religious persecution fomented by ecclesias­tics and royalty,the Scronby Separatists and those frorn other communities, in 1607 attempted to sail as exiles to Holland but British officials 'arrested' the tour,and it is thought that Jnhn Dunham was one of the seven imprisoned because nf that quest for overseas asylum. In 1608 a successful North Sea journey created the Separatise Community and Free Local Church in Leyden, Holland.,the spiritual leadership being Pastor John Robinson,the teacher Elder William Brewster,and Jnhn Dunham became a member of the Separatist Church.

Since the Separatist English farmers were economically forced to be­come city mechanics in Leyden, William Bradford was a fustian-weaver, William Brewster a master-printer,and John Dunham a weaver. John married Susan Kenney and their children were: John,Htunility and Thomas. His wife passed away,and he married Abigail Barlow in October 1622.

The English Pilgrim exiles decided to transfer their residence from Holland to the New World: to continue their spiritual mission for religious freedom and toleration;to return to agricultural vocations;to retain their Eng­lish customs; to preserve an English not a Continental Sabbath; to eliminate the urban moral and commercial problems of their youth;and to achieve a more prosperous way of life for the Separatist community. Governor Bradford,Elder William Brewster,and Deacon John Dunham were the only members of the Scrooby Separatist Church,also members of the Pilgrim Separatist Church of


Tradition records that John Dunham and family emigrated from Lancashire,England to America,1630-31 on the vessel "Hope!' In Plymouth Cnlony it is reported that Jnhn Dunham was taxed nine shillings for military

purpnses in 1632.

Plymouth was incorporated in 1633,the town bounds being fixed. In the same year John Dunham was chosen to become a Deacon in the Plymouth Church

= 2.1 =


a spiritual career the rest of his life,thirty five years from 1633 to 1668. The Governor and Council of Plymouth chose John Dunham in 1638 to be a Deputy of the Colony, which he se rv,id a various times for a civic career of seventeen years;representing Plymouth Colony in the General Court.

The Governor and Council appointed John Dunham to serve on the following committees: To consider trade.

To enact laws. To view land. To lay-out a highway for cattle. To consider war against the Indians. To meet at Connecticut relative to the Confederation

of United Colnn~es. The Plymouth Colony Records appreciate John Dunham: "He was a

man of strict honesty and sterling character,quite prominent in the growth and prnsperity of the Cnlony."

Deacnn John Dunham's home and farm were southwest of Plymouth Village. West of his land was the Slaughter House Pond Swarnp,with an outlet to Town Brnok,the outlet called Dunham Brook. Dunham's land-strip separa­ting Billington Sea frnm Little Pond is called Dunham Neck.

He further served nn many juries,grand juries,and coroners jury. Dartmouth was purchased in March 1652,consisting of thirty-four shares. Several of the subscribers were:

Governor William Bradford ••• one sh;c: re. Captain Myles Standish ••••••••• one share. John Alden ......................... one share. John Dunham ...................... one share. George Morton •••••••••..••...•••. one share. Thon1as Morton •....•••••••..••••• one share.

When Deacon John Dunham passed away,March 2,1668,the Plymouth Colony records his service: "He was an approved servant of God and useful man in his place, being a Deacon in the Church at Plymouth."



J0seph Dunham, the son of Deacon John Dunham of Sc rooby ,England, Leyden,Holland,and Plymouth,Mass.was born in Plymouth 1635-36 and died in Plympton,!v'ass. in 1703.

On November 18,1657,he married Mercy Morton.the daughter of the Sec re ta ry of Plymouth Colony ,Na thanie 1 Morton and Ly Jia Coope r;and the ~randdaughte r of George Morton and Julia Ca rpent~ r, sister of Alice Carpenter, the wife of Governor Bradford of Plymouth Colony. Mercy Morton Dunham left this world February 19,1667.

The Plymouth Colony Records of 1657 list him as having taken the Oath of Fidelity to the being admitted a freeman June 1,1658,being

0 n a number of lists nf freemen,servin:_:; on a number of regular and coroner juries;the bond nf Richard Thayer and Increase Robinson.Signed,sealed,and delivered in the presence of Joseph Dunham;and sharing his ability in the Inventory "f the Sstate of Benajah Pratt.

A T0wn Meeting in Oct0ber 1668 ordered the true appraisal of all pr0perty,land,st0ck,tnnls,and professional ability:

Jnseph Bartlett,for his faculty.being a Cooper,L 30. Jnseph Dunhan1, for his faculty,being a C:irpenter,L 30. Edward Gray .... boat. ........................................ L 25

J,,seph Dunham was one 0f the original proprietors of Rochester.Mass. He was ,..,ne 0f the charter members 0f the Plympton.Mass. Church.a suburb ,,f Plym,,uth;the latter part 0f OctoLer 1698. He is listed at Town Meetings:

1662,1668,1672,1676,1684,1692 and 1702 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

:: 2' ::


JOHN DUNHAM ( 1 ) Born: 1588-89, Scrnoby,Nottinghamshire,England. Died: 1668,Plymouth, Massachusetts, English Colonial North America. Ma:.:ried ( 1 ) Susanna Kenney,ab'1ut 1614;whn died about 1621. Children: 1. John ( 2 ) Born about 1615-16. Died: April 6,1692. Married

Mary ____ about 1640. 2. Humility ( 2 ) Born about 1616-17. 3. Thomas ( 2 ) Born about 1619-20. Died about May 15,1677.

Married ( 2 ) Abigail Barlow,daughter of Thomas Barlow,a widower and Mrs.Barlow,who had probably died in 1621,Zevenhuysen,Holland, in 1622. Abigail Barlow Dunham attended the marriage of her sister,Ann Barlow to Nathaniel Walker, (say-weaver) widower, in 1624,in Holland.

Children: 4. Samuel ( 2 ) Born possibly in Leyden,Holland in 1624. Died in Plymouth,Mass.January 20,1711-12. Married ( 1) Martha Beale Falloway,June 2·9,1649. Married ( 2) Mrs.Mary Watson,May 19,1659.

5. Abigail ( 2 ) Born about 1626. Married Stephen Wood,Nov.6,1644. 6. Persis ( 2 ) Born 1628-29. Married ( 1) Benajah Pratt,Nov.29,1655.

Married ( 2 ) Jonathan Shaw,August 1683. 7. Jonathan ( 2 ) Born 1631-32. Married ( 1 ) Mary Delano,Dec.18,1717.

Married ( 2 ) Mary Cobb,October 15,1657. 8. Hannah ( 2 ) Born 1633-34,probably in Plymouth,Mass.

Married Giles Rickard,October 31,16 51. 9. JOSEPH ( 2 ) Born about 1635-36,Plymouth,Massachsetts.

10. Benajah ( 2 ) Born about 1638. Married Elizabeth Tilson,Dec.24,1680. 11. Daniel ( 2 ) Born about 1640-42,Plymouth,Mass. Married: Hannah

JOSEPH DUNHAM ( 2 ) Born: 1635-36,Plymouth,Mass. Died: Plympton,Mass.1703. Will is recorded in 1703. Married: Mercy Morton,daughter of Nathaniel Morton and Lydia Cooper,

November 18,1657. Born:1637-40. Died: February 19,1666-67. Children: 1. ELEAZAR ( 3 ) Born about 1659,Plymouth,Mass. Died about 1731.

2. Nathaniel ( 3 ) Born about 1662,Plymouth,Mass. Married Mary Tilson,January 21,1691.

Married ( 2 ) Hester Wormell,daughter of Joseph and Miriam Wormell,August 2 ,1669.She was living in 1715,no death record.

Children:3. Micajah ( 3 ) Bnrn possibly in 1673. Married Elizabeth Lazell, June 16,1701.

4. Joseph ( 3 ) Born possibly in 1675-76. Married: Bethia Chase, June 19,1706.

-=24 =


5. Mercy ( 3 ) Bnrn abnut 1670-80. 6. Benajah ( 3 ) Bnrn abnut 1683. Died Dec.8,1766. Married Sarah

Covel,May 7,1708. 7. Daniel ( 3 ) Bnrn abnut 1685. Died Feb.2,1758. Married:Sarah 8. Esther ( 3 ) Bnrn abnut 1690.

ELEAZAR DUNHAM ( 3 ) Born: 1659,Plymouth,Mass. Died: about 1731.


Married: Bathsheba Whistone,daughter of John Whistone and Susanna Downe, about 1681-82. Born: July 1,1660,Scituate,Mass.

Children: 1. Eleazar ( 4) Born: 1682. Married: Miriam Phillips. 2. Nathaniel ( 4) Born: 1685. Married: ( l) ______ Dec.8,1714.

Married: ( 2 ) Mercy ------3. Mercy ( 4) Born: 1686. Married:Samuel Kempton,1706. 4. ISRAEL ( 4 ) Born: October 1689. Married: Joanna Rickard. 5. Elisha ( 4) Born: 1692. 6. Josiah ( 4 ) Born: 1694. Married: Ruth Kempton. 7. Bathsheba ( 4 ) Born: 16 96. 8. Susanna ( 4 ) Born: HJ 18.. 9. Joshua ( 4 ) Born: 1701.

ISRAEL DUNHAM ( 4) Born: ()ctnber,1689,Plymouth,Mass. Died:August 18,1726,Plympton,Mass. Married: Joanna Rickard,daughter of Deacon John Rickard of Plympton,Mass.

June 18,1713. Bnrn: 1682 ,Plymouth, Mass. Died: Jan.17 ,1767 ,Plympto~Mass1 Children:l. Sylvanus ( 5) B0rn: May 26,1714,Plympton,Mass. Married:Rebecca

Crocker,Feb.22,1738. Died: 1796. 2. Cnrnelius ( 5 ) Born: August 12,1716,Plympton,Mass. Died: 1766.

Married: Patience Barrows,May 21,1741. 3. EBENEZER (Sr.) ( 5) Born: February 5,1718-19,Plympton,Mass.

Died about August 4,1766. Married:Mrs. Lydia Perry Fuller ,May 12.,1748.

4. Susanna ( 5 ) Bnrn: July 16,1721,Plympton,Mass. Married: Daniel Crncker,December 31,1741.

5. James ( 5 ) Born: December 9,172.3,Plyrnpton,Mass. Married: Rebecca Holmes,May 2.,1751.

Widnw J nanna Rick a rd Dunham married Elisha Whi ton,October 10,172.8. She died January 17,1767.

= 2. 5 =


EBENEZER DUNHAM,SR. ( 5 ) Born: February 5,1718-19. Died: Plympton,Mass. about August 4,1766. Married: ( l) Phebe Lucas,April 25,1745. Child: 1. Lucas ( 6 ) Born: March 13,1746. Married: ( 2 ) Lydia Perry Fuller,daughter of William Perry and Lydia

Barnaby,widow of Nathaniel Fuller ,Jr. May 12,1748. (1725-1787). Children: 2. Joanna ( 6 ) Born and died:Plympton,Mass:Nov.24,1750:Oct.8,1831.

3. Phebe ( 6) Born pnssibly 1752. 4. Silvanus ( 6 ) Born pnssibly 1754. 5. Jesse ( 6 ) Bnrn: April 21,1756. Died:Barnard, Vt.April 23,1845. 6. Hannah ( 6 ) Bnrn probably 1758. 7. EBENEZER ( 6 ) Bnrn: Plympton, Mass,1760-61. 8. Abigail ( 6 ) Bnrn: June 28,1763. Died: August 28,1825.

Married: Ebenezer Wright,December 5,1786. 9. Eunice ( 6 ) Bnrn pnssibly 1764.

10. Thnmas ( 6) Bnrn: 1765. 11. Nathaniel ( 6 )

EBENEZER DUNHAM, JR. ( 6 ) Bnrn: Plymptnn,Ma ss,1760-61. Died: Ennsburg, Vermnnt, January 28,1836. Married: ( 1) Sarah (Sally) Ch:1se,daughter of Consider Chase and Eunice

Tilson,Plymptnn, Mass, December 16,17 85. Born: 1761-2. Died: Enosburg, Vt.May 5,182 5.

Children: Only one recnrded nr listed. The U.S.Census of 1790: no children. The U.S.Census of 1800:two sons and three daughters.

1. IRA ( 7 ) Born: 1795,Royalton, Vermont. Married: ( 2 ) Hannah Lawrence,September 6,1825.

Hamilton Child's "Gazatteer and Business Directory of Franklin and Grand Isle Counties, Vt,fnr 1882-83"lists Ebenezer and Ira Dunham:

"Ebenezer Dunham was born at Plymouth ( Plympton) Mass. His parents both died when he was but four years old,and at the age of fourteen he entered the Continental army in the w~r of the Revolution,served eight years,and then settled in Royalton, Vt.,where he remained until 1811,and then removed to Enosburg,and remained until his death. His son Ira came to this town in 1829,and located upon the farm now owned by Sylvan~unham.(p.150)

''Ira Dunham was born at Royalton, 1795,and when sixteen years of age removed tn the tnwn of Enosburg.From there,after a few years in Rich­ford,he can1e to this town and located where his son,Norman ,how resides. He died here in 1862." (p.145).

=- Z6 =




EBENEZER DUNHAM, Plympton. Private, Capt. William Atwood's Co., Cnl. Warran's Regt., which marched on the alarm of April 19,1775, to Marsh­field; service, Z days; alsn, return of men raised to serve in the Continental Army fr,,m Capt, Ge,,rge Hammnnd's (4th Plympton) Co., 1st Plymouth Co. Re gt., dated Feb.l 3,177 8; residence Plympton (also given Plymouth)., engaged fnr tnwn "f Plymptnn;jnined Capt. Burbeck 's Co., Col.Crane's (Artillery) Regt., C"ntinental Army pay accnunts for service from March 14,1777 to Dec. 31,1777; alsn,Matr,-,ss,Capt.Jntham Drury's Co. Col. Crane Regt., muster rolls fnr Sept.-Dec. 1777; reported nn command at the Northward; also Lt.James Hall's detachment, Cnl.Crane's Regt.,pay roll for Nov. &t Dec.,1777;reported as serving in N"rthe rn department until Oct.31,1777; also, Capt.David Cook's Cn.,Cnl.Crane's Regt., muster rnll for Jan. and March,177Q,dated Warren; en­listed March 4,1777; also,same Co. and Regt., muster roll for April,1779; also, san1e Co. and Regt., Cnntinental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1,1780 to March 14,1780; reported discharged March 14,1780.

State nf Vermont On this first day of April 1818. Franklin County

EBENEZER DUNHAM aged fifty-seven years,resident in Enosburgh •••• In the month of January 1776,enlisted in Cambridge in the State of Massachu­setts in the Company cnmmanded by Captain Samuel Bradford in Col.Bailey's Regiment fnr nne the Massachusetts line in the Continental establish­ment, that he cnntinued tn serve in the said corp. or in the service of the United States until the 14th day nf March 1777, at Worcester,in the State of Massachu­setts,he again enlisted in the company commanded by Capt.Jotham Drury's Cnmpany nf Artillery in C,,1.Crain's Regiment for the term of three years afterward said Cnmpany was commanded by Capt.Cook that he continued to serve in the said C" in the service of the United States until the month '"'f March 1780 when he was discharged from service in Morristown in the State "f New Jersey.

Franklin Cnunty, Vt. Rev"lutinnary Claim of: July 11,1820 EBENEZER DUNHAM,aged fifty nine years,resident in Enosburgh ••• served from March 1777 tn March 1780 .•.. "l am by occupatinn a farmer •••• my wife Sarah aged fifty-eight years ...• r::benezer Dunham. "(Died) ( a.Jan.ZS,1836)

=- 2 7 =


WINDSOR COUNTY, VERMONT The Towns: Royalton: :Barnard

Windsor County in Southern Vermont,given boundaries in 1797,is 48 miles long, 30 miles wide ,comprises 900 square mile s,and populated by 24 towns. Two of these towns,Royalton and Barnard,are of special significance because the Dunham,Billings,and Kenney Families were residents,later removing to Northern Vermont,Northwestern Iowa,and Connecticut.

Royalton the hill town with an altitude of 510 feet has one of its hills or peaks christened "The Elephant." The White River about 60 miles in length flows through the town. It was chartered Nove rnber 13,176 9, with the stipulation that within three years or by November 13,1772,thirty families must there be settled,and there must be 900 acres under cultivation in the township. Within three years possibly only a dozen families migrated there,the first family ar­rived September 30 ,1771,and within twenty miles only 1768 acres had been culti­vated. The Vermont charter for Royalton was presented December 20,1781.

Ebenezer Dunharn,in the first census of the United States in 1790, is re­corded as the head of a Royalton family,with wife,2 daughters and no sons.Jesse Dunham,his brother,is listed as a family head,with wife,2 sons and 2 daughters. Ebenezer a farn1er and Veteran of the An1erican Revolutionary War,and Jesse a shoemaker were from Plympton,Mass.,the sons of Ebenezer Dunham,Sr.Jesse came to Vermont in the 1780's,located first in Barnard,and then moved to Royal­ton. Ebenezer,Jr. married Sarah (Sally) Chase in Plympton in 1785,listed in the Royalton 1790 U .S.census where they lived until 1811, removing to Enosburgh, Northern Vermont. In Royalton Ebenezer's son Ira was born in 1795. Also in the 1790 census, John Billings is recorded with wife,one son under 16,two over 16, and two daughters.

Barnard is based upon the Delectable chain of hills or peaks, the highest Bull Hill elevation is a little below that of a northern peak,2460 feet. Locus Creek is the fundamental town stream drainage. The area was originally a hilly forest of hemlock,birch,beech and maple trees. Thomas Freemanthe first permanent settler arrived in March 1775,began the transformation of forest into ;· farm community.several years later,the settlers needed and built a saw mill and grist mill. Barnard was chartered July 17 ,1761,being named Bernard,honor­ing Sir. Francis Bernard,Governor of Mass.,Bay Province.A town clerk mis­wrote the town as Barna rd, the change never corrected. The town is 6 miles North and South,and 6 miles East and West.

The Billings Family residents:Gideon Billings,Sr.son Gideon Billings,Jr. Methodist Minister who married Hannah Stearns Kenney,daughter of Zurishaddai Kenney and Rachel Belding Kenney. Their children: Maryj.Ellen A.Albert and Louisa who married in Uarnard,Almon Smith Dunharn,later migrating to Onawa, Iowa. Jesse Kenney shortly after his marriage in 1776,moved to Barnard,his son being z urishaddai and granddaughter Hannah Stearns Kenney, wife of G.Billings, Jr.j


JAY PE: Ah , L o: n :..:: RESH l RI:: , VT .

.. ,t' ...

• I



The Main Street or SN08BJRG •• FAU.S1 ,YJRM0NT

The Home ot Ebenezer Dunham,Jr. Veteran or the war or the American Revolut 1on ..• A aold1er trom Plympton,Ma11achuaetta.

The Lower Main

_R I C H F O R D, Vermont••

The Birthplace ot Almon Smith Dunham

who ■tgrated to Onawa, Iowa.

. t"

. ~t.v;:~: ~e .. .. ~ ' ' •,

--~ ,.t; .. ..... ~

I C0111toolt Covered



The Birthplace or Mary Abbie Dunham

( .



FRANKLIN COUNTY, VERMONT The Towns: Enos burgh: :Richford: :Montgomery

Franklin County in Northern Vermont, is a composite of comparatively smooth areas,hilly regions,and Green Mountain heights such as Jay Peak. The principal water courses are: the Missisquoi River,the principal tributaries being,Black Creek, Tyler's Branch,and Trout River;the second water course is the La Moille River. The county is 34 miles from east to west, 33 miles from north to south,an area of 600 square miles.

The Enosburgh grant and charter were made in 1780,and the first settle­ment was born in 1796. Governor Chittenden of Vermont named Enosburgh in honor of its chief proprietor,Major-General Roger Enos,Commander of Vermont Militia. The Missisquoi River and Tyler's Branch provide abundant water-power for manufacturing purposes. The eastern part of the town lies upon a Green Mountain spur, while the central and western sections are more level. The timber is maple,productive of many pounds or gallons of maple-sugar. Generally the soil is adapted to the growth of grass rather than grain. The Revolutionary War veteran E..benezer Dunham,emigrated to Enosburgh from Royalton in 1811,where his wife,Sarah (Sally) Chase Dunham,passed away,May 5,1825,where he married Hannah Lawrence,September 6,1825,and where he died January 28,1836.

Richford was chartered by Vermont,March 13,1780,to Jonathan Wells and 59 associates, the first settlement being made in the spring of 1795. "Their (the pioneers) first care was to construct a shelter for themselves and families. This they did by slashing the trees and covering them with boughs and blankets. Then they cleared and burned the smaller trees,and converted the ground between the larger trees into cornfields. There they grew their corn,usually good crops, and as there were no mills accessible for grinding,they converted some of the larijer trees into mortars for pounding or grinding their grain."The timber is hemlock,beech,spruce ,basswood,birch,ash,and maple, with the resultant maple­sugar. Stock-raising and dairying dominate rather than grain raising. Ira Dunham son of Ebenezer Dunham came to reside in Richford,where his son Almon Smith Dunham,was born in 1828,his mother was Cynthia Fay Dunham.

Montgomer·y was granted,March 13,1780,by Vermont,to S.R.Bradley and associates,the charter being received,October 8,1789,and the first settler arrived in the spring of 1793. Part of the surface of this mountainous town is rugged and broken, the chief summit,being Jay Peak,at the altitude of 4,018 feet. The region is valuable both as a farming and grazing territory for herds and flocks. Ira Dun­ham removed from Richford to Montgomery where he engaged in the mid 1850's in the sash and door manufacturing business,his carpenter son,Almon Smith Dun­ham,being a partner in the Hrm. In 1853 Almon married Louisa Rachel Billings of Barnard,and their first child was born in Montgomery in 1854, Mary Abbie Dunham. The second child, William Forrester Dunham, was born in 1857,in Bar­nard, while Almon was making arrangements to emigrate to Onawa,Iowa. = 29:.:


IRA DUNHAM ( 7 ) Bnrn: Rnyalton, Vermnnt,1795. Died: Richford, Ve rmnnt, August 16,1862. Married: ( 1) Cyntha (Cynthia) Fay,daughter of Asa Fay and Jane Briggs,in Vt. Bnrn.: In Vermont,1798. Died:Richford, Vt. April 1,1835. Married: ( 2 ) Eunice Billings,November 29,1835. Children of Ira and Cyntha Dunham!

L Sylvanus ( 8) Born: Richford, Vermont,1825. Died:March 8,1899. Married: ( 1) Sally Cross,Jan.21,1852. Born:1826.Died: Sept 26,~876. Married: ( 2 ) Rebekah Gallop Recd.Born: June 22,1828.D.Dec.16,1901.

Z. ALMON SMITH ( 8) Born: April 13,1828. Died:Onawa,la,Mar.5,1906. 3. Sarah Jane ( 8 ) Born: July 1830. Died:April 1831. ae 10 months. 4. Norman ( 8) Horn: December 1832. Died: June 22,1895.

Married: M;1ry L1visa McCarty. Born: Oct.16,1841.Dicd:Apr.15,1923. Children: L.S;i rah (9) Born: June 5, 1866. Died: January 1948.

Mzi r riP.d: (1) Walter Perley.Born: Feb.13, 186 5.D:Sept 28, 1926 Child: Margaret Born: May 17,1892. D:June 23,1923. Married: (2) f);1niel J.Draper,Dec. 1930.

Born: January 1,1858.Died: May 15,1953. 2 .Clara Belle (9) Born: June 22, 1868.Mar ried: Charles

Richard Putnarn,April 20,1896. Born: Oct.10,1867. Died: December 9,1939.

3.Seymnur Jnhn (<J) Born: July 18,1872.Died:October 2,1940. Ivfa rried: i::dith Woodward, June 5,1895. Born: Nov.11,1871. Died:July 7,1939. Children: I.Norman Alvin.Born:Mar.19, 189q. 2.Twins: Ruth Lillian.Born:May 1,1901. Died:May 7, l '152. Married: Geo Elmer Ga rno,Oct.18, 1919.Child: Marian Lucy:Bnrn:Dec.22,1920. Married: Dean MacGregor Laird, Dec.19,1940. Children: Richard Dean.Born: June 28,1946. Died:May 17,1953.Maryann Joy. Born: April 8,1950. J\1arilyn Ruth:Bnrn: August 5,1954.

Znd' Twin: Ruby Marian: Born: May 1,1901. Married: Silas LeRoy Hurlbut,Sr.August 27,1927. Died:Lov.~--1,1950. Children: 1. William Duffey ,adopted son.Born:Apr .14, 1930. 1\ia r ried:Phyllis Janet Poirier, Jan.2 7, 1953.

2.Mary Louise,born and died Sept. 26,1934. 3.Silas LeRoy,Jr. Born: October 3,1935.

4.Ivlay Louise (9) Born:Mar.31,1875.Died:Mar.14,1949. Married: LeRoy Evans.

5.Adeline Frances (9) Born:July 4,1877. Died:Sept.1950.

= 30 -


ALMON SMITH DUNHAM ( 8 ) Born: Richford, Vermont,April 13,1828. Died: Onawa,Iowa,March 5,1906.

Married: Louisa Rachel Billings,daughter of Gideon Billings and Hannah Stearns Kenney,Barnard, Vermont, July 4,1853.

Born: Barnard, Ve rm0nt,Oc t0be r 15,1834. Died:Onawa,Iowa,February 2,1897. Children: I.Mary Abbie ( 9) Born: Montgomery, Vermont,September 18,1854.

Died: Onawa,Iowa,April 30,1932. Married: Griffith Willmer MacMillan,son of Griffith MacMillan and Elizabeth McLaughlin, January 12,1876. Born:Adena,Ohio,Feb.3,1841. Died:Onawa, Inwa, February 2 7 ,1904. Children: l. Marie Louise (10) Born:Ona wa, Iowa, August 3, 1877.

2. Elizabeth Lucile (10) Born:Ona wa, Iowa,April 7, 1887. * 2. WILLIAM FORRESTER ( 9) Bnrn:Barnard, Vt,October 3,1857.

Died: Chicago, Illinois,October IZ ,1936. 3.Richard Billings ( 9) Bnrn:Onawa,Iowa,December 27,1859.

* Died:Ona wa, Iowa, December 16,1877. Diea:onawa,Iowa,July 11,1956.

WILLIAM FORRESTER DUNHAM ( 9) Bnrn:Barnard, Vermnnt,Octnber 3,1857. Died: Chicagn, Ill inn is ,Octnbe r 12, 1936. Married: Camilla Clntilde Powell,daughter of Elias D.Powell and Rachel Hice,

C hicagn, Illinois ,August 21, 18 90. Born: C hicagn, ll lin<1is, January 14, 18 70. Died: Chicago, Illin<1is, May 2 7, 1891. Child: CHESTER FORRESTER ( 10) Born:Chicago,lllinois,May 19,1891.

CHESTER FORRESTER DUNHAM ( 10 ) Born: Chicago, Illinois, May 19, 1891. Married:Thelma Mildred Gray,daughter of George Marshall Gray and Hannah

Eliza Andrus, Fostoria,Ohio,Septembe r 2 7, 1921. Born: Fostoria,Ohin, July 8, 1898. Children: I.CHEST ER GRAY ( 11 ) Born: Chicago, Illinois ,February 11,192 3.

2.Williclm Forrester ( 11) Born:Evanstnn,Illinois,September 4,1925.

Died: July 6,1943, Toledo,Ohio. 3.RICHARD MARSHALL ( 11 ) Born: Toledo,Ohio,October 16,1930.

CHESTER GRAY DUNHAM ( 11) Bnrn: Chicagn, lllin<1is, February 11,192.3. Married: Genrgidna Pnwers,daughter nf George Alcnrn Powers and E:lizabeth

= 31 "


Mary Cosgray, Toledo,Ohio,September 18,1955. Born: Toledo,Ohio,May 15,1928. Residence of the Vice Consul,the American Consulate General,Accra,Capital

of the Gold Coast,a British Colony of Central West Africa. Cbild:Dorotby (12) Born:Accra,Gold Co1st,C/w,Afr1ca,August 27.1956.

RICHARD MARSHALL DUNHAM ( 11 ) Born: Toledo,Ohio,October 16,1930. Married: Nancy Layne Yates,daughter of Roy Yates and Adelaide Brown,of

Toledo,Ohio,August 29,1953. Born: Cincinnati,Ohio, January 21,1934. Child: Markus Democrates ( 12 ) Born: Fort Knox,Kentucky,August 26,1955.

MARKUS DEMOCRATES DUNHAM ( 12 ) Born: August 26,1955,Fort Knox,Kentucky. A Junior member of the Society of

Mayflower Descendants,his ancestor of 1620 is:Mr.Richard Warren.

············································································································· THE UNITED STATES CENSUS

Jwie 1, 1900 Chicago, Illinois ••• Cook County ••• 911 So.Kedzie Ave.

Name Relationship Age Mo:Yr:Birth Place of Birth Dunham,Chester F. Son 9 May 1891 Illinois

Enumerated in the Family of William F. Dunham. Robert W .Burgeas,Director:The Bureau of the Census.

············································································································ WHO'S WHO IN CHICAGO::1926

DUNHAM,Chester Forrester,clergyman;born:Chicago,May 19,189l;son of William Forrester and Camilla Clotilde ( Powell ) Dunham; education: public grade and high schools.,Chicago; Ph.B., University of Chicago,1914;B.D., Yale Divinity School.,1916; S. T.M. Oberlin Graduate School of Theology,1921; married: Thelma Gray of Fostoria,Ohio.,September Z 7,1921;1 son,Chester Gray. Librarian Chicago Numismatic Society.,1908-l0;instructor in English,Oberlin College,19Z0-21;instructor in religious education.,Union Theological College., 1921-ZZ;instructor in church history,Congregational Womens Training School., 19Zl-Z2;ordained ministry Congregational Church.,1916;Pastor Howard Commun­ity Church.,since 1922. Chaplain C.O.T.S.,Inf.U.S.A.,1917-18;in Near East Relief, Turkey,after Armistice,1918-20;Divisional Chaplain 65th Gav.Div., U.S.R. Mem:.. ber:Chicago Congl Assn.,Chicago Literary Union,111.Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.,Ills Society Sons of Veterans,Order of Waahington,Acacia. Mason (K. T .,32 ,Shririer).Clubs:Scrooby,Kiwanis.Recreations:foreign travel, pictorial photography,motion pictures. = 32 =





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Mr.Dunham was born in Richford,Vermont,April 13,1828,a son of Ira Dunham and Cyntha Fay Dunham. His older brother was Sylvanus,and his younger sister was Sarah Jane,and younger brother was Norman. As a young man he was a member of the manufacturing firm of Montgomery, Vermont: IRA & A.S.DUNHAM:SASH AND DOORS." He was a skilled expert carpenter.

He removed from Vermont to Iowa in 1858,and was one of the pioneers of Onawa,Monona County,lowa,where he resided the rest of his life until 1906,

He was by trade a carpenter,and for a time worked at carpentering.but later embarked in the grocery business,and for many years was a well known

Onawa business house.:the DUNHAM GROCERY. He purchased a farm and several houses in town which he rented.

In the early days Mr.Dunham had an acquaintance that extended over the county. His life-long hobby was being a Nurnismatist::collecting rare United States coins. (Selections frnm the Onawa Democ rat:Onawa,lowa:March 29,1906)

Mary Abbie Dunham MacMillan She was born in Montgomery, Vermont,and came West to Onawa,lowa when she was eight years of age. Her younger brothers were William Forrester and Richard Billings. She was educated in the Onawa, and Omaha,Nebrasks, schools. Her first music was taught her by her mother Louisa Billings Dunharn,on a 'Jews' harp,since they had nn piano. Her musical education in Omaha,created an expert musician wh0 later taught in Salzburg,Mo.and Onawa. Her Congre­gatinnal Minister taught her the hymns,and she became church organist for twenty-five years ,accepting no rem une ration.

Mrs.MacMillan spnns0red in the Onawa Opera House a musicale by Charles Wakefield Cadman and an Indian Princess,who were entertained later at her residence: a community receptinn.

She was the Iowa State Histnrian nf the Daughters of the American Revolu­tinn;a Chicagn member nf the Colnnial Coverlet Guild of America;a member of the Colony nf New England Women;and a member of the Art Club,later the \Vomens Club of Onawa,lowa. Her husband was the well known railroad attorney, Griffith Nillmer MacMillan,and daughters:Marie Louise and Elizabeth Lucile.

UNITED STATES CENSUS:1370:ONAWA CITY.MONONA COUNTY,lOWA. t amily ...... .......... Ages. ....... Occupations. .•...•.•. .Real Estate ...•••... Born ..•.•.• Dunham ,Almon S. 41 Carpenter $4000.00 Vermont Dunham.Louisa R. 35 Keeps House -------- Vermont Dunham,Abby. 15 At Home -------- Vermont Dunham, William 12 -------- -------- Vermont Dunham,Dickey 10 -------- -------- Iowa = 3 3 ,



Will Dunham,sn called by relatives and friends,was born in Barnard, Vt, spent his youth in Onawa,lowa, and launched his professional career in Chicago. When he was but twelve years of age he rescued from Gard Lake,Iowa,his play­mate,Anson Buffingtnn. He served as an apprentice in the drug store of his uncle Richard Stebbins,M.D,and later as a drug clerk. At sixteen years of age he was a rural schnnl teacher fnr a six months term. His father Almon Smith Dunham made him a partner or associate in the wholesale and retail grocery business. His evnlving life interest was not teaching or groceries but pharmacy.

William was a freshman at Tabor College,IndianolaJowa,when he was seventeen,and graduated with his Ph.G. at the Chicagn College of Pharmacy, at twenty-three years of age. Fnr several years he was a pharmacist at Caswell Hazzards of New York City,and at Thomas Whitfields in Chicago,and then estab­lished his nwn Pharmacy in Chicago at Van Buren and Clinton Streets. In 1894 Mr.Dunham became secretary l")f the Chicago College of Pharmacy,and success­fully advl")ca ted the merger of the College with the University of Illinois,a State institutil")n. Cnmmittees l")f physicians and dentists requested his opinion concern­inr, advisaLilityas tn their becoming a branch of the same University,which he strringly advised.

He was president nf the Turkish Medicine Company,was elected a member nf the Chicagn Stl")ck Exchange,a member of the Chicago Press Club,president '"'f the Chicagn Numismatic Snciety,chairman of the Bnard of Governors of the American Numismatic Ass'"'ciation,and was ever active in the quest to secure mnre artistic designs fnr United States currency. In 1902 Mr.Dunham was pre­sented the h'"'nnrary Numismatic title: "King of Rare Coins. "He is the author l")f the Easy Finding List nf United States,Colonial,and Territorial Coins,Cana­dian and Hard Times T0kens,and United States Encased Postage Stamps (The Civil War Era). He rescued and revived a woman from the Chicago River.

Mr.Dunham is the donor tn the Art Institute (Museum) of Chicago of a valuable Nwnismatic Library,a splendid collection of Roman,Greek,Chinese and Japanese, gold, silver ,and copper coins;and a special collection of Papal Medals. He was a Governing Life Member and Honorary Curator of Medallic Art of the Chicago Art Institute. After retirement he became a globe-trotter for three years,and was made a member of the Veteran Druggists Club of Chicago at the Chicagn Wnrld's Fair in the 1930's. He coined in America the first One Mill.

= 34 =-


C HI C AG O, I L L I NO IS, U. S. A.

This metropolitan and cosmoJX)litan city of Northeastern Illinois, from the pre-Civil War era,and especially in the 1880's, has been the home of the Powell, Dunham and related families. These Family relatives are: Moses W. Powell, Elizabeth Pritchard Powell, Charles Powell, Mary Emma Powell Anthony, Willard Anthony, Berenice Anthony, Irene Anthony, George Henry Powell, Josephine Boening Powell, Myron W. Powell, Lois Schobert Powell, Marian Powell, Lillian Lois Powell, Lillian Powell Barbour, Victor Mahlow Bdrbour, Lillian Barbour, Elizabeth Barbour, Elias D. Powell, Rachel Hice Powell, Camilla Clotilde Powell Dunham, Alvin Meade Powell, William Forrester Dunham, Chester Forrester Dunham, Thelma Mildred Gray Dunham, Chester Gray Dunham, William Forres­ter Dunham II, Anna Powell Ketchum, Daniel Siebolt Ketchwn, Merwin Elmer Ketchum, Helen Harriet Ketchum Bentley, Harry Floyd Bentley, Albert Merwin Bentley, Nellie Hemp Ketchum, Lois Anna Ketchum Brintell, Newell Ketchum, Leslie Ketchum,Margaret Ulrich Ketchum, Catherine Murray Lloyd Miller, Samuel Edgar Mead Miller, Iona Bernice Miller Beeler ,and Ellen Annette Billings Chapman. The basic vocations of these families are:composition roofing business,pharmacy,Stock Exchange, Federal Building and Banking Service. The Church affiliations a re: Cong re ga tional, Baptist, Presbyterian, and Christian (Disciples of Christ).

The Phoenix is the spirit of Chicago and the University of Chicago: the sac red bird of Eyptian mythology ,flying every five hundred years to Heliopolis, Egypt, burns itself on the altar, then rises young and beautiful from its ashes. A windy,smelly,muddy,swampy, pioneer settlement.its river dubbed by the Indians the "Checagou," or "River of the White Onion, "and an Indian scalp-massacre to erase all whites from the region forever;the foundation was cert:tinly ashen.

Then there was a great speculative real estate boom,and the going and growing town was christened Urbs in Horto,a city in a garden. But a national de­pression exploded the boom,and the garden niotto was dropped. The pioneer critics rated Chicago as a miserable swamp village,a place to be left to frogs, an impossible harbor because the river's mouth was choked by a sand-bar,and a mediocre town of cheap wooden shanties. There were the pioneer appreciators who appraised Chicago as a name that meant something great or strong.a splendid, growing trading and shipping centre, for retail and whole sale merchandise, since it was the center of north and south water traffic and east and west land traffic, it was destined to become the hub of the continent. Before there was a realization of these values.the city was virtually cremated by a terrible fire. Speedily the Phoenix Spirit of Chicago gloriously resurrected the ashen remains.

We ,Chicagoans ,are justly proud of our metropolis: the hub of railroads and air lines.the grain ,1nd meat packing center.the leading mail-order houses,W.G.N. the Chicago Tribune.the Park Systern,th~

3~;1iversity of Chicago.and Art Institute •••


T O L E D O :: 0 H I 0

This city in Northwestern Ohio,frorn the 19Z0's,has been the home of these related families: Dunham, Powers, Yates, Gray, Cosgray, Robson, Brown, Cheeseboro, Rice, Reaser, and Sanzenbacher,the relatives being: Thelma Mil­dred Gray Dunham,Chester Forrester Dunham,Chester Gray DWlham,Richard Marshall Dunham, William Forrester Dunham,II,George Alcorn Powers,Eliza­beth Mary Cosgray Powers,Sarah Elizabeth Powers Reaser, Warren E.Reaser, William Alfred Reaser,Cora Martha Jake Reaser, Virginia Louise Reaaer,Bev­erly Ann Reaser,Mary Augusta Powers,Georgiana Powers Dunham,Dorothy Jean Powers Rice,Philip Marshall Rice, William John Cosgray,Madgie Cheese­boro Cosgray,Maxine Mary Cosgray,Helen Frances Cosgray Sanzenbacher, Susan Ann Sanzenbacher,Caleb Necan Cosgray,Mark Constant Cosgray,Bernice May Keller Cosgray,Roy Robson Yates,Mary Adelaide Browh Yates, Hattie Rob­son Yates,Nancy Layne Yates Dunham,and Roy Robson Yates,Jr.

The basic vocations vocations of the families are:the coal business,the printing industry,gas burners,motor car copper metal floats,air conditioning, engineering road construction,the Christian Ministry,public education,dental surgery,and U.S.State Department Foreign $,;!rvice. The families were or are associated with the following churches of Christianity:Congregational Christian, Episcopal,Methodist,Presbyterian,Lutheran,and Evangelical United Brethren.

Toledo,the fourth largest city in Ohio, and the County Seat of Lucas,is the leading metropolis of Northwestern Ohio,located near the head of Lake Erie,at the mouth of the Maumee River,being 96 miles west of Cleveland,234 miles east of Chicago,60 miles south of Detroit,and 124 miles north of Columbus. The an­cestral-parental towns of Toledo were:Port Lawrence,born in 1816,and nearby Vistula,created in 1832;both being married in 1833,christened Toledo,named after Toledo,Spain, signifying "Mother of Nations: 'incorporated January 7 ,1837.

The Toledo cold and near hot War with Michigan resulting in mutual vic­tories:Michigan receiving the upper psiinsula,and ceding Toledo and Maumee Ba) to Toledo,Ohio. The first peace problem was a drainage offensive to conquer the

'dominate' croaking frogs and humming moaquitos in Toledo pools and swamps. Toledo is the 3rd largest railway center in America,the world's glass

industry center,the world's largest spark plug factory,the largest producer of spray painting equipment,starting and ignition syatema,and automobile springs, the largest manufacturer and distributor of oil-well producing machinery,and the 4th American city whose docks handled total tonnage,including seaboard ports.

Toledo the industrial center producing over 3000 products for local, national,and international trade. The beat Great Lakes natural harbor plus un­usual transportation facilities make Toledo an ideal shipping and receiving point for industries,notably for upper Lake ports for coal and iron ore.Dr.E.B.Allen created the urban motto: "You will do better in Toledo." Special civic feature a are the ArtMuseumi,the Univeraity,the Zoo,Y.M.C.A.,Y.W.C.A.,&t Community Chest.36



Chester Forrester Dunham was born in Chicago,May 19,1891; the paternal families:Dunham and Billings from Vermont and Iowa;and the maternal families: Powell and Hice from Pennsylvania; a genealogy from England, Wales,Scotland, and Germany. He graduated from the Washington Irving Grammar School and the William Mclunley High School of Chicago;was awarded the Batchelor of Philosophy degree fror-M the University of Chicago, the Batchelor of Divinity degree from Yale University;the Master of Divinity from the Oberlin Graduate School of Theology; and the Doctor of Philosophy degree (American and European His~ry) from the University of Chicago. He also graduated from the New York School of Commer­cial and Portrait Photography ,and from the Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, Y .M.C.A. Training School of World War I. He was Social Work Secretary of the Army Y.M. C.A. at Camp Lewis, Washington, the Arr:ny Chaplain at the Officers Training School at Camp Pike,Arkan_sas,a Red Cross worker at the army hospital at Fort Des Moines,Iowa,and a Near East Relief worker at Brusa, Turkey. Later he re­ceived a Reserve Commission as Associate Chaplain in the U.S. 65th Cavalry Di­vision,and a second Commission as Divisional Chaplain of the Division.

In high school Dunham was editor of the monthly magazine "The Voice,", served on the debating team,winning in the two years,seven out of the eight debates, one a Chicago Championship. He was the senior class orator,and a member of Chicago Literary Union. In the University of Chicago he was a reporter and then Associate Editor of the Daily Maroon,serving on the Freshman and Sophouiorc De­bating Teams. He taught English Composition as Instructor at Oberlin College,Re­ligious Education at Union Theological College of Chicago,and Church History at the Congregational Womens Training School,now affiliated with Chicago Theologi­cal Seminary. His memberships include: Rotary ,Kiwanis,Exchange ,Masonry: lodge, chapter,council,comrnandery,Eastern Star,Shrine,Scottish Rite 32 degree,and col­lege,Acacia Fraternity;the Sons of the Americal Revolution,the Sons of Veterans of the Civil War,the American Legion,the Order of Washington,the American Histori­cal Assn,the Church History Society,the Vermont Historical Society,the New Eng­land Historic Genealogical Society,the Society of Mayflower Descendants,the Chi­cago Munism;itic Society,and the American Numismatic Association,not to omit Gesellschaft Fur Internationale Genealogie Und Benachbarte Wissenschaften of Berlin-Zehlendorf-West,Germany.

His travels from 1919 to 1950 include ten cruises to Europe,the Mediterran ean,the Carribean,Around the World,inclusive of Asia,Africa,and Central and South America,bringing home color views for eighteen travel lectures for schools,clubs,

churches ,etc. He is the author of "Christianity in a World of Science"a Religious Book of

the Month selection,and "Northern Preachers & the Civil War"commended by the Congl Quarterly of London and ibe Cong] Advance of ±be United States. =37=



l. Baptism and christening:the 1st Congl Church of Onawa,Iowa, 2. Primary certificate:Douglas Park Congl Sunday School,Chicago,Ills. 3, Early teen age rnernbe rship: the 1st Congl Church of Onawa, Iowa. 4. Pipe Organ pu111per of the 1st Congl Church of Onawa,Iowa. 5. Church and youth class 111ernber:the Leavitt St,Congl Church,Chicago,Ills. 6, Meniber of the University Congl Church,South Side Chicago,Illinois, 7, While a college senior, was Supt.and tea<;:her in the Garfield Park Congl

Sunday School,also a Boy Scout Master,Chicago,Illirois, 8, Me!llber and Sunday School teacher in the South Congl Sunday School,the

General Supt,being Marion Lawrance ,Chicago, Hls, 9. Youth Director and Scout Master in the Wentworth Ave Baptist Church,

Chicago,lllinois,the Stockyards district. lO. Supply Pastor of the Co;nmunity Congl Church,Highland,Indiana, 11. Youth Director of Plymouth Congl Church of New Haven,Conn, 12. Student Minister,the 2nd Congl Church,Lorain,Ohio,the Steel district. 13. Student Minister, 1st Congl Church,Ste ubenville ,Ohio. 14. Student Minister, Corn m unity Congl Churc h,Plains ,Montana. 15. Student Minister,lst Congl Church, Waukegan,Ills. 16. Associate District Secretary of the Congl Education Society, Chicago, Ills.

Also: Religious Education Instructor: Union Theological College,and Church History Instructor:Congl Womens Training School.

17. Director of Religious Education & Assistant Pastor of the 1st Congl Church of Toledo,Ohio. Also Executive of Toledo Girl Scout Society.

18. Army Chaplain in World War One. Official in the Army Y .M.C.A, the American Red Cross,and the Near East Relief in Brusa, Turkey.

19. Minister in the Howard Community Congl Church of Chicago,Ills. 20. Minister in the 1st Congl Church, Wahpeton,N.D,the oldest: in the State. 21. Minister of Park Congl Church of Toledo,Ohio. 22. Minister of Pastor,1.l Counselling and later Co-Interim Minister of the

1st Congregational Church of Toledo,Ohio. 23. Minister of the 2nd Congl Church of Toledo,Ohio, 24. Interim Minister of Alexis Congl Church,Alexis,Ohio, Toledo suburb. 2 5. Interim Minister of Park Congl Church, Toledo,Ohio. 26. Second Pastorate:Park Congl Church, Toledo,Ohio. 2 7, Minister Emeritus of Park Congl Church of Toledo,Ohio. 2.8. Moderator of the N. W .Assn of Congl Churches of Ohio. Z q. Me 111be r of the Toledo Con gl Union, of Toledo,Ohio. 30. Delegate to the National Congl Council in Cleveland, Ohio, 31. Associate Delegate to the organization session of the National Assn of

Congl Churches,Detroit,Michigan:To continue Congl Churches, 32. Licensed to pre:,ch:Chica~o,Ills;l915;Ordained;New Haven,Conn.1916.= 38


Book Citation: "The Northern Preachers and the Civil War" by Chester F.Dunham.

"Those who are anxious to discover whether history repeats itself will do well to read Dr.Chester F. Dunham's Northern Preachers and the Civil War. He has gathered inforn1ation which makes a fascinating study ••• Readers of the extracts from sermons and articles,Dr.Dunham has collected cannot but be impressed by the place of the pulpit and of the religious press •• Probably at no time has the religious press been so powerful. •• This is just a line to say with what pleasure and instruction I have read your book. It has been revealing in what it has taught me about the sub­ject itself."** Dr.Albert Peel,Editor of the Congregational Quarterly of London, £ngland. The above quotations are from a Literary Review and a personal letter.

"It is a thoroughgoing piece of work that has involved a great amount of re­search and painstaking effort. Great value attaches to studies such Dr.Dunham has made. He has done a fine piece of objective writing." Dr.Gilroy,Editor in Chief,of the Advance,the National Press of the Congregational Churches of America.

''Dr.Dunham's analysis of the attitude of the Northern Churches at the out­break of the Civil War,is extremely valu.'lble ••• The extensive use of quotations and the wide sampling of clerical writings which they represent make Dr.Dunham's book of considerable value to the social historian •• It is indeed a provocative and use­ful book.'' Dr.A. F. Tyler, Minnesota Unive rsity,revicw in the American Historical Association's Quarterly Review.

"The author presents a wide variety of typical attitudes of the Northern Cler­gy concerning the Civil War. The author has used an abundance of references from printed sermons,religious newspapers and magazines,as well as comments in the secular press ••• The volume contains an excellent bibliography of the theme,and an index of subjects and persons. Here is a book for those who desire to explore the ministerial mind through the Civil War period. "Church Management Magazine.

''The author himself is a minister in the Congregational Church, whose clergy in the days of the sectional controversy,were among the most violent in their anti­slavery and anti-Southern views. It is to his credit that this fact has not made him less objective. "Dan M.Robinson, Vanderbilt University,Review in the Nashville Banner of Nashville, Tenn.

"l have enjoyed your book immensely.You have done a grand job." Professor Roland H.Bainton,of Yale University,School of Religion,Dept.of Church History.

"Mr.Dunham has quite definitely established the position of the Northern Clergy on the great issues of the years 1850-65." The Catholic Historical Review. Revi•!.v by i3rother J,R,Lane,of St.Marys College,Winona,Minn.



"Christianity in a World of Science" by Chester Forrester Dunham.

"This is a simple and enlightening summary of the past history of the relations between Christianity and science,and an equally simple and suggestive outline of the ways in which the two may and should cooperate as partners in building a better civilization for tomorrow •.• Mr. Dunham is the thoughtful young minister of Park Cong re ga tional Church, Toledo, Ohio."**** The Editorial Committee of the Religious Book Club: Dr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, Dr.S.Parke s Cadrnan,Bishop Francis J.McConnell,Dr.Charles C.Morrison,Dr.Howard C.Robbins,and College President Mary Wooley ..

"lt is his interest as a student of Christian history that gives distinction to this book on Christianity in a world of science ••• Mr.Dunharn justifies his own treat­ment of the subject by the skill with which he presents the historical backgrounds and approach. We do not know of any other book that has dealt with the subject in quite the same way,and the method of appro.:ich seems to us both valuable and necessary."***** A Literary Review in the Congregationalist,Boston,Mass.

"Mr. Dunham has produced a fresh and stimulating historical survey in this field ••• Mr. Dunham opens up many avenues of stimulating thought,and he has pro­duced a volume that is the result of genuine study."**Boston Evening Transcript.

"A treatise like this is sorely needed ••• The large circulation of a volume like this would do much toward bringing about both a saner religion and a more rever­ent science. lt is a fair valuation of both religion and science."*** Dr. W .P.King, Book Editor of the Methodist Episcopal Church,South.

"This book should prove to be immensely interesting and helpful ••• The style is well adapted to popular reading. The a.uth6T almost invariably makes his ideas perfectly clear by stating them,one at a tiiue,in simple,bricf form with numerous illustrations or analogies added by way of complete explanation.''*** A Review for the Springfield Republican of Springfield,Mass.

"Your book is a corking piece of literary workmanship,as well as of genuine scholarship,and now after giving it a thorough reading,l can congratulate you very heartily.•• Dr.G.W, Fisk.e,the Oberlin Graduate School of Theology,Oberlin,O.

"This is a wholesome antidote to acute fundamentalism,exposing its lineage and exhibiting its futility .•• this pleasingly written,instructive,thought-provoking volume'.' A Literary Review by P. V .Norwood in the Christian Century of Chicago, Ills.

=40 '-



( 1) Tauberbischofsheim,Germ,iny. Landkreis in'.1nrthe:ist Baden-Wurttemberg. The village of Tauber­

bischofsheim (equivalent of a county seat) is located about 20 west of Wurz­hurg. Chester Gray Dunh:tm was a Second Lieutenant in the United States Military Governn1ent Detachment stationed in Taubt>rbischofsheim from September 1945 until May 1946. His Duties:

( 1) To lncate and identify former leading members of the N.S.D.A.P. and to exclude them from gove rnrncnt,,rnd from important positions in comrnerce,industry,and the professions.

( 2. ) Tn publish and edit the Military Government Gazette de­signed to inform the population of the Landkreis of Military Government laws,ordin;inces,and policies.

( 3 ) Tn supervise labnr exch:inges ;1nd the conditions of employ­ment throughout the Landkreis.

( 4) To gather information on politic;d personalities,organiza­tions,and issues.and tn report the findings lo higher authority.

( 5) Tn supervise the revival of cultural and public inforrnation activities.

2) Salzburg,Austria. Chester Gray Dunham served as Vice-Consul at the American Consulate

in Salz.burg frr,m July 1949 until November 1951. His Duties: { l) Tn issue immigratin visas to several hundred persons of

German ethnic r,rigin, refugees from Baklan countries. ( 2 ) Tn manage the routine administrative affairs of the office. ( 3 ) To prepare cnmmercial intelligence reports. ( 4) Tr, prepare reports nn political personalities and issues.

3) Algiers,Algeria.:Africa. Chester Gray Dunham served as Vice Consul at the American Consulate

General in Algiers from May 1952 until June 1955. His Duties: ( 1) To supervise illl strictly consular activities of the post in­

cluding visas,passports,citizenship,welfare and whereabouts,sean1en and ship­

ping,and not a rial acts. ( 2. ) To prepare certain political reports. ( 3 ) To manage the routine administrative affairs of the post in­

including pe rsonne 1, supplies ,equipment. budge t,dis bursem*nts, rents ,and leases. ( 4) To prepare commercial intelligence reports. ( 5 ) To prepare routine commodity reports.

ln Oct.195S Chester Gray Dunham became Vice Consul in Accra,Gold Coast.Africa, 11 :



Chester Gray Dunham was born in Chicago,Illinois on February 11,1923,the son of Thelma G. Dunham and Chester F. Dunham.

Three influences molded his character and established his ideals. Most im­portant of these influences was his home which was the center not only of the family but also of the church of which his father was minister. His father ap­peared to him as an intellectual eminence surrounded by an eddying sea of diver­gent and often clashing personalities. His mother understood his father with her heart and sought to mediate between him and the surrounding sea of humanity. The' thoughts,feelings,and attitudes expressed in the atmosphere of his homes and the examples set by his parents probably are the main elements which shaped his character.

A second influence was his elementary and secondary schooling in the Toledo public schools, His teachers and fellow students at Harvard,Newbury,and Libbey taught hi1.i how to live with other people of his own age as well as how to read and write. Nevertheless,probably because of the stimulating and adult influence of his home,he never felt that he was an integral part of the school milieu which,to him, was of far less consequence than his home.

A third influence was travel,particularly travel to foreign countries. The idea of "going places;• meeting people,and doing things" early became fixed in his 1nind mind as an almost essential part of life. Plane,train,and automobile trips to Chicago,Detroit,Fostoria,and Cleveland eventually asswned the aspect of peri­odic pilgrimages, Finally,his childhood travelling came to a magnificent climax when the family visited the Mediterranean area in 1939,cruised around the world in 1940,and vacationed in the Caribbean area in 1941. Sverywhere that the Dun-ham family visited,the father browsed in book shops,inspected architectural achievements ,and sampled exotic foods;the mother especially observed the life and dress of the people in the various areas. These travels undoubtedly consti­tuted a strong third influence.

Ry the time Dunhat11 entered Oberlin College in September 1941,his basic character,ideals,and interests had been formed,but the manner of working toward his ideals and of expressing his interests had yet to be determined. From 1941 until 1943 and from 1946 until 1948 through the teachers and students at Oberlin he gained an introduction to the great thoughts and achievernents of mankind. The lihera 1, uncle rgraduate Oberlin education continued on a more intensive scale the intellectual activity already begun in early childhood within the family. circle.

From l q43 until 1946 and again during U1e fir st half of 1949 Dunham served in the Army,learned much about military organL,;ation and about the role of mili­tary power in international relations,and a)~ain travelled extensively in the United States and l::urope.

Throu~10ut the year 1'148 during grrlduate studies in internation.11 relations 42


at Colulllbia University, Dunham wrestled with the question of an academic life of research and reflection versus a life of action and service among men. There was never any doubt in his mind,however, that his life would be concerned with the relations among the peoples and regions of the world. Finally, in the light of the serious international problems of 1948, he decided that he could be true to his ideals only if he chose the life of activity and service.

In June, 1949 Dunhalll believed that he had at last arrived at the threshold of the most suitable career for a person of his experience and aspirations: he joined the U.S. Foreign Service and was assigned to Austria as a vice consul.

First, in Austria,and,later,in Algeria,he discharged various responsibili­ties connected with the Foreign Service, and his conviction grew that his decis­ions of 1948 and 1949 had been correct. Still, he was always aware that he need­ed something beyond his chosen career by which to make his life complete and "bundant.

On September 13,1955,faced with a sudden and unexpected assignment to the Gold Coast--seemingly a tropical Siberia--Dunham realized that he needed to share his life with a wife and that he needed to share her life. Only thus could his life be truly happy. Furthermore, he simultaneously realized that the only person with whom he would care to share his life was Georgiana Powers, a friend of the family for rnany years. Finally, he realized that immediate action was essential. Fortunately both agreed on all points; they were married five days later by Dunham's father in Toledo; and several weeks afterwards they had settled down together in Accra, capital of the Gold Coast. With his marriage, Dunham made the most important and satisfying move since his birth, and he views the future with an eager optimism about himself, his family, and the world .

• • • • e ••• 11 11 11 II. II II. II II II II II II ■ II II II I II II II II II II II II II II II I II II II II II I II II I II II II II II II II II II II II e II •••••••••• e e e e e. e. e I I. e e e ••• I e. I ••••• I ••• e e e e e I e e e I I•.

Career Ethical Ideals Aims and Achievements C. G. D.

"Ahove all,l hope to be increasingly greater usefulness to the people

of the United States in their relations with the other peoples of the world. There­

by I hope to serve the noblest ideals of all mankind. In order to be of greater use­

fulness, I hope to rise through the hierarchy of the Foriegn Service and of the

Department of State to positions of greater responsibility and greater influence."

= 43 =



Richard was born in the Toledo Hospital in 1930, and lived during baby­hood,childhood,and youth in South, Up-River Toledo,Ohio. He is named after his uncle,Richard Billings Dunham,and his grandfather,George Marshall Gray, his parents are Chester Forrester Dunham and Thelma Mildred Gray,and his older brothers are Chester Gray Dunham and Willial)l Forrester Dunham,H. Aside from frequent trips to Chicago,Detroit, Windsor,Canada,Cleveland,Catawba Island, and Fostoria,Ohio;Dick at eight years of age toured the Mediterrean,at nine years he sailed around the world:Asia,Africa,and South America,at ten the Caribbean, at eighteen Guatemala and Mexico,and at nineteen the European nations of Eng­land,France,Switzerland,Austria,Germany,Belgiwn and Holland;this round trip aeroplane flight also landed at Iceland,Ireland,and Newfoundland.

Dick graduated from the Harvard Grade School in 1944,was the School Fire Marshal,and was presented with the Safety Council Citation for service in the Junior Safety Council during 1941-44. Each holder of this citation has contributed to the cause of Accident Prevention.

The Edelian (annual) of 1948 of the Edward Drwnmond Libbey High School records the four year achievements of Senior Richard Dunham: To be a journalist and see the world are Dick's aims. The Hi-Y (Y .M.C.A. High School Organization) 1st and 2nd year;Chapl<'ir of the Hi-Y T-Teen Council,3rd and 4th year. In 1947 he was a Gra-Y leader. The Dramatics Club,4th year, The Crystal (newspaper) re­porter,2nd and 3rd year;and Co-Editor in Chief in the 4th year. A member of the Junior Play Committee,and also the Senior Play Committee. President of the Ger­man Club in the 2nd year, Member of the French Club in 3rd and 4th years. Mem­ber of the Chess Chili in years one and two,and president in 3rd and 4th years. National Honor Society in his Senior year. "To be eligible for membership,a senior must be in the upper third of his class and show to the school habits of leadership, character,and service. The emblems of the pin of the Society:the keystone repre­sents the stable foundation upon which our education must be erected. The flaming torch is the emblem of the Society's purpose:-ever to hold erect the flaming light of truth, to lead that others may follow in the light, to keep burning in our school a high ambition, to approach the highest ideals of life ,and to serve loyally ,faithfully, and unselfishly."

For summer interests,Dick featured swimming,baseball and tennis,re­laxed for several seasons at the Michigan "Y" Camp,and served on the Staff at Walbridge Park,a down town Credit Company,the Fuller Brush and Watkins Com­panies,and studied law at the University of Toledo.

In 1952 Richard graduated from Oberlin College,serving as a reporter on the college paper the "Review., .. In 1953 he received a years legal training at the Law College of Ohio State University at Colwnbus.1953-551 he was Clerk Typist: U.S. Army,Hq.Co,3rd Armd Division,Fort Knox,Kentucky. = 'i4 =


., ,



THE DUNHAM MILITARY SERVICE W,-,rld War I Chester F,.,r rester Dunham

Chaplain, first lieutenant of Army Infantry, the Officer's T rainin:-: Sch,.,ol nf Camp Pike, Arkansas. Later, in the U.S. Reserve Corps, Divisinnal Chaplain nf the 65th U.S.C;ivalry.

Previnus tn army service, served as Social Secretary of the Army Y.M.C.A. at Camp Lewis.State nf W<1shington.

After a rm y service, served as Red Cross rep re sen ta tive at the army hospital at Ft'lrt Des Moines.Iowa.

Finally, Near 1-:as t Re lief ar~ent in B rusa, Turkey.

World War 2 Chester Gray Dunham

l.B:1sic Infantry training.Camp Wheeler,Georgia,Sumrner 1943. 2 .Specialized trainins in German area and language, Unive r­

sity of Nebraska,Lincoln,Nebr,1sks,September 1943 to February 1944.

Sp r in :~ o f l <14 4 . 3. Civil Affairs and Military Government training in En~~land,

4.Civil Affairs duty in France;September 1944 to May 1945. 5.Military Government duty in Germany.May 1945 to May 1946. 6.Assistant Personnel Officer;Fort Sheridan,Illinois;Decem-

ber 1948 t,-, May 1949. Sec0nd Lieutenant in service;First Lieutenant in Reserve.

Peace-Time Military Service Richard Marshall Dunham

I.Basic training.Fort Knnx,Kentucky,Winter 1CJ53-54. 2.Specialist duties:3rd Armored Division,Fort Knox,Ky •

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Members nf Ancestral Societies

1. The S0ns nf the Ame ric;rn Revnlutinn: Chester Fnrrester Dunham: Snldier:.::bene7,er Dunham,Jr.(1761-1836) Richard Marshall Dunham: Soldiers: Ebenezer Dunham,Jr.(1761-1836)

David Andrus {1756-184<1) Nathaniel Gray (1760-1853) 2. The S":-iety nf IvLtyflnwer Descendants:Toledo Colony:

Chester Fnrrester Dunharn:Ancestor:Mr.Richard Warren. Richard Marshall Dunham:Ancestor:Mr •. Rich,1rd W;irren. M;i.rkus l)enincrates Dunh;1ni:Ivi:1yflower Society Jr.

Chester Gray Dunham:Ancestor:Mr.Richard Warren. = 45 =


A. Education:


1. Graduated from Libbey High School, Toledo,Ohio,1952. Outside childhood studies include several years of ballet.piano and art lessons at the Toledo Museum of Art. High School majors:History,Eng­lish,and Science.

2.Completed two years at Ohio State University,in the College of Arts,Sciences,and Fine Arts,working toward a Batchelor of Arts Degree, with a double major:Philosophy and Painting.

B. Career History: Toledo,Ohio,Playground Supe rvisor;Sum me rs, 1951,

1952,and 1953. Colu:.1hus,Ohio,part time service at a neighborhood

motion picture theatre, while attending school,1953 and 1954. Fort Knox,Kentucky,Secretary under Civil Service,

in the Army Aviation Section; June 1954 to August 1955, Columbus,Ohio,Secretary at the Duke Uniform

Tailors Company;office work,advertising layouts,and fashion illustra­tions for customers;October 1955 to March 1956,

C. Personal & Religious History: United with the Epworth Methodist

Church, Toledo,Ohio, 1945 ,later joining the Park Cong re ga tional Chris­tian Church, Toledo,Ohio.

Met Richard Dunham when I was a Sophom*ore in high school--had first date December 31,1949. Became engaged near Easter 1953 and married August 29,1953 in Park Congre­gational Christian Church by Dr.Chester F, Dunham, First child-­Markus Democrates Dunham,born August 26,1955 .

• •. • e If•• e •. • ♦ ••.•.I••• e • • •. • • • • • • •. e. • e • e •I. e • • e e • e •. e ♦• • e • ♦ • • e • • • e e • •. • • e e • e ••••I ♦ e e. e • e e •• e e e •• e. e e e e. e e

Letter quotation:• 'Dick takes Mark right in the big pool with him. The other night Dick jumped in where the water was about 10 feet deep,and took Mark right with him. I watched them go down and down,and then come back up. Mark was sputtering and spitting,but also laughing. He seems to know enough not to breathe in when he is under water ••• lt is really a sight to see him on his water elephant,kicking his legs and splashing his arms ••• He really seems to enjoy it ••• He now his 8 teeth'.' ( 10 rnonths:4 days) N.Y.D•

= 46 =


ITALY (lt'd,IO

LOCATION-Southern Europe, GOVT.-R,public. AREA-I 19,764 SQ. mi. POP.--46.598,001 1 1 t'stimated 1951).


JAPAN <jA.pi.n')

LOCATION In thr: nlHth PucitlC Oc.-:1n ,·.i-.t of Chtn,1

l",OVT (.,:~._t,t11t11ll1H\ MonHrl·hy.

Akl·.A l4~ f-,il "'i.l llll

!'OP "4 !1•1' 11 ,, ,....,t1'.lldt.-d l()li'j\ l.

CAl-'!TAL r. k\ l

:-,,; :/· ~-: \._ . ·.~

EGYPT (i'Jlpt)

LOCATION-In northern Africa. bordering on the Mediterr1nc.1n and the Red Sea.

GOVT.-Kingdom. AREA -386, 198 9Q. ml.

POP.-2t1,729,000 (eotlmated 1951), C:APITAL-Cairo.

-+ \ .~rr,

- -... - .

~----~-;~ ...... -- -=-.::.

INDIA. (ln'dl-<l.l

. -- --• LOCATION - tn southern, central

Asitt GOVT Republic. A.RF.A l .l4f, 114141 -.Q ml. <approx.I

POP .. '\til.kb1.11rn1 ,-,q,rnatr-l! IQ~I ).

CAPITAL Nrw D,·lht



Br .. il ••her 191!1

LOCATION- On tht north and "H~t coasts of South Amf"rkH, ~ordrr1n1i1: on the Atlantic Ocr-an.

GOVT.-Republic-. A REA-3.275.510 sq. mi. POP.--52.619,000 ( 195<11. CAPITAL-Rio de Jane,rc

PALESTINE ( pll'm•tln 1

LOCATION-In weotern Aala, bord-"rina on the- M"ditrrranran ~•­

GOVT.-Formrr Brittah Mandatr. AREA-10,429 aq. mi. POP.-1,605.816 (utimatedl. CA PITAL-Jerusalrm.



Moor-town may have been the original Morton name. 1n France the Morton, (Moreton), (Mortaigne), Family has been an important one for many generations,and is represented in modern times by Comtes and Marquises de Chabrillon. In England the Family of Morton has been honored by the Earls of Dulcie and Cornwall;by Thomas Morton,Secretary to King Edward III;by William Morton,Bishop of Meath;by Robert Morton in 1486,Bishop of Worcester; by John Morton,in 1420-1500,the Cardinal Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Chancellor;by Albert Morton,the Secretary of State to King James I; and by Thomas Morton,1564-1659,the Chaplain to King James II , and Bishop of Dur­ham. In America,Levi P.Morton was a Vice - President of the Unitec! States.

THE MORTON FAMILY (Ancestors of Mercy Morton DW1ham)

GEORGE MOR TON ( 1 ) Born: In Austerfield, Yorkshire,England,about 1585. Married: Juliana Carpenter in 1612 ,in Leyden,Holland, Born: 1584. Died: February 18,1665,Plymouth,Mass.,ae 81st year. Children: 1. NATHANIEL (2) Born: In Leyden,Holland,about 1613,

2. Patience (2) Born: In Leyden,Holland about 1615. Died:1691,Plymouth. 3. John (2) Born:1616-17 ,Leyden,Holland. 4. Sarah (2) Born:1617-18,Leyden,Holland.Died:1691,Plymouth,Mass. 5. Ephraim (2) Born on the Ship "Ann' in 1623.Died:1693,Plymouth,Massl

The Morton Family emigrated fro,n Holland to America,Ship "Ann" in 1623.

NATHANIEL MOR TON ( 2 ) Born: In Leyden,Holland,about 1613. Died: June 29,1685,Plymouth,Mass, Married: (1) Lydia Cooper in 1635. Died: September 23,1673. Married: (2) Mrs.Hannah Pritchard Templar, widow of Richard Templar ,and

daughter of Richard Pritchard,April 29,1674. Children of Nathaniel Morton and Lydia Cooper:

l. Remember (3) Born:1637 ,Plymouth,Mass. Died: July 24 1 1707. Married:Abraham Jackson,Nov,18,1657. Died:October 4,1714.

2. MERCY (3) Born:Plymouth,Mass.,163 7-40. Died:February 19,1667. 3, Lydia (3) Married: George Ellison about 1670,

= 48 =


THBIJIA GRAY OOIIHAJ a World Tr1veler,Author1ty, Expert,\ and 'teo\urer on: w Coat • Women ot " A portrayal ot t e ••• • eotor • ar •••ure1.



4. Elizabeth (3) Born: Plymouth,Mass.,May 3,1652. Died: April 6,1673.

5. Joanna (3) Born: Plymouth,Mass.,November 9,1654. Married: Joseph Prince,December 7, 1670.

6. Hannah (3) Died: before 1671. Married: Benjamin Bosworth,November 27,1666. Died: November 1700,

7. Eleazar (3) Died young. 8. Nathaniel (3) Died young.

MERCY MORTON ( 3) Born: Plymouth,Mass.,1637 .... 40. Died: February 19,1666-67. Married: JOSEPH DUNHAM, the son of Deacon John Dunham and Abigail Barlow,

of England,Leyden,Holland,November 18,1657. Born: Plymouth, Mass., 163 5-36. Died: 1703. Children: 1. ELEAZAR (4) Born: about 1659,Plymouth,Mass.

Died: about 1731. 2. Nathaniel (4) Born: about 1662,Plymouth,Mass.

THE MORTON ANCESTRAL CITATION Nathaniel Morton 1613-16,1865.

Nathaniel Morton,believed to have been born in Leyden,Holland in 1613-16,is the son of George Morton and Juliana Carpenter,the sister of Alice Carpenter,the wife of the Pilgrim,Governor Bradford. They were religious exiles from England,and members of the Separatist, Independent,Free Church of Leyden,whose spiritual leader was Pastor John Robinson.

Nathaniel Morton emigrated with his parents on the Ship "Ann" to Plymouth,Mass., in 1623. He was the nephew of Governor Bradford and Deacon Samuel Fuller;the husband of Lydia Cooper;the father of Mercy Morton;Secretary of the Plymouth Colony,for forty years,1645-1685;Town Clerk of Plymouth,from 1674-1679;Secretary of the Pilgrim Church in Plymouth,Mass.;Historian of the Plymouth Colony, his literary masterpiece is entitled:


= 49 =



JOHN WHISTON ( 1 ) Born: ______ "John Whiston was first of Scituate,Mass. about 1636 in which year received a grant of land nearly opposite the Meeting house and later received other grants. He may be the John Whiston who embarked March 6,1631 according to shipping lists." Died:1664. Married: about 1641-2 Susanna Hanford,da ughte r of Jeffery Hanford and Egline

Hatherly (sister of Timothy) Married: (2) Widow Susanna Whiston and Widower William Brooks.His second marridge.

Children: (In possible order) l. Joseph (2) Born: about 1643. Died:Octobe r, 1666, unmarried.

2 .Sa rah (2) Born: ;i.bout 1645-6, Married: Thomas Nie hols ,May 2 5, 1663. 3. John (2) Born: about 1648. 4.Susanna (2) Born: about 16 50. Married: Thomas Perry ,May 2, 16 71. 5.Increase (2) Born:August 10,1656. Died young. 6.BATHSHEBA {BATHSHUA) ( 2 ) Born: July 1,1660.

BATHSHEBA {BA THSHUA) WHISTON ( 2 ) Born: July 1,1660,Sc ituate,Mass. Married: ab0ut 1681-2 F~LEAZAR DUNHAM,son of Joseph Dunham and Mercy

Mnrt0n. Born: 16 59 ,Plymouth, Mass. Died:ab0ut 1731. Children: 1.Eleaza r (3) Bnrn: 1682. Married: Miriam Phillips.

2.Nathaniel (3) Born: 1685. Married:(!) ____ Married:(2) Mercy __ 5 .Mercy (3) B0rn: 1686. Married: Sam ue 1 Kempton. 4. ISRAEL (3) Bn rn:Octobe r 1689. Married: Joanna Rickard. 5.Elisha (3) Bnrn:1692. 6. Josiah (3) Born: 1694. Married: Ruth Kempton. ?.Bathsheba (3) Born:1696. 8.Susanna (3) Born: 1698. 9.Joshua (3) Born:1701.

- 50 -


THE RICKARD (RICARD) F' AMIL Y (Ancestors of Joanna Rickard •. Dunham)

GILES RICKARD ( l ) Born: about 1597, We st Hatch ,Some rsetshi re, ~ngland. Died: February 1,1684. Married: (1) Judi th Cogan Kinge ,daughter nf Henry Cogan.and widow of William·

Kinge. Died: February 6, 1662 ,Plymnuth,Mas s. Child: Giles ( 2 ) Bnrn: In .-~ngland about 1625. Married: (2) Joan Tilsnn, widow of £dm und Tilson,May 20 ,1662. Married: (3) Hannah Pnntus Churchill, widow of John Churc hill,and daughter of

Wm Pnntus,June 29,1669. Died:December 1690.

GILES RICKARD ( 2 ) Bnrn: In England about 162 5. Died: January 2 q, 1709. Married: Hannah Dunham,daughter of John Dunham,October 31,1651. Died:April

1,1708. Children: I.John (3) Born:September 16,1652. 2.Abigail. 3.Judith. 4.Giles.

5.Zleazar.6.Samuel. 7.Henry. 8.Hannah. 9.Mercy. IO.Josiah.

JOHN RICKARD ( 3 ) Born: September 16,1652. Died: December 11, 1726. Married: Mary Snow,daughter of Wm Snow and Rebecca Brown about 1675-6.

Died: April 1, 1708. Children: 1. Marcy. 2 .Lidia. 3. John. 4. Joseph. 5.Mary.

6.Joanna ( 4) 7.Abigail. 8.Rebecca,

JOANNA RICKARD ( 4 ) Born: September 22 ,1691. Died: January 17,176 7 ,Plympton,Mas s. Married: Israel Dunham,son of Eleazar Dunham.June 18,1713. Born: October 1689,Plymouth,Mass. Died: August 18,1726,Plympton,Mass. Children:1.Sylvanus. 2.Cornelius.

3.Ebenezer ( 5) Born:February 5,1718-19. 4.Susanna. 5. James.

= 51 =


THE TILSON FAMILY (Ancestors of Sarah (Sally) Chase Dunham)

The line of Eunice Tilson who married Consider Chase; parents of Sarah (Sally) Chase who married Ebenezer Dunham,Jr.

EDMOND TILSON ( l) Born: ____ Edmnnd Tilson and wife Joan Tilson at Plymouth,.Mass.Sept.3,

1638,when he appiled to the Court for land at Woeberry Plain. Died: October 25,1660. Married: Joan Child: 1.Ephrai_m_(...-2....,),..._B-o_r_n_l636-7 probably in England.

Married: {2) Widow Jnan Tilson and Giles Rickard,Sr.May 20,1662. Died: before 1669. Giles married his third wife,Hannah Churchill,widow of

John Churchill, June 25,1669.

EPHRAIM TILSON { 2 ) B0rn: Pr"bably in England,1636-7. Died:October 1716,Plyrnpton,Mass. Married: Elizabeth Hoskins,daughter of Willia{n Hoskins and Ann Hinde,at

Plymnuth,Mass. July 7 ,1666. Child: 1. J()hn { 3 ) Born ab()ut 1672-4.

JOHN TILSON ( 3 ) Born:1672-4. Died: February 12,1717-18. Married: Lydia Rickard,March 27,1706. Children: l. Timnthy.{4) Z..John (4) 3.Jonathan ( 4) 5.Mary (4) 6.Lydia (4)

5,Patience (4).

JONATHAN TILSON ( 4 ) B0rn: September 29,1715,Plympton,Mass. Died:Last of December 1782, Married: (1) Martha Washburn widow of Elisha Washburn,and daughter of Luke

and Martha Perkins. Child:1.Eunice ( 5) Born:February 12,1738. Married: (2) Lucy Cobb, May 4, 1748. She married Bartlett Murdock,Oct.14,1793.

EUNICE TILSON ( 5 ) Born: February 12,173 8. Died: July 14, 1779. Married: Consider Chase,June 7,1759. Born:1733. Died:October 29,1801.

( He married (2) Molly Rickard,December 14,1780.) Children 0f Consider Chase and Eunice Tilson:

1.Martha (6) SALLY (SARAH) CHASE:( 6 } 3.Levi (6) 4..Lucy (6) 5,Lewis (6) Sally (Sarah) married:Ebenezer DUNHAM,Dec.15,1785. He was the son of Israel Dur~}1~2°1=and Joanna Rickard.


THE FAMILIES: HATHERLY, HANFORD, WHISTONE, DUNHAM (Ancestors of Bathsheba Whistone Dunham)

ELINOR HATHERLY ( 1 ) Died: last will 1637,under n:ime of second husband:William Mortimer. Children: 1. Timothy Hatherly ( 2. ) Died:October 24,1666.

2.Egline Hatherly ( 2 ) Born: about 1589.

EGLINE HATHERLY ( 2 ) Born: about 1589. Died: before Decembrr '. 'i64. Married: ( 2.) Jeffrey Hanford,March 31,lbll,Fremington,Devon. Buried:May 6,16 Child: ( 3 ) Susanna Hanford ( 3 ) Born: :-ibout 1614-15.

SUSANNA HANFORD ( 3 ) Born: about 1614-15. Died: after 1682-3, Married: John \Vhistone, about 1641-42. Died: 1664. Child: Bathshua (Bathsheba) Whistone ( 4) Born: July 1,1660.

BATHSHUA WHISTONE ( 4) Born: July 1,1660. Married: Eleazar Dunham,son of Joseph Dunham and Mercy Morton,1681-82. Born: 1659. Died: about 1731. Child: Israel Dunham ( 5 ) Born: October 1689.

ISRAEL DUNHAM ( 5 ) Born: October 1689. Died: August 18,1726,

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••c•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FAMILIES: HOSKINS.HASKINS, WINTHROP,PERKINS, WASHBURN, TILSON,CONA

(Ance stars of Sa rah (Sally) Chase Dunh,1111) Wm Hoskins (1) Born in Ireland,son of Henry Hoskins and Ann Winthrop,the

cousin of Gov.John Winthrop. Married: (2) Ann Hinde. Child:Elizabeth (2) whc married Ephraim Tilson. Roger Conant (l) Lot Conant {2) Marth;l Conant (3)

married Luke Perkins, Jr. Child: Martha Perkins married {1) Elisha Washburn, and married (2) Jonathan Tilson. Roger Conant is called the founder of Salem,

Mass.,stating that he built the first house in Salem .

......................... ... ... ....... ••• .. •• ... ._ .................................. • • • e • • • • • • • e • • e e e. • • e e e • e • e • • e • • • • • e. e •• • • ••• e. e e e e e. e e • e e • e. e e e e e • I

THE DUNHAM FAMILY WIVES: Sus:1nna Kenney, Abigail Barlow, Mercy Morton, Hester Wormell, Bathsheb:1 Whistone, Joanna Rickard, Cynthia Fay, Eunice Billings, Lydia Perry Fuller, Phebe Lucas, Sarah (Sally) Chase, Hannah Law­rence, Louisa R,ichel Billings, Camilla Clotilde Powell, Thelma Mildred Gray,

Nancy Layne Y;1tes,ilnd Georgiana Powers. S 3 :::


THE FAY TRADITION The Fay Family is recorded in rnany Lrnds: Sp;1in,Fr,ince,Switzerl:ind,

ltaly,Gerrnany,'°:n:~land,lreLind, ;ind W.des. In Sp;iin: F:1y is FJ::::1-'.iith. In Nor­

mandy: Fa ye. Fa ye 1, .ind F.1 utlie rne;in beech plant.t tions. Fa ye in Norlll.t n I-' renc h is ., beech tre,·. In the Portu:~L1ese A7,orcs IsL1nds l·', is one o1 the most im­

portant Isles and from Port Fay:1 ther·e is ;1 beech tree myrtle of the spt!cies Myrica F,1y,1.

THF: FAY FAMILY (Ancestors ot Cynthi.t (Cynth:1) r·.iy DunlumJ

A David F:1y settled in Sudbury .ibout 16':iO;believed to lw the L1thcr of John F,,y.

JOHN FAY ( 1 ) Born: In En;~hnd .d>out lb4H.

Dif'd: Dccernber ':i,1690,M,1rlf)oro,M 1ss.

M;1rried: M:1ry Bri:~h;in1.d,1u•~htt·r of Thorn,1!--. Rri.r~h;1m .ind Mt•rcy 1668. Born: W;itertown,1638-30. Died: W ;i t{-> rt own , 16 7 ().

Children: 1. JOHN JR. ( 2) Born: Marlboro,Novt·rnlwr 30,166').

2. Dwid (2.) f-\orn:October 15,1671.

3. S;1muf'l (2.) Born: October 11,1673.

4. Mary (2) Born: Feb ru;i ry 19,167 5.

5. Gershorri (2) Born: October 10,167':i.

Married:(2) Mrs.Sus;1nn;i Sh ittuck Morse.widow of JosPph Morse,.ind cL1ughkr

of William Shattuck of W;1tertown,July 15,1678.

Chi 1 d re n: l . [)av id ( 2) Horn: A p r i 1 2. 3 , 16 7 '). 2.. Ruth (Z) Born: July 15,1684.

3. Deliverance (,~) Horn: October 7,1686.

JOH~-! FAY ( Z)

Born: Novern her 30, 1669, :VL1 r I boro, M.1 s s.

Died: J;rnuary 5,1747,Westboro,tvi.1ss. Married: 1<:liz;1beth We1lin'.~ton,dc1ughter of Benj;irnin Wellin;~ton and 1:-~lizabl'th

Sweetrnan,Deceniber 1,1690.

Born: Dece n1be r !. 9, 1673.

Died: M.irch 8,172.7-2.8. Children: 1.. STEPHEN ( 3) Born:Westboro,Mass.,May 5,1715. Z.Bathsheba (3).

3. Eunice (3). 4.M;iry (3). 5.John (3). 6.Lydia (3).7.Dinah (3J. 8.Jarnes ( ~)

9. Benj.1rnin (3). 10.M:ny (3).


Rorn: W<.>stboro,;-,,Ltss.,M;iy ':i.171':i.


Died: Bennington,Vermont,May 17,1781. Married: Ruth Child,daughter of John and Hannah Child,May 7,1734. Born: August 9,1714. Died: August 6,1802,Galliopolis,Ohio. Children: 1. John (4) Born: December 23,1734.

2. Jonas (4) Born: January 28,1736. Died:March 6,1818. Married:(!) Sarah Fassett,May 1,1760. Married: (2) Mrs.Lydia Safford,November 20,1777.

3. Stephen (4). 4.Ruth (4).5.Mary (4). 6.Beulah (4). ?.ELIJAH ( 4) 8. Benjamin (4). 9.Joseph (4). 10.Sarah (4). 11. David (4).

ELIJAH FAY ( 4) Born: March 5,1748. Died: July 4,183 5, Bennington, Vermont. Married: Deborah Lawrence,Bennington, Vermont. Born: January 23,1748,Bennington, Vermont. Died: August 30,182 5. Children: 1. ASA ( 5) Born: April 26,1772.

2. Elijah (5) Born: February 23,1774. 3. Mary (5) 4. Sarah (5) 5. Jerusha (5)

ASA FAY ( 5) Born: April 26,1772. Married: Jane Briggs of Bennington, Vermont. Children: 1. Clara (6)

2. CYNTHIA ( 6 ) Born: 1798. 3. Samuel (6) 4.Sally {Salley) (6) 5.Betsy (6)

CYNTHIA FAY ( 6 ) Born: 1798. Died: April 1,183 5. Married: IRA DUNHAM,son of EBENEZER DUNHAM JR,and Sarah (Sally) Chase. Born: Royalton, Vermont, February 12, 1795. Died: Richford, Vermont,August 16,1862. Children: l. Sylvan us (7) Born: 182 5. Died: March 8, 1899.

2. ALMON SMITH ( 7 ) Born: April 13,1828. Died: March 5,1906. 3. Sa rah Jane (7) Born: About July 1830. Died: April 1831. 4. Norman (7) Born: December 1832. Died: June 22,1895.

= 55 =


THE BILLINGS TRADITION • 'Mortem Aut Triumphum' •

John Billing (1) 1430. Sir Thomas Billing (2) Chief Justice in 1468:Died: May 5,1481.

Nicholas Billing (3) William Billing (5) Roger Billing (6) Richard Billing (7) The Elder of Deanes, Taunton,Somersetshire.

William Billing (8) William BILLINGS (9) Richard Billings (9) Born: Taunton,Somersetshire,England.

a.Son of William Billing. b.Grandson of Richard (the Elder) Billing. c.Brother of William Billings.

A branch of the Billing Family in the 16th century removed from Northamptonshire to Sornersetshire.

THE BILLINGS FAMILY (Ancestors of Louisa Billings Dunham.)

RICHARD BILLINGS { 1 ) Emigrated from England to Hartford,Conn,in 1640,accompanied by his wife

Margery,and removed to Hatfield ,Mass. in 1660-1. Died: Hatfield,Mass:March 3,1679. Married: Margery ------Died: Hatfield,Mass: December 5, 1679. Son: SAMUE:L { 2) Born:Hatfield,Mass.


Born: Hatfield,Mass. Died:Hatfield,Mass: February 1,1678. Married:about 1661,Sarah Fellows,daughter of Richard and Ursula Fellows. Widow Sarah Fellows Dunham married Samuel Belden,Jr,October 9,1678.

Died: February 5,1713. Children: 1.SAMUEL ( 3 ) Born: January 8,1665.

2.~benezer (3) Born: October 29,1669. 3. Sa rah (3) Died: July 15, 1764. 4.Richard (3) Born:April 7,1672. Died:about 1753,

Married:Hannah Marsh:March 18,1703. 5.John (3) Born: October 11,1674. Died:Killed by Indians July 15,1698. 6.Sarah {3) Born:October 18,1676.Married:Samuel Dickinson.

SAMUEL BILLINGS ( 3 ) Born:Hatfield,Mass: January 8,1665. Died: _____ _ Married: Hannah Wright: November 18, 1686. Died: November 18,168 7.

C. 56 =


Children:l.SAMUEL ( 4) Died: 1778. 2 .Sarah (4) Born: March 3 ,1697. Married: Samuel Smith,Sutherland,Mass 3.Joseph (4) Born: November 15,1700.Died about 1783.

Married:January 7,1726,Elizabeth Kellogg.widow of Joseph Kellogg. 4.Zechariah (4) Born: November 29,1702. Died: 1771. Married:Ruth

Meekins,daughter of John Meekins. Born: June 6,1700. 5.Benjamin (4) Born: January 18,1705. Died: 1782. Married:(!) November

13,1729,Mary Hastings.daughter of Joshua Hastings.Married: (2) Widow Rebecca Miller, 1691.

SAMUEL BILLINGS ( 4) Born: Hatfield, Mass. Removed to Sunderland ,and in 1739 to Hardwick., Died: January-May 1778. Married:Hannah Warner,daughter of Daniel Warner of Hatfield.Mass. Died: March 5,1767. Married:(Z) Mrs.Sarah Crosley.November 26,1767. Children: I.Hannah (5) Born: September 23,172 4. Died: February 2 5 ,1814.

Married: (1) Silas Belding.January 2,1745/46. Married: (2) Samuel Ware.November 3,1757.

Z. Elisha (5) Born: December 1, 17 26. 3.Sarah (5) Born: May 29,1729. Married:William Merrick,Sept.7,1749. 4.DANTEL ( 5 ) Born: November 21,1731. 5. Na than (5) Born: May 24, 1734. 6.Rebecca (5) Born: Janu;i ry 3,173 7. Married: Leona rd Robinson,

August 31,1758. ?.Samuel (5) Born: Au gust 19,1739. 8.Asahel (5) Born about 1741.

DANH:L BILLINGS { 5 Bnrn:Sunde rland, Mass: November 21, 17 31. Died: Hardwick,Mass: December 23, 1787. Married:February 23,1758,Mary Ruggles.daughter of Captain Benjamin

and Alice Merrick Ruggles of Hardwick,Mass. Born: May 7,1738. Died: June 8,183 5. Children: l.GIDi•~()N ( 6 )Born:Hardwick,Mass: J·anuary 9,1759.

2. Mary (6) Born: Hardwick ,Mass: April 12 ,1761. 3. l:~unice (6) Born: Hardwick.Mass: July 7, 1763 .Married: Robt Dean. 4.Daniel (6) Born:Hardwick,Mass:July 9,1765. Died:Trinidad,West

Indies about July 6, UW8. 5.Barnabas (6)

- S7 -


6. Mary (6) Born:Scptember 25,1771,Hardwick,Mass. Died: March 11,1849,Bangor, Maine.

7. Timothy (6) Born:July 3,1774,Hardwick,Mass. Died:May 19,1812. M,irried:Alinda Hopkins,daughter of Samuel Hopkins,Nov.,10,1805.

Born: 1784. Died: August 5/6,1832. 8. Samuel (6) Born: June 4,1779,Hardwick,Mass. Died:May 13,1868, Worcestcr,Mass

Married: Rebecca Cutlcr,daughter of Dr.W.Cutler,Sept.,7,1811. Born: 1788. Died: July 30,1864.

GIDEON B ILL.INGS ( 6 ) Born: January 9,1759,Hardwick,Mass. Died: October 9,1835,Barnard, Vermont. Married: Polly __ -.-~--- Born ;1.bout 1764. Died:March 11,1824,Barnard, Vt. Children: 1. Polly (7) Born: April 18,1785,B;irnard, Vermont.

2. Meribah (7) Born:Octolier U,1787,Barnard,Vermont. M:1 r ried: Sim on Chamberlin, Ma re h 14,1811, Barna rd, Vt.

3. Chauncey (7) Rorn:M;iy 7,J7q0,B,Hnard,Vt. 4. Eunice (7) Born:March 12,17 IL,Barnard,Vt. 5. Daniel (7) Born:M:1rch 7,17'.14,Barnard,Vt. 6. Nancy (7) Born:August 8,1796,Barnard, Vt. 7. GIDEON ( 7) Born:November 22,1805,Barnard,Vermont.

GIDEON BILLINGS ( 7) Born: November 22,1805,Barnard, Vermont. Died: March 30,1852,Barnard, Vermont. Married: Hannah Stearns Kenney,daughter of Zurishaddai Kenney and Rachel neldin~,December 13,1832. Born: Nov.23,1811. Died:Nov.5,1879,0nawa,Iowa. Children: 1. Louisa Rachel ( 8 ) Born:October 15,1834,Barnard, Vermont.

:~ .• Mary Jane (8) Born: November 23,1836,Barnard, Vermont. 3. Ellen Annette (8) Born: September 21,1839,Barnard, Vermont. 4. Albert Stearns (8) Born: December 13,1844,Barnard, Vermont.

LOUISA RACHEL BILLINGS ( 8) Born: October 15,1834,Barnard, Vermont. Died: February 2,1897,0nawa,Iowa. Married: Almon Smith Dunhrun,son of Ira Dunham and Cynthia Fay,Barnard,

Vermont, July 5, 1853, Barnard, Vermont.


Born: Richford,Vermont,April 13,1828. Died: Onawa,Iowa,March 5,1906. Children: 1. Mary Abbie (9) Born; Montgorne ry, Ve rmont,Septembe r 18,1854.

2. WILLIAM FORRESTER ( 9) Born: Barnard, Vermont,October 3,1857. 3.Richard Billings (9) Born: Onawa, Iowa, December 2 7, 1859.

Died: Onawa, Towa, December 16,1877.

MARY JANE BILLINGS ( 8 J Born: Barnard, Vermont,Novembe r 23 ,1836. Died: Omaha ,Nebrasku,in 1900 's. Married: Dr. Ric ha rd Stebbins, January 17, 1859. Children: 1. Maria Louise (9) Born: Dec .10, 1859 ,Onawa, Ia .Died: Omaha,Neb raska.

Married:Fred Connor,February 20,1882. 2. Theodore (9) Born: April 23,1865,Waterloo,Iowa.

Married: Gertrude Ellis. Children: 1.Ellis.Born: July 19,1894. 2.Richard Roland.

ELLEN ANNETTE BILLINGS ( 8) Born: Barnard,Vermont,September 21,1839. Died: Sioux City,Ia.,November 13,1912. Married: Thomas R. Chapman of New York City, January 17,1859. Born: New York City, December 2 5, 1836. Died: St.Petersburg, Florida,Apr.28, 1908. Children: I .Nellie Richards (9) Born:Feb.,l,1860,0nawa,Ia.Died:Dec.8,1911,0nawa.

Married:(!) Ed.S.Noble,Jan.,;7,1882. Died: September 30,1893. Child: George.Born:June 20,1883. Died:November 1918.

Married: Edna ____ Jan, ,2 5 ,1904. Children:l. Jane. Born: June 21, 1906,2. Elizabeth.Born:Sept. 7,190 9.

Married: (2) John Ever son,Octobe r 3, 1907 ,Onawa, Iowa. 2 .. George Albe rt (9) Born: Oct. ,18,1867 ,Onawa, Ia.Died: Dec. ,21,1936, Omaha

Nebraska, Married: (1) Evelyn Hilsinger, July 3, 1898. Children:l.Kerwin Edward. Born:Nov.,14,1900. 2.Aileen.Died in in­

fancy,Dec.,24,1902. 3. Niel Kenneth.Born:June 7,1906. Married: Dorothy Wolfe, 193 3-34.Children: 1.Barba ra.Born:

1935, 2.Gail. Born:1937. Married: (2) Althea Bearce,Onawa,Ia.Died:Mar.,6,1938,Omaha,Nebr.

3, Rose Edith (9) Born: Onawa,Iowa,July 16,1872. Died: San Antonio, Tex. ,Aug. ,21, 1944.

Married: Edwin Ruthven Chapman, of Sioux City, Iowa. Child: Dorothy (10} Born: Onawa, Iowa ,November 3 ,1893.

Edwin R.Chapman was born September 11,1869,Tama,Iowa,and died April 6,1950,Rochester,New York.

59 =


ALBERT STEARNS BILLINGS { 8 ) Born: Barnard, Vt.December 13,1844. Died:Omaha,Nebraska December 6,192 7. Married:Abbie Parks of Hadly,Mass. Born: November 15,1851. Died:Omaha,Nebraska,November 30,1944. Children: l.Albert Stearns Jr. (9) Born: September 15,1873.

Married:Elizabeth Ann Burgess:August 28,1901. 2.Asa White Kenney (9) Born: February 8,1876. Died:1949.

Married: (1) Edna Peabody:December 17,1900. Child:Asa White Kenney Jr. Born: September 20,1901. Married: (2) Doris Colburn. Children: l.Mary Jordana who maz-­ried Leslie H.Warner,July 16,1940. 2. John.

3.Barton Parka (9) Born: July 14,1878. Married:(l) Elsie Van Slyke, October 10,1902. Died. October 1922. Married:(2) Mrs.Edna May Sibbet Kem.

DOROTHY CHAPMAN ( 10) Born:Onawa, Iowa:November 3 ,1893. Married: Carroll M.Roberts of Dundee,N. Y.September 11,1920. Born:September 21,1891. Children: 1. Elizabeth Louise:Born: May 18,1922. Married:John Paul Jones.

December 18,1943. Born: June 15,1916. Children: I.John Paul Jones Jr.Born: September 20,1944. 2. Gary Michael.Born: August 20,1947.

2.Dorothy Virginia: Born: March 29,1926. Married: James Archer Avery: July 21,1951. Born: November 3,1916. ChiUiren:l.John.2.Gary.

3.Peggy Ann:Born: August 21,1927. Married: Howard Walter Sheldon Born:March 21,1927. Children: I.Vici Lee:Born:June 4,1948,Col­urnbia,Mo. 2.Candace Lyn: Born: October 3,1949,Glasgow.Mo. 3. Terri Lu: Born:September 9,1953 ,Huron,South Dakota.

= 60 -


THE KSNNEY FAMILY (Ancestors of Hannah Kenney Billings: Ire land & America)

Theophilus Kenney ( 1 ) Born: Ulste rProvince , North I re land. Came to America August 4, 1718. Married: (1) Jemima Pond, M;1 rch 1, 1731-32. Children: I.Henry (2) Born:November 2,1733. Married:Abigail Truesdell.

2.Huldah (2) Born:December 29,1735.Married:Wm Stidley,Jr. 3.Asa (2) Born:March 14,1738. 4.Jemima (2) Baptized: June 21,1741. S.Stephen (2) Born: January 8, 1744. Died: Nov. 8, 1806.Ma r ried: Mary 6.Tabitha (2) Born: July 8,1744-46. Married: Ebenezer Gould. 7.Anne (2) Born:July 18,1749. 8.Jesse ( 2) Born:December 4,1752. Died:April 18,1813. Married:

Hannah Stearns ,August 11, 1776. Married:(2) Mrs. Abigail (Chase) Gibbs,October 13,1763.

Jesse Kenney ( 2 ) Born: December 7,1752,Worcester County.Mass. Died: April 18 ,1813, Barna rd, Vermont. Married: Hannah Stearns of Hardwick,Mass.August 11,1776. Born:December 15,1752. Died: December 21,1841,Barnard,Vermont. Children: 1.Zurishaddai ( 3) Born: December 2,1778,B,Lrnard,Vermont.

2.Hannah (3) Born:April 18,1783, Married:David Lewis. 3.Jesse (3) Born: February 16,1785. Married:Rebecca Paige. 4.N;rncy (3) Born:March 12,1789. Married:Nathaniel Hutchinson. 5.Sally (3) Born:August 20,1792. Married: Isaac Allen.

Zurishaddai Kenney (3) Born: December 2,1778,Barnard,Vermont. Died: February 14, 1860, B.1. rna rd, Vermont.. Married: (1) Rachel Belding.November 23,1811.Born:Apr 16,1777.Died:Je 13,1833. Children: I.Hannah Stearns ( 4 ) Born: Nov .2 3, 1811. Married: Gideon Billings.

2.John Stearns (4) Born: October 5,1813. Died:December 1833. 3.Jesse (4) Born:November 22,1815. Died Sept 11,1887. Married:Emily

I.Bennett Sept 22,1857. Born: Je 22,1818.Died:Jan.10,1900. 4.Zuris (Zurishaddai) (4) Born:October 9,1817.Died: March 3,1818. S.Asa White (4) Born:Sept 22,1819. Died:Dec.1917,Lakewood,N.J.

Married: Dec.4,1873,Mrs,Cornelia A.Gladdings.Died:June 28,1906.



Hannah Stearns Kenney ( 4 ) Born: November 23,1811,Barnard,Vermont. Died: Onawa,lowa.November 5,1879.

Married: December 13, 1832, Gideon Billings, son of Gideon and Polly Billings. Born:November 22,1805. Died:March 30,1852. Children: 1. Louisa Rae he 1 (5) Born: Barna rd, Vt.October 15, 1834.

Died:Onawa,lowa,February 2,1897. Married:Almon Smith Dunham July 5,1853,Barnard,Vt.

2.Mary Jane (5) Born:November 23,1836,Barnard, Vt.Died:Omaha,Nebr, Married:Dr.Richard Stebbins.January 17,1859.

3. Cllen Annette (5) Born:Septembe r 21,183 9, Barnard, Vt. Died:Sioux City Iowa, November 13, 1912. Married: Thomas R.Chapman, January 17,1859.

4.Albe rt Stearns (5) Born: Dec ember 3, 1844, Barna rd, Vt. Died:Omaha, Nebraska.December 6,1927. Married:Abbie Parks of Hadly,Mass.

The Kenney Ancestral Citation. Asa White Kenney

He was a brother of Hannah Kenney Billings,and the uncle of Louisa Billingi. Dunham. He was the Vermont State Librarian;a banker, attorney,a United States Claim agent and a financial Western Loan agent.

A Philanthropic Benefactor: 1. $30,000 to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign

Missions, Bos ton, Mass. (Cong re ga tional). 2. $30,000 to the Congregational Home Missionary Society,New

York City. 3. $30,000 to the American Missionary Association. (Cong re ga tional

Colored Race Service). 4. $10,000 to the American Bible Society,New York City. 5. $5,000 to Mt.Hermon Boys School of E,Northfield,Mass. 6. $1750.00 to Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute of

Hampton, Virgi nia. 7. $5,000 to Yankton College ,South Dakota.

The American Revolutionary War Record of Jesse Kenney. I.He served as a private in Captain Samuel Dexters Company for three months. 2.He re-enlisted in July 1777 for six months service in the Company of Capt.

Ebenezer Newell,whose Colonel was Danforth Keyes. 3. He enlisted again in 1778 for six months service in Capt.Kings Comp any

in the Battle of Long Island.

= 62 ::



RICHARD BELDING ( 1) Born: In England,possibly about 1592-94. Emigrated from County Yorkshire,

England tn Wethersfield, 1640. The Family removed to Massachusetts ,New Hampshire ,and Vermont.

Died: 1655. Married: Children: I.SAMUEL -,-(-2--.-)_B_o-rn-in England about 1628.

2.Jnhn ( 2) Bnrn in England about 1631.

DEACON SAMUEL BELDING ( 2 ) Bnrn:Abnut 1628 in England.Died:January 3,1713 at Hatfield,Mass. Married: Mary in 1654. Died:September 19,1677, killed by Indians. Children:l.Mary°f31 Born: July 10,1655,Wethersfield,Conn.Married:Daniel Weld.

2.Samuel (3} Born:April 6,1657.Married:Mrs.Sarah Fellows Billings. 3Stephen (3) Born:December 28,1658,Wethersfield,Conn. 4.Sarah (3) Born:September 30,1661,Hatfield,Mass. 5.Ann (3) Born:January 27,1665,Hatfield,Mass, (3) Born: November 16,1667,Natfield,Mass. 7.John (3) Born: November 13,1669,Hatfield,Mass.

Married:(l) MaryBeardsley Wells ,widow of Thomas Wells and daughter of William Beardsley. Born: 1631. Died: about 1690-91.

Married:(3) Mary Meekins Allis.widow of John Allis and daughter of Thomas Meekins.

Married: (4) Sarah Wells,widow of John Wells.

STEPHEN BELDING ( 3 ) Born:December 28,1658,Wethersfield,Conn. Died: October 6,1720. Married:Mary Wells.daughter of Thomas Wells, August 16,1682. Born:September 8,1664. Died:March 7,1751. Children: I.Elizabeth (4) Born: February 2,1683. Married:Richard Scott.

2.Mary (4) Born:May 20,1685.Married:John Waite,February 12,1702. 3.Sarah (4) Bnrn:October 25,1687. 4.Stephen (4) Born:February 22,1689. 5.SAMUl~L ( 4) Born: October 23,1692. Married:Elizabeth Dickinson,

May 8,1717. 6. Jonathan (4) Born: 1694.Ma rried: Hepzibah Dickinson. 7. Joshua ( 4) B n r n: 16 9 6. 8.:·~sther (4) Born: 1697. Married: Nathaniel Gunn, 9.Lydia (4) Born: July 24,1714.

Married: (2) Widow Mary Wells Bel!;ii~~ wed Joseph Fi(dd,


SAMUEL BELDING ( 4 ) Born: October 23,1692,Hatfield,Mass. Died: October 5,1732. Married: May 8, 1717, Elizabeth Dickinson,daughter of Hezekiah Dickinson. Children: 1. DAVID ( 5 ) Born: February 4,1718.

2. Samuel (5) Born: August 15,1719. 3. Abigail (5) Born: May 4, 1721.Died: Feb., 7,177 9.Married:Noel Marsh. 4. Elizabeth (5) Born: December 2,1723. Married: William Ames. 5. Mary (5) Born: October 23,1725. 6. Hezekiah (5) Born:July 2,1728. Died:1813. Married:(1) Mary West.

Married: (2) Martha Field.Married:(3) Martha Smith. 7. Noah (5) Born: 1731. Married: Rebekah Wells. 8. Jonathan(5) Born:1733.

DAVID BELDING ( 5 ) Born: February 4,1717, Hatfield, Mass. Died:August 4,1804,Swansea,N.H. Married: Thankful Graves,daughter of Abraham Graves. Died: May 6,1788. Children: 1. MOSSS (6) Born: October 25,1740,Hatfield,Mass.

2. Elijah (6) Born: May 20,1743. 3. David (6) Born:1745. Died: 1801-04. Married: Lucy Grave s,probably

the daughter of Abner Graves. Children: 1. Lovina, baptized December 15, 1771.

2. Infant,died:August 28,1775. 3.Louisa. Born:Dec.,18,1776. Married:Mr.Scott. 4.Lucy. Married:Asa Drake. 5.Solomon,baptized May 23,1784.

4. Lydia (6) Married:i\ir.Reed. 5. Thankful (6) Married: Roger Thompson. Died:May 6,1798.

MOSES BELDING ( 6 ) Born: October 25,1740,Hatfield,Mass. Died:July 4,1811,Barnard,Verrnont. Married: Rachel Hayes, February 25,1762 .Born: July 28,173 9.Died:Nov ., 8, 1810. Children: I .Lucinda (7) Born:June 23,1763. Died:December 18,1814.

Married: June 19,1780, Jonathan Woolley. Children: 1. Betsy. Born: July 23,1781.Married: Joseph Bowman.

2. Hannah. Born about 1783. Married:William Chamberlin. 2. James (7) Born:May 4,1765. Died: January 16,1834.

Married:Dolly McAllister,daughter of Isaac McAllister,January 18, 1786-87. Born: February 12 ,1765.

Children: 1. Phylinda. Born:July 29,1787. Married:Mr.Pixley. 2. Anna. Born:October 5,1789.Married: Nealy Norris.

Children: three daughters and a son. = 64 :c


3. Asa. Born: August 4-6,1792. 4. Moses. Born probably born February 11,1795,Barnard, Vt,

r:- Ira. Born: August 14,1797,Barnard, Vt. 6.Polly. Born:November 30,1799,Barnard, Vt.Married:

Daniel Goodenow. One son and two daughters. 7.Almyra. Born: Oct.l,1802,Barnard,Vt. Died: Feb.16,1837.

Married: Mr.Buxton. Two sons. 3.John (7) Born:May 10,1768,Wethersfield,Conn. 4.Asa (7) Born:December 1770,Wethersfield,Conn. Died:December 1771. 5.Polly (7) Born:fanuary 29,1773. Died: January 31,1853,

Married: Reuben Mc Collister, Dec. 7, 1809, Barnard, Vt. Children: I.Rachel McCollister,born Apr 6,1811. Married:

Wm Rowe. One son and two daughters. 6.Dnlly (7) Bnrn: March 6,1775. Died:Jan.16,1846. Married: Thos Williams

Dec, 5,180 s. Children: I.Mary Ann Willfam s. Born: Dec .4, 180 7. Died:Oc t.l, 1848. Married: Ja s Purlman. Children: I.Martha. Born: Sept.1,1830. 2. Thomas,Born:Nov.5,

183l.3.Henry. Born:Apr.29,1836. 4.Dorothy.Born: March 10,1838.

2.Ira Hayes Williams. Born: May 21,1814.Married:Caroline Holmes.

3.Llijah Dana Williams. Born: May 13,1819. 7.Rachel (7) Born: April 16,1777. 8.Moses (7) B0rn: September 10,1779. Died: 1792. 9.Thankful {7) Born: May 14,1782. Married: Thomas Wheat.

IO.David (7) Bnrn: October 10,1785.

RACHEL B I·:LDING ( 7 ) Born: April 16,1777. Died: June 13,1833,Barnard,Vermont. Married: Zurishadda i Kenney, son of Jesse and Hannah Stearns ,Nov .Z2, 1810,

Barnard, Vermont. Born: December 2,1778,Barnard, Vt. Died: Feb.14,1860,Barnard, Vt. Children: 1. HANNAH ST EARNS (8) Born: Nov.23 ,1811,Barnard, Vt. Married:

GID F:ON BILL INGS,.Oecem be r 13, 1832. Born: Nov .22 ,180 5 ,Barnard, Vt. Died: March 30,1852,Barnard,Vermont. Three daughters,one son.

Z.Jnhn Stearns (8) Born:Oct.5,1813. Died:Dec.1833 Both:Barnard, Vt. 3. Jesse (8) Born: Barnard, Vt. Died: June Z 1, 1881, Barna rd, Vt. 4.Zuri S. (8) Born:October 9,1817,Barnard,Vt. Died:Mar.23,1867. 5.Asa White (8) Boru: Sept 21, 1819, Barna rd, Vt. Died: Lakewood,N. J.

1q17_ Married: Widow Cornelia A.Gladdinf~.Died: June 28,1906. Ma rried:(Z) Widow Hannah S.Kenney wed John Newton,August 12 ,1853.

- bS


THE MACMILLAN FAMILY (Ancestors of Marie Louise and Elizabeth Lucile)

THOMAS MACMILLAN ( l ) Born: Grange Meeting,Antrim County, Ireland. Died: 1753 Probably buried in Chester County,Pa. Married: Deborah Marsh in lreland,May l,1727. Died: Chester County ,Pa ,September 22 ,1764.

They emigrated from Ireland in 1738/9 and settled near East Nantreal twp,Chester County,Pa.

Children: 1. JOHN ( 2 ) Born in Ireland 1728. 2.George (2) Married: Ann Henshaw. 3. William (2.) Married:Deborah Holland. 4.Mary (2) Married:Nat.han Phillips. 5.Elizabeth (2) Married: Jacob Smith.

JOHN MACMILLAN ( 2 ) Born:In Ireland in 1728. Died: Chester County ,Pa.1791. Married: (1) Jane Boyri Green in 1756. Born: 1728. Died:1782.. Children: l.Abigail (3J . 2.Sarah (3). 3. Thomas (3)

4.JOHN ( 3 J Born: March 1766. 5. James (3) 6.Mary Griffith (3) Married: (2) Joanne Craig Griffith.

JOHN MACMILLAN ( 3 ) Born: March 1766. Died: March 16,1838. Married: Esther Griffith,daughte r of William and Joanna Griffith: 1787. In

1804 they removed from Warrington Twp, York County,Pa. to Short Creek Ohio Meeting (Quaker).

Born: Warrington Twp, York County ,Pa: July 13, 1766. Died: July 6, 1818. Children: 1. Jane (4) 2. Ruth (4) 3.Joanna (4) Married: Reuben Allen.

5. Amos (4) 6. John (4) 7. James (4) 8.GRIFFITH ( 4) Born 1800. 9.Elisha (4) 10.Jesse (4)

ll.Maria (4) Married John Kirby. Married:(2) Alice Barnard. Both wives are buried in West Grove (Quaker)

Cemetery in Harrison County ,Ohio.

Born: February 1800. Died: December 1850.



Married: Elizabeth McLaughlin,March 8,1828. Born: April 20,1801,near Venice in Washington County,Pa. Died: June 1851,Adena,Ohio. Children: l. Twin:Mary Jane (5) Born: November 29,1828. Died: July 6,1829.

2. Twin: Esther Ann (5) Born: November 2 9, 18.2 8. Died: January 26 ,1863. 3. John M. (5) Born: July 2 8, 1830. Died: December 11, 1864. 4. James (5) Born: February 9,1832. Died: April 5,1859. 5. Jesse (5) Born: October 12,183 4. Died: October 17, 1881.

Married: Ma rth;i Mc La ughlin,August 5 ,1862. 6. William Johnson (5) Born:January 17,1836. Died: June 6,1863. 7. Mary Jane (5) Born: January 9,1838. Died: December 26,1871.

Married: James M.Kirby ,September 6, 1866. 8. GRIFFITH WILLMER ( 5) Born: February 3, 1841. 9. Elvira (5) Born: March 1,1843. Died:February 27,1913.

Married:Isaac Booth,November 19,1863. 10. Margaret Ellen (5) Born: July 28,1845.

GRIFFITH WILLMER MACMILLAN { 5 ) Born: Adena,Ohio, February 3 ,1841. Died: Onawa,Iowa,February 27,1904. Married: Mary Abbie Dunham,daughter of Almon Smith Dunham and Louisa

Rachel Billings,January 12,1876. Born: 1v1ontgome ry, Ve rmont,Septembe r 18, 1854. Died: Onawa,Iowa,April 20,1932. Children: 1. Marie Louise (6) Born: Onawa,Iowa,August 3,1877.

2. Elizabeth Lucile (6) Boril; Onawa..lowa,Apfil :J1

1aR.:Ji:6 D1ea. Onawa, 1owa, Jo y l , l~:., •

MARGARET ELLEN MACMILLAN ( 5 ) Born: July 28,1845. Died: March 26,1928. Married: William H. Calderhead,September 26,1867. Born: July 16,1844. Died: March 11,1914. Children: I. Archie L. (6) Born: July 20,1871,Harrison County,Ohio.

Died: April 11,1954,St.Petersburg,Florida. Married:Bessie Gallaher,December 19,1905. Born:Oct.,5,1875. Died: February 3,1953,Sloan,Iowa.

2. Gertrude (6) Born: February 21,1889. Married: John Fritz Parkinson,Jr.,December 3,1932.. Born: September 30,1887. Died: November 20,1943. Child: John Parkinson III,(7) Born:September 1,1934.

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The renowned trial lawyer of Iowa,and attorney of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway.was born in Adena,Ohio. He received his legal training at Miller Academy,graduating in 1861,then studying with Albert Shober of Carrollton,Ohio,and Gen.Negley.and was admitted to the Bar in 1863.

He was a Civil War Ohio volunteer from Jefferson County in the 100 Day Service--Company H.157 Regiment,O. V. T. his discharge being signed by President Lincoln and Secretary of War Stanton.

Mr.MacMillan emigrated to Iowa in 1870 and became a public leader in the cnrnmunity nf Onawa. He was the leader of the first cornet band,organized in May 1872,and played the Eb cornet and also a violin.

He served nn the Onawa Town Council in 1873,was the recorder for six yeara,nrganized the first Engine Company of the Onawa Fire Departrnent,and was nn the team. Brnught up a Quaker in Ohio;he attended the First Congrega­tional Church in Onawa,and led and sang in the church choir for twelve years.

Griffith W.MacMillan was one of the most progressive citizens of Onawa. He put in the first cement sidewalk in town in front of his law-office,and had the first telephone in the community--from home to office. He headed a com­pany nf five to establish a telephone system in Onawa,and headed an • 'Improve­ment Company" to build a modern hotel in the town. He served several years on the Board of Education.

Mr.MacMillan was a great nature-lover,knew all the trees,shrubs,birds, stars and constellations. He loved to hunt and fish,and as a keen reader of character, was a pre-psychia trist--beca use he !!could te 11 a murderer!! before he was even tried in court. His wife was Mary Abigail Dunham,and daughters Marie Louise and Elizabeth Lucile.

Marie Louise MacMillan A student in the schools of Onawa,and Omaha,Nebraska;music and

dancing in Sioux City,Iowa;basic art training in St.Catherine's Academy in Davenport,Iowa. She also studied at the Art Institute of Chicago,the Frank Holmes School of Illustration,and the Smith Academy{affiliated with the Jullien Academy of Paris). Miss MacMillan in the World War I.era,served the Veterans in the Central Canteen on Michigan Avenue, Chicago. She was also a librarian in the Harper Memorial Library nf the University of Chicago. A member of the Colon­ial Coverlet Guild nf Onawa a member of the Daughters of the Amer­can Rev(')lution,the P.E.O.Sisterhood,of the First Congregational Church,and the Plymouth Circle. She was a well known music teacher in Northwestern Iowa.

Elizabeth Lucile MacMillan A graduate nf Brnwnell Hall of Omaha,Nebraska;and a student of violin

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:ind orchestra for several years in the Drake School of Music,and the Musical College of Chicago. She served soldiers and sailors of World War I, in the Central Canteen on Michigan Avenue,down-town,Chicago. She was a member of Staff of the Harper Memorial Library of the University of Chicago, a member of the Colonial Coverlet Guild of America in Chicago, an officer of the P.E.O. Sisterhood, the Daughters of the American Revolution Society,and a member of the First Congregational Church and Plymouth Circle of Onawa,Iowa. Miss MacMillan was a leading teacher of violin and dancing in Northwestern Iowa.

·····························~················································································ ONAWA CITY, IOWA:::NOW ONAWA,IOWA.

This town in Northwestern Iowa from the latter 1850's to 1956,has been the home,for a few or for many years of members of the following related fam­ilies: Dunham, Billings, MacMillan, Stebbins, Chapman,and Calderhead. These relatives are: Almon Smith Dunham, Louisa Rachel Billings Dunham, Mary Abbie Dunham MacMillan, William Forrester Dunham, Richard Billings Dunham, Cheste:q Forrester Dunham, Marie Louise MacMillan, Elizabeth Lucile MacMillan, Grif­fith Willmer MacMillan, Archie L.Calderhead, Hannah Stearns Kenney Billings, Mary Jane Billings Stebbins, Dr.Richard Stebbins, Maria Louise Stebbins, Ellen Annette Billings Chapman, Nellie Richards Chapman Noble ( Everson), George Albert Chapman, Rose Edith Chapman-Chapman, Edwin Ruthven Chapman, Thomas R. Chapman, Dorothy Chapman Roberts, Albert Stearns Billings,the Vermont, Massachusetts, New York,;1nd Ohio pioneer influences upon Western Iowa.

The basic vocations of these families in Onawa were: agriculture, medicine pharmacy,groceries, law, and public service. They were members or attendants at the First Congregational Church, several recorded as members of the Epis­copal and Friends or Quaker Churches,there being no institutions of these branches of the Christian Church in Onawa.

Onawa is the county seat of Monona County, a central agricultural section, thirty-seven miles south of Sioux City, Iowa,and fifty miles north of Council Bluffs, Iowa,and Omaha,Nebraska.

Onawa was founded in 1857, taking the name of the Indian Princess Onaway, and was incorporated in 1859,and Monona the County is believed to glorify the Indian words portraying the ideals of beautiful land or peaceful valley. The first physician in Onawa was Dr.Richard Stebbins and he was later the first mayor. The first dwelling was built July 2,1857,the first commercial building,July 4, 1857,the first birth,a boy,October 20,1857,the first marriage in 1858,the first burial in 1858, 'he first hotel in 1857,the first newspaper "The Onawa Adventure" in 1858,the First Congregational Church in 1858,the first Literary Club in 1857, the firf;t banquet was held on Christmas 1857 at Hotel Onawa House. Onawa has nobly achieved a heritage of virtually= a

6~e;1tury: 1857-1956.


THE YATES FAMILY (Ancestors of Nancy Layne Yates Dunham)

JOHN YATES ( 1) Born: 1750, Carolina County. Virginia. Died: ---------Married: Malinda Anderson. Born: Died: --------- -------Child: Peter Anderson ( 2 ) Born:1809.

PETER ANDERSON YATES ( 2 ) Born: 1809. Died: 1894, Ona, Cabe 11 County, We st Virginia. Married: Sarah Ann Dearing of Greenbrier County, West Virgini:1. Born: 1825. Died:January 7,1910,Yc1tes,West VirginLt. Children: 1 • Sa binia J. (3) Born: Feb., 15,184 7. Died; 18 99. Married: Mr .Pillton.

2. Frank M. (3) Born: Nov., 12, 1848. Died: J:in., 7, 1910. M;:i r ried: 3. Virgil (3) Born:October 24,1850. Died:1917. -----4. John W. (3)Born:Jan.,23,1853. Died:M:1y 17,1930.M;1rried: Morrison, 5. William H. (3)Born:apr.,Zl,1855.Died:June 30,1939.

Married: Lena Kirby. 6. Nan c y M. ( 3 ) Born: fan ua r y 2 7 , 18 5 7. Died: -----7. Sarah Elizabeth (3) Born:Mar.,9,1860, Died:Mar.,8,1943, 8. Clark (3) Born:Mar.,8,1863.Died:Dec.,Zl,1881. A hunting accident. 9. Silas Edward (3) Born: Jan., 10,186 5. Died: ____ Married: Cora

Douglas,Oct.,7,1887. Married:(2) Fr;rnces Thompson. 10. James :Vi. (3) Born:September 4,1867. Died:March 26,1955.

Married; Alpha Kirby. Married: (2) Sadie -------11. Calvin (3) Born: Sept., 8, 1870. Died: ___ M;1 r ried: Sa rah Bowles. 12. Ira Monroe (3) Born: June 10,1875. Died: November 18,1909.

lRA MONROE YA TES ( 3 ) (Narne legally changed by parents to Roy Monroe Yates)

Born:June 10,1875,Ona.,West Virginia. Died:Nov~ber 18,1909. Married:(l) Sadie McMahon,Feb.,1898,Cabell County.West Virginia. Died:1900. Child: Edwin Mc Mahon ( 4) Born: Oct. ,Z 9, 1899. Married: Gwendolyn Dunkle ,Sept 22',24 M<1rried:(2) Hattie Robson,daughter of Joseph Robson and Mary Anderson,

February 14,1904. Born: September 5,1879,Malden,West Virginia. Child:Roy Robson ( 4) Born:February 13,1905,Handley,West Virginia.

ROY ROBSON YA TES ( 4 ) Born: Handley,West Virginia,February 13,1905. Married: Mary Adelaide Brown,daughter of Wirt Brown ;ind Ellie Layne,

Toledo,Ohio,May 9,1931. Born:Guy;rndotte, West Virginia,April 15,1908. - 70 ~


Children:!. Nancy Layne ( 5 ) Born: Cincinnati,Ohio,January 21,1934. 2. Roy Robson,Jr. ( 5) Born: Toledo,Ohio,August 7,1938.

NANCY LAYNE YATES ( 5) Born: January 21,1934,Cincinnati,Ohio. Married: Richard Marshall Dunham,son of Chester Forrester Dunham and

Thelma Mildred Gray,August 2 9,1953, Toledo,Ohio. Born: Toledo,Ohio,October 16,1930. Child: Markus Dernocrates (6) Born: Fort Knox,Kentucky,August 26,1955.

THE ROBSON FAMILY (Ancestors of Nancy Layne Yates Dunham)

WILLIAM ROBSON ( 1 ) Born: May 20,1825,Lancaster,England. Died:about 1900, Wheeling, West Virginia. Married: Isabelle Heslop.Born:December 1,1824. Died:February 24,1862. Children: 1. Joseph (2) Born:Oct.6,1847,Martins Ferry,O.Died:December 16,1926.

2. Elizabeth (2) Born:December 26,1848. Died: -----3. John (2) Born:April 2 7 ,1850. Died: 4. Margaret Isabelle (2) Born: Februa_r_y-18-,-1852. Died:July 2,1878. 5. Culbert (2) Born: January 2,1854. Died: ---6. Sarah Jane (2) Born:December 29,1856. Died: July 7,1928.

JOSEPH ROBSON ( 2 ) Born:October 6,1847,Martins Ferry,O. Died:December 16,1926. Married: Mary Anderson,Middleport,Ohio,December 21,1867. Born: July 1,1846,Lancaster,England. Died:August 26,1917. Children: {Born in Middleport,Ohio)

1. Infant. Born:October 1,1868. Died: ----2. Isabelle (3) Born:Oct.21,1869.Died: Jan. 7 ,1950,Charleston, W. Virginia. 3. Margaret (3) Born:Mar.25,1872.Died:April 9,1955.

Married:Wm Harden. Born: ____ Died:Nov.20.1940. 4. Mary Elizabeth (3) Born:August 23,1874. Died: October 30,1880. 5. Anna Mabel (3) Born:March 17,1877. Died: April 14,1955.

Married:S.E.Dearin,Oct.10 ,1899. Born: October 10,186 9. 6. Hattie (3) Born:Sept.5,1879,Malden,W.Va. Married:Roy M.Yates,

Feb.15,1904,Huntington, W. Va.Born: Jan.10, 1875. Died:November 18,1909,Huntington, West Virginia.

7. Thomas Jefferson {3) Born:Apr. 7,1879. Died: Nov. 19,1933. Married:Alice Black,Dec.l 906.Born:Apr.5,1880.

8. Elizabeth May (3) Born: November 15,1884. Married:Charley E.Garten

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April 15,1910. Born: June 12,1878. 9. Mary Anderson (3) Born: June 20,1887. Died: April 30,1940.

Married: Otmer J. Cox-,October 10,1910. l O. Horace Greeley (3) Born: April 9,1891.

Married: Gertrude Bridgewater ,Aug., 21,1919. Born: November 24,1890. HATTIE ROBSON ( 3 )

Born: September 5,1879,Malden, W. Va. Married: Roy M. Yates, Feb.,15,1904,Huntington, W. Va. Born: January 10,1875. Died: November 18,1909. Children: 1. Edwin McMahon (Stepson) Born: October 30,1900.

Married:Gwendolyn Dunkle,September 22,1924. 2. Roy Robson (4) Born: Fe'bruary 13,1905.

Married: Mary Adelaide Brown,May 9,1931,Toledo,O. Born: April 15,1908. Children: 1. Nancy Layne (5) Born: January 21,1934,

Cincinnati,Ohio. Married:Richard Mar­shall Dunham,Aug.,29,1953, Toledo,Ohio. Child:Markus Democrates (6) Born:Fort Knox,Kentucky,August 26,1955.

2. Roy Robson,Jr.Born:Aug.7,1938,Toledo,O.

THE BROWN FAMILY (Ancestors of Nancy Layne Yates Dunham)

H.B.BROWN ( 1 ) Born: March 3,1825. Died: March 20,1874,Yadkinville,N.C. Married: Mildred Eldredge. Born:Feb.,3,1825.Died:March 3,1886,Mt.Airy,N.C. Children: 1. H.G. (2) Born: May 18,1844.

z. William G. (2) Born:March 25,1846. Died: January 10,1847. 3. John W. (2) Born: June 23,1848. 4. W .H.A. (2) Born: March 18,1851. Died:December 16,1884. 5. Squier B. (2) Born: December 18,1853. 6. Mary An. (2) Born:December 28,1855. 7. A.D. (2) Born: December 21,1858. 8. H.B. (2) Born: June 13,1862, 9. T.A. (2) Born: October 6,1867.

JOHN W. BROWN ( 2 ) Born: June 23,1848, Virginia. Died: ____ -,--Married: Elizabeth Adelaide Bicknell, June 21,1871. Born: 1848,N.C. Died: -----

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Children: I .Royston McK. (3) Born:August 4,1872. 2. Wirt (3) Born:November 3,1877,Clarkesburg,N.C. 3. Karle (3) Born:August 11,1879.

WIRT BROWN ( 3 ) Born: November 3,1877. Died:August 1915. Married:Ella Maria Du Quincy Layne,daughter of James Galven Layne,and Mary

Rebecca Shannon. Born: February 2 7 ,1884, Louisa,Ky. Child: Mary Adelaide (4) Born:April 15,1908.

MARY ADELAIDE BROWN ( 4 ) Born:April 15, 1908,Guyandotte (Huntington) W. Va. Married:Roy Robson Yates,son of Roy Monroe Yates and Hattie Robson,

Toledo,Ohio,May 9,1931. Born:February 13,1905. Children: l. Nancy Layne (5) Born:Cincinnati,Ohio, January 21,1934.

Married:Richard Marshall Dunham,son of Chester Forrester Dunham, and Thelma Gray Dunham, Toledo,Ohio,August 29,1953. Child: Markus Democrates (6) Born:August 26,1955,Fort Knox.U.S. "\rrny Camp,near Elizabethtown,Kentucky.

THE LAYNE (LANE) FAMILY (Ancestors of Nancy Layne Yates Dunham)

The name,Layne,of French Huguenot origin,is derived from the Latin word for wool:lana;given to a name of sheep raisers. The name is also believed to originate from Norman De Lona or De Lone, removing to England at the time of William the Conqueror. English records list various spellings:LAYNE,Laine,and Lane. In 1585,Sir Ralph Layne was Governor of the first New World English Colony :on Roanoke Island,now of Carolin,1 of the North. Other Laynes from England in 1607, settled along the James River in Virginia.

JAMES GALVEN LAYNE ( 1) Born: June 14,1834,Prestonburg,Ky. Died: ____ 1925. Married:Mary Rebecca Shannon. Born:November 27,1843. Died: ___ 1923. Child: Ella Maria Du Quincy (2) Born:February 27,1884,Louisa,Ky.

ELLA MARIA DU QUINCY LAYNE ( 2 ) Born: February 2 7 ,1884,Louisa,Ky. Married: Wirt Brown. Born: November 3 ,1877. Died:August 1915. Child: Mary Adelaide (3) Born: April 15,1908.

MARY ADELAIDE BROWN ( 3 ) Born:April 15,1908,Guyandotte, W. Va. Married:Roy Robson Yates,May 9,1933. Born:February 13,1905,Handley, W. Va. · Children: 1. Nancy Layne (4) Born:Cincinnati,O., Jan.21,1934.Married:Richard Mar­

shall Dunham ,Aug.2. 9,1953. Child: Markus Democrates (5) Born: Fort Knox,Kentucky,August 26,1955.

2. Roy Robson, Jr. (4) Born: Toledo,Ohio,August 7 ,1938.

73 "


THl'.: POWERS TRADITION "Per Crucem Ad Coronam"

...... r,e pa()r, ................•.

Peter P()we rs, the immigrant ancestor, '\vas an Irish Gentleman, liberally educated in the city of Dublin (South Ireland) ;ind studied his profession of Medicine and Surgery in the same city." Peter is recorded "among the land cnmpany ()f seventy,wh() under a grant from Massachusetts.took up a township nf land in the Upper Green a part of New York.before 1760," He emigrated to America, frnrn South I re land, with wife and two sons ,and one daughter, following his (medic al) profession during Pre-Revolutionary and War Revolutionary eras.

THE POWERS FAMILY (Ancestors of Georgiana Powe rs Dunham)

PETER POWERS ( l) Born: 1709,in South Ireland. Died in America.March 28,1782. Married: Mary Allworth,July 6,1740. Born:1704. Died: January 22,1787. Child: WILLIAM POWERS { 2 ) Born: 1747.

WILLIAM POWERS { 2 ) Born: 1747. Died: April 8,1796. Married: Rhoda Deane, June 13, 1775 ,Spence rtown,New York. Born: September 28,1759. Died: September 16,1828. Child: PET~•:R POWERS ( 3 ) Born: January 3,1782.

PETER POWERS ( 3 ) Born:January 3,1782. Died: August 1861. Married: Altana Davis ,1805-6. Born: 17 Died: April 12, 1841. Child: CHARLES W.POWERS ( 4) Born: July 2,1844.

CHARLES W .POWERS ( 4 ) Br,rn:July 2,1844,Perrysburg,Ohiri, Died: July 3,1907,Perrysburg,Ohio. Married: Sarah Alc()rn,N,wember 22,1876. Born: March 22,1841.Died:l\lar.9,1')05. Children: l.Augusta (5) Born: February 9,1878.

2.GEORGE ALCORN POWERS ( 5) Born: Feb.ll,1882.Died:Dec.25,1943. 3.Lucy E. (5) Born: March 22,1884.

GEORGE ALCORN POWERS ( 5 ) Born: February 11,1882,Perrysburg,Ohio.Died: December 2.5,1943,Toledo,Ohio.

= 7 4 -


Married: Elizabeth Mary Cosgray,daughter of Caleb Necan Cosgray and Mary Almira {Mollie) Kalb,Octobe r 9, 1921, Carey ,Ohio. Born: May 22 ,1891,Carey ,Ohio. Children: 1 .Sarah Elizabeth (6) Born: Novernbe r 12, 1922, Toledo,Ohio.

Married: Warren E.Reaser,son of Wm Alfred Reaser and Cora Martha Jake,Toledo,Ohio,July 5,1941. Born: July 10,1919.

Children: Virginia Louise:Born: Toledo,Ohio,July 3,1942. Beverly Ann: Born: Toledo,Ohio, July 21, 1944.

2.Mary Augusta (6) Born:Toledo,Ohio,August 19,1925. 3. GEORGIANA ( 6 ) Born: Toledo,Ohio,May 15,1928. 4.Dorothy Jean (6) Born: Toledo,Ohio,August 29,1931.

Married: Philip Marshall Rice,son of Raymond Hall Rice and Mary Garrisnn, Toledo,Ohio,September 26,1953. Born:Sept 28,1931, Toledo,Ohio.

Child: Philip Marshall Rice II, Born: November 3 ,1954. 2.Dav1d Powers R1ce,Born:April 18,1956.

GEORGIANA POWERS ( 6) Born: Toledo,Ohin, May 15,1928. Married: Chester Gra1 Dunham,son nf Chester Forrester Dunham and Thelma Mildred Gray,September 18,1955, Toledo,Ohio. Born: Chicago,Ulinois,February 11,1923.

Ch1ld:Dorothy (7) .Born:Aocra,Gold Coaat,w/c .Atrica,Auguat 27,1956.

THE COSGRAY FAMILY {Ancestors of Georgiana Powers Dunham)

WILLIAM JOHN COSGRAY ( 1 ) Born: ____________ Died: _________ 1893.

Married: Rebecca Spragg,daughter of Caleb Spragg (Born:Sept 20,1778:Died: Apr 20,1854) and Deborah McClure (Born:Aug.1,1780.Died:Sept 22,1860) the wedding date: November 5, 1798. Born: May 24, 1817. Died: 1880. Children: I.Malissa {2) 2.Deborah (2) 3.David (2)

4.CALEB NECAN COSGRAY ( 2) Born: Nov.24,1853.Died.:Feb.ll,1943. 5. William Rufus {2)

CALEB NECAN COSGRAY ( 2 ) Born: November 24,1853. Died: February 11,1943. Married: Mary Almira (Mollie) Kalb,daughter of John Stevenson Kalb (possibly a descendant 0£ the military Baron de Kalb) and Elizabeth Yickers;October 7, 1882,Delaware,Ohin. Born:June 2,1852. Died: March 8,1927. Children: 1. William John {3) Born:M, rch 12,1884,Spragg,Pa.

Married: Madgie Chee,ebro,December 3,1908.Born:Oct.9,1885.

* Also spelled: Che sebrough. 7',


Children: (Twins) L Maxine Mary (4) Born: November 17 ,1909. 2. Helen Frances (4) Born: November 17,1909.

Married: Louis H. Sanzenbacher,September 14,1940. Died: July 13,1951.

Child: Susan Jane (5) Born: May 1, 1945. 2. Mark Constant (3) Born: July 12,1887, Waynesburg,Pa.

Married: Bernice May Keller ,October 19,1912, Fostoria,O. Born: Jan.1,1885. 3. ELIZABETH MARY ( 3 ) Born: May 22. 1891,Carey,Ohio.

Nickname is May.

ELIZABETH MARY COSGRAY ( 3 ) Born: May 22,1891,Carey,Ohio. Married: George Alcorn Powers, son of Charles W. Powers and Sarah Alcorn,

October 9,1921, Carey ,Ohio. Born: February 11,1882. Died:December 25,1943. Children: 1. Sarah Elizabeth ( 4) Born: November 12 ,1922, Toledo,Ohio.

Married: Warren E. Reaser, son of Wm Alfred Reaser and Cora Martha Jake,July 5,1941. Born: Toledo,Ohio,July 10,1919.

Children: 1. Virginia Louise. Born: Toledo,Ohio, July 3 ,1942. 2. Beverly Ann. Born:Toledo,Ohio,July 21,1944.

2 .Mary Augusta (4) Born: Toledo,Ohio, August 19,192 5. 3.GEORGIANA ( 4) Born: Toledo,Ohio,May 15,1928. 4.Dorothy Jean ( 4 } Born: Toledo,Ohio,August 2 9, 1931.

Married: Philip Marshall Rice,son of Raymond Hall Rice and Mary Garrison, Toledo,Ohio,September 26,1953. B:Sept,28,1931.

Child: Philip Ma rs hall 11, Born: November 3 ,1954. 2.David Powers,Born: April 18,1956-

GEORGIANA POWERS ( 4 ) Born: Toledo,Ohio.May 15,1928. Married: Chester Gray nunham,son of Chester Forrester Dunham and Thelma

Mildred Gray, Toledo,Ohio,September 18,1955. Born: Chicago,Illinois,February 11,1923. *

.............................................................................................................. ... .. ..... .. ... .. . .. . ... .. . ... ..... , .......................................................................... . *Child: Dorothy (5) Born:Aocra,Gold Coast,W/C Afrioa,August 27,1956.

= 76 =



Georgiana P. Dunham, born May 15,1928,is the daughter of George A. Powers and Elizabeth C. Powers.

Every family group wields its influence upon its members and so my father,mother,grandfather,three sisters,and Irene influenced my personality and character. Ours was a helter skelter off schedule living,but the understanding, love and warmth provided by my parents and grandfather gave a sense of securi­ty and well-being that is rare in families. My father was temperamental,warm, and affectionate and never did we doubt the love he had for us equally. Mother was calm,understanding,and unusually generous. My parents loved to entertain, were active in the church and in the community and gave us the opportunity to meet and get along with people of all ages. Irene,who worked and lived with us, was truly a lllember of the family and her Hungarian background had an influence which is still apparent in my tastes and attitudes. Papa,rny grandfather,was al­ways the same and to us children was a rock of security and peace. Being the third of four girls,my way in school and community was often opened up to me with little effort on rny part. New situations seemed familiar to me bee.tu.Se of the experiences my older sisters shared with me and this undoubtedly affected my attitude toward new fields of endeavor.

Beverly, Toledo Museum of Art,Harvard,and Libbey Schools offered good teachers and well-rounded group activities. They undoubtedly influenced my attitudes and interest in learning. Miami University offered freedom and indepen­dence and the knowledge that one could live successfully without the protecting influences of home,and family. Miami also gave me the realization that life doesn't come to a person without cultivation on the person':s part. My under­graduate training was completed at Toledo University in education. Some grad­uate work was completed at Wayne University while I was teaching at Highland Park Junior College.

Illness in the summer between the sixth and seventh grades inhibited what little interest I had ever had in sports. I was never a natural or a very successful athlete. Walking up the Maumee River was a favorite swnmer occupa­tion. I shared my family's interest in books. Childhood summers were spiced with visits to friends' homes out of Toledo and family vacations at nearby lakes. Becoming a part of other families during those summer visits was an education in learning how to live successfully with strange groups.

Europe broadened most of all my perspective on life. Independent travel as well as travel with a group occupied the summer of 1953 through most of Europe. Another outstanding influence in my life was that of the church--more particularly the Dunham family. The spiritual guidance of Dr.Dunham and the warm friehdship with both Dr.and Mrs.Dunham often gave me the necessary courage for new ventures. = 77 ::


My lifetakes on a richer meaning in the sharing of experiences and of living with my husband,Chester Gray Dunham, My mind and heart and soul are fulfilled daily in every way and I feel complete,

........................................................................................................... YOUTH SUNDAY ADDRESS

Dorothy Powers Rice

YOUTH--what is it? It is looking ahead to what tomorrow will bring. Youth is based on the spirit more than the years. A person is young as long as he looks forward to what the future will bring. When his span of thought excludes the future and dwells only upon the memories of yesterday,he has become old.

We see new things that seem more wonderful than any other sight. We keep that air of expectancy ever about us. There are several questions which are uppermost in a youthful person's mind. For example--What are my most outstanding talents which I can improve upon to point that I can become a real help to the human race? What enjoyment can I bring to myself and others? What intriguing adventure lies so mysteriously ahead? Enthusiasm is not lack­ing in a youthful person. Energy comes from somewhere to plunge us into some­thing new and exciting. Our thoughts are ever progressive toward some goal. As we strive for this ideal,our lives are shaped. We bend our lives through chosen environments,friends,and activities, As we spell youth we find these

hidden meanings: Y is for the yearning for life which lies ahead. O is for the outer world toward which our steps are led.

U is for the unknown things which beckon us beyond. T is for the trust in self to reach our highest goal.

H is for the happiness which fills the Christ-like soul • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Thus Georgiana Powers Dunham is a descendant of the

Powers Family of South Ireland; and the Cosgray Family of North

Ireland; the allied German Families being: Kalb and Kuder.

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The Powell Family lived in Llwyn-Du,Llanbrynmair,Machynlleth,and Aberystwyth,the first three in Montgomeryshire County,and the last in Cardigan­shire County. The Powell affiliated Families are:Morgan,Rowland,ap Howell, and Haverd. In 168Z the first distinctive Welsh settlement was founded in Pennsylvania, and in 1804 Cambria County,and in 1805 the town of Ebensburg in Cambria County, were created,where in about 1820 David Powell arrived from Wales.

There are 27 letters in the Welsh alphabet:a,b,c,ch,d,dd,e,f,g,ng,h,i,l,ll,rn, n,o,p,ph, r ,s, t, th, u, w, y.

Wales (Cymru,Givalia,Cambria) is the name given by the Teutonic invaders of England: (Walsch) meaning:' 'the territory of an alien race.'' Old English word: wealh means foreigner.

The Welsh Genealogy includes:probably Pre-Aryan,Pre-celtic Brython with Goidelic and Ivernian elements {barbarian),Celts,Saxon,Angle,Norman,not to omit the Roman. The Welsh possess "high spirit,energy,anirnation,courage,hospitality, ingenuousness,consideration,zealous attention and impressive welcome." They re­veal a ''temperament which is poetical,musical, reverential, religious,and good hearted." One summary description: "What the typical Welshman wants to believe he believ6 ... with intensity and what he does not want to believe,he denounces with equal intensity.'' His environment is mountainous or W1dulating beautified by the landscape of peaks,slopes,gorges,wild rocks,rapid torrents,vales and rivers.

David,the National Saint of Wales,an uncle of King Arthur,served for sixty years the Metropolitan See Chair of Wales as Archbishop. About 500 years after his death,Pope Calixtus II,canonized him.

Llwyn-Du, Wales. Tradition records this small rural village ten miles from Llanbrynmair as

the home of our first David Powell and possibly his wife Gwen Rowland,the parents of our David Powell of Cambria County,Pa.,Mary Morgan being his first wife.

Llanbrynrnair, Wales. This home is in a small mountain town in the Twymyn River Valley in

Montgomeryshire,about ten miles from Mc,chynlleth. The ancient Church of Saint Mary in this village is noted for a famous wooden tower. In the region are the picturesque Wynnstay Bridge,Pennant Waterfalls,and Tyisaf Lake.

Machynlleth Wales. Many of the Powell Family lives today in this example of Mediaeval Town

Planning,the seat of the Parliament of the famous Welsh Prince Owain Glyndwr,of 550 years ago.,the ancient royal house,the Memorial Clock Tower weekly markets, annual fairs,salmon fishing center,and gateway to a magnificent moorland vista.

Aberystwyth, Wales. Sea resort,castle remains,National Library and University,& mountain scenery.

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THE POWELL (HOWELL AP HOWELL) Tradition (Anceators of Camilla Clotilde Powell Dunham:Wales:U.S.A.)

HOWELL ( l) Married: Margaret,daughter of Gwyllym Philip Thomas ap Elydor.

Son:Gwylden Dew ( 2 ) GWYLDEN DEW ( 2 )

Married: Mary,daughter of Jenkins Richard Jenkins. Son:Howell Dew ( 3 )

HOWELL DEW ( 3) Married: daughter of Roger Modoc,Rlch David.

Son:Gwyllyn ( 4 ) GWYLLYN ( 4)

Married: Catherine, daughter of John Rees Jenkins. Son:Howell ( 5)

HOWELL AP HOWELL ( 5) Married: Margaret, daughter of William John Haverd.

Son:Thomas ( 6) Daughter:Margaret Maud ( 6) MARGARET MAUD ( 6 )

Married: John Meredith Watkins Morgan. Daughter: Mary ( 7 ) MARY MORGAN ( 7)

Married: 1819 in Wales,David Powell,son of David Powell and possibly Gwen Rowland.

THE POWELL FAMILY The Powell World Trek: From Llwyn-Du, Wales;to Llanbrynmair, Wales;to to Aberystwyth, Wales; to Machynlleth, Wales; to Cambria County ,Pa;to Chicago,llls,Aurora 111s,and to Toledo,Ohio.

Cambria County,Pa. was erected March 26,1804 .•• was settled by the Welah and named after the ancient title of Wales. Has an area of 717 square miles the moat of which is semi-mountainous. Only 43 per cent under cultivation. The region has plenty of coal,there is some iron ore, sand for glass-making,easily secured limestone. Civil divisions,32 town­ships,21 boroughs,and one city.


David Powell Sr,was born in Wales in 1789, emigrated to Pennsylvania in 1820, attended with his family the old Welsh Baptist Church in Blacklick Township,Cambria County,Pa.

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A Home of the Powell Family






He was an enterprising and progressive farmer,his first recorded deed,the purchase of 171 acres in 1832, 9 acres in 1839, 58 acres

in 1850, another 103 acres in 1850, 53 acres in 1851, 93 acres in 1853, a $ 500. lot in Moretown,now a pa rt of Ebensburg,Pa, in 1856,and $ 52 5. for two acres in the Borough of Ebensburg in 1856.

He received various prizes and awards at the Third Annuel Fair held by the Agricultural Society of Cambria County,October 7,8,9,i857. 1. Best Yoke Oxen 4 year. 2. Best Lot of Sheep. 3. Bull Calf 4 months. 4.Best Steer 2 year:2nd priz.e. 5.Best Yearling Bull:2nd prize. 6.Best 2 year Colt-heavy draft:2nd pri7,e.

He passed away November 23,1873,aged 84 years. The obituary in the Cambria Freeman: "well known citizen oi Cambria Township •.• one of the wealthiest men in thi~ section."


Born: Llwyn Du Wales:1789. Died: Cambria County,Pa. November 23,1873. Married: In Wales in 1818/19 Mary Morgan,daughter of John Watkin Morgan and Maud Haverd of Llanbrymair,North Wales. Born: Wales 1795. Died: Cambria County.Pa. January 1859. Children: 1.DAVID,Jr. ( 2) Born:1820,Wales. Died: April 26,1872,Pa.

2,Sarah (2) Born: 1823,Cambria County,Pa. Died: 1849. 3.James (2) Born: 1828,Cambria County,Pa. Died:1905,Aurora,llls. 4.Mose s (2) Born: 183 3, Cambria County ,Pa. Died: 1908, Chicago,111s. 5.Mary (2) Born:About 1835,Cambria County,Pa. Married:G. W. Lloyd. 6.Jeremiah (2) Born: 1837,Cambria County,Pa.Died:April 6,1862 on

Shiloh Battlefield of the Civl War. 7.ELIAS ( 2) Born:1838,Cambria County,Pa. Died:1919,Chicago,llls. 8.Daniel (2) Born: 1841,Cambria County,Pa. Died:December 28,1862,

a Civil War U.S. soldier,Frederick,Md. Married: (2) Mary Reese,abnut 1848. Born: 1825. Died:C.tmbria County.Pa.February 9,1904. Children: 1. Jeremiah (2) Born: 1850, Cambria County ,Pa. Died: 1864.

2. Benjamin (2) Born:1856,Cambria County,Pa. Died: 3.Sa rah (2) Born:Cambria County ,Pa. Married: Wm Mahan, 1885. 4.Ann (2) Born:1860. Died:1922. Married: Evan Evans. S.Jonathan (2) Born:1862,Cambria County,Pa. Died:1872. 6.Hannah Jane (2) Born:1861,Cambria County,Pa. Died:1922. 7 .Susan (2) Horn: 1867 ,Cambria County ,Pa. Died: 1872.



THE UNITED STATES CENSUS OF 1850::CAMBRIA COUNTY,PA. Farnil y .•.•.•...•...• Ages .. Occupations ....... Assets ........... Born ...... . Powell,David •··•·- 55 ..... Farmer .•••.••• $2400,00 ...... Wales ... .. Powell,Mary ...... _ 55 ....•......................•................. Wales .... . Pnwell,Moses ...... 20 ....•........................................ Penna ... . P n we 11, Ma r y. . . . . . . 1 7 . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . • Pe n n;1 ••••

Pnwell, Jeremiah .. 15 ...........................................•.. Penna ... . POWELL,ELIAS .. 12 .............................................. Penna ... . Powell,Daniel..... 9 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Penna ... .

Powell, David...... 2 9..... .. ... ......... ................ ... ....... Penna ... . Pnwell,Susannah .. 23 ............................................... Penna ... . Pnwe 11,Lydia... .. ... •1. .... ...... .. ........ ......... .... ....... .. .. Penn~1 ... . Pr,well,Mar aret.. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Penna ... .

DAVID POWELL, JR. ( 2 ) Br,rn: 1820 in Wales. Died: April 26,1872,near Ebensburg,Pa. Married: ( 1 ) Susanna Makin (Meakin/ B0 rn: 182 7. Died: 1853, Children: l. Mary Ann ( 3 ) Married: William Jones.

2. Margaret Jane ( 3 ) Married: David James. 3. Carr,line ( 3 ) 4. Jnhn ( 3 )

Married: ( 2 ) Eleannr Evans,daughter of David Evans and Eleanor Roberts. B()rn: Machynlle th, Wales, Feb.1834. Died: Johnstown,Pa.Mar .24, 1910.

Children: I.DAVID WATKIN ( 3) Born: June 22,1858. 2. Evan ( 3) 3.Howell ( 3)

DAVID WATKIN POWELL ( 3 ) Brun: June 22,1858. Died: December 23,1919. Married: Anna Jane Reese,daughter of Samuel Reese and Susan Makin,June 24,

1877. Bnrn: July 11,1858. Died: October 23,1939. Children:l.David R. ( 4 )Born: Nov.15,1878, Died: January 1953,

Z~Webster 0. ( 4 )Born: October 6,1882. 3,Izora ( 4) Born: June 19,1884. Died:February 12,1933. 4.BURLEY FRANKLIN ( 4) Born:Sept 2,1886. Died:April 22,1919. 5,Anna Maud ( 4) Born:Dec,29,1888. Married: Ed. Morgan, 6,lda Jane ( 4) Born: Oct.7,1891. Married: Gust. Frischo!f. 7. Re a rd n n ( 4 ) B n r n: May 8, 1 8 9 4. Died: Jan ua r y l 9 5 5. 8. Mary Myrtle ( 4 ) Born: Aug. 3, 1896. Married: Robt Slater ,1953. 9.Dnrsey F.( 4) Born:July 24,1898.Died: August 28,1943 •

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10.C,nrie (4) Born: December 15,1900. 11.Roland H. (4) Born: October 26,1880. Died: November 1954.

BURLEY FRANKLIN POWELL ( 4) Born: September 2 ,1886, Ebensburg,Pa. Died:April 22 ,1919,Ebensburg,Pa. Married: (1) Bertha Belle McManus,daughter of Judson Henry McManus and

Rose Ann Myrtle,J,.1ly 3,1904. Born: March 6,1885,Cherry Tree,Cambria County,Pa. Died: March 9,1935,Black Lick,Pa. Children: 1. THELMA MARIE ( 5 ) Born: June 24,1905,Ebensburg,Pa.

2 .Alverta Rose (5) Born: Jan.20, 190 7,.Ebensburg,Pa, Married: J.Reed Fidler,July 20,1926.

3.Schuyler Lloyd (5) Born: March 17,1910,Ebensburg,Pa.Adopted in 1910 by Geo Baker,Armstrong,Pa. Married:Cleo Myrtle Swank,November 9,1934.

Married: (2) Jessie Wagner. Children: l.Burley Franklin Jr. Born: April 15,1919. M.a rried: Frances Crawford,Novembe r 11,1944 •

. 2.Vonnell (5) Born: July 4,1917. Married: Clelland E.Folmar, June 2 0 , 193 5.

THE MQ..1.ANUS FAMILY. William A. Mc Manus (1) Revolutionary Soldier. Son: Andrew McManus (2)

married:Mar) ___ Son: Samuel McManus (3) Born: June 1,1820.Died: June 1,1864,Civil War Veteran,killed in service. Married: Sarah Baker: born:1821. Son: Judson Henry Mc Manus (4) Born: January 21,1854.Died: August 16,1938. Daughter: BSRTHA BELLE MCMANUS ( 5) Her mother: Rose Ann Myrtle,daughter of James Martin Myrtle:Born: March 10,1861. Died: August 16,1938.

BERTHA BELLE MCMANUS ( 5 ) Born: March 6, 1885. Died: March 9,193 5. Married: Burley Franklin Powell. Born:September 2,1886. Died: Spril 22,1919. Daughter: Thelma Marie (6)

THELMA MARIE POWELL ( 6) Born: June 24,1905,Ebensburg,Pa. Married: John T.Fee,son of Samuel G.Fee and Anna McCoy,Washington, Pa.October 23,1926. Born: July 9,1901,Chartiers Twp,Washington County,Pa. Son: James Theodore Fee:Born:September 30,1927.

Married: February 7,1947,Elva Mercer,daughter of Boyd Mercer and Mary King. Born: September 11,192 8.

Children: l.John Theodore,Born: December 1,1947. 2. Randall Kent,Born: May 11, 1953.

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JAMES POW 1<-.:LL ( 2 ) Born: Near Colver,Pa.Auguat 3,192H. Died: Aurora, Illinois ,August I, 190 5. Married: Helen Sinclair. Born: l·~dinburgh,Scotland,Octobe r 3, 1826. Died: Aurora,111s, July 2 7 ,1907. Children: I.Sarah (3) Born: April 19, 1846:Pa. Died: September 192 9,llls.

2.Isabelle (3) Born:March 15,1848,Pa. Died:December 15,1928. Married: Hugh H.Pritchard, January 2,1873.

3.Gordon (3) Born: June 7,1853,Pa. Died: September 29,1934. Married: Mary Cook, Lily Lake, 111s ,about 1880/1.

4.Mary (3) Born:January 19,1850,Pa. Died: January 16,1921,111s. Married: Alexander Wilkison about 1872.

5.Margaret (3) Born: May 1855,Pa. Died: November 21,1899. Married: Eugene Wilkison about 1873.

6. J·:mma (3) Born: October 3 ,1860,Pa.Died: December 15, 1947 ,Ills. Married:Worthy Winfield Harvey,November 1,1888.

7.Jeremiah Daniel (3) Born: October 12,1864,Pa. Died: Jan.26,1943. Married: Ida Fanning, 1886/7.

8.Anna (3) Born: November 26,1862,Pa.Died: May 7,1946,111s. Married: Daniel S,Ketchum ,September 5,1881.

9. I·~lizabeth (3) Born:Penna. 10. Infant: Penna. 11. Infant,Penna. 12.Robert W. (3) Born:November 20,1867,Kane County,111s.

Died: July 9,1903 ,Chicago,llls. Married: Alice Isabelle Francisco,Novembe r 20 ,1890. ANNA POW I·~LL (3)

Born: November 26,1862,Carnbria County,Pa. Died: May 7, 1946,Chicago, Ills. Married: Daniel Siebolt Ketchum,September 5, 1881, Elburn,Kane County ,Ills. Born: Elm ira,N. Y. January 2 5, 1853. Died: November 18,1908, Chicago,llls. Children: I.Merwin Elmer (4) Born: June 15,1883,Lily Lake,Illinois. Died:Oct.

3,1950,Salt Lake City,Utah. Married: Nellie Hemp,Dec.25,1916. 2.Helen Harriet (4) Born: August 23,1886,Chicago,llls.

Married: Harry Floyd Bentley,son of Albert Bentley and Anna Weider,May 8,1918. Born: February 15,1882. Died: December 7,1948. Son:Albert Merwin {5) Born: December 14,1921.Died:Oec.H,, 1921.

3.Lois Anna (4) Born: December 27,1895,Chicago,llls. Married: Roy Brintnell,son of Roy Brintnell and Mary Fulton,

August 19,1915. Daughter: Beryl (5) Born:Nov.2,1915, Toronto.Canada. Married: E.L.King,Nov.22,1944, Toronto,Canada.

4.Newell (4) Born: March 9,1888. Died:November 1933,Washington State.

5.Leslie (4) B.July 18,18Q0tC~!cago.D.Jan.1930,Chicago. M:M.Ulrich 11'


MOSES W. POWELL ( 2) Born: September 13,1933,near Colver,Cambria County,Pa. Died: January 7, 1908, Chicago, Illinois. Married: Elizabeth Pritchard,daughter of Hugh Pritchard and Mary Owen,

November 3,1855,Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Bnrn: June 7,1840,Milwaukee,Wisconsin. Died: June 7,1907. Children: 1.Cha rles (3) Born: August 15, 1856,Chicago. Died: Feb.24, 1897, Chicago.

2.Mary Emma (3) Born:January 28,1858,Chicago. Died:July 13,1936. Canton,Ohio. Married: Willard Anthony,May 24,1884,Chicago. Children: I.Be re nice E:. (4) Born: August 15, 1887.

2.Irene (4) Born:July 15,1885. 3.George Henry (3) Born: July 27,1867,Chicago. Died:May.3,1903,

Chicago. Married: Josephine Boening. Died: Sept 11,193 8, Chicago. Children: 1.M yron W. ( 4) Born: March 18, 1892, Chicago.

Married: Lois Schobert. Children: 1.Marian. 2. Lillian Lois.

4.Lillian (3) Bnrn:October 19,1862,Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Married: Victor Mahlow Barbour, Chicago, Illinois. Children: I.Lillian (4) Born: November 15,1891,Chicago.

2.:~lizabeth (4) Born: April 9,1897,Chicago.

J:".;LIAS D. POWELL ( 2 ) Born: June 16,1838,near Colver,Pa. Died: February 4,1919,Chicago. Married: Rae he 1 Hice ,daughter of William Hice and Rachel Fowler,

March 18,1869,at Nolo,Pa. Born: October 26,1839,near Penn Run,Pa. Died: May 31,1926,Chicago,Illinois. Children: I.Camilla Clotilde (3) Born: January 14,1870,Chicago,Ills.

2.Alvin Meade (3) Born: June 29,1875,Chicago,Qls ► Died: November 25,1885,Chicago,Ills.

CAMILLA CLOTILDE POWELL ( 3 Bnrn: January 14, 18 70, Chica go, Illinois. Died: May 2 7, 1891, Chicago, Illinois. Married: William Forrester Dunham.son of Almon Smith Dunham and Louisa

Rae hel Billings ,August 21, 1890, Chicago, Illinois.

Bnrn: Octnber 3,1857,Barnard,Vermont. Diec!: Octnber 12,1936,Chicilgo,Illinois. Childll.CHESTER FORRESTER DUNHAM ( 4) Born: May 19,1891,Chicago,Ills.

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I..:lias D.Powell was born in Pennsylvania,and spent his boyhood on a farm,near Colver and Ebensburg,Cambria County, His first non-farm work was that of a cooper,nr a barrel maker.

About the year 1860 he came to Chicago,and joined his brother Moses W .Powe 11 in the roofing business. Col.M. W .Powe 11 had established their business in 1847,and was still a pioneer in composition roofing. Elias entered his employ as a foreman and superintendent,and soon developed into an ex­pert roofer,who knew every angle of the business. 1n the Civil War in 1863, he enlisted in the PennysylvaniaB;1ttalion of Existing Emergency Volunteers.

In 1880 he became president of the Powell and Jones Roofing Company of Chicago,a partnership of twenty-five years. Then Elias returned to the M. W,Powell Company as its president. He was a sterling representative of the old school of gravel roofers--a picturesque and interesting character--a man who saw the composition roofing business at its beginnings,and its development to the modern methods of the present day. He was the donor to the Second Baptist Church of Chicagn,and the American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society,the swn of $17,500,00.

THE: POWLLL ANCESTRAL CITATION Camilla Clotilde .Fhwe 11 Dunham ......... .

1. Awarded the Chicago Public School Scholarship: Foster Medal. 2. After high school graduation she attended a Chicago Business

Cnlle ge, specializing in bnokkeeping, receiving its diploma. 3. A creative artist,portraying contemporary scenes:oil on canvas. 4.A Chnral Singer and Pianiste, 5.A speaker on Christian Ethics at Youth meetings. 6.A literary expert correspondent in the interpretation of a tour from

L,rndon,tn Rnme,to Constantinople. A noble life of 2.1 years: 1870-1891.

THE UNITED STATES CI-:NSUS OF 1880:COOK COUNTY:CHICAGO,ILLS. 26 Pearce Street (Ward 9) Father Mother

..... Family ................... , .. Ages ......... Occupations ....... Born ... Born ..... Born ...... Powell,Elias 41 Roofer Pa. Wales Wales

Powell,Rachel 40 Keeping House Pa. Pa. Pa.

Powell,Camilla c. 10 At School (Dau) Ills. Pa. Pa.

Powell.Alvin M. 4 (Son) Ills. Pa. Pa.

Lloyd,Kittie 13 (niece) Pa. Pa. Pa.

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THE HEISS-HISE-HICE FAMILY (Ancestors of Rachel Hice Powell)

A tentative theory suggests this American origin of the Heiss-Hise­Hice Family,either migrating from Germany or Switzerland. Further geneal­ogical research may approve,or modify or cancel this thesis. In America the spelling of the name has been changed many times: Heiss,Hise,Hice,Heise,Hais, Heis,Heiz,Heusz,Heisin,Heiszin,Heyss,Haeuss,Haise, nd Hies. The leading genealogist of West Berlin,Germany writes me:' 'Your grandmother apparently followed the custom of many families with German name within English speak­ing areas; when she, to avoid wrong articulation of her surnarne, like haze, using the spelling Hice."

The Atlantic liner, "Charming Nancy',' from Rotterdam,Holland,brought to America,October 8,173 7, the family of Hans Georg.Heiss (Hais), wife ,Dorothea Heiss (Hais), sons, Johan Heinrich Heiss (Hais),Hans Georg.Heiss (Hais) Jr;and daughters,Barbara Heiss (Hais),Catrina Heiss (Hais).

Not only has the Heiss surname been changed but also Christian names have been added or dropped,in ship records,church lists,and census reports.

The will of John George Heyss is dated December 31,1748,and names: wife,Anna Dorothea,grand-daughter,daughter of son Henry,son,George,and duaghter,Anna Catherina.

The will of Anna Dorothea Heiss is dated January 23,1760,and names: son,John George Heiss,son,Henry Heiss,daughter,Mary Catherine,and her daughter's husband,Elias Long.

The Penna Colonial Naturalization of Anna Dorothea Heiz,Bucks County, April 11,1749.

The baptism rite of St.Paul's Lutheran Church ,near East Greenville, northwestern Montgomery County,Pa.for:Anna Maria,wife of Heinrich Heis, January 2,1743;for:Maria Catherine,daughter of Joh.Henrich Heisz,and his wife,Anna Maria,born:November 7,1743,baptized December 26,1743. The sponsor was: Maria Catharina,father' s sister. For:Dorothea,daughter of Henrich Heusz and wife,Anna Maria,born:March 10,1745;baptized:__,.._..,,,_,,...__•

The baptism rite of the 1st Reformed Church of Greensburg, Westmore­land County,Pa.For:Maria, daughter of Henry Haeuss and wife,Maria,born: Jan.11,1787 ,and baptized,September 18,1791.

HANS (JOHN)GEORG (GEORGE) HEISS Born:possibly 1695-1700 in Germany. Died:will dated & proved December 31,1748 Married:Anna Dorothea ______ in Germany.Born:In Germany.Died in Amer-ica, will dated, Jan.23 ,1760 ,and proved-Admin:April 2,1760. Children: 1. Johan (John) Heinrich (Henry) Heiss.Born:before 1721 in Germany.

2. Hans (John) Georg (George) Heiss. 3.Catrina Heiss.4.Barbara Heiss. = 87 =


THE HICE FAMILY {Ancestors of Rachel Hice Powell)

HENRY HISE (HICE) ( 1 ) Born: In Germany about 1720. Died: 1795, Wheatfield Twp, Westmoreland County,

Penna. Will written: January 9,1795. Proved: June 9,1795. Married: Maria Margaret Milliron before 1755. She was the daughter of

Philip Milliron and Barbara Altman. Children: 1. Anna {2) Born before 1758. Married:Wm Oberman (Overman).

2. Christena (2) Born before 1758. Married: Henry Tosh: 8 children. 3. Hannah (2) Married:Nicholas Sinders.Born before 1758. 4. Catherine {2) Born before 1758.Married:Robt McDowell. 5. Mary (2) Born before 1758.Married Isaac RodgersSon:Robt B. 6. Henry {2) Born:about 1761. 7. William {2) Born:about 1763. 8. George (2) Born:about 1765. 9. John (2)

WILLIAM HISE HICE) { 2 ) Born: about 1763. Died: Will written June 4,1834. Married: (1) ____ (2) Milla ____ __ Children: 1 • Samuel (3) Born:about 1794,son of Wm Hice and first wife.

Died: 1863. Married: Hannah Grimes. 2. William (3) Born:about 1801.Died:1866,Brushvalley Twp,Ind.Co,Pa. 3. Sarah (3) Married: William Miller {Myler). 4. Henry (3) Married: Mary Blair. 5.John {3) Son:Wm Hice & 1st

wife. Married: Margaret Milliron. 6. George (Geo W .) (3) Born:March 13,1800.Died:Dec.2,1870,

WILLIAM HICE {HISE) ( 3 ) Born:about 1801. Died: 1866,Brushvalley Twp,Ind.Co,Pa,Admin.Jwie 6,1866, Married: about 1826,Mary Grimes (Polly Grimes). Child: Joseph (4) Born:about 182 7 .(Age in U.S.Census of 1850 •• 23 years). Married: (2) Rachel Fowler about 1836. Born:1809. Died:1840, Children: l.William F. (4) Born:1837,Brushvalley Twp,Indiana County,Pa.

2. Sarah Anh (4) Born:1838,Brushvalley Twp,Indiana County,Pa. 3. Rachel (4) Born:Oct.16,1839,Brushvalley Twp,lndiana Co,Pa.

SAMUEL HICE (HISE) ( 3 ) Born: about 1794. Died: 1863.Married:Hannah Grimes.Born:abt 1805.Died:-

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Children:l.Sarah (4) Born:1832. 2.Samuel (4) Born:1835. 3.Caroline (4) Born:1843. 4. William (4) Born: 1845.

SARAH ANN HICE ( 4 ) Born: 1838,Brush Valley Twp,Indiana County,Pa. Died: 1875,South Fork,Penna. Married: 1865-66., William Lloyd, Penna. Died: about 1904, Chicago, Illinois. Children: 1. l•:lizabeth (5) Married.Mr.Griffin. 2. Will (5) 3.Harry (5)

4.Rachel (5) Married :Mr.Love. 5. Ca the rine Murray (5) Mar ried:S. E.M.Mille r.

CATHERINE MURRAY LLOYD ( 5) B()rn: November 27,1866,South Fork,Pa. Died: May 6,1946,Oak Park,Illinois. Married: Samuel f•:dgar Mead Miller ,April 19,1894, Chicago, Illinois. B()rn: Mechanicsburg, Pa.January 2 9, 1866. Died: July 3,193 9,Oak Park, Illinois. Child: Iona Bernice (6) Bnrn:March 18,1895,Chicago,Illinois.

Married: Rny Beeler,son ()f George A. and Elizabeth Beeler,Oak Park, Illinois,September 28,1935.

RACHEL HICE ( 4 ) Born: October 26,1939,near Penn Run,Indiana County.Pa. Died: May 31, 1926,Chicago, Illinois. Married: !'.:lias D.Pnwell,snn of David Powell and Mary Morgan,Nolo,Indiana

County, Pa,.Ma rch 18, 1869. Born: June 16,1838,near Colver,Pa. Died: February 4,1919,Chicago,Illinois. Children: I.CAMILLA CLO TILDE ( 5 ) Born: January 14, 1870, Chicago, Illinois.

Died:May 27,1891,Chicago,Illinois. Married: William Forrester Dunham,son of Almon Smith Dunham and Louisa Rachel Billings, August 21,1890,Chicago,Illinois. Child: Chester Forrester Dunham, Born: May 19, 1891, Chicago, Illinois,

l.Alvin Meade (5) Born: June 29,1875,Chicago ,Illinois. Died: November 2 5 ,1885, Chicago, Illinois.

GEORGE: W. HICE ( 3 ) Born: March 23,1800,Wheatfield Twp,Indiana County,Pa. Died: December 2, 1870 ,Brazil, Indiana. Married: Ph.nebe Suttnn,Octobe r 19, 1826, Wheatfield Twp, Indiana County ,Pa. Born: January 7,1804. Died: December 2,1897,Brazil,lndiana. Children: l.E:li7.a (4) Born: June 7,1828,Centreville,Pa. Married:John F.Rice at

Centreville,Rl. Children:1.Phoebe.Cordilla. 2.Geo Conard.3.Mary Sutt()n.4.Wm S. 5.Harry. 6.Albert. = 89 =


2.Amelia (4) Born: February 19,1831,Centreville,Pa. Married: Hervy Mortimer Wi lson,Octobe r 21, 1860 ,at Centreville ,Pa. He died: Sept 18, 1907. Children: I.Mary Amelia Born: June 3 ,1863, Fairfield Twp, Westmoreland County,Pa. Married: D.L.A.O.Paxton,July 4, 1880, Fullerton,Nebr. Ten children. 2.Phobe Jane.Born: June 6,1865, New Florence,Pa.Married: Arthur C.Magoon,Sept.20,1888,Sheridan, Nebr. Daughter: Helen May. 3 .Lotta Cora. Born: Nov. 5, 1871, HarrnCJ1y, Ind.Married: Wm Hamlet,Sept.21, 1894,She ridan,Nebr.He died: Sept 18, 1896. Married: (2) Geo H.Booke r ,Sept 2 5, 1898, Hemmingford,Nebr.

3. William ( 4) Born: May 6,183 5, Centreville ,Pa. Married: Elizabeth Long at Greencastle,Ind. Child:Geo Syvanis. Married:(~) Matilda Caroline Murphy,November 13,1864,Greencastle,Ind. Children: 1. John Clinton. Born: Jan.IS, 1867 ,Greencastle.Ind. Died: N,v. 28,1942, York,Nebr. Married:Harriette Hofgaard,Sept 9,1903,Ravenna, Nebr. Born: Aug.16,1876. Children:1.Jas. Sutton,Born:Oct 3,1905, York, Nebr.Married: Agnes Nelson,Cordova,Nebr,Seq.,t 7,1930. 2.Williarn Hofgaard,Born: June 2,1912, York,Nebr.

2 .Phoebe Ella . Born: Jan.15, 1867, Greencastle, Ind. Died: Dec.2,1952.York,Nebr, Married: James Nelson Kildow,July 12,1893, Yo rk,Nebr. Children: Infant daughter. Bora\ug.17, 1901.Died:Aug.18,}-901, James Nelson: Died: July 192 9.

3.George Sutton. Born:May 24,1872,York,Nebr.Died:Bronx­ville,N.Y.Dec.29,1951. Married; (1) Margaret Allen,Philadelphia, July 1901. Married: ( 2 ) Adelaide R.Lydick. Died: July 4,1951.

Adnpted daughter: Mrs. Walter Savage,of New York City. 4.Minnie Etta. Born:Feb.22,1874, York,Nebr. Married: S~pt.

14,1904,Newtnn James Baxter ,at Jeannette ,Pa. Adopted daughter: Mrs. Flora Rives nf Purseville, Va.

4.Jane (4) Bnrn:June 7,1837,at Centerville,Pa.Married:A.J.Rodifera.t Harmnny, Ind. Children: I.Harry .2. Ida. 3 .Ella. Jane married (2) John Mnntgnmery at Benwood,Ind. Harry born in Benwood,lnd.married: a Miss Crosby:a family of four children. Ida born in Benwood,lnd. mar ried:a Mr. Eudsley:three children • Ella born in Benwood, Ind. married: John Hico*cks,two children.

5. George Sutton (4) Born: Nov .22, 183 9, Centreville ,Pa.Mar ried:Sarah Jane Briggs,Feb.21,1872,New Albany,Ind. Son: William Briggs:born in New Albany,lnd.

6. John Stewart (4) Born: Feb.22 ,1842, Centreville ,Pa. Joined l he Penn Vol.Co.C,llth Regt. Died at Hilton Head,South Carolina.

7.Sarah Ellen (4) Born:Jan.17,1844,Centreville,Pa. Married: Wilson H. McDowell,May 6,1864 at Greenc-astle,[nd. Children: 1.Eva,born at Harmony, Ind.married Mr. Martin in 1889,a family of three children.

')0 :


Ada born at Harmony,Ind.married Mr.Branmon. Curtis was also born at Harmony.Indiana.

8.Harry (Henry) (4) Born: May 31,1846,Centreville,Pa. Married: Elizabeth Mary McCurdy,Nov.9,1871,Harmony.Indiana. Children: Stewart,born in Benwood,Ind. Married: Mattie Murphy.

Albert,born in Benwood,Ind. Married:Minnie Morgan. F rank,born in Benwood, Ind.Unmarried.

George W. Hice had two brothers:William and Henry;one sister:Sarah;and two step-brothers, John and Samuel.

Phoebe Sutton had these brothers and sisters: l.Sylvani s:: married Mary Wade:: three children. 2.Peter::married a lady from Oxford,Ohio. 3 .Sa rah:: married William Coulter:: seven children. 4.Su~an::married Alexander Stewart::eight children. 5.Permilla::married Lyman S. Waterman::six children. 6.Julia Ann::died young.

THS HICE ANCESTRAL CITATION The American Revolutionary War Record of George Hice,Pension #22423::3 -27-1833

"While a resident of Ft.Ligonier,Westmoreland County, (Pa) he joined a cnmpan)' of vnlunteer rifle men,commanded by Captain Samuel Shannon. Assembled at Sheriff Carnahan's ,10 August 1781,commanded by Col. Archibald Lnughry;marched via Washington,Penna,to Wheeling, Va. After a stay of about two days they went down the Ohio River in boats as far as a creek called Loughry's Creek,a few miles below the mouth of the Big Miami River. At this place, August 1781,about 110 men (many having deserted between Whee ling and this place) were attacked by a large number of Indians under the command of Simon Girty, George Girty ,and James Girty, and an Indian called Capt.Brant. The attack was made by the Indians from the shore just as much of the boats had touched for the purpose of landing. Thirty eight of the men were killed,and Col. Loughry was also killed by the Indians on the same day after he had berm taken prisoner."

"Those not killed,including George Hice, were taken to Shawnee towns on the Big Miami. Four days after he was taken prisoner he ran the gauntlet with several others. He was taken to Maumee towns where he was detained by the Indians for about a year,then taken to Detroit,given to the British and held prisoner for another 14 months;thence in an English vessel to Ft.Erie,thence to Montreal,3-. John's ,across Lake Champ lain to Ticonderoga, thence by Albany to New York,thence acrnss the State of New Jersey,by New Brunswick to Reading, Pa, thence by Harrisburg, Carlis le to Ft. Ligonier in Westmoreland County (Pa) in the month nf October 1783." - 'JI =


GEORGE HICE ( 1) Bnrn: 1765,abnut nne mile frnm Flemingstown,New Jersey. Died: N,wember 26,1833, Wheatfield Twp,Indiana County,Penna.

(Will written:N,wember 23,1833:Proved:November 30,1833. Married: -----Children: 1. Rnbert ( 2 ) 2.Mary ( 2 ) 3.Elizabeth ( 2 ) Married:Henry Taylor.

4. HENRY ( 2 ) 5.Samuel ( 2 ) 6. William ( 2. ) 7. Margaret ( 2) Married: Peter Milliron.

HENRY HICE ( 2. ) Administratinn Letters: February 5,1834. Children: 1. Henry ( 3 ) 2. Mary Ann ( 3 )

HENRY HICE ( ) Will written:December 13,1841. Proved: January 14,1842.. Married: Mary Children: 1.Eli_z_a_b_e_t_h ___ (_}_M_a_rried: Henry R.Hice.

2.Sarah ( ) 3.Milly ( ) 4. Mary Ann ( )

SAMUEL HICE ( 2 ) Will written:April 30,1836. Proved: August 12,1836. Married: Margaret ------

HENRY HISE ( Z ) Born: abnut 18(\ 8. Married: Mary ------Bnrn: about 1817. Children: l.Mary A. ( 3 ) B0rn about 1834. 2. Henry ( 3 ) Born about 1840.

3. Wils0n ( 3 ) B0rn ab0ut 1840. 4.Sarah ( 3 ) Born about 1842. 5.Samuel ( 3 ) Born about 1844. 6.Margt ( 3 ) Born about 1846. 7. Hugh ( 3 ) B0rn about 1848.

THE WILL 0F GE0RGE HICE ( l) Registrar's Office,Indiana County,Pa. (Will B"0k #1,p.2. 50) Had land in Wheatfield Twp.Children: Robe rt Hice, Mary Hice, Elizabeth Hice: the wife ,,f Henry Taylnr ,Henry Hice ,Samue 1 Hice, William Hice, lv1argaret Hice: thE wife nf Peter Millirnn. Executors: Robe rt Hice and William Hice. Written 2.3 N0vember 1833 Pr. 2.0 Nnvember 1833.

Ge"rge Hice:''1 was bnrn in the State of New Jersey about one mile fr"m Flemingst0wn in the year 1765." He was living at Ft.Ligonier when he en­tered the service (American Revolutinna ry War) and moved tn Whea tfic ld Twp. Indiana Cnunty in 1785. A nl"'lte attached states he died November 2.6,1833.


TH_:; UNITED STATES CI•:NSUS:WES.TMORELAND & INDIANA COUNTIES:PA. 1790:: 1800: :1810:: 1820: :1830:: 1840


17QO:: :Hempfield Twp, Westmoreland County,Pa. Henry Hise:l male 0ver 16 (Henry Hise) 3 niales under 16, S females,one the wife.

1800:::Wheatfield Twp, WestmoreLmd Cow1ty,Pa. Henry Hise:2 males under 10,1 male 10-16;1 male 16-26.1 male 26-45.

1 female under 10;1 female 10-16;2 femal~s,16-26. William Hise:4 males under 10;1 male 26-45;e females under 10,l female 26-45. George Hise:4 males under 10;1 male 10-26;1 male 26-4~ female under 10;

1 female 16-26;1 female 26-45. 1810:: Wheatfield Twp, Indiana County,Pa.

Henry Hise:2 males under 10;2 males 10-16;2 males 45-up;2 females under 10; 1 female 10-16;2 females 16-26.

William Hise:1 male i.:.nder 10;.2 males 10-16;1 male 16-26;1 male 45-up. 1 female 10-16;1 female 26-45

George Hise: 3 males under 10;2 males 10-16;2 males 16-26;1 male 45-up. 2 females under 10;1 female 16-26.

1820:: Wheatfield Twp, Indiana County,Pa. Henry Hise:2 males under 10;1 male 10-16;3 males 16-26;1 male 45-up.

2 females under 10;2 females 10-16;1 female 16-26;1 female 26-45. Henry Hise, Jr: l male under 10; 1 male 26-45;4 females uncle r 10; 1 female 26-45. William Hise: 2. males 16-26;1 male 45-up;l female 45-up. Ge0rge Hise:l male 10-16;1 male 16-18;3 males 16-26;1 male 45-up.

1 female 10-16;1 female 16-26. 1830:: Wheatfield Twp, Indiana Cnunty,Pa.

Henry Hice: 1 male 5-10;1 male 10-15;1 male 15-20;1 male 40-50. 1 female 5-10; 2 females 10-15; 1 fer:,:de 15-2.0;1 female 40-50.

Henry Hice,Jr:l male 20-30;1 female under 5;1 female 15-2.0. Henry Hice:l male 5-10;2 males 15-20; 1 male 80-90;2 females 10-15;1 female:40-50 William Hice:l male 20-30; 1 male 60-70;1 female under 5;1 female 20-30;1 f:50-60, Ge0rge Hice: 1 male 10-15; 1 male 15-20;1 male 2030;1 male 60-70;1 female 20-30.

1840:: Wheatfield Twp, Indiana County,Pa. Henry Hice: 1 male 5-10;1 male 15-ZO;l male 30-40;1 female under 5;1 female

15-20;1 fem.ale 20-30;1 female 50-60. William Hice: 1 male 70-80;1 female 60-70. George W.Hice: 1 male under 5;1 male 5-10;1 male 20-30;1 female under 5;

1 female 5-10;1 female 10-15;1 female 15-20,1 female 30-40. 1850: :B rushvalle Twp, Indiana Count ,Pa.

William Hice a ere 50 ·, Farmer· Real £st:! te 1600.00; Born,Pa. Joseph 2. 3, Wm 13, ,.., ' Sarah 12 ;Rache 1 ll;Susanna Fowler 26. (All Penna born).

1860:Wm Hice:60,Farmer,R.E.$2000. Wm F.Farm Labor; 22;Rachel,19.Penna:born.


THE FOWLER TRADITION (Ancestors of Rachael Fowler Hice)

Three British Fowler brothers emigrated from Great Britain to America in about 1633-37. One legend asserts that they were three Englishmen who settled in Connecticut, New York, and Pennsylvania. Another tradition declares that these three brothers were Scotch emigrants that sailed to the New World to New York, Pennsylvania, and Iowa. The first Fowler given names are: William, Henry, Jeremiah, and David. The first legend: William Fowler ( 1 ) New Haven, Conn.,a magistrate in 1637. The second legend: Henry Fowler ( 1) born about 1633,emigrated from London,England to Roxbur.y,Massachusetts,

Our ancestor,a William Fowler in August 24,1789,had his Horse Valley land surveyed,which was a stony land near a mountain in Letterkenny Township, Franklin County,Pennsylvania. He moved with his family to this farm-land in 1791. Assessment Records list his acres,150 in number, in 1791,1794,and 1796. He drew Depreciation Pay in the Continental Line recorded in the Pennsylvania Archives. He died in 1798,and Letters of Administration were issued to Archi­bald Fowler,April 20,1798,on the estate of William Fowler,Franklin County, Yeoman. Archibald Fowler and his brother William, sold the farm ,and moved to Indiana County,Pennsylvania.


WILLIAM FOWLER ( 1 ) Born: Died: about April 1798.Administration Letters issued:Apr.,20,1798. ---Married: -------Children: 1. Archibald (2) Married: Susanna Campbell,November 2,1774.

2. William ( 2 ) Born: March 9,1775.

WILLIAM FOWLER ( 2 ) Born: March 9, 1775. Died: January 12, 1815. Married: Rebeccah Gibson,daughter of Charles and Esther Gibson. Born: January 17,1780. Died: March 1,1847. Children: 1. Ann (3) Born: January 13,1800. Married: Matthias Bartlebaugh.

2. Rebeccah (3) Born:Nov.,15,1802.Married: James Lydick. Died: 1863. 3. Margaret (3) Born: April 17,1804. Died before August 27,183 5.

Married: Christopher Lydick. 4. Archibald (3) Born: Oct. ,12 ,1807. Married: Mary Mc Beth. 5. RACHAEL (RACHEL) ( 3 ) Born: August 15,1809.

Married: WILLIAM HICE. Born about 1801.

= 94 -


Children: I. William (4) Born:1837,near Penn Run,Pa. Z .. Sarah Ann (4) Born:1838,near Penn Run,Pa. 3.RACHEL ( 4 )Born:1839,near Penn Run,Pa.

6.Agnes (3) Born: July 2 9,1811.Died: May 25,1864.Married:Giles Stephens. Born:April 2 5,1813. Died: February 2 5,1884.

7. William (3) Born:December 17,1813. Died: January 6,1878. Married:Elizabeth Coy .Born: Jan.2 5 ,1824.Died:Apr.11,1842.

a.Susannah (3) Born: January 17 ,1816.

REBECCAH FOWLER ( 3 ) Born:November 15,1802. Died: July 10,1863. Married: James Lydick, son of Jacob Lydick and Mary Stuchell. Born: 1796. Died: 1863. Children: 1. William Fowler (4) Born:April 27,1827.Died:September 1,1904.

Married:Margaret Ann Ray. Born:Oct.31,1835. Died:April 20,1910. Children:!. Adelaide R. (5) Born:May 21,1869. Died:July 4,1951.

Married:Sutton Hice. 2. Bertha (5) Born:March 3,1873.Married:Frank McCartney.

2. Mary Ann (4) Married:Matthew Longhry. 3. Josiah (4). Married:Belinda Todd.

Children:l.Emerson Field (5). 2.Harry (5). 3.Margaret (5). 4.Rebecca (5).

4.Andrew (4) Married: Marg-8 ret Sleppy. Children: I.James (5).2.Rebecca (5).3.Elmer (5). Florence


ARCHIBALD FOWLER ( 3 ) Born:October 12 ,1807. Died:March 22,1890. Married:Mary McBeth.Born:1810,Ireland. Died:May 17,1882. Children: 1. William (4) Born:1834. Died: January 12,1835. ae 10 months.

2. Sarah (4) Born:1835. Married: John Kirk. 3. Rebeccah (4) Born:1837. Married: Hugh McMullen.

Children:l.Alice (5) 2.Mary (5).3.Rebeccah (5) 4.Charley (5). 5. John (5) 6.Hugh (5) 7 .Ella (5) a.Gertrude (5A

4. James (4) Born:1840. Married:Elizabeth Houston.Children:l.Mary (Mazie) (5)Married:Ed Empfield. 2.Lena (5).3.Norman (5) 4.Martin (5) 5.Boyd (5) 6.Edna C. (5) 7 .Paul (5).8.May (5).

5. William (4) Born:1842. Died:a P.O. W. Anderville Prison, (Civil War). 6. Margaret (4) Born:1845. Married: John Berringer. 7. Archibold (4) Married:Belle Lytle. Children: I.Clarence (5) 2.Elder

(5) 3.Rebeccah (5) 4.Annie (5) 5.Harry (5) 6.Helen (5). 8. John (4).


RACHAEL FOWLER ( 3 ) Born: August 15,1809. Died: ------,--Married: William Hice. Born:about 1801. Died: 1866. Children: 1 William F. (4) Born: 1837 ,near Penn Run,Pa.

2.Sarah Ann (4) Born: 1838,near Penn Run,Pa. 3.Rachel (4) Born:March 18,1839,near Penn Run,Pa.

AGNES FOWLER ( 3 ) Born: July 2 9,1811. Died: May 2 5,1864. Married: Giles Stephens,son of William Stephens and Nancy Weston. Born: April 25,1813. Died: February 25,1884. His second marriage:Catherine Craig. Children: 1. James (4) Married: Mary Lovelace.

2. William (4) Married: (I) ____ Lapsley.Married: (2) Elizabeth Moorhead.

3. David (4) Married: Belle Nixon. 4. Nancy (4) Married: William Haddon. 5. Wesley (4) Married: Annie McCombs. 6. Linnie (4) Married: George H. Dick.

WILLIAM FOWLER ( 3 ) Born: December 17,1813. Died: January 6,1878. Married: Elizabeth Coy. Born: January 25,1824. Died: January 6,1878. Children: 1. Mary (4) Born:1844.

Married: Samuel Allison. Children: 1. Ella (5) 2. Ida (5) 3. Blair (5)

2. Archibold (4) Born: 1846. Married: Children:-1.-M_a_r_y--r-(5-.) 2. Elizabeth (5)

3. John (4) Born: 1849.

3. Pearl (5) 4. Elma (5) 5.Grace (5) 6. Lawrence (5) 7. Warren (5).

4. Franklin (4) Born: June 27,1852. Died:1929. Married:Mary C. Gault about 1881. Born: May 20,1861. Children: 1. Wilbert (5) 2.Floyd (5) 3.Nohle (5) 4.Bertha (5) 5.Clarence (5) 6.Ernest (5) ?.Edison (5).

5. Elizabeth (4) 6. Ida (4) Married: Mr.Brickley. 7. Rachael (4) 8. Anderson (4) = 96 =


THE GIBSON FAMILY Ancestors of Rebecca Gibson Fowler)

CHARLES GIBSON ( 1) Married: Esther Children: 1. Cha-r-le-s--.(2.,......) _B_o_r_n_:_1_7_7_2 __ .-D-ie_d_:_18_1_4_.

2, Rebecca (2) Born: 1780. Died: March 1,1847. 3. James (2) Born: 4. Samuel (2) 5. Ann (2) 6.Margaret (2) 7. Son (2) 8. Son (2) 9. Son (Z}

CHARLES GIBSON ( 2 ) Born: 1772. Died: 1814. Married:Agnes Simpson. Born: 1777. Died: 183 7. Children: 1. Joseph Dean (3) Born: 1803. Died: February 13,1885.

Married: Elizabeth Stevens. Children: 1. Washington. Z.Nancy. Married: (2) Anne Dunwoody. Born: 1815. Died:August 2 7 ,1877. Children: !.Elizabeth. Married: James Graham.

2.Hannah. Married: D.Hindman Armstrong. 3.James Dunwoody. Married: Martha Schultz. 4.Martha Ann. Married: John Houston Elwood.

2,John (3) Married:Susannah Griffeth. 3.Hanna (3) Married: John Barr. 4.Margaret (3) Married: John Griffeth. 5. William (3) Born:1806. Died:July 10,1856.Married:(l) Anne Shields.

Married: (2) Anne Allison. 6.Elizabeth (3) Married: Wilson Glassford. Child: Alexander. 7 .And_rew (3) Died: 1856.

SAMUEL GIBSON ( 2 ) Married: Margaret Stewart. Children: 1.Josein (3) 2.William (3) 3.Allison (3)

Allison's Children:l.Leonard. Z.Calvin. 3.Milton. 4.Samuel. 4. Ezekiel (3)

REBECCA GIBSON ( 2 ) Born: 1780. Died: March 1,1847. Married: William Fowler. Born: (1769) or Ma:rch 9,1775.Died:Jan. 12,1815. Children: r .. Anne Fowler (3) Married: Matthias Bartlebaugh.

2. Rebecca Fowler (3) Mar-ried: James Lydick. He died in 1863. 3. Margaret (3) Married: Christopher Lydick. 4. Archibald Fowler (3) Married: Mary McBeth.

= 97 =


5. Rachael (Rachel) Fowler ( 3 ) Born: August 15,1809. Married: William Hice. Born: About 1801. Died: 1866.

6. Agnes Fowler ( 3 ) Married: Giles Stephens,

7. William Fowler ( 3 ) Married: Elizabeth Coy.

8. Susannah Fowler ( 3 )

ANN GIBSON ( 2 ) Married: Samuel Moorhead.

MARGARET GIBSON ( 2 ) Married: James Stewart. Children: 1.. William ( 3 ) Born: Died: 1851, --------Married: Martha Noble.

2, James Gibson ( 3 ) 3. Samuel ( 3 ) Born: _____ Died: 1857, 4. David ( 3 ) Married: Elizabeth Boner, 5. Margaret ( 3 ) Married: James Young. 6. Elizabeth ( 3 ) Married: Nie holas Paige. 7. Rebecca ( 3 ) Married: Benjamin Coffman. Died: 1861.


Thus Rachel Hice Powell is a descendant of the Hice

Family of Germany or Switzerland; the Fowler Family of

Scotland; and the Gibson Family of North Ireland. The Hice

name was 'Anglicized' in America.

= 98 =







Silver shield, a lion rampant, red. A scaling ladder, of two rows, ensigned with a

ram's head couped. I 'DE BON V ALOIR SER VIR LE ROI. I I

"To Serve The King With Good Will."


Fulbert, the Chamberlain of Duke Robert of Normandy,is the Founder of the Grey Family. His residence was Croy Castle,in the town of Croy, Picardy,France. The name Croy was changed to Grey in England,and GRAY in Scotland. Paganus de Grey accompanied William the Conqueror in 1066 on his conquest to England. J. de Grey's name is on the Battle Abbey Roll. Auchitillus Grey is listed as a Doomsday tenant in Oxfordshire. Henry de Grey was a Holy Land Crusader with Richard the Lion-Hearted.

Lady Elizabeth Grey, the widow of Sir John Grey, married King Edward tht Fourth of England. The Duke of Suffolk of the Grey lineage, married Prin­.cess Mary, the daughter of King Henry the 7th, and widow of King Louis the 12th of France. Frances, the daughter of the Duke and Princess, married the Marquis of Dorset, Henry Grey, later the Duke of Suffolk. Jane, their daughter, later Lady Jane Grey, was Queen not only for a day, but for several days.

Earl Charles Grey was leader of the House of Commons, and Thomas Grey the poet, was the creator of "The Elegy." One hundred years from 1620 to 1720, twenty Gray (Grey) families emigrated to the New World. John and Thomas Gray purchased the Island of Nantasket from the Indians. There were many Gray patriots in the War of the American Revolution: five Gray brothers from New Jersey, as well as our Nathaniel Gray of Salem,New York, of the present Gray lineage, of Ohio. The Gray Family Men have been characterized as: ''men of stalwart stature, and commanding presence, courageous, natural leaders among men, with all lovers of peace, not given to self-assertion, mode st as we 11 as brave, re served rather than effusive.''

············································································································ THE GRAY NEW WORLD TREK

From: Argyleshire,Scotland; To: Londonderry,North Ireland; To: Worcester,M~ss; Pelham,Mass;Salem,New York; Seville,Ohio; Medina,Ohio; Elmore,Ohio; Pentwater,Michigan; Medina,Ohio; Fostoria,Ohio; Chicago,llls; Wahpeton,N.D.,and Toledo,Ohio. Subsidiary Treks: Fostoria,Ohio; Cleveland, Ohio; Buffalo,New York; and North Springfield,Penna.

cc 9 () :



Before 1612, the Gray Family lived in Argyllshire, the second largest county,on the west coast of North Scotland,an area of 1,990,472 land acres,of 35,311 'water' acres,a total of 3165 square miles. The chief towns are Campbeltown, Dunoon,and Oban. Other principal inhabitants are the Campbells,MacDougals, McArthurs,Macleans,Stewart,and MacDonalds. The leading rivers are the Orchy and the Awe, the mainland highest mountain being Ben Crua.chan,3689 feet high. The remaining forest trees are the Oak,Ash,Pine,and Birch. The inhabitants have been engaged in manufacturing whiskey,making gunpowder,producing coarse wool­lens,herring fishing,slate and granite quarrying,and coal mining.

These Highlands of Scotland gloriously portray some of the most beautiful, and wildest natural scenery of Britain; rivers, lakes, islands ,glens,and mountains. Inverary and other castles ennoble aesthetically the landscape. Argyllshire is de­

scribed as "for the most part mountainous---deeply indented by sea-lochs,and fringed with islands."

The region has been deemed unfit for general grain agriculture save for oats,and most fit for pasturage for mountain sheep and sturdy cattle.

Seeking a more prosperous livelihood,cheaper farm rentals.and a release from high taxes and forced tax for the State Church,of which the Presbyterians were not membe rs:the Gray and other Scottish Families sailed for North Ire land in 1612 where they located near Londonderry,in the province of Ulster.

Londonderry, Ire land.

The Gray Family and their friends from Scotland,ceased to be Scottish Highlanders,becoming Ulster Scotch-Irish,where they lived over a century until 1718. The original name of this county,town,and Protestant northern stronghold,is Derry,derived from Doire,the "place of oaks," The co1nmunity was created by Colurnba in 546 who founded here a Christian Monastery. The region comprises 522,315 ac res,and 816 square miles. The city is situated on an e rninence, rising 120 feet,the summit of the hill being the center of the community. The Walker monu­ment is a statue honoring the hero of the siege of Londonderry in 1689. This is one of the few walled cities in the United Kingdom,with cathedrals,castles,and colleges. Three outstanding products:linen shirts, salmon fishery ,and Derry cured ham and bacon. Excessive rainfall, unce rt:i in climate ,exorbitant fa rm rentals ,and the c oer­cive taxes for the State Church:made unfavourable a prosperous agriculture.

In 1718 the Gray Family and about one hundred other families emigrated from Londonderry to Boston,Mass.,the Grays moving on to Worcester,Mdss.,where they sought freedom from religious per secution,civil liberty ,and agricultural pros­perity. Even here,at first they were 'snubbed' as underprivileged "Irish."

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Scottish Highlands The Home ot the GRAY FAMILY



L O :\ D O '.\ D E R R Y Ulster

::\orth lrC'L,nd

THE GRAY FAMILY Ho1~1e: 1612-1718




Jnhn Gray emigrated !rnm Lrrndonderry,Ireland to Worccstcr, 1718. The populatirrn was two hundred dwelling in fifty cight,nnc-story log huts with large stnne-chimneys. A few adnrned their windows with "diamond glass" while the majnrity emplnyed oiled paper fnr "window lighting." John Gray re­ceived an assigned number r,f acres rin the land division.

At the Tnwn Meeting he was chnsen in 1722 ;ind 1724 to be a member of the Bf"lard f"lf Selectn1en,and nn several nccasinns tn be "se;dor of le;1thcr."

When the Massachusetts Indians went on the rampage aided by C:inadian. French allies,Wf"lrcester in 1722 prnvided five men to serve in Major Jnhn Ch,:nd­ler's Scnu*t Cf"lmpany ff"lr military tnwn defense and forest ranging. The two Scf"luts pnsted at Leicester were Jnhn Gr.:iy and Robert Crdwford.

Religirrns persecutinn was the basic reason which impelled the Gray Family,and many f'lthers tn leave Argylesltire,Scotland in 1612,to leave London­derry,Nf"lrth Ireland in 1718,and a minority 0f the Gray Family to leave Wor­cester,Mass. f0r Pelham, 1739-40,

1. The Old Wnrld Cnnflict is described: "The descendants nf a colony of Scnts,rem0ved frf"lm Argyleshire,in the reign of James I,formed a plantation in the n0rth nf Ireland,near Lnndonderry,the pr0vince of Ulster. Adhering with conscientinus fidelity tn the Presbyterian tenets,they endure the persecution which pressed on the Protestants during successive reigns. The accession of William,although it lightened their burdens,did not relieve the dissenting Chris­tians from galling exactinns. Allowed to retain their form of worship, they were cnmpelled tn c0ntribute frnm their resources,to support another church. Loaded with the tythes of the harvests of lands held by tenancy under exorbitant rents, they embarked for a country where religious freedom was united with civil liberty;and neither tythingman nor taxgatherer had oppressive jurisdiction."*

2. The New World Problem is portrayed: "A company of Scots early settled in Worcester,and here suffered illiberal opposition,;ind even active hostility. Having fnrmed a religious society,they con1menced the erection of a meeting house ••• Inhabitants g:i the red tumultuously by night,and demolished the structure ... Differences nf language ,habits ,and ceremonial, laid the foundation of unreasnnable hatred,and the strangers were not treated with common decency by their English neighbnrs. Their settlements,in other places,were approached by bf"ldies nf armed men,and their prnperty,in some instances,wantonly destroyed. They were everywhere abused and mi~represented as Irish,a people then gener­ally but undeservedly nbnnxinus;a reproach peculiarly grievous to the emigrants • ... The jealousy with which they were first regarded,finally yielded to the in­fluence ,-,f their simple vi rues and sterling worth."** Histnry nf Wnrcester:Wm Lincriln {1862) * p.48, ** pp.48-49.




A number of the members of the Gray Family remained in Worcester, Mass.,while others moved to Pelham.Mass. The Bicentennial Celebration:1743-1946 , rev ea led the basic values of this comm unity named after Lord Pelham. Elinor Genung Allen ably describes and evaluates this colonial village.

"Pelham is a hilly town ... climbs steeply over rocky ridges to the peak on Pelham Hill. A man who took his living from the land must have a will to work. And the men who brought Pelham into existence hat.! indeed some of its rock-ribbed sternness in their own stout hearts. These were Scotchmen living in Northern Ireland.on land the property of the British Crown. They had in them the hunger for acres for their own,rooted in their own way of life;and they looked at the New World across the water."

"These early settlers brought no great wealth to their new home,but they brought good Scotch thrift and they could work. Shiftlessness was some­thing they heartily disliked and they would have none of it in Pelham. They care­fully scrutinized all newcomers before permitting them to settle in the town,to make sure they were of a physical and moral stoutness likely to earn their own living and not become a charge on the community. And any who did not come up to the mark in this respect were marched to the town limits and urged to go elsewhere. They instituted the somewhat drastic custom of auctioning off to the highest bidder any man who found him self unable to meet his taxes, till he had worked them out. This might well discourage anyone who hoped to maintain himself at the expense of fellow citizens, Their thrift extended even to economy

, in names •• John Grey (Gray),William Johnson,James Taylor,James Hood. •.• They saw no reason to waste ink by inscribing long names on their records,or to bur­den their children with them. The founding spirit liked to be unencumbered."

"The urge for lrtnd ownership and self-government goes hand in hand with the desire for self-betternient. As early as 1744 the town voted that school be kept for two months ,one month in the home of Ephraim Cowa.n •. and one month in that of William Grey (Gray). By 1746 the school year had been increased to six months and the modest sum of 36 l. raised for its support."

John Gray ( l ) was born in North Ire land and died in Worcester. Mass. John Gray ( 2 ) was born in North Ireland and died in Pelham,Mass. John Gra.y ( 3) married Martha Savage in Pelham,Mass.,and their Revolution..iry Soldier son,Nathanie 1 Gray (4) was born in Pelham, Mass. ,enlisted in the Continental American Revolutionary Army in Salem,N. Y.,and died in Seville,Ohio.

"Though many names that were on the first Pelham records have ceased to appear,houses planned and built by the first comers still shelter happy families." The basic'Gray Towns' are:Worcester,Mass.,Pelh:1m,Mass., Salem ,New York.Seville ,Ohio.Medina, Ohio.and Fostoria ,Ohio.

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Salem was founded hy two colonial emir~rant groups;one from New I::ni:land of Puritan-S<lxon stock;and the other from the Northern Irish Coast, of Celtic and Gaelic stock. Although our John Gray came from Pelham,Mass., ;ind is listed as ;i New England founding father,his folks came from Northern Worcester,l\,;ass., :ind then to Pclham,Mass.

The Salem Book of over sixty ye:1rs Jgo portrays the characteristics of Salem colonials. "HospiLdity, open-handed, large-hearted hospitality, an attribute .• as known among the Salemites of early years.stands prominently forth. The stranger within its gates never knew his lack. They hardly recognized the fact that they were strangers,so kindly were they received ••. we read of the patriotism and valor which entered so largely into the lives of the early settlers, and without which no colony could stand •... They were good; so good ... Coming as they did to a new country for the sake of religious liberty , battling with their might for the means of subsistence,striving against all manner of discourage­ments,required a strength of purpose and a faith, deep and abiding. Devotion to their God uncle r whatever c ire um stances seemed to have been the purpose of their lives." These traits described both New England and Irish Salemites.

Then the evaluation of Salem homesteads,furnitureand customs. "Travelers pushed on through the wilderness on horseback ... 'l'hen the rude hut, in the form of a dugout, was constructed •. After three years the hut was replaced by a fine log cabin ... The work of clearing the wilderness had commenced and it was gradually transformed into fruitful field.meadow and garden .•. From the first settlement of Salem our fathers were wont to reg;ird with peculiar affection and make the object of special care.the home. Built ;is they were in the wilder­ness.those first rude dwellings had little indeed of the comfort and convenience which marks those of later years .. As our fathers,however,increased in pros­perity they neglected nothing that they could procure to add to the comfort and attractiveness of their homes ... Those were the days when a man's house was his castle,and when his dearest ;rnd most highly prized experiences were those of in-doors.It was the age of horne life ... Relics of the past ... richly carved sofas, c hippenda le tables, straight-backed chairs, handsome pier-tables and gilded mir­rors of the old-time parlor •... rnahogany post bedsteads .. Ldl chests of drawers, with handles of brass, •. littlc samplers ... foot-stoves and fenders,andirons and bellows •. the old brass bed .. wa rrne r, spinning whee ls ,quilting-frames and rods for candle-dipping •.•. Old time customs:a building to be raised,a quilt to be quilted,or a barn full of corn to be husked .. the welcome excuse for .1 "bce!'From Salem went minute-men:Gray;Nathaniel,John,John,Jr,0;1viJ.Edw,Wm,Sa111,& 1 saac.

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JOHN GRAY ( 1) Born:about 1660,near Londonderry,North Ireland. Died: after 1733,and probably before 1739, Worcester,Mass. Married: Elizabeth _______ in Ireland.Born: in Ireland.Died: Aft: Jul.1,17 30. Child: JOHN (2) Born:about 1700 in North Ireland.

JOHN GRA,Y ( 2 ) Born: about 1700 in North Ireland. Died: 1782,Pelham,Mass. Married: Isobel ______ 1726. Born: 1706. Died: July 5,1799,Pelham,Mass. Children: 1. Daniel (3) Born: May 12,1728.

2. Isaac (3) Born: March 19,1729-30. 3. JOHN (3) Born: July 12,1732. 4. Elizabeth (3) Born: June 2 ,1734. 5. Ebenezer (3) Born: (Records missing for births to July 1,1743.)

JOHN GRAY ( 3) Born: July 12,1732. Died: -------...,.,--Married: Martha Savage,April 17,1755,Pelham,Mass. Born: _____ Died: Children: 1. John,Jr. (4..,.-) _M_a_r_r_i_'e_d_:_

Children:-!-. _W_il_l-ia-m--.-(5) Born:Salem,New York. 2. John (5) Born:Salem,New York. 3. James (5) Born:Elmira,New York. 4. Hiram (5) Born:Elmira,New York.

2. NATHANIEL ( 4) Born: August 1760,Pelham,Mass. 3. Isaac (4) 4. Mrs. Hulett.

NATHANIEL GRAY ( 4 ) Born: August 1760,Pelham,Mass. Died: Seville,Ohio,1853. Married: Margaret Harkness,1791. Born: 1774. Died: Children: 1. Abra-:-h_a_m-(""'5~)-B ___ o_r_n_:_S_alem,New York. Married: ------Children:!. Nathaniel (6) 2.David (6) 3.Andrew (6)

2. James (5) Born: Salem,New York. Married: Children: I.Delia (6) 2.Mary (6_) _3-.N-a_th_a_n_i_e_l ...,{6.,..)

3. ISAAC ( 5) Born:Salem,New York,February 2,1805.

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4. (Twin) Sophia (5) Born: Salem,N. Y •. Children: I. Martha. 2. Mary. 3. Letty. 4. Joseph. S.Margaret.

5. (Twin) Mariah (5) Born: Salem,N. Y. Children: 1. William. 2. Mary. 3. Louisa. 4. Delia. 5. Martha. 6.Mariah. 7. John. 8. Henry. 9. James. 10. Charles.

6. Tarboth{5) Born: Salem,New York. 7. Rhodes (5) Born: Salem,New York.

ISAAC GRAY ( 5 ) Born: Salem,New York,February 2,1805. Died: Seville,Ohio, February 21,1877. Married: Mary Lord Russell,Salem,New York,September 27,1826. Born: Salem,New York,September 27,1804. Died: Seville,Ohio,May 24,1892. Children: I. Margaret Harkness (6) Born:Salem,N. Y .,March 28,1828. Died:Dec.

27,1912,Seville,O. Married: Robt Bell,Apr.15,1854,Guilford Twp,O. 2. JAMES G. ( 6 ) Born:Salem,N. Y ., Feb.4,1830. Died:Medina,Ohio,

July 16, 1915. Married: Eliza J.Root, Mogadore, 0., January 19, 18 54. 3. Helen (6) Born:Seville,o.,Apr.20,1832. Died:Belvedere,Ills,October

16,1915. 4. Eveline (6) Born:Seville, 0., Jan.12 ,1834.Died:Belvedere, Ills, January

11,1916. 5. Lucinda (6) Born:Seville ,O.,November 2 ,1842. Died:Belvede re, Ills,

Dec.2,1924. Married:J.S.Kellogg,Guilford Twp,O.,July 8,1862. 6. Isaac (6) Born:Seville,Ohio,November 21,1844. 7. George H. (6) Born:Seville,O.,Apr.25,1846. Died:Apr.5,1905 on a

railroad train at Stanwood, Iowa.Home: Correctionville, Iowa. Married: Caroline L. Chase, October 14, 1869.

8. Timothy D. (6) Born:Seville, ohio., October 1, 1848. Married: Ella F. Barnard.February 16,1873.

JAMES G. GRAY ( 6) Born: Salem ,New York., February 4, 1830. Died: Medina, Ohio, July 16, 1915. Married: Eliza Jane Root, daughter of Samue 1 Root and Louisa Ha rt, Mogadore,

Ohio, January 19,1854. Born: Medina ,Ohio,Septembe r 17,183 5. Died: Akron, Ohio,Ap ril 16 ,1916. Children: 1. Cora Eliza (7) Born:Seville ,0. ,Apr.13 ,185 5. Died: Los Ange le s, Cal.

Married: Alfred W. Newark,March 19,1875.Children: l. Geo • .1'.:dmund Born: Pentwater, Mich. ,Mar .21,1878. Z .Caroline Eliza, Born:Cadillac, Mich., Jan.2 7, 1884. 3 .George, Born: Cadillac, Mich. ,Ma r.21, 1886. 4.Ka te Born: Cadillac ,Mich. ,May 24, 1889.

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2.GEORGE MARSHALL ( 7) Born:Elmore,Ohio,October 18,1860. 3.Gracie Louisa (7) Born: Pentwater, Mich., Mar .6, 1869.

Died: September 4,1869. 4.Mildred Helen (7) Born: Pentwatcr,Mich.,July 28,1871.Died:Akron,

Ohio,Oct.1955. Married: Terry S. Hastings,April 17 ,1893. Children: l. Odette Elizabeth. Born: Dec.29,1894. Married: Paul £.Collette.

Children:Marion, Wm,Richard. z. Marion Gray. Born:Kent,O.,June 20,1897. Married: James A.

Mc Mullin. Child: James Oliver.

GEORGE MARSHALL GRAY ( 7 ) Born: Elmore,Ohio,October 18,1860. Died: Fostoria,Ohio,September 9,1943. Married: Hannah Eliza Andrus, daughter of Alanson E. Andrt!S and Eliza Ann

Cole ,Saybrook Twp,Ashtabula County, Ohio, May 2 8,1884. Born:July 8,1861-62,Saybrook Twp. Died: Fostoria,Ohio,February 4,1949. Children: 1. Merton Brevier (8) Born: Medina,Ohio,May 1,1885.

2. Allen Gordon (8) Born:Medina,Ohio,May 24,1887. 3. Marguerite Eliza (8) Born:Fostoria,Ohio,August 1,1889. 4. James G.(8) Born:Fostoria,Ohio,September 14,1891. 5. THELMA MILDRED ( 8) Born:Fostoria,Ohio,July 8,1898.

THELMA MILDRED GRAY ( 8 ) Born: Fostoria,Ohio, July 8, 1898. Married: Chester Forrester Dunham,son of William Forrester Dunham and

Camilla Clotilde Powell, September 27,1921,Fostoria,Ohio. Children: 1. Chester Gray ( 9) Born: Chicago,lllinois,February 11,1923.

2. William Forrester II. ( 9) Born: Evanston,Ills.,September 24,1925. Died: Toledo,Ohio,July 6,1943.

3. Richard Marshall ( 9 ) Born: Toledo,Ohio,October 16,1930.

CHEST ER GRAY DUNHAM ( 9 ) Born: Chicago, Illinois, February 11,192 3. Married: Georgiana Powers, daughter of George Alcorn Powers and Elizabeth

Mary Cosgray, Toledo,Ohio,September 18,1955. Born: Toledo,Ohio,May 15,1928. Child:Dorothy (10) Born:Acora,Gold Coaat,W/C Africa,August 27,1956.

RICHARD MARSHALL DUNHAM ( 9) Born: Toledo,Ohio,October 16,1930. Married: Nancy Layne Yates, daughter of Roy Yates and Adelaide Brown, Toledo,

Ohio,August 29,1953. Born: Cincinnati,Ohio, January 21,1934. Child: MARKUS DEMOCRAT ES ( 10 ) Born: August 26,1955, Fort Knox,Ky.

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MERTON BREVIER GRAY ( 8) Born: Medina,Ohio,May 1,1885. Died: Fostoria,Ohio,November 12,1934. Married: Florence Louise Olmsted,daughter of Charles Olmsted and Mabel M.

Hale, Fostoria,Ohio,August 17 ,1 n15. Born: Fostoria,Ohio, January 3 ,1885. Died: Fostoria,Ohio, June 8,192 7. Child: Mabel Louisa (9) Born: June 5,1922. Died: June 9,1922. Married: (2) Mrs. Ruth Ralston Leonard.

ALLEN GORDON GRAY ( 8 ) Born:Medina,Ohio,May 24,1887. Married: Clara Teresa Wertz,daughter of John George Wertz and Ella

Lauretta Flack,Bascom,Ohio,April 21,1917. Born: Bascom,Ohio,April 17,1891. Children: 1. George Allen (9) Born:Fostoria,Ohio,April 10,1918.

2. James Gordon (9) Born:Fostoria,Ohio,September 2,1919. 3. Clara Jane (9) Born: Fostoria,Ohio, January 30,1921.

Died: November 12,1950. 4. Thomas Merton (9) Born:Tiffin,Ohio, 4,1928.

MARGUERITE ELIZA GRAY HOLLIDAY ( 8) Born: Fostoria,Ohio,August 4,1889. Married: William Blakeley Holliday,. son of Charles Campbell Holliday and

Mary Blakeley,Fostoria,Ohio,November 14,1914. Born: North Springfield,Penna.,December 22,1882. Children: 1 • William Samuel (9) Born:Cleveland,Ohio,August 9,1916.

2 • George Gray (9) Born:Cleveland,Ohio,July 16,1921.

JAMES G. GRAY ( 8) Born: Fostoria,Ohio,September 14,1891. Died: April 16 ,1918,Chillicothe ,Ohio, Infantry,Private ,at Camp Sherman. Married: Ethel Ludernann,daughter of F.E. and Mrs.Ludemann,Sedalia,.Mo.

July 26,1917. Born: Sedalia,Mo., January 14,1892. Died:St.Louis, Mo.,1941.

GEORGE ALLEN GRAY ( 9 ) Born: Fostoria,Ohio,April 10,1918.

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Married: Ida Mary Fox,daughter of Erwin D.Fox and Clara Sophia Hale, Bay City, Michigan, February 20, 1943. Born: Bay City,Mich, Jan.31, 1918.

Children: 1. Robert Allen ( 10) Born:Bay City,Michigan,October 17,1944. 2. David Marshall ( 10 ) Born: Fostoria,Ohio,October 30,1947. 3. Richard Charles ( 10 ) Born:Fostoria,Ohio,December 20,1950.

JAMES GORDON GRAY ( 9 ) Born: Fostoria,Ohio,September 2,1919. Married: Mary Louise Welly,daughter of Simon Peter Welly and Emma Louise

Wangler, Fostoria,Ohio,January 28,1950.Born:Wooster,O.,May 5,1927. Children: Twins: I.Mary Jane (10) Born:Fostoria,Ohio.,June 24,1951.

2.Susan Jane (10) Born:Fostoria,Ohio.,June 24,1951.

CLARA JANE GRAY STONE ( 9) Born: Fostoria,Ohio, January 30,1921. Died:near Akron,O.,November 12,1950. Married: George Chickering Stone II,son of Mr.and Mrs.George Chickering

Stone, June 20 ,1946, Fostoria, Ohio. Born:Pa uling, N. Y. January 17, 1921. Children: I.George Chickering III (10) Born:Cleveland,O.,July 9,1948.

2 .Gordon Gray (10) Born: Cleve land, O.,April 1, 1950.

THOMAS MER TON GRAY ( 9 ) Born: Tiffin,Ohio,April 4,1928. Married:Nancy Ellen Carneron,daughter of George Cameron and Alta Burdette

Stearns,Septembe r 2 5, 1954, Fostoria,Ohio. Born: Mar.22, 1933, Fostoria,O. Child: Teresa Ellen ( 10) Born: October 20,1955,Fostoria,Ohio.

··············································································································· OBERLIN COLLEGE,OBERLIN,OHIO

Students: James G.Gray, who helped the planting of Campus Elm Trees in the early 1850's;Eliza Root Gray;Eveline Gray;George Marshall Gray;Hannah Eliza Andrus Gray;Merton Brevier Gray;Allen Gordon Gray;Marguerite Eliza Gray Holliday;James G.Gray;Thelma Mildred Gray Dunham;George Allen Gray; Chester Forrester Dunham;Chester Gray Dunham;and Richard Marshall Dunham

OTHER COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Students: Allen Gordon Gray:Bissell School of Photo-Engraving. Ida Mary

Fox: Ferris School of Technology-Pharmacy School. James Gordon Gray: Bowling ~n State University. Nancy Cameron Gray: Michigan State College. Thomas Merton Gray: Wooster College. George Gray Holliday:Cornell University,School of Agriculture.William Samuel Holliday:University of Buffalo. Jane Gray Stone: Miami University. William Forrester Dunham,Tabor College,University of Illinois-School of Pharmacy. Chester Forrester Dunham:Yale University,Univer­sity of Chicago.Chester Gray Dunham: Columbia Univ. Univ.of Nebraska.Richard Marshall Dunham:Ohio State University,and the University of Toledo. = lOS =


The Men■ Blg ••• the home ot Che ■ter O,and R1chard M.

Baldwin Cot ta ge , t, tie home• ot Thel■a Mildred Gray.

cranf'ord Ham• of' Thelma.

James Gt-ay planted B:IJIS on the OB.i:RLIN Collee;e campu1 1n the

1850, •. . I,,

\._ :•f " 1111

•► '4 ... -II

■ z.

-.. The L1bl'•ry Gray Gable ■ HOiie :Thelma.




Yankees from Vermont,Massachusetts,Connecticut,and New York com­missioned themselves to c.olonize,civilize,and Christianize the Western Fron­tier Dark Valley of moral waste and death, the forest wilderness in South-Cen­tral Russia Township,of Lorain County,Ohio. The Valley was a flat,glacial, swampy forest of muddy clay soil. Such a mission was publicized in 1831 by the pious hill-farmers of Royalton, Vermont.

The College (Institute) was founded in 1833,and the town incorporated in 1846,a religious-educational-agricultural community,based upon piety,morality, benevolence,thrift and economy. The masculine students labored on the farm of the school,while the feminine students worked in the college boarding-house:a school of learning and labor,of study and manual toil. It was named after a rural Alsatian minister,teacher,and philanthropist: Jean Frederic Oberlin.

The goal of Oberlin Institute, later transformed into a college, was to diffuse useful science,sound morality,and pure religion,for the folks of the Mississippi Valley,and the world,to educate ministers and teachers,to elevate the character of woman,and to educate the common people:the education of the whole man: body,heart and intellect.

The modern goal (general requirements and recommendations of the Fac­ulty of the College) listed seven main fields:

1. In a universe built up like materials which undergo like changes under like conditions, upon a tiny changing planet:: THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES.

2. Many forms of life have evolved,including man::THE BIOLOGICAL SC'S. 3. Man possesses a complex and highly integrated organization;:PSYCHOL­

OGY. 4. Living in society with other men,he tries to understand group life, to

adapt him self to it,and to mould it to his needs: THE SOCIAL SCIENCES. 5. He has achieved effective forms of thought and of communication of

thought::LANGUAGE::MATHEMATICS:::: LOGIC. 6. He learns to enjoy the beautiful,and,so far as he can,to create the

beautif.ul::LITERATURE::THE FINE ARTS::MUSIC. 7. He strives to understand the sum total of life,and to live with reference

thereto::PHILOSOPHY::RELIGION. The achievement of the original goal created many problems and instituted

numerous reforms. In the beginning,tobacco,tea,and coffee were barred. Then there must be a complete freedom of speech on all reform issues:the co-educa­tion of white men and women and negroes,missions for .Ainerican Indians,over­seas missions for all world heathen, Temperance and Prohibition,Pacificism VS War,Moral Reform and Civil Rights for Women,Abolitioniiun and Anti-Slavery of Negroes,Propaganda Literature,and Perfectionist Theology,or a revision of the Calvinistic Election and Depravity dog111as. :: 10 9 ==



He was born in Salem, Washington County,New York,February 2,1805. In youth and early manhood he labored enthusiastically to secure funds to pioneer westward. In 1831 he m01,red to a far{l"l east of Seville,Ohio,which was then chiefly a dense forest. He became acharter member of the Seville Congre­gational Church.later serving many years as a Trustee. He was one of the first advocates of the abolition of negro slavery in his township.and' cast the first ballot for that cause.'

·········································································································-·· The United States Census of 1850::Medina County.Guilford Township,Ohio,U.S.A. Family Ages Occupations Real Estate Born Is a a c Gray ..••••.•. 4 5 •••.•• Fa rm e r •••••••••••••••••••••• $3 5 , 0 0 0 • 0 0 ••••••••••• New York Mary L.Gray ....... 46 ...................... ................................ - ....... New York Margaret Gray .... 2 2 ... - ................... · .....................................• New Yo r- k James Gray ....... 20 ...... :r ..... armer ....................•................•..•.... New York

Helen Gray ......... 17 ... ·················••··•··••··••••••·•••·•·••·•·•···••··•·• Ohio ...... . Eveline Gray ....... 14 •··-·······•···•··•··• ............. ·••··•·•••••·•··•••·•·•·• Ohio ...... . Lucinda Gray ....... 8 .............................................•................. Chia ...... . Isaac Gray .......... 6 ............................................................... Ohio ....... . George Gray ......... 4 ............................................................... Ohio ...... . Timothy Gray ....... 2 .......................................................•....... Ohio ....... . Nathaniel Gray .... 90 •••·•·•·············•·•······••••···•··••••·•···•····•••·••·•••Mass •......

Nathaniel Gray .... 28 ...... Farmer ........................................•..... New York Abram Gray ....... 60 ...... Farn1er ..........•.........................•.......•. New York Margaret Gray .... 58 .•............................................................. New York

David Gray ......... 22 . ........... •·•···············•·•·····•· •·•·••··•·······••·• ... New York James G.Gray

He was born in Salem,Washington County,New York.February 4,1830. The Gray Family moved to Ohio when he was about a year old.and settled on a farm about a mile east of Seville. He learned the carpenter trade ,attended Oberlin College ,planted some Elms on the campus,and taught in the Folsom Business College of Cleveland. He moved to Pentwater.Michigan in 1865,and engaged in the banking and mercantile liusiness,holding also various public offices. ln 1878 he moved to Medina,Ohlo,planned and erected the buildings of the A.I.Root Company,engaged in manufacturing bee-keepers' supplies and publishing bee culture literature. He was superintendent of the plant for many years. Later he engaged in the mercantile business in Medina for about 14 yea rs, retiring in 1906.

= llO =


The American Revolutionary War Record of Nathaniel Gray of Salem,New York. !.Enlistment place and date: Salem,New York,March 1778. 2. .Length of service: Seven months, three weeks ,and six days in all. 3.Rank:Private. 4. Office rs uncle r whom service was rendered: C;iptains: Edward Long and

Alexander McNiH. Colonels: John WilliJrns and Alexander Webster. 5.Re side nee at date of application for pension: Guilford Township, Medina County, d 6.Place and date of birth:Pelham,Mass.August 1760. 7.Son of: John Gray. 8.Colonel Webster's Regiment:New York Militia,Charlotte County,now

Washington County. Recollections of Ni'lthaniel Gray by son:l.J.Gray

"He served as a "minute man" in the Revolution ••• Contracted rheun1a­tism from exposures and hardships.relied on crutches for 35 years.was an in­veterate chewer of tobacco,seldom ate ureakfast without his "bitters," was well versed in U.S.History,and gained ::second sight"after 80th year so he could "read without eyes"(glasses). At the age of 90 he quit using tobacco. He expected me to cut small cherry sprouts which he pt:eled and cut into half-inch lengths so as to give his '"tongue'' its habitual exercise.''

The 20th Century Gray Military Service James G.Gray

The American Army,World War [,1918,Camp Sherman,Ohio. Died in service because of illness.

Allen Gordon Gray The Ohio Na tiona 1 Guard.

George Allen Gray U.S. Army Service in World War 2,from October 8,1940 to January 3,1945,leaving active duty a 2nd Lieutenant in F.A.

James Gordon Gray U.S.Army Service in World War 2,three years:1942-45.Two and one-half years in the C.B.I.(India theatre).

Thon1as Merton Gray U.S.Army Service in the Cold War,September 12,1950-September 1952. 44th Field Artillery Battalion of the 4th Infantry Division;stationed in Schweinfurt;Gerrnany,from

June 1951-August 1952 • .•.•...•.•.......•.............•...••.........•......••.....••.................••••.••.•.•••••.•••..•••.•..

The Gray Members of Patriotic Societies The Daughters of the American Revolution

Hannah Eliza Andrus Gra y:Soldie r: David Andrus: 1756-1849. Marguerite Eliza Gr:c>' Holliday:Soldier:David Andrth:1756-1849. Thelma Mildred Gray Dunham:Soldier:David Andrus:1756-1849. =111



This town in Northwestern Ohio from the Litter 1830's has been the home of the Gray and related families. These F,imily relatives ;ire: George Marshall Gray, Hannah Eliza Andrus Gray, Merton Brevier Gray, Allen Gordon Gr.iy, Marguerite Eliza Gray Holliday, James G. Gray, Thelm;i Mildred Gray Dunham, George Allen Gray, James Gordon Gray, Clar;i Jane Gray Stone, ThomJs Mer­ton Gray, Robert Allen Gray, David Marshall Gray, Richard Charles Gray, Florence Louise Olmsted Gr:1 y, Clara Teresa Wertz Gray, Ethe 1 Ludemann Gray, Ida Mary Fox Gray, Mary Louise Welly Gray, Nancy Ellen Cameron Gray,Ma·ry J;ine Gray, Susan Jane Gray.Charles Olmsted, Mabel M.Hale Olmsted.George Cameron, Alta Burdette Stearns Cameron, Emma Louise Wangler Welly,and Teresa Ellen Gray. The basic vocation of the Gray Family is printing and en­graving.and the Church affiliations ;1 re: Presbyterian, Methodist and Roman Catholic.

Fostoria w,1s originally in 1832,the twin villages of Rome and Risdon,both platted within a week of each other. The villages were "ni;, rried" July 14,1854, christened or re-n.1med Fostori;i,the patron Lither being Charles W.Foster, a me rch,tnt manager and later partner in his father's store, the mayor of Fos­toric1., the United States Congressman from the distri<:t, and the Governor of Ohio.

The town is considered the largest inland gr.,tin center in America,15,000 carloads of grain and grain products are shipped annually in and out of Fostoria. It is stdtioned by four railroads: The Nickel Plate, The Chespeake and Ohio, The New York Central,and The Baltimore and Ohio. The following outstanding factories were organized in the growing industrial community: The Mennel Co,

1887, The Gray Printing Co,1888, The National Carbon Co,189l, The Seneca Wire Co,1Q06, The Pressed Steel Co, 1916, The Machine and Tool Co,1919, The Auto Lite F'oundry,1923,and the Auto Lite Sparkplug Co,1936. Fostoria is loc;ited in Ohio 1..·ounties:Wood,Seneca and Hanco*ck.

"During the Gas Room day:; of 1888, George M. Gray, (the founder of the Gray Printing Company) moved to Fostoria and built ._i srn.ill frame building at the corner of North and Cadwallader Streets (our present location). Every few years new equiprnent,new processes and new buildings have been added,now making The Gray Printing Company of Fostoria.Ohio, one of the most modern and com­plete Printing and Lithographic plants in the middle west,"writes President A. Gordon Gray.the second president of the cornp:rny,the first being his father George Marshall Gray. While the Gas Boom,the glass companies,;1nd the interurban rail­ways,inflated Fostoriil and then deflated the comlllunity through retirement,the Gray Printing Company remained bringing continued prosperity to Fostoria, the present one hundred ;-ind forty employees serve the printing needs of Ohio,and the nation.due primarily to the genealogicd Scotch-Irish integrity of the Founder,

his sons,employees and friends. ::: 112 --:



George M;1 rs hall Gray

This outstanding Ohio Civic Leader, was the Creator of the Community Park Development Project of Fostoria ,Ohio. He was a basic promoter of the Fostoria Y.M.C.A.,and a principal estdblisher of the Fostoria Public Library. Previously he had been a forceful editor of the county newspaper in Medina, Ohio. He directed strong offensives against urban inte mpe ranee. He developed a small printing plant into a national institution: The Gray Printing Company, stressing special creative features: corporation publications ,and the ;1nnuals of universities,colleges,hospitals and high schools. Mr.Gray advanced student­education in the printing industry ,and advocated the principle of dynamic sym­metry. He was the Past President of the Ohio Printers Federation.

George M.Gray was an Elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Fos­toria,for 48 years, the Superintendent of the Church' School,and enthusiastic teacher of Christian Education. He w,1s also ;1 comprehensive world traveler, photographer and lecturer.

Marguerite Eliza Gr..i. y Holliday

l.A graduate of Oberlin College,Oberlin,Ohio,specialization field: Physical Education.

2.Physical Education ins true tor, on the faculty of Cincinnati University, C inc inn a ti, Ohio.

3 .A Captain in the American Girl Scout Move ment,in Cleve land, Ohio. 4.President of the Peggy Gray Candy Company of Pennsylvania. Her de­

lectable confectionery won the Blue Ribbon Awa rd, June 1955 ;presented in Chicago at the National Convention of the Associated Retail Confec ti one ry Association of America. Her famous Russe Creme Mints received the highest acclaim at the International Confectionery Mdnufacturers Convention held in


Thelma Mildred Gray Dunham

1.A graduate of Oberlin College ,specializing in Ecology and Dcndrology research expeditions to the Rocky Mount.iins and the Pacific Coast.

2.A Cultural Lecturer on World Costwnes,illustrated by apparel dllU dolls, procured on her a round-the-world, J-..::uropean,and Centra 1-South American To,1rs.

3.A sometime officer or member of the P.E.O.Sisterhood,the D.A.R.,the Sam ma Gamma Presidents Club, the Toledo 1896 Literary Sode ty ,and the River Road Garden Club of Toledo,O. A Past President of two P.E.O. Toledo,Ch;1pters.

4.Television & radio ~:uscular ,Rrrt_rophy talks;:1 director of ?vl.D.Chapter.



Allen Gordon Gr;iy

A. Gordon Gr.iy is the president.general man;..igcr :ind treasurer of the Gray Printing Cornrany of Fostoria,Ohio;a director of the Fostoria First N.itional Bank,;1 student at Oberlin Collcge,1906-07,iind ;1 gr;1du;1te of the Bissell Photo En1(r;iving S< :1001. He is a life rnernuer of the Fostoria Y.M.C.A., the Fostoria University Club.the Fostoria Sxch:rnge Club,and ;,ill the Mc1sonic Bodies. For a number of years Mr.Gray was ;in active Elder of the First Pres­byterian Church.and the Superintendent of the Sunday School of that Church.

He is the Commander of District No.7 Unite<l States Power Squadron, the heroic rescuer of folks drowning in Lake ~rie,and enjoys the hobbies of overseas Atlantic and Pacific Oce:111 travel,color lecture photography,boating, fishing,/~olfing ;i.nd hunting. He was the well known Chairrnan of the Fostori:1 Historic Centennial Celebration,1()54.

Elder Gordon Gr 1y is the Ch, of the Christian Chancel Worship Project of t11e First Presbyterian Church;the donor of the Communion Altar, in rnemoriarn: of dau;~hter JanP Gr,1y Stone;also the donor of the eight-foot stainless steel Christian Cross enshrining the Spire of the Presbyterian Church;in memoria ni: of parents:George M;1rsh;dl Gr,1y and H<lnnJh Eliza Andrus Gr;iy. Tl1e tollowin:~ Dedicatory ~=pistle w;is pl;1ccd in the base of the

Cross: "Believing it proper <.1nd considering it;in honor, it was my desire

when the Church was l>eing re-roofed to put ;1 Cross on the rnain Spire, for niany years ai~o durin1~ ;i storm the origin;,! Cross was destroyed."

"As I am one of the oldest 111ernbers of the First PresbyterL,n Church of Fostoria,Ohio and with the farnily tradition and background such as mine it seems fittin;~ that [ should have the honor of don:1ting the Cross in mcn1ory of the loving devotion of the rnany Grays who hdve served and worshipped in this church and to those who will in the ye;i rs to come."

"Mr.and :drs.Geor;;e 2'-.:.Gray rnoved frorn Medina.Ohio and affiliated with this church in 1888. To them was <l Lnnily of five children;Merton Brevier Gr;iy,A.Gordon Gray,J;unes G.Gray,Thelm;i and Marguerite Gray''

"Fro,n wedlock of A.Gordon Gr.iy and Cbr,, Wertz 3 sons and 1 dau:5htcr; Geor:;e A.Gray.J;imes G.Cr.iy,Thomas M.Gr;iy,<1nd C.Jane Gr;1y."

"Fro111 wedlock of George A.Gray ;ind IcLi Mary Fox,3 sons.Robert, D:.vid and Richard. [tis hoped with the solid Christi;1n heritage given by Mr.and Mrs.George M,Gr.iy,the devotion and love of our church will be perpetuated and be,\ power for :;ood in our cor11rnunity."

::: 114 =



Catawba Island is the summer vacation home of the Gray Family in the Eagle Beach sub-division;and of the Dunham Family in the Catawba Orchard Beach sub-division. These lakeside recreational residences are enjoyable retreats for: swimming,fishing, rowing, sailing,canoeing, ,notor-boating, and an air-plane ride from isle to isle.

The Great Lakes: Superior,Michigan,Huron,Ontario,and Erie,are the greatest fresh water body in the world;greatest in size,history,commerce,industry, engineering,and beauty. There are 2000 Great Lake bo-its,800 cargo carriers,300 belonging to Canadian Companies. The ship fleets a re: grain,coal, stone ,ore ,oil, lurnber,motor car,farm machinery,and general merchandise 'distributors.' There are some passenger excursion vessels,and many pleasure yachts.

Lake Erie ,is the fourth in the size of Great Lakes,about 10,000 square miles in area,245 rniles long.the major width 65 miles,the minor width 28 miles, deepest soundings 210 feet.mean depth 90 feet,sornewhat larger than the tiny State of Vermont,and smaller than half the size of large Lake Michigan.Erie is the most dangerous of all five lakes:a shallow bowl,swift fierce storrns,and heavy ground swells;sending the ships,lives,and cargoes to Davy Jone's locker. Soil erosion losses are about $500,000 annually, some shores losing 20 feet a year,

The Battle of Lake Erie is the great American naval victory, the conquest of the British Fleet,September 10,1813,near the Island of Put-in-Bay. Co.nmodore Oliver Haza rd Perry, less than thirty years of age, sent his victory report to U.S. General William Henry Harrison: " we have met the enemy and they are ours-­two ships,two brigs,one schooner,and one sloop." The United States could now control the Great Lakes and the North West Territory.

Lake Erie is named after the Erie Indian Tribe,or Cat or Panther Nation, living on the south shores of Lake Erie,one of their 'towns' being Pique,near the site of Erie,Pa. The Erie Indians,although of Iroquoian stock,were not a member of the Iroquois Confederacy,were finally annihilated by the Iroquois in 1665,the remaining Erie Indians being absorbed by the Seneca Indians. The first white man on Lake Erie waters was Louis Jolliet in 1669. La Salle launched the first ship on Erie in 1679. The first steamboat "Walk-in-the-Water" appeared in 1818.

Lake Erie in pre-historic times was divided by a rocky ridge in the wes­tern region of the lake,fro1:1 the present site of C;:inadian Mount Pelee to the site of American Marblehead,Ohio. Centuries of grinding glacier,storrns,winds,and waves have skeletoniz.ed the ridge into a chain of lovely islands: Sister Islands, Bass Islands,Put-in-Bay,Kelley,and Cat;1wba. These twenty western Lake Erie isles we re dubbed frontier names: Ra tlle snake, Mouse ,Ballast,Sta.rve ,Green ,Gull, Sugar,Hen and Chickens. Now isle stepping stones instead of an ancient ridge.

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Catawba Island lies between Lake Erie and the bed of the Portage River, originally cut off from the mainland by a marsh,but bridging and draining has made it part of the mainland. Although in a sense in a member of the island archi­pelago from Canada to Ohio,Catawba is really a low limestone point,or land jut­ting arm of a peninsula. The Catawba grape was discovered on the Catawba R:ver in North Carolina in 1802 ,and when it was introduced to the Lake Erie Islands in 1860,the name of this peninsula became Catawba, The Catawba Indians of North anu South Carolina were of the Siouan stock of American Indians,a population of 5000 in the 17th century,of 500 in 1780,and only 60 in 1907. Pontiac was of Catawba descent. The Catawba Island Indians were chiefly members of the Ottawa Tribe,which left for better hunting grounds in 1831. One squaw with seven papooses remained. On Sugar Rock is an Indian burial circular mound,about 15 feet high and over 50 feet in diam­eter. Fur robes,arrow-filled quivers,beads,dyed quills of porcupines,and feathers, glorified the remains in the sepulchre. Sugar Rock and Lookout Point are adorned by fascinating and mysteriuos caves which awed the Indians,.the largest being named Semomic,the most beautiful cave La Cloche,and another one Petite Cloche. A lake shore cliff portrays by Nature sculptor an Indian head war-feathered,named the Watcher, the Ottawa he ro,Nabagon, the eternal destiny guardian of Ca ta wba Island.

The first white Catawba settlers were French Canadian trappers,arriving there in 1795,and until 1840 there were very few permanent pioneers. The vocation­al symbols of the Island have been or are: fish, grape s,peache s,and stone. Fishing boats and nets,grape-vines,peach orchards,and stone quarries,have been greatly supplemented by summer ho mes for recreational vacationers.

Catawba Island and all sister isles we re great glade r cemeteries during the Ice Age,but the ice-carved glacial grooves are best preserved in the Ohio State Glacial Park on Kelley's Island,where some grooves are gouged into solid lime­stone rock 20 or more feet deep.

Gray Bowlder is the huge rock,also termed Boulder, that adorns the entrance of the Gray Summer residence,while huge ton-rocks wall the Lake Erie coast-line of the Dunham Summer home,to provide a Gibraltar-protection against erosion. The lake frontage of 225 feet includes five lake-side lots,and three highway lots, all beautified by decorative, fruit,and nut trees, grape vine s,be rry bus he s,and a gar­den. There is a Gingko,or Maidenhair tree,a sole survivor of early geologic times. Then the re are the birch trees: Cutleaf Weeping, European White ,and the Canoe or Paper Birch. The Purple or Copper and the American represent the Beech Family. There are Weeping and Corkscrew Willows.Fruit trees include:peach,pear,cherry, apricot,nectarine ,apple,crab apple and plum. Nut trees are:walnut,hazle-nut,pecan, and Chinese chestnut. The bushes are:witchhazel,strawberry and raspberry. There are also rows of Chinese Elms and Honeysuckle shrubs.

Catawba Island is an inspiring retreat for recreation, relaxation,and rest. The Dunham and Gray Families enjoy very much this annual super-experience,

= 116 =



,:~ ~; l,, •







William Forrester Dunham, Chester Forrester Dunham, Thelma Gray Dunham, Chester Gray Dunham, Richard Marshall Dunham, George Marshall Gray,and

Hannah Andrus Gray.


George Marshall Gray, Hannah Andrus Gray, Merton B.Gray,Marguerite Gray Holliday, William B.Holliday, Allen Gordon Gray, Clara Wertz Gray, Thomas B. Gray, William Forrester Dunham,Camilla Powell Dunham, Chester Forrester Dunham, Thelma Gray Dunham, Chester Gray Dunham, Richard Marshall Dun­ham.


George Marshall Gray, Hannah Andrus Gray, Chester Forrester Dunham, Thel­ma Gray Dunham, Chester Gray Dunham, Richard Marshall Dunham.


Chester Forrester Dunham, Thelma Gray Dunham,Chester Gray Dunham, Richard Marshall Dunham, George Marshall Gray,Hannah Andrus Gray.


Allen Gordon Gray, Clara Wertz Gray, George Marshall Gray, Hannah Andrus Gray, Chester Forrester Dunham, Thelma Gray Dunham,Chester Gray Dunham, Richard Marshall Dunham.

6. U.S.ARMY IN INDIA. ((~lus World Circumnavigation)))

James Gordon Gray.

·································••'••··········································································~ THE UNITED STATES CONSULAR SERVICE.

Chester Gray Dunham ••• Salzburg,Austria ••• Algiers,Algeria ••• Accra,Gold Coast, Central West Africa.

Georgiana Powers Dunham ••• Accra,Gold Coast,C-W,Africa. Previous trips to Europe and Africa. = 117 =


TH£ ROOT TRADITION ''Reviresco''

The first records a re found in Ma re sfie ld,Sussex County ,England,and they go back as far as 15 76. At that time the name was spe lied ROOT ES. The evidence reveals Norman and Saxon ancestry.

In the year 163 5 ,at Salem, Mass, records are found of three or more brothers by the name of Roote. In 1640 John Roote came over from Badby, I...:ngland,a little village in Northamptonshire.and located in Farmington,Conn. John Roote and wife were of Puritan Stock,and were members of a Congrega­tinnal Church in Badby, ~ngland. They hud eight children.

John the nldest,was born in 1642,and was also the father of eight children. Caleb,nne nf these eight.had a family of five children. One of the five was named Samuel.and he was the father of seven.

1-:nns,nne nf these latter seven.had a family of nine. The names of these nine were: Mnses,Samuel, •:lizabeth,Levia,Chauncey,Elias,.t.:nos,Prindle, Benjamin.and Martha Delia.

The secnnd chi ld,Samue 1, was my g randfa the r (A. J .Root,compile r of these traditions) born in 1810. He was the father of nine children: Martha,Julia,Philomela,Hannah,I...:mmeline,Samuel Homer ( my father) F:liz.a Rebecca.Sally Maria.Benjamin Edison,Mary,and Albert.

In 1870 it was estimated that there were 100,000 Roots and their descendants ,all coming from the stock given above.

The prevailing traits of the Roots: They are ,as a rule ,a devotional people ... a large number of deacons •. some ministers of the Gospel •.. Puritans of the straitest sect. They are Patriotic,many of them losing their lives in the Revolutionary War and in the late Rebellion. They are a good- sized peoples ,many of them quite athletic. They a re an agr.icultural people.

The whole line has been characterized for shrewdness,and noted especially for a strong anti-humbugativeness. Many of them are remarkable as mathematicians and musicians.

THE ROOT FAMILY (Ancestors of Eliza Root Gray)

JOHN ROOTE ( l ) Born: Badby, Northamptonshire, l:.:ngland. Died:1609/1,639. Married: Mary Russell in 1600. Children: Born: in Badby, I...:ngland: Parish Records, February 2 6, 1608.

l. Mary. 2. Susannah. 3. Thomas. 4. JOHN ( 2 )

= 118 =


JOHN ROOT£ ( 2 ) Born: Baptismal record: February 26,1608,Badby,England. Died: 1684, Farmington, Conn. Married: 1640-41,Mary Kilbourne,daughter of Thomas and Frances Kilbourne. Born: 1619, Wood Ditton, England. Died: 16 97, Farmington, Conn. Children: 1. John (3) Born: 1642. Died: September 24,1687.

2. Samuel (3) Born: 1644. Died: November 27,1711. 3. Thomas (3) Born: 1648. Died: August 16,1709. 4. Mary (3) Born:1650. 5. Stephen (3) Died: 1717, 6. Susannah (3) Married: Joseph Langdon,1683. Died:December 5,1712. 7. Joseph (3) Died: December 18,1739. 8.CALEB ( 3) Died:June 10,1712.

CALEB ROOT ( 3 ) Born:------ Died: June 10,1712,Framington,Conn, Married: August 9,1693,Elizabeth Salrnon,daughter of Thomas Salmon. Children: 1. Mary (4) March 6,1695.

2. Caleb (4) Born: March 14,1698. 3. Thomas (4) Born:January 16,1702, Dicd:May 13,1789. 4. Elizabeth (4) Born:april 8,1706. Died: J,rnuary 27,1746.

Married: Ebenezer Orvis, January 2 3 ,1733. 5. SAMUEL ( 4) Born:Novembcr 20,1712. Died:May 17,1778.

SAMUEL ROOT ( 4) Born: November 20,1712. Died: May 17,1778. Married:Elizabeth Prindle,New Haven,Conn.,and removed to Waterbury,Conn. Children: 1. Mercy (5) Born:------ Died:1744. 2.Samuel (5) Born:August 22,1750.

3, ENOS ( 5 ) Born: March 26,1753. Died: August 1820. 4. Joseph (5) Born:May 22,1755. 5.Ebzah (5) Born----- Died:1758. 6. Salmon (5) Born: July 7,1759. Died: May 22,1773. 7. Elizabeth (5) Born: June 22, 1761.

ENOS ROOT ( 5 ) Born: March 26,1753, Waterbury,Conn. Died:August 1820. Married: February 4,1778,Martha Roberts. Died: October 24,1824. Children: 1. Moses (6) Born:Novembe r 11, 1778. Died:Septe1,1ber 2 ,1802.

2. SAMUEL ( 6 ) Born: February 18,1781. Died: November 11,1826. 3. Elizabeth (6) Born: April 23,1783. Died: January 14,1810. 4. Levia (6) Born:May 19,1785. Died: July 1,1782. Married:ChaW1cey

Andrews. 5. Chauncey (6) Born: September 22 ,17 87. Died: August 7 ,1864. 6. Elias (6) Born: August 30,1789. 7. Enos Prindle (6) Born:November 30,1792. Died:Noveniber 7,1852.

= 119=


8.Benjamin (6) Born: .August 2, 1795. Died: October 1815. 9.Martha Delia (6) Born: May 20,1797.Married: Edmund Reed.

SAMUEL ROOT ( 6) Born: February 18,1781, Waterbury,Conn. Died: November 11,1826. Married:Rebecca Pritchard of Waterbury,Conn,1820. In the same year the

family removed to Tallmadge ,Ohio, where Sam ue 1 Root became the captain nf a light infantry company.

Children: I.Martha Julia (7) Born:April 1,1804. Married:Samuel M.Bronson. 2.Philomela (7) Born:December 18,1805. Married: William Hine. 3.Hannah Emmeline (7) Born: August 8,1808.Married: Wyllis Fenn. 4.SAMUEL HOMER ( 7} Born: April 6,1810. Married:Louisa Hart. 5.Eliza Rebecca (7) Born:April 4,1812. Married: David Elstone. 6.Sally Maria (7) Born: June 4, 1814. Died: August 14, 1842.

Married:David Law. 7.Benjamin Edson (7) Born: September 29,1816. Died in infancy. 8.Mary (7) Born: May 14,1819. Died: July 26,1861.

Married:Dr,David W.Caruthers. 9.Alb.ert Edson (7) Born: June 11,1822.

SAMUEL HOMER ROOT ( 7) Born:April 6,1810, Waterbury.Conn. Married: December 20,1822,Louisa Hart. Born: August 2,1822. Children: I.Marshall S. (8) First Lieut.Co.K. 103rd Ohio Volunteers.

2.Amos [ (8) 3.Jesse H. (8) 4.Harriet L. 5..ELIZA JANE ( 8) Born: Medina,Ohio,September 17,1835. () .. Sarah A. (8) 7. Martha E. (8)

ELfZA JANE ROOT ( 8 ) Born: Medina,Ohio,Septembe r 17,183 5. Died: Akron,Ohio,April 16, 1916. Married: January 19, 1854,Mogadore ,Ohio, James G.Gray ,born in Salem,N. Y.

February 4, 1830. Children: l.Cnra Eliza (9) Born: April 13, 1855 ,Seville ,Ohio.

2.GEORGE MARSHALL ( 9) Born:October 18,1860,Elmore,Ohio. Died:Septembe r 9, 1943, Fostoria ,Ohio. Married: Hannah Eliza Andrus, May 2 8 ,1884,Saybrook Twp.Ashtabula County ,Ohio.

3 ,Grace L. (9) Born: March 6, 1869,Pentwa te r ,Michigan. 4.Mildred H. (9) Born: August 28,1871,Pentwater,Michigan.

= 120 .:



Mrs.Gray appears in portrait and biography in the large volume entitled: "Prohibition Leaders. "Edited by B.F .Austin (1895) p.17.

Several of the other prominent leaders presented are: Susan B.Anthony, Anthony Comstock, The Hon.Neal Dow,Horace Greeley, Wendell Phillips, the Rev.Anna H.Shaw,M.D.and Frances Elizabeth Willard.

"Mrs.Eliza (Root) Gray is the peer of any Ohio women in the peculiar characteristics which figure so largely in the make-up of a successful W.C. T.U. (Women's Christian Temperance Union) woman."

"She was born of sturdy New England ancestry,the second daughter of Samuel H.and Louisa Root. Her education began in the public school and has been supplemented by painstaking self-culture all her life. At 16 years of age she commenced teaching,but at 19,married James G.Gray,then an instructor in Folsom 's Commercial College of Cleveland,Ohio."

''She is the mother of three children. At the time of the Crusade,Mrs.Gray was living in Michigan,and engaged actively in the work there. Moving a little later to her present home,Medina,Ohio.,she has for eighteen years been prom­inently associated with the State W.C. T.U. work. She served as State Treasurer, three and one-half years,also holding the office of District or County President almost continuously.''

"She has been a most efficient superintendent of the Demorest contests in Ohio,and only retired recently on account of failing health. During all these years she has been a supporter of the Prohibition Party,bearing criticism and ostracism with a remarkable Christian spirit. With time and money at her disposal,she uses them for the advancement of the cause to which she has given

herself." Ernest Rob. Root

A Who's Who Summary: Editor:born Medina,Ohio, June 23,1862,.son of Amos Ives and Susan (Hall) Root.Oberlin College 1881-86. In business with father ,manufacturing bee-keepers' supplies and publishing bee culture literature, 1885 becoming president of the A.I.Root Co. Editor--Gleanings in Bee Culture (monthly) and author of ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture,encyclopedia,1923.

Author: Feeding & Feeders,190c;;Facts about Bees,1906; Bee Diseases,1918;The Bee Keeper and the Fruit Grower,1920. The Buckeye Bee Hive,192l;Honey as a Food,1924; Beekeeing in a Nutshell,1925.

Lecturer:-Redpath Cha uta uquas, 192 4,192 5. Vice president of the Medina Savings Deposit Bank,1905. Vice pre sident:-Ohio Comm. to the Jamestown Exposition.

··············································································································· = 121 =


THC HART FAMlLY (Ancestors of Louisa Hart)

Deacon Stephen Hart ( 1 ) Born: 1632. Thomas Hart ( 2 ) Born: 1649, Farmington, Conn. Wife: Ruth H..i wkins.

Hawkins Hart ( 3) Born:1677. Wife: Sarah Roys. Nathaniel Hart ( 4) Born:1702.Wife:Martha Lee.

Timothy Hart ( 5 ) Born: ;731. Wife: Phoebe Fenn. Jessie Hart ( 6) Born: 1775. Wife:Freclove Ives.

Louisa Hart { 7) Born: August 26,1812. Husband:Samuel Homer Root.Born:Apr.6,1810. Children:

1.Marshall ( 8) 2.Harriet ( 8) 3.~•:LlZA J. (.8) 4.Sarah ( 8) 5.Amos ( 8) 6.Jesse ( 8 ) 7 .Martha ( 8 )

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ••••••••••••••••••• ti •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

THE RUSSELL FAMILY (Ancestors of Mary Lord Russell)

Sam Russell ( 1) Born: 1660,Branford,Conn. Died:1731. A Minister for 44 years, and one of the founders of Yale College.

John Russell ( 2 ) Died: July 7,1757. ae 71 years. A colonel and church deacon.

John Russell ( 3 ) Died: March 12,1750. ac 41 years. A Lieut.

Ebenezer Russell ( 4) Born: January 5,1747. Died: December 6,1836,Salem,New York. County Treasurer,judge,and legislature member.

William Russe 11 ( 5 ) Born:Salern,N. Y. April 22, 1770. Died: February 5, 1853,Ohio.

Mary Lord Russell ( 6 ) Born:September 2 7,1804. Died:1892:Seville,Ohio. Married:Isaac Gray,September 27,1826. Born:1805.


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Andrew, the apostle of Jesus, and brother of the apostle Peter, of Bethsaida, Palestine, is the originator of the family name: Andrews. He is the Patron Saint of Scotland, and the re is a symbolic Christian Cross: the Cross of Saint Andrew. There is also the Brotherhood of Saint Andrew in one branch of the Christian Church.

The Latin name Andreas means: man, manly, or like a man. The variety of family name spellings and terminations are: Andrew, Andrews, Andrewes, ANDRUS, Andruss, Andreas, Anders, Andros, Andress, Androws, Androwes. Androse, and Andores.

The First Congregational Church of Hartford,Conn.,in 1600-1700's records the following ANDRUS names of new members, marriages, or baptisms: Na thanie 1, John ,Solomon, Timothy, Elish:i, Thomas, James ,Sam ue 1, Silas ,Mary, Love. Je rusha, Rae he l,and Lois.

The American Revolutionary War records the names of Andrus soldiers: David, Ichabod, William, Epaphras, Jona than, Theodore, John, Josiah, Richard, and Clement.

THE ANDRUS FAMILY (Ancestors of Hannah Eliza Andrus Gray)

JOHN ANDREWS ANDRUS) 1 ) Born:In England about 1 21. Deposed in 1701,that he was 80 years of age. Died: At Chebasco Parish, Ipswich,Mass.,April 20,1708. Married: Jane Jordan,da ughte r of Stephen and Susanna Jordan. Child: John ( Z ) Born: At Ipswich,Mass.,about 1646.

JOHN ANDREWS (ANDRUS) ( Z ) Born: At Ipswich,Mass., about 1646. Died: May 19,1717,at Norwich,Conn. Married: Judith Belcher,daughter of Jeremiah Belcher and Mary Lockwood. Born:Aug.19,1658. (From this generation the name is usually written:ANDRUS) Child: David ( 3 ) born at lpswich,Mass.

DAVID ANDRUS ( 3 ) Born: At Ipswich,Mass. Died: At Norwich,Conn.,about 1757. Married: Hannah Haskell, daughter of Roger Haskell and Hannah Woodbury,

February 14, 1711-12, at Norwich, Conn.

= 12 3 =


Born: January 23,1687,Beverly,Mass. Child: David ( 4 ) Born: July 2 9,1713,Norwich,Conn.

DAVID ANDRUS ( 4) Born: July 2 9,1713 ,Norwich,Conn. Died: February 24,1766,Norwich,Conn. Married:Mary Fitch,daughter of Benjamin Fitch and Hannah Reed. Born:September 26,1714. Died: January 22,1798,Pawlet, Vt. Children: 1. Hannah (5) Married: Joseph Palmer,May 1,1760.

2. Mary (5) Married: Joseph Fitch. 3. Zipporah (5) Married: Joseph Palmer,Dec.21,1769. Died:May 1775. 4. John (5) Married:Priscilla Samson Brewster,about 1778. 5. Amos (5) Married:Desire Fitch,removed to Pawlet, Vt. 6. Eunice (5) 7. Judith (5) Married:Cousin Zebediah Andrus,1754-58. 8. David (5) Born: February 12,1756,Norwich,Conn.

DAVID ANDRUS ( 5 ) Born: February 12 ,1756,Norwich,Conn. Died:February 9,1849,East Trumbull,Ashtabula County,Ohio. Married:Abigail McDonald. Born:1757. Died:1839. Children: l. David (6) Born:1785,Mass.

2. Ebenezer (6) Born: January 18,1789. 3. Alanson (6) Born:Penfield,Ontario County, N.Y.Married:Hester __ _ 4. Abjah (6) Married:Leonard Blackmar. 5. Alta (6) Born:October 1800,New York.

DAVID ANDRUS ( 6 ) Born:1785,Mass. Children: 1. Stephen (7) Born:1812,New York.

2. John (7) Born:1817 ,New York. 3. Almira (7) Born:1825,Ohio.

ALTA ANDRUS ( 6 ) Born:October 1800 ,New York. Died: 1897 ,Ohio. Married:1819,And.rew Winney (Winnie) Born:1799. Died:1858, Children: l .Sarah (7) Born:1828. Married: James D. Hall.

2.Julia (7) Born:1839. Married:W.P.Parham. 3. Wallace (7) Born: 1842. Married: Emma Quick. 4. ____ s. ___ 6. ____ 1. ___ _

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EBENEZER H~ ANDRUS (6) Born: January 18,1789,N. Y. Died:April 2 9,1875,Morgan,Ashtabula County,Ohio. Married:Sally Ann Close (Cloes) daughter of Charles Close and Hannah Whitney. Born:Oct.17 ,1787 ,Saratoga,N. Y. Died:Oct.10,1877, Morgan,Ohio. Children: 1. Fitch J. (7} Born:1818,Austinburg,O. Died:February 8,1905.

Married: Rebecca Dustin Sanborn, June 8,1848.Born:1823. Died: June 5,1906.

2. George W. {7) Born: July 15,1819,Austinburg,O.Died: July 2 7 ,1900. Married: Fidelia Davis, January 1,1844.Born:Oct.23 ,1822

Died: June 15,190 5. 3. Wm Hutcherson (7) Born:Aug.22,1821. Died:Sept.28,1908.

Married:Ann Orilla Worthing,Dec.2 5,1852. 4. Alanson Eliacomb (7} Born:Harpersfield,O.,Feb.14,1823.Died:Aug.5, '0 1

Married:Eliza Ann Cole,November 9,1847. 5. Julia Ann (7) Born:Nov. 9,1816. Died:Sept.11,1887.

Married:Stoddard Hubbard, January 21,1836. 6. Sarah Ann (7) Born: Harpersfield,O.,1826. Died: June 24,1864.

Married:William Davis,November 20,1859.

ALANSON ELIACOMB ANDRUS ( 7 ) Born:Harpersfield,Ohio,February 14,1823. Died:Saybrook Twp,Ashtabula County,O.

August 19,190 5. Married:Eliza Ann Cole,daughter of Chas.and Hannah Cole,Nov. 9,1847. Born:October 29,1825. Died:Saybrook Twp,Ashtabula County,Ohio,May 22,1878. Children: 1. Robert S. (8) Born:December 9,1848. Died in infancy.

2. Chas.C. (8) Born: Feb. 7 ,1851.Married:Grace Brown, January ll,1S74. 3. Karl B.(8) Born:August 21,1852. 4. Emmet S. (8) Born:August 28,1854. Died in infancy. 5. Granville Orestes (8) Born:Sept.10,1856. Died:January 21,1930.

Married:Katie Jeffers,December 24,1883. 6. George King (8) Born: July 7 ,1858.Died: Warren,Ohio,August 2,1924.

Married:Minnie Estabrook,March 18,1885. 7. John Henon (8) Born:Sept.23,1860. Died:December 22,1930.

Man;ied: Carrie Bibbs, May 7 ,1890. 8. Hannah Eliza (8) Born:July 8,1861/62.Died:February 4,1949.

Married:George Marshall Gray,May 28,1884. 9. Julia Pearl (8) Born:April 4,1866.

Married:Harland P. Jeffers,November 1,1890. 1 O. Mary Agusta (8) Born: January 3,1871. Died:February 14,1871.

:= 12 5 =


HANNAH ELIZA ANDRUS ( 8 ) Born: July 8,1861/62 ,Saybrook Twp.Ashtabula County,Ohlo. Died:Februa ry 4, 1949, Fos toria,Ohio. Married: George Marshall Gray,son of James G.Gray and Eliza J.Root,

May 28,1884,Saybrook Twp.Ashtabula County,Ohio. Born:Octobe r 18, 1860, Elmore ,Ohio. Died:Septembe r 9 ,1943, r~ostoria ,Ohio. Children: I.Merton Brevier (9) Born:Medina,Ohio,May 1,1885. Died:Fostoria,

Ohio,Novembe r 12 ,1934. Married: Florence Louise Olmsted,Aug.17, '15. 2.Allen Gordon (9) Born: Medina,Ohio,May 24,1887. Married:Clara

Teresa Wertz,April 21,1917. 3 .Ma rgue rite Eliza (9) Born: Fostoria ,Ohio,Augus t 4,1889. Married:

William Blakeley Holliday ,November 14, 1914. 4. James G. (8) Born: Fostoria ,Ohio,Septembe r 14, 1891.Mar ried:_Ethel

Ludemann,July 26,1917. 5. Thelma Mild red: (9) Born: Fostoria.Ohio, July 8, 1898. Married:

Chester Forrester Dunham,September 27,1921.

THE ANDRUS ANC!:-:STRAL CITATION Alanson Eliacon1b Andrus

"He was a highly respected citizen and one who aided much in the the settlement of this part of the country. Mr.Andrus was an old resident of Ashtabula County,having resided on the farm for 50 years.was born in Trum­bull County,in 1823,and moved to lake shre near Indian Creek with his wife in 1840. He has lived in Saybrook ever since. Alanson Andrus died at the age of 82 at the home of Charles .. Andrus of Redbrook." Ashtabula Beacon Record," Thursday August 17,1905.

Hannah Eliza Andrus Gray 1. A Founder and Charter Member of the Womens Club of

Fostoria,Ohio. 2. A Charter Members of the Fostoria,Ohio,Chapter of the

Daughters of the American Revolution. 3. For many years a devoted Teacher of a Young Womens Class

of the First Presbyterian Church Sunday Schhol. 4. A President of _the Womens Christian Temperance Union of

Fostoria ,Ohio. 5. A President of the Missionary Society of the First Presbyterian

Church of Fostoria,Ohio. 6. A President of the Colloquial Circ le of Fostoria, Ohio. 7. Memorialized: The Pipe Organ Cimes: Park Congregational

Christian Church, Toledo,Ohio::by her daughter Thelma Gray Dunham.

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The Dedication of the Hannah Eliza Andrus Gray Memorial Chi111es Sunday,May Bth,1949

Chester Forrester Dunham: Scripture: Sing unto the Lord,all the earth, Sing unto God ye Kingdoms of the earth, 0 sing praises unto the Lord. Take a Psalm,and bring hither the timbrel, the pleasant harp with the Psaltery. Hearken to the sound of the trwnpet, 0 sing unto the Lord a new sing.

Thelma Gray Dunham: As an act of devotion I present to Park Church this set of Memorial Chimes in memory and honor of 1ny mother, Mrs.Hannah Andrus Gray.

Cecil E. Curtice: As Chairman of the Cabinet of Park Church,in behalf of the Congregation and Officers, I accept this Memorial Gift expressing the gratitude of Park Church Family for this act of devotion.

The Minister: To the Glory of God. The Congregation: We dedicate these Chimes. The Minister: To the honor of Jesus. The Congregation: We dedicate these Chimes. The Minister: For the Beauty of Worship. The Congregation: We dedicate these Chimes.

Dedication Prayer: We humbly pray that these Chimes may share the harmony,melody,and glory of the Living God with this Church Family. May we worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness through these Chimes. In the Name of the Master who sang sacred songs with His disciples,we pray,Amen.

Dedication Song with Chimes: "In the Garden. "The favorite hymn of Mother Gray. Duet: Mrs.O.M.E.Schi ck and Miss Mildred Cowell.

= 12 7 =


THE CLOES (CLOSE) F AMlLY (Ancestnrs nf Sally Cloes (Close) Andrus)

CHARLES CLOES ( l ) Bnrn: Belfast,Nnrth lreland,1756. Died: Webster,Mnnrne County,New York,September 10,1838. Married: ( l ) Sally -----Married: ( 2 ) Hannah Whitney,1784,Ballston,New York. Bnrn: 1767. Died: Webster,Monroe County,New York,June 23,1842. Children: 1.SALLY ( 2) Bnrn: 1787. Died: September 10,1877.

2,Hannah ( 2) Born: 1791. Married: John J.King. Died:January 1873. 3.James ( 2) Born:1800. 4.Clara ( 2 ) Born: 1806, 5.Charles ( 2 ) Born: 1808. Died: 1888, 6.Carnline ( 2 ) Bnrn:1810--11. 7.Pruellen ( 2 ) Married: Mr.Gregory. 8.Nancy ( 2 ) 1.:arried: Jnshua Ray.

SALLY CLOES ( l ) Bnrn:Sarat"ga,New Ynrk,1787. Died: Mnrgan,Ohin,Septembe r 10, 1877. Married: Ebenezer Andrus, Penfield, New Y nrk, Bnrn: January 18,1789. Died:Mnrgan,Ohin,April 29,1875. Child: ALANSON ( 3 ) B()rn: Harpe rs fie ld,Ohin, 182 3,

ALANSON ANDRUS ( 3 ) Bf'lrn: Harpe rsfield,Ohin, February 14, 1823, Died:Saybrook Twp,Ashtabula County ,Ohio,August 9,190 5. Married: Eliza Ann Cnle,da ughte r of Charles and Hannah Cole ,Sept. 9,184 7.

Sister nf Charles and LeGrand Cole, Born:October 29,1825, Died:SaybrMlk Twp,Ashtabula County,Ohio,November 9,1877, Daughter: Hannah Eliza ( 4) Bnrn: Saybrook Twp,Ashtabula County,Ohio,August

8, 1861-62. Died: Fostoria,Ohio, February 14, 1949.

··········································································································· THE CLOES ANCESTRAL CITATION

Charles Cloes (Close) Charles Clnes enlisted November 1775 and serve0 as a Private under

Capt.Nathaniel Sniith's Artillery Co,Maryland,April 3,1778 under Capt Lansdale, Col.Samuel Smith- 4-Md.Discharged after c;:i.pture of Cornwallis.In battles:Mon­mnuth,Cnwpens,Camden,Guilford,;-ind capture of Cornwallis.

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U RACH:: WUR TT EM BERG: :GERMANY (The Eurnµean Residence nf the We l"tz Family)

Wurttemberr'.originallya Gerr11:in Kingdnm,and now a Republic,is :,n :1:~ricultural cnuntry,64% under cultiv:ition,,tnd 31% under forests. It is abnut 140 miles lnng,:tnd 100 miles wirle,bounded by Bavaria,Baden,and Lake c,,nsL1nce. Seventy per cent of the bnd belongs to the Rhine basin, :tnd thirty-nne per cent tn the basin of the D,rnube. The Bl;ick Forest en­shrines the natinns nMuntains:l/3 mountainous, 1/4 a plain,and 1/2 hilly.

Urach is a delightful,rnediaeval summer resort town of more than 5000 p,...,pulati,...,n,ad0rned by a 15th-16th century half-timbcr.l'd buildings,a Schhss,a late G,...,thic Parish Church,a R:1thdus,:1nd a market-place fount;iin. It is lncated at the cnnfluence nf the Rivers Elsach and Erms. Near-by tours evpl,..,re the remains nl Hr,henurach F()rtress and Ur:,ch Waterfall,ei ghty-1 iv e feet in he ii! h I.

THE WERTZ FAMILY (Ancestnrs "f Clara Teresa Wertz Gray::Germany:U.S.A.)

JACOB FREDERICK WERTZ ( l) B()rn: abnut 1790,Urach, Wurttemberg,Germany. Married: Maria Katharina,about 1810-11.Born: :1bnut 1790,Urach,Wurttern­

be rg ,Ge rn1any. Children: I.Mary Katharina (2) Born: February 3,1812.

2..Regina (2.) Bnrn: April 4,1815. 3.Henry (2) B"rn: July 2.6,182.2. 4.JOHN GEORGE WERTZ ( 2.) Born: August 20,182.3. 5.Jl.lichael (2) Bnrn·and died in Wurttcmberg,Germany.

JOHN GEORGE WERTZ ( 2) Bnrn: August 20,1823, Wurttemberg,Gerrn;rny. Died: Nov.10,1904,Bascom,O.

(The family emigrated to America in 1853) Married: Barbar,1 Brendle in 1849. Bnrn: Oct.29,1823. Died: Mar.20,1880. Children: I.Jacob (3) Bnrn:December ::0,1850.

2..Henry (3) Born: April 22,1856. 3.JOHN GEORGE WERTZ,JR. ( 3) Born: April 29,1860. 4.Barbara (3) Bnrn: January 6,1857. 'i.Mary (3) Born: November 30,1862. 6. Jnhn (3) Bnrn:and died in infancy: John, William and three others. 7.William (3)

JOHN GEORGE WERTZ,JR. ( 3) B'1rn: April 2.'),1860. Died: Septe!;l~~; 2.0,1')37.


Married:Ella L.Flack,daughter of Wilson and Anna Flack,April 12,1888. Born: June 27,186 7. Died: January 2 7 ,1901. Children: 1. Dore (4) Born:April 13,1889.

2. CLARA TERESA WERTZ ( 4) Born: April 17,1891. 3. Mark Twaine (4) Born: July 1,1894. 4. George Paul (4) Born:October 31,1899.

CLARA TERESA WERTZ ( 4) Born: April 17,1891. Married: Allen Gordon Gray,son of George M:trshall Gray and Hannah Eliza

Andrus,April 21,1917. Born: May 24,1888. Children: I. George Allen (5) Born:April 10 ,1918.

2. James Gordon (5) Born: September 2,1919. 3. Clara Jane (5) Born: January 30,1921. 4. Thomas Merton (5) Bnrn: April 4,1928.

DO RA WERTZ ( 4 ) Born: April 13,1889. Married: Walter Edward Davidson,son of John H,and Laura Davidson,August 2 9,

1912. Born: October 13,1889. Child: Walter Davidson, Jr. (5) Born: June 2 3 ,1926.

MARK TWAIN WERTZ ( 4) Born: July 1,1894. Married: July 11,1923,Hazel Marie King. Born: September 24,1894. Children: I. Mark Twain, Jr. (5) Born: June 19,1924.

2. Mary Ellen (5) Born: March 4,192 7. 3. Margaret Ann (5) Born:April 11,1931.

GEORGE PAUL WERTZ ( 4) Born: October 31,1899. Married: Maria Louise Osterholm,daughter of Martin Peter OsterhoLn,and

Emma Christine Lindwall. Born: February L',1902. Child: Paul Jr. (5) Born: August 7,192 7.


THE WERTZ ANCESTRAL CIT,\TlON Clara Teres:1 Wertz Gr;iy

I.Student at Heidelberg C0llege of Tiffin,Ohio,and the Americrn College of Physical Education of Chicago,Illinois.

2.Member nf the Public Educatinn Staff of Fostoria,Ohin: a.A four year term l"\f grade sch00l service. b.A three year term of service in the Jr.High School.

3. Vice President nf the Wnmens Club of Fostoria,Ohio. 4. President ,.,f the Band Mothers Organization of Fostoria,Ohio. 5. lst Presbyterian Churc h:Pre s.Ladie s Aid Society ,Pres. Mothers Club.Group

Leader: Presbyterian Guild, Departmental Church Schonl Superintendent. =.110,,.


TH~ HOLLIDAY FAMILY (Ancestors of William Blakeley Hollid:1y)

JAM£S HOLLIDAY ( l) Migrated from Ireland about 1730-40. Died: 1857,killed by Indians. Children: 1. John ( Z) Z.SAMUt:L ( 2) Born: October 25,1755.

SAMUEL HOLLIDAY ( 2 ) Born: October 2 S, 175 5. Died: November 10, 1841. Married: Jeanette Camrbell,l\.,arch 1797. Born:July 1770. Died:June 27,1861. Child: Samuel Holliday ( 3) Born: September 27,1805.

SAMUEL HOLLIDAY ( 3 ) Born: September 27,1805.--isT;d: No~-;mber 27,1891. Married: Elizabeth Porter. Born: Girard,Pa,1819. Died: 1890. Child: Charles Campbell ( 4 ) Born: April 30,1843.

CHARLES CAMPBELL HOLLIDAY ( 4 ) Born: April 10,1843. Died: May 20,1894,North Springficlcl,P;i. Married: Mary Zillah Blakeley,dau;~hter of Wrn Blakeley and Esther Brown,

October 29,1881. Born: April 30,1857. Died: Oct.~6.1943,Buffalo,N.Y. Children: l.William Bhkeley ( 5) Born: December 22,1882.

2.Kirl Jennings ( 5) Born: 1890. 3.Charles Campbell ( 5) WILLIAM BLAKELEY HOLLIDAY ( 5 )

Born: December 2.2 ,1882. ,North Springfield.Penna. Married: Marguerite Eliz,1 Gray.daughter of George Marshall Gray and

Hannah Eliza Andrus,Fostoria,Ohio,November 14,1914. Born: Fos torb, Ohio,Augus t 4, 1889.

Children: 1. William Samuel ( 6 ) Born: August 9,1916,Cleveland,Ohio. 2. Geoq~e Gray ( 6) Born: July 16,1921,Cleveland,Ohio.

WILLIAM SAMUEL HOLLIDAY ( 6 ) Born: August 9,1916,Cleveland,Ohio. Married: Beatrice M,Haskell,daughter of George O.Haskell and Christine M.

Kirchner,£! Paso,Tex:1s,January 6,1943. Born: June 11,1919,St.Louis,Mo. Children: 1. William George ( 7 ) Born: April 2, 1944,St.Louis, Mo.

2.Patricia Ann ( 7) Born: June 5,18,~8,Erie,Pa. 3.Jonathan Haskell ( 7) Born: November 2,1953,Conneaut,Ohio.

GEORGS GRAY HOLLIDAY ( 6 ) Born: July 16,1921,Cleveland,Ohio. Married: Laurn Sigrid Henler,daughter of Erl Kunkel Henley and Josie May

Craig.July 2.1943,Scotia,N.Y. Rorn: Oct.5,1922,Schenectady,N.Y. Children: I.Lynne Gray ( 7) Born:July 17,1946,Conneaut,Ohio.

2.Kathryn Lee ( 7) Born:June 3,1948,North Springfield,Penna. 1.Erl Craig ( 7) Born: (Still) August 15,1953,Conneaut,Ohio. 4.. Twins: Robert Henley ( 7 ) Born:Au;~,l,1954,Conneaut,Ohio. 5 .•••.•... Janice Ellen ( 7 ) Born:Aug.l,1954,Connea4t,Ohio. 6. Wm Blakeley (7) ••••·••••••; nt•;Born:March 14,1950.._ "Blake" II.)


THE FOX FAMILY (Ancestors of Ida Mary Fox Gray)

JACKSON FOX ( l) Born:New York State,1838. Died:Genesee County,Michigan. Married: Melissa Bush.Born: N. Y .State ,1840. Died: Flint, Michigan,1920. Children:!. Willis D. 2) 2.Adeline (2) 3.Alma (2) 4.Lewis (2) 5.Charles (2)

6.Arthur 2 7 .Frank (2) 8.Myrtle (2J p.Erving (2) IO.Clarence (2) WILLIS D.FOX ( 2 )

Born:Genesee County,Mich.,July 21,1857.Died:Bay City,Mich.,December 13,1928. Married:Ida A.Le Baron,daughter of Erastus Le Baron and Caroline Carpenter. Born:Sac ramento,Cal., Jan.31,1858. Died: Bay City ,Michigan, February 22 ,1901. Children:l.Caroline M.(3) 2.Erma M.(3) 3.Lewis Curtis (3) 4.Erwin J. ( 3 )

ER WIN D.FOX ( 3 ) Born:Bay City,Michigan,September 7,1894. Married: Clara Sophia Hale,daughter of Charles Wesley Hale and Mary Eliza­

beth La eke r ,Bay City,Mich.,Sept.6, 1916.Born:Bay City ,Mich. ,Dec.17 ,1895. Children:!. Ida Mary ( 4) 2.Jane Carolyn (4) 3.Bert C.(4) 4. William C. (4)

IDA MARY FOX ( 4 ) Born: Bay City ,Michigan, January 31,1918. Married:George Allen Gray,son of Allen Gordon Gray and Clara Teresa Wertz,

Bay City,Mich.,February 20,1943.Born:Fostoria,Ohio, pril 10,1918. Children: I.Robe rt Allen (5) Born: October 19 ,1944, Bay City ,Michigan.

2.David Marshall (5) Born:October 30)947,Fostoria,Ohio. 3 .Ric ha rd Charles (5) Born: December 20 ,1950, Fostoria ,Ohio.


ROSWELL HALE ( 1) Married:Sarah Worden,daughter of John Worden and Hannah Stark. Child:i\fortimer D.Hale ( 2 )

MORTIMER D. HAL£ 2) Married:Frances Maria Knox of Syracuse,N.Y. Her brother James Knox was

a Civil War Soldier who died in Anderson Prison,a P.O. W.) Children: I.Roswell (3) 2.Joseph (3) 3.John (3) 4.Alice (3) Married:John M.

Parker. Children:Mabel,Rebecca,Catherine,Trood and Paul. 5.Charles Wesley ( 3) 6.Annie (3) 7.Egbert (3)

CHARLES WESLEY HALE ( 3 ) Born: Dec ember lZ, 1861, Hickory Run,Penna, Died:April 13, 1945,Bay City, Mich. Married:Mary £lizabeth Lacker,daughter of Michael Lacker and Barbara ---November 19,1886. Born:July 28,1863.



Children:l.Egbert Charles (4) 2.Leslie Charles (4) 3.Clara Sophia ( 4) 4.Clifford Roswell (4)

CLARA SOPHIA HALE ( 4 ) Born:December 17,1895. Married:Erwin J.Fox son of Willis D.Fox and Ida A.Le Baron,Sept.6,1916. Born:Septembe r 7, 1894. Children: I.Ida Mary ( 5 ) 2.Jane Caroline (5) Born:December 27,1919.

3.Bert C.(5) Born:Decembe.r 4,1925. 4.Wm C.(5) Born:July 5,1928,

IDA MARY FOX ( 5) Born: January 31,1918,Bay City, Michigan. Married:George Allen Gray,son of Allen Gordon Gray and Clara Teresa Wertz,

Bay City,Mich.,Feb.20,1943. Born:Fostoria,Ohio,April 10,1918. Children:1.Robert Allen (6) Born:Oct.17,1944,Bay City,Michigan.

2.David Marshall (6) Born:October 30,1947,Fostoria,Ohio. 3.Richard Charles (6) Born:December 20,1950,Fostoria,Ohio.


ERASTUS LE BARON ( l) Married:Caroline Carpenter. Children: 1.Ida A (2) 2.Charles (2) 3.Ralph (2)

IDA A. LE BARON ( 2 ) Born: January 31,1858,Sacranento, California.Died: Feb.22 ,1901,Bay City,Michigan. Married: Willis D.Fox son of Jackson Fox and Melissa Bush. Born:July 21,1857,Genesee County,Mich. Died:December 13,1928,Bay City,Mich. Children: I.Caroline M. (3) 2.Erma M. (3) 3.Lewis Curtis (3) Erwin J. ( 3 )


CHRISTOPHER ST ARK ( 1 ) Married:Irvanna Walworth. Children: I.Aaron (2) Born:March 3,1732,Groton,Conn. A Pvt. in the Wyoming

Valley Company,rnassacre of July 3,1778, 2.Hannah ( 2 )

HANNAH STARK ( 2 ) Married: John Worden.son of Thomas Worden.

= 133 ::.



THOMAS WORDI::N ( l ) Born:He or dncestors emi:~r;ited from Engl:ind. Died: near PLtwlingstown,

duch*ess County,N.Y.,dl ;in advanced d:;e before the Americ;rn Revolution. Children:l.Thom;,s (2) 2.Jarnes (2) 3.Joseph (2) Killed in the Battle of Brandy­

wine. 4.Shub.iil (2) Killed in the Battle of White Plains. 5.Gilb~rt (2) Died durin:; the Anwric.,n Revolution. 6.John ( 2)

JOHN WORDEN ( 2. ) Born: !vL1rch 2'1,l73q,Horseneck,Conn.

Di<>d:J:rnu:iry 6,1842,W.dl County,N.Y.,102 ye,1rs,'J months,9 days. !vL1rried:H:rnn;ih St.1rk,chughter of A:1i-on St.irk.duch*ess County,N.Y., Chi 1 d re n: f o u rte e n . S • S. 1 r; 1 h W o rd e n ( 3 ) B or n: I 7 8 3 •

The John Worden F:nllily lived 0:1 .i pbin south-east of Wilkesbarre, Pa.,in Wordentown,now ,1 non-existent ,·or.1111unity. John was a private

in Wyor11ing V:tlley,P.1.,Corr1p,1ny under C:1pl.Simon Spaulding :,nd en­:~aged in the B:1ttles of Br:1ndywine,Gerrn:mtown,Mud Cret.!k, Bound

Brook.and '.\,ill Stone. At .t Revolution:iry W,tr Veter~tns meeting in 1830, he was the oldest,:1ged ninety ye;irs,

SARAH WORDl::N ( 3 )

Born: 1783. ;,~arried: (1) l:::lijah Gould.son of Jerome Gould. Children: l.lsaac (4) .?..Stephen (4) 3.John (4) 4.!vi;iry (4)

Married: (2) Roswell Hale. Son: Mortimer D.Hale ( 4) ..............................................................................................................



B;:irb:ua .:=lizabeth Children: 1.John (2) 2.!\iarg;.iret (2) 3.Hannah (2) 4.K.i t_h_e_r_i_n_e-(2-)...--5.Ge rt rude (2) 6.Pete r (2) 7 .Sophia (2)

8. !'.fa ry .:: liz~1beth ( 2 ) 'I. B:i rb:1 r;t (2).


Born: July 28,1863. Died: ------I\,iarried: Charles Wesley Hale,November 19,1886. Born:Dec.26,1861,Hickory Run,

P;i. Died: April 13,1'145,Bay City.Michigan. Children: 1.::::gbert Ch;.irles (3) 2.Leslie Charles (3) 3.Clar:i Sophia (3)

4.Clifford Roswell (3) .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = 134 =-


THE W £ LL Y FAMILY (Ancestors of Mary Louise Welly Gray)

PETER W£LLY ( l) Born: __ ~--- Died: 1917. Married: Barb;ira Theis. Born: ___ Died: Jan.1929. Children: 1. John ( 2 ) 2. 1\~ichael ( 2 ) 3. William ( 2 ) 4. Simon Peter ( 2 )

5. Anthony ( 2 ) 6. Lena ( 2 ) 7. Laur:i ( 2 ) 8. Clara ( 2 ) 9. Theresa {2) 10. Levine ( 2 )

SIMON P£T£R W£LLY ( 2) Born: Alvada ,Ohio, Feb.2 5, 1880. Died: Wooster, Ohio, May 2 5, 1934. Married:Emma Louise Wangler,daughter of Charles Wangler and Rosa Kern,

October 12,1909,Alvada,Ohio. Born: January 30,1880,Alvada,Ohio. Children: 1. Vincent Alfred ( 3 ) 2. Ralph Eugene ( 3 ) 3.Charles Elmer ( 3 )

4 • .lv1a ry Louise ( 3 ) MARY LOUISE WELLY ( 3)

Born:May 5,1927. Married:James Gordon Gray,son of Allen Gordon Gray and Clara Teresa Wertz,Jan.28,1950,Fostoria,Ohio.

Born:Septembe r 2, 1919, Fostoria, Ohio. Children:: Twins: I.Mary Jane ( 4 ) Born: June 24,1951,Fostoria,Ohio.

2,Susan Jane ( 4 ) Born: June 24,1951,Fostoria,Ohio.


Born: February 11,1850. Died:September 29,l0B. Married:Rosa Kern,daughter of Xavier Kern :rnd M:trie Agnes Smith,February

1,1877. Born: June 16,1855. Died:Febn1:try 17,1936. Children: I.Jerome ( 2 ) Emma Louise ( 2 ) 3.Jennie ( 2 ) 4.Catherine ( 2. )

5.Levi ( 2) 6.James ( 2) 7.Frank ( 2) 8.Donald ( 2) EMMA LOUISE WANGLER ( 2)

Born: January 30, 1880 ,Alvada ,Ohio. Married:Simon Peter Welly,son of Peter Welly and Barbara Theis,October 12,

1909,Alvada Ohio. Born:Feb,25,1880,Alvada,O.Died:May 25,1934, Wooster, Ohio.

Children: l. Vincent Alfred ( 3 ) 2.R,dph Eugene ( 3 ) 3.Charles Elmer ( 3 ) 4.~'½ary Louise ( 3 )


Born: 1785. Died: 1865. Married: Agatha 1815,Luxemburg. Children: All born in Luxemburg:came to America in 1835.

1.Xavier (2) 2.Alois (2) 3.Peter (2) 4.Joseph (Z) 5.Anthone (2) 6.Conrad ( 2) 7 .Rosa Agatha ( 2 )

= 13 5 =


XAVIER KERN ( 2 ) Born: 1817. Died: 186 3. Married: Marie Agnes Smith, 1845. Born: 182 9. Dicd:Novembe r 24,1913. Children: l.Henry (3) 2. Elizabeth (3) 3.Mary Agatha (3) 4.Carrie (3)

5.Josephine (3) 6.Rosa ( 3) Born:June 16,1855. 7.Catherine (3) 8.Peter (3) 9.Nichobs (3)

ROSA KERN ( 3 ) Born: June 16,1855. Died: February 17,1936. Married:Charles Wangler.February 1,1877. Born: Feb.11,1850. Died: Sept.29,1933. Children: 1. Jerome (4) Z. tmma Louise ( 4 ) 3. Jennie ( 4) 4.Ca the rine (4)

5.Levi (4) 6.James (4) 7.Frank (4) 8.Donald (4) ..............................................................................................................


••The honorable name of GRAY is of old English origin and is a de riv a-

tive of "graeg" meaning elderly and gray. Lt is a fine old "personal appear-

ance" name bestowed upon your ancestors who lived to a very old age with

wisdom and uncle rstanding. Your name has a most noble heritage and is one

of which you may well be proud."

............................................................................................................. THE GRAY FAMILY


1. Seville and area. 2 .Medina.


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4.Fostoria. 5.Cleveland.

6. Toledo.



Massachusetts Families: Dunham,Morton, Whiston,Rickard,Perry,Chase,and Gray.

Massachusetts is the Indian word meaning "Great Hills" signifying the Blue Hills near Boston. The Old Bay State is 184 miles in length,has an av­erage breadth of 48 miles,an area of 8315 square miles including a water sur­face of 275 square miles,with an ocean frontage of nearly 300 miles with the indentations. The vocations are:manufacturing,farming,fishing,and commerce. This State is the home of the 1620 Pilgrims of Plymouth,the Puritans of Boston, Conant and the later witches of Salem,Harvard University of Cambridge,the B05 ton Massacre,the Boston Tea Party,the Battles of the American Revolution: Lexington and Concord,and Bunker Hill. The State is the headquarters of the branches of Christendom:Congregational, Unitarian, Universalist,and Christian Science. These intellectuals of the hub of the universe are called "Bean eaters from an old fashioned New England habit of making a regular Sunday meal of baked beans prepared on the day before to avoid Sabbath labor."

Vermont Families: Dunham ,Fay ,Billings,Kenney,and Andrus.

Vermont means Green Mountain symbolizing the mountainous land­scape covered by evergreen trees. The Green Mountain State is 158 miles long, a northern boundary width of 90 miles, the southern boundary width of 40 miles, an area of 9565 square miles including 430 square miles of water surface. The vocations are: agriculture,especially dairy farming.granite 'mining' and maple sugar producton. The Green Mountain boys were stalwart American Revolu­tionary Veterans,led by Ethan Allen and Benedict Arnold,captured Fort Ticon­deroga,May 10,1776. Joseph Smith, the creator of a new American religion,Mor­monism, was born in Sharon, Vermont,in 1805. President Calvin Coolidge,was born at Plymouth, Vermont. It is an eternal Yankee Republican Party State.

Iowa Families: Dunham,Billings,MacMillan,Chapman,and Stebbins.

Iowa was named after a river of the same name,an Indian word sig­nifying the beautiful land or beautiful country. It is also said to mean a tribe of former resident Indians:the "Sleepy Ones." This Hawkeye State refers to Indian Chief Hawkeye,a frontier menace and terror to early pioneers. Iowa is 300 mile in length,200 miles in breadth,an area of 65,147 square miles,inclu-

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sive of 561 square miles of water surface. The State flower is the wild rose, and the State songs are ''Iowa'' and the ''Iowa Corn Song.'' In this typical State of the Plains,the basic vocation is agriculture: especially corn production,also oats,wheat,cattle and hogs. The Iowa farmers enthusiastically supported the Granger Movement. Many Iowans retire to California.

Illinois Families: Powell, Dunham, Miller, Ketchwn, and Barbour.

Illinoian (Illinoisan) means: ( 1 ) The Illinoian Stage of the Pleisto­cene Glacial Epoch in the Geological History of the World. ( 2 ) The State of Illinois. ( 3 ) The Illinois River. ( 4) The Illini lndians,an Algon·quin Confed­eracy comprised of the Peorias,Moingwenas,Kaskaskias,Cahokias, Ta1naroas, and Michigameas Tribes. ( 5 ) A native or resident of the State. ( 6) The in­habitants of the State. The Prairie State is 379 :niles in length, 212 miles in greatest breadth,with an area of 56,650 square miles including 650 square miles of water surface. The chief vocations are: manufacturing,agriculture:corn pro­duction,stock raising and dairy farming,coal mining,mail order business,rail transportation,artd lake commerce. Chicago,the metropolitan city of the State, is the central market and distribution center of the United States,with radiating railways,air lines,and highways for trucks and motor cars. The Chicago Board of Trade (grain), the Furniture Mart (a huge structure) ,and the Meat-Packing in­dustry ,all are 'centralized' in Illinois in Chicago. The Illinois State flower is the violet,and the State Song is "Illinois.'• The greatest man in the history of Illinois is President Abraham Lincoln. The most famous woman in the life of the State is the American Sociologist of Hull House Settlement in Chicago, Jane Addams. The most prominent business-men are Cyrus Hall McCormick,the in­ventor of the reaper,Marshall Field 'creator' of a noteworthy department store, George M.Pullman,the 'inventor-builder of the first modern sleeping car and Joseph Medill McCormick of the "World's Greatest Newspaper" the Chicago Tribune. The world's first modern skyscraper was built in Chicago,Illinois, the twenty-storied Masonic Temple,State Street and Randolph.

North Dakota Family members: Chester F ., Thelma Gray.,Chester Gray, Wm.F .Dunham.

Dakota is the Indian word which refers a confederation of tribes,mea1r ing allied. The nickname of the Dakota Indians was ''Sioux.'' This Flickertail State is 360 miles long,212 miles wide, with the area of 70,795 square miles, of grassy prairies,undulating plains,and plateaus. The comprehensive vocation is agriculture making this the great cereal State,on the Canadian borderland.

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Ohio Families: Gray, Andrus, Dunham, Yates, Powers, Cosgray,and Wertz.

Ohio is the Iroquoian Indian word Ouabouskigou, meaning big, beauti­ful river: the Ohio River and the State of Ohio. This State is called the Buckeye State not simply because there are resident trees of the Buckeye of the horse chestnut family,but because when the Indians saw Territory Sheriff.Col.Ebene­zer Sproat,6 fett 4 inches tall,they called him "Big Buckeye." Ohio is 223 miles long,210 miles wide,with an area of 41,060 square miles,inclusive of 300 square miles of water surface. It has been described as a vast undulating plain. The vocations are:manufacturing,agriculture;corn production,also wheat and hay coal mining, lake fishing,and fruit orchards of apples,peaches,pears and grapes. Ohio has been named the State of the Presidents: Ulysses S,Grant,Rutherford B, Hayes, James A, Garfield, William McKinley, Wm Howard Taft,and Warren G. Harding. The greatest Ohio inventor is Thomas A. Edison. The pioneer air­plane inventors of greatness are Orville and Wilbur Wright. The city of Dayton is a chief national aviation center,Akron a rubber center, Toledo,motor cars arrl auto parts,also a glass center, Youngstown an iron and steel manufacturing cen­ter,Cincinnati,household products.and Cleveland,a super industrial center,with Colwnbus the State Capitol.

Pennsylvania Families: Powell, Hice, Fowler, and Gibson.

Pennsylvania honors the name of Proprietor William Penns,father, the British admiral,Sir William Penn. This is the Keystone State because of its position and importance among the original thirteen colonies,later states. The greatest length of the State is 305 miles,the breadth 160 rniles,and the area is 46,500 square miles, A great industrial state :iron and steel products, coal min­ing,factories for carb, locomotives ,autos,elcctrical machinery, textile s,and ocean commerce. The State is a glorious historic center:lndependence Hall,the Dec­laration of Independence, Valley Forge,the battle of Gettysburg,Philadelphia,the national capital for a decade,and the Betsy Ross creative shop of the Stars and Stripes. The personalities of these historic heritage events:George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson,Marquis de Lafayette,Baron von Steuben, and Abraham Lincoln. Pennsylvania is the colonial headquarters of the English Quakers (Friends),the Germans (Penna Dutch),and the Scotch-Irish.

Connecticut Families: Andrus and Billings.

Connecticut State is named from the Connecticut River,which is an

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Indian word meaning "Long River." It is also called the "Nutmeg State" and the "Wooden Nutmeg State." Most of the Yankee peddlers sold the genuine 'spice'.while some 'palmed off' a wooden fake kernel. The greatest length of the State is 104 miles,the greatest breadth 76 miles,the average width 57 miles, the are being 4990 square miles,including the water surface of 145 square miles It is primarily a manufacturing State,producing firearms,ammunition,clocks, typewrite rs,brass goods ,hardware ,hats,pins,needles,and electrical machinery. New Haven created a competitor of Harvard University,none other than Yale, the trinitarian motto being: .. For God,For Country,and for Yale ... Yale also locks as well as University. Hartford,the State Capitol ,is a leading insurance center. Some of the famous historic characters are: Noah Webster of the huge dictionary fame,Henry Ward Beecher of Civil War preaching publicity,Harriet Beecher Stowe of Uncle Tom's Cabin propaganda,and John Brown of the buried body song. Connecticut has also been dubbed the bedroom of New York City.

New York Families: Gray, Andrus, and Dunham

New York: the city,colony,and later State,were originally Dutch,and when the British seized control of New Amsterdam,New Netherlands,or New Orange,the city and colony were re-named New York,honoring James,the Duke of York,the brother of the British King. New York is 312 miles north to south, 326 miles east to west,the area being 49,170 square miles inclusive of 1550 square miles of water surface. The vocations are:manufacturing,commerce, and agriculture, New York is known as the Empire State,the leading city,New York City,is a metropolis, or a business center of basic impo.rtance,industrial­ly and commercially,is a cosmopolitan center of many races,especially the Jews and negroes,and is the world•s financial center,symbolized by Wall St.

New York State is an important food-producing region:grapes,apples,vegetables, poultry,eggs,milk,and honey. Rochester,the "Flower City" is the worlds lead­ing precision-made equipment center:noted for cameras,thermometers,optical goods,dental supplies and electrical equipment. Utica has large textile mills: producing: woolens ,knitgoods ,pillow cases, sheets and rayon textiles.Syracuse is an industrial center for television and radio receivers,air conditioning equip­ment,chemicals,laundry equipment,and washing machines. New York City has the leading University:Columbia;silversmith, Tiffany;hotel, Waldorf-Astoria;and the worlds tallest skyscrape r:the Empire State Building, 102 stories, 1248 feet above 5th Ave and 34th St.Broadway is the city's theatrical lane,Park Ave the aristocratic apartment lane, 5th Ave tn<..! fancy shopping lane ,and the Greenwich Village art rendezvous portrays Minetta Lane, Three famous newspapers are: the New York Times,the New York Tribune,and the New York Herald.

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Salzburg,Austria Salzburg: (German:Salt Castle) so named because of the local

abundance of salt. Salzburg is a mountainous province of Austria,and also the capital city of the province. The region is in area 2762 square miles, 16o/. being unproductive,llo/o in crops,l0o/. in meadows,for forestry and pastoral activities, 30o/• and the provincial population is 324,117,while the city has 100,196 inhabitants.

In the days of the Roman Empire the province was Noricwn and the city was Juvavwn. In the Middle Ages powerful Roman Church archbishops autocratically ruled the territory,exiling all Protestants during the era of the Protestant Reformation. The Salzburg Alps create beautiful scenery and also the Salzach River at the foot of the Hohensalzbul'g,a mediaeval fortress. ln the city are eight convents,twenty-five churches,a 17th century cathedral of perfect Renaissance style,modeled after Saint Peters of Vatican City,a 15th century Town Hall,an imperial palace,a castle,a museum,and the birthplace of Mozart.

Salzburg is a great tourist recreational center,featuring the famous Musical Festival. There is manufactured here:book binding,musical instruments, marble and iron productsAt times Mediaeval Miracle plays are presented.

, Algiers,Algeria,Africa Algeria is a legal and political part of France,not an African Col­

ony,or Protectorate. It comprises an area of 847,552 square miles,with a popu­lation of 8,681,785 or 9,251,000;theNorthernSection including Algiers,Oran,and Constatine,80,117 square miles,while the Southern Section comprises Ain Sefra, Ghardaia, Touggourt ((Tuggart)) Saharan Oases, 747,435 square miles. The his­toric predecessors of the French were the Carthaginians,Romans, Vandals,By­zantines,Arabs,and Turks. Algeria was the Roman Numidia while Algiers was the Roman lcosium. Algiers is located on the west side of the Bay of Algiers, the new modern French part being located on the lower ground along the sea coast, while the Mediaeval Moslem part is back of the modern section on higher ground surmounted by the kasbah,a fortress of the Middle Ages,bazaars,Moorish homes along the narrow,steep streets crowded with natives. The vocations are agriculture and comn1erce. The chief products are wine,wheat,barley,dates,and olive oil. The mineral exports are:iron,zinc,antimony and phosphates. For three centuries in other years Algeria has been the headquarters for piracy.

Accra,Gold Coast,Central West Africa The Gold Coast is an African Crown Colony being politically edu­

cated soon to become a self-governing member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The population is 4,500,000, 99.So/. negro,6, 770 non-African,and the area is 79,000 square miles, religiously,66 % animist 30 % Christian,and 4% Moslem.

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Christopher Columbus visited Gold Coast in 1482,and gold has been dug from G.C. mines since 1483. The coast line is 345 rniles,extending inland 300 miles. Postage stamps have been issued since 1875,stamp varieties;l67,from lp to 20sch. The vocations are:agricultural and rnining;the largest cocoa producer in the world.consisting of more than one-third of the total world crop;palm oil, coffee ,copal, live-stock, monkey skins, mahogany, rubber, gold,diamonds,and manganese ore. Gold Coast in slavery days was the principal headquarters of New World slave traffic ,and the re still lingers cannibalistic tradition-memory in the northern part of the Colony. An important local chief is enstooled on a mahogany stool,the symbol of high an umbrella,and when he loses his power,he is de stooled. The stool is the Gold Coast 'throne.' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

GOLD COAST by World Traveler. "This country is divided into four parts: ( 1 ) The "Colony" which

comprises the semi-Westernized coastal region; ( 2 ) Ashanti,which is the heavily forested central region where cocoa is grown; ( 3 ) The sparsely pop­ulated,semi-arid Northern Territories; and ( 4) British Togoland which is a backward narrow strip of country lying along the eastern border of the Gold Coast proper. The people of the "Colony" want a centralized and partially socialized state under the leadership of Nkrumah. The people of Ashanti,on the other hand,have long been closely knit in the semi-autonomous,Spartan-like Ashanti ''nation.'' They have great living tribal traditions to which they gjve their first loyalty. Consequently,the Ashantis demand a federated state rather than a centralized state •.• The shore line to the east and to the west of Accra stretches in both directions in a relatively straight to the horizon. The line con­sists of a broad expanse of sand over which green coconut palms gracefully arch up to the blue sky. South of the shore line lies the great blue Atlantic. North of the shore line luxuriant green tropical vegetation mantles the land. Nowhere are there any hills or rocky eminences to be seen; nowhere are there any bays or rivers. All is flat,with the blue sea to the south,the thick green tropical vegetation to the north,and the great sandy beach in between. Accra is a ter1n applied to a handful of villages loosely joined together by several boulevards and a jumble of narrow,winding,bumpy country roads. Much of the settled area ..• a confusion of one storey concrete huts covered by corrugated iron sheets. ln other areas are spacious rambling bungalows and villas surrounded by exten­sive and well-tended lawrts and flower beds •.• In most areas the streets are not lighted at night,and the pedestrians have no sidewalks.In Accra there are five or six open-air movie theaters .•• beginning at 8.30 each evening. The program: several short subjects,lantern slide ads,a news reel (British coverage) the main feature (American,or British.or lndian,or French) finally a color shot of the Queen with a few strains of the National Anthem.

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Dick and Nancy lived in Columbus near the Student Union building while Dick was completing some graduate studies and Nancy was finishing two years of undergraduate courses. Dick entered the Army at Fort Knox,and later he and Nancy established their residence at Eliza be thtown,Kentucky.

Columbus is the capitol of the State of Ohio, the seat of Franklin County, the home of Ohio State University, of the Ohio Penitentiary, of Fort Hayes of the United States Army Reservation, of the Ohio State Fair Grounds, and Camp Chase Civil War Confederate Cernetery,where 2,260 soldiers are enshrined. This site at the confluence of the Scioto and Olentangy Rivers,was platted in 1812, was n ,med Columbus by the State Legislature,February 22,1812., was made the Capitol in 1816, and was chartered or incorporated in 1834. The stately Capitol "mansions" portray the Greek Doric architectural style,costing two million,five hundred thousand dollars.

Columbus is really six cities in one: ( l ) The politicians,legislators, and lobbyists. ( 2 ) The professors and students at Ohio State University. ( 3 ) The business managers and employees of industry and commerce. ( 4) The Warden,guards and convicts of the State Penitentiary. ( 5 ) The officers and the soldiers at Fort Hayes. ( 6) The residences of the citizens of Columbus.

The central,principal,historic growth streets of Colwnbus are High Street, "a long,commercial corridor," and Broad Street,especially east of High, some years ago an aristocratic residential 'boulevard' transformed today into filling stations,small shops,auto and insurance companies,and apartments.

Columbus is the nations leader in the manufacturing of mining ma­chinery, the worlds leader in the production of oilcloth,and other coated fabrics, also making cone rete-mixing machinery, boilers ,engines, furniture ,earthenware, clothing,uniforms,regalia,shoes,fire engines,artificial teeth,and meat packing.


Dick and Nancy re sided in an antique ,Southern, brick 'mansion' in Elizabethtown, while Dick was serving as a Company Clerk at Fort Knox, and Nancy was a civilian secretary in the Army aeroplanes materials headquarters. Here in this Army Hospital their son was born,named Markus Democrates Dunham, and all three were influenced by the Southern atmosphere,heritage, and sociability,although none have acquired a Southern accent.

Kentucky, originally the Colony of Transylvania, later was re-named Kentucky, an Indian derivation meaning:' 'the dark and bloody ground• 'because

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of the bloody battles between the Indian tribes on these hunting grounds. The Ken­tucky folks have been dubbed "Corn-crackers" referring to the common game bird species the Corncrake, with a peculiar cry ,frequenting the cornfields. This is the "Blue Grass State" because of the color of grass seed vessels at fruiting time. The State Song is "My Old Kentucky Home" by Stevens Collins Foster, the song composer. The greatest breadth of Kentucky is 190 miles,the extreme length 460 miles,and the area,inclusive of 400 square miles of water surface is 40,400 square miles. The vocation is primarily agriculture:tobacco production, livestock raising, whiskey distillation,and recreationally horse-raising and racing Daniel Boone is the most famous early Kentucky pioneer.and the modern Ken­tucky gentlemen are called "":Colonels."

Elizabethtown,42 miles south of Louisville,is the seat of Hardin

County,and is a large rural trading center for live stock,grain,tobacco,dairy products,flour and brick. In 1780 Col. Andrew Hynes and two other' Virginians constructed three stockades in this area,and in 1793 Col. Hynes laid this town laid out in a wheel pattern.and named it in honor of his wife Elizabeth.

Thomas Lincoln lived here in 1796,served on juries,guarded prisoners and was assessed for a horse in 1840-05, In 1806 he married Nancy Hanks,in 1808 he bought the Sinking Spring Farm,about 20 miles from E-Town. On Febru­ary 12, 1809 Abraham Lincoln was born, the birthplace now being the Lincoln Memorial National Park.

In Elizabethtown in 1818 the stagecoach inn, "Hill House~• was built,a simple, two story brick structure with a low-pitched gable roof.and the inside end chimney. This is now the Brown-Pusey Community House ,presented to £-Town by Doctors W .A.Pusey and Brown Pusey,of Chicago,Illinois. In the 19th Century the Old Eagle House was constructed,now the Smith Hotel. Jenny Lind sang from the steps of the Community House.on April 5,1851.


After the Army experience, Dick and Markus,moved to a brick home in Worthington,a northern suburb of Colwnbus,while Nancy was edu­cating Mark,Dick took courses in Political Science at Ohio State,passing the U.S. Civil Service exam with a grade of 99.6o/' •. Meanwhile he became an employee of the Lazarus Dept.Store of Columbus,and was promoted in a few weeks. Nancy is taking night courses at Ohio State for her

Worthington was settled in 1803 by Col. James Kilbourne and 100 asso­ciates from New England. The Colonel named the town after the Worthington Connecticut Parish. It was a colonial village square, surrounded by church spires stores and homes. One Pastor the Rev. Thomas Woodrow was the grandfather of President Woodrow Wilson. The town has an educational record of the rise and = 144 decline of educational enterprises:an Academy,a Medical College,a Female Sem­inary,and Normal School. In the town inn.Pres. W.H.Harrison & Monroe slept there.


THEODORE ROOSEVELT Senior CL1ss Oration: June 1910, William McKinley High School,Chicago.

Chester F. Dunham,Orator

The viL11ity and progress of a nation depend largely upon the leaders produced during momentous events. The needs of a nation demand that it is as supremely necessary to produce great generals of peace as it is to produce great generals of war.

It was Washington's duty to free this nation from the cruel yoke of tyranny,and to found the republic.

It was Lincoln's duty to eradicate the existing evil of slavery,and to pre­serve and de fend the union.

It was Roosevelt's duty first to inaugurate the era of civic conscience,a mighty bloodless war which shook to the very foundation,the evils of capital and labor,of politiciil corruption,~md of machine politics;seond to raise the United States in nationc;tl dignity,honor,and prestige to a veritable world power,a nation respected and consulted in all international,rnilitary,commercial,industrial,and educational affairs.

Each president successfully and faithfully performed all the weighty problems that confronted him.

Although their experiences and tasks were vastly different,still,each ex­hibited the same trait of charactcr,the same essentials that make the master Amcrican:pure and lofty ideals,steadfast courage,marvelous strength,and prac­tical con1n10:1 sense.

Born in New York,two years before the Civil War,of a wealthy,aristo­cratic family,which traces an illustrious ancestry for more than eight generations, Theodore Roosevelt had two characteristic obstacles to overcome;ill health and an idle life of ease.

He soon fully realized that the men who accomplished great things,arc strong,healthy and vigorous hard workers. He first devoted himself to college athletics,then to ranch life,and then to hunting,with the result that he acquired the iron-clad constitution which serves him so well in his strenuous life of today.

Before completing his law course at Harvard,he made a careful and com­plete study of the government,and the needs and problems of his country,prcpara­tory for his chosen life's work- namely ~•to get into politics and serve the people."

We are all familiar to some extent with his spectacular rise of politics. While at times he may seem dramatic,still his underlying principles of unswer­ving honesty,purity of purpose,and inflexible courage instantly dispel all thoughts of inconstancy.

As a member of the New York State Assembly,he gained the leadership of the Republican minority party within two months and literally forced the Demo­crats to pass his measures because of the fear of an appeal to popular opinion.

= 14 r::


As Chairman of the Committee on Cities,he exposed,and reported the widely spread municipal corruption and succeeded in passing many reform bills.

As a Civil Service Commissioner,he considered the spoilsman as bad as the bribe-giver,and was thr most potent force in destroying the hated Spoils Sys­ten1.

As President of the New York Police Commission,he completely abol­ished all the evils left untouched by the Tweed reformation,pW1ishing the corrupt and rewarding the trustworthy. And so,one might examine every phase of his career;as the Assistant Secretary of the Navy,as the Rough-rider hero of San Juan,as the hunter of every beast of the field,as the author of numerous literary works,as Governor, Vice-Presidcnt,and President,and it may always truthfully be said that he never has failed. He perfor111s his duty without regard to anything but the interests of the people.

Theodore Roosevelt is a man of all energy,in the active voice,and present tense. He is an all round scholar,a conservator of public and private property,and the chief minister of peace in the civilized world. He is the workingman's friend and understands the requirements and needs of the people,and reaches conclu­sions with a deliberative yet wonderful rapidity.

Made President by an assassin's bullet,he entered upon the most difficult years of his life. He was preeminently instrumental in bringing the following great disputes to a successful close:-The Japanese Race Question,the Anthracite Coal Strike,the Venezuela B0W1dary difficulty,and the Russo-Japanese War. He has regulated railroads,throttled trusts,defied labor cliq11es,checked the criminal rich,and by clever diplomacy,has raised the United State!- to a world power.

His home life is ideal. He honors the sacredness of the home,believing that the very foundation of the republic is the home. He is not politician made. From the beginning he has not been a favorite of the bosses because of his insis­tence upon purity in politics. In political life he has been ever unaffected,and in­corruptible, treating all fairly, without racial,color ,or political discrimination.

He is the inventor and chief exponent of the Square Deal,the Big Stick,and the Strenuous Life ;three ideals which prominently characterize the typical Ameri­can,a man with strong lines of defined purpose,and clear logic of fixed principles.

Thus with the justness of an Alexander,with the courage of a Caesar,with the patriotism of a Washington,and the honesty of a Lincoln: Theodore Roosevelt has ever commanded an enthusiastic and rapturous applause,not because of his ability to accomplish deeds,not his high conception of righteousness,but because of his supreme confidence in the people and their faith in him.

Theodore Roosevelt---- one of the three greatest Ainericans,one of the greatest men in the world's history,the inost masterful American of masterful times,and the next President of the United States.

= 146 .~



The Pulpit Digest:July 3rd,1949:C,F.D,

"THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE." Luke 12: 32: "To give you the Kingdom." (Text)

The American Way of Life: those five words sum,narize the value of A.ncr~ ica to the world. While it shares the heritages of the ages,the American Way of Life makes a distinctive contribution to humanity,differing from that of any other way of life in history.

1. The basic rock foundation of the American Way of Life is the Christian Idea,Ideal,Person,and Spirit of the Living God, This is a Christian nation and has been so from the earliest days of discovcry,exploration,and settlement. The Foun­ding Fathers,and Mothers,and their Children,believed in God,worshipped God,and builded for God,

2, The Christian Idea of God was the living exarnplc of that idea in the life of Jesus of Nazareth, Th;:, t life-portrayal of God by Jesus lifted Him far above all world religious leaders into J uniquely ide:,l His, Way, Truth,and Life,--were God's Way of Life.

3. The supreme way of sharing Jesus life-revelation of Go.i was through the institution of the Christian Church. Many times Jesus contacted God in solici­tude in the wilderness,that He might be prepared to witness to t 11e 12,the 70,and to thousands of others,the worship,thc care,the love,and the will of God. Jesus founded His Church to be a family of indwelling strength,understanding ,and happiness for all His followers in that Church, The American Way of Life is based on the Church,

4, Freedom, Tole ra tion,and Self-Government have ch:iracte rized the Arner-ican Way of Life. National,state,and local governments,business,social and religious institutions have beenprofoundlyinfluenced by this New World Freedom, Dictators in politics,business,education,and religion have no place in the A1nerican Way of Life, This has been marred at times by economic exploitation of national and human resources,such as slavery, But the ideal has never been lost:freedom and liberty,

5. The Good Samaritan Attitude toward the World and its needs, In the rneasurement of dollars alone ,Arnerica far exceeds the world in world friendship and service:for the famine sufferers in India,flood viclL1s in China, Near East Re­lief in Turkey.the earthquake injured in Japan,Arnerican education for Chinese stu­dents,yea rs of service for the Philippines,and the huge number of Christian missions,

schools,hospitals,colleges,and churches around the world. This does not include war and peace relief after a world conflict.

6. The highest st,indard of living per capita on earth--is inherent in the American Way of Life, Inventive genius,labor-saving devices, comforts for the home, transportation, communication, rec re a tion,educa tion,and health:place America in

= 14 7 =


world leadership.

7. The Supreme Quality of Christian Character:- is the glory and climax of the American Way of Life, George Washington,Abraham Lincoln,Clara Barton, Jane Addams,Helen Keller, Thomas Edison,Ralph Ernerson,Herbert Hoover,and Dwight L,Moody,are but a few of the many great American followers of Jesus.

8, The Splendid Opportunity to train ones talents and achieve the great­est happiness.usefulness,and joy in life:-this is the greatest heritage of Ameri­can youth.

9. Jesus said:''It is your Father's (God) good pleasure to give you the Kingdom." If the Kingdom coincides with the American Way of Life,and the Amer­ican Way is transformed by God's Kingdom--then the American Way of Life has reached its Divine Completion,

............................................................................................................. Pl'.:RSONAL CITATION LETTERS

A Cleveland Youth at a Summer Conference: "Allow rne to hwnbly express my thanks to you for increasing to a far greater degree my insight as to the function of religion in relation to our present knowledge of the social sciences, the mate rial sciences and psychology .. The dogma tic stability of the church and its non-acceptance of new knowledge of human activity in relation to its environ­ment has developed such an antagonism in me for the church,as it is expressed by the great majority of present day clergy,that it is next to an impossibility for me to tiike a non-biased look at it& teachings and possible applications in unad­justrnent problems, l now have the r,round work on which to build fruitful research thanks to you, I wonder if you are suffering the difficulties felt by all those who attempt to bring new knowledge and new ideas to society in general. Conviction, courage and expression in completely understood terrns,rnust and will carry the day,now or later,however,,,,''

A Toledo Youth & Man during Two Pastorates: "How much I enjoyed your sermon this morning .. Perhaps it is a holdover !rorn my boyhood days of hero worship when l listened to you in church on Sunday mornings and again at Young People's Meetings in the evening. It is a wonderful experience to find in these troubled years that an ideal which one has had has not been shatter~J. As I have grown older,many of my boyhood ide:1ls have vanished.become idols with feet of clay.It is therefore,truly gratifying to come to the realization that there is one left that is not merely as good and as fine as it was before,but has become even better.more profound,rnore intense .. the one which remains is a religious ideal., .. Like all good things you have become even better with the passing of time,.lf there were more rnen with the appeal,intellectual,imaginative,and colorful,that you possess, the re would be more people who would be able to extract more good from religion daily .. " = 148 =



The Civil War monument which glorifies the Community Park at Ebens­burg,Cambria County,Pa.,lists the following Powell Civil War Veterans: Elias D.Powell,Danlel Powell,David Powell, Jr, Franklin O. Powell, Jacob Powell, John Powell,Samuel D. Powell,and William Powell.

Department of the Army::Office of the Adjutant General::Washington,D.C. The records show that Jeremiah D. Powell,aged 2 5 years, was

enrolled and mustered into service 16 July 1861 at Cairo,Illinois as a corporal of Battery A,lst Regiment Illinois Light Artillery ;was promoted to sergeant 24 March 1862 and was killed in battle at Shiloh, 6 April 1862.

The records also show that one Elias D. Powell,aged 25 years, was enrolled 23 June 1863 at Ebensburg,Pennsylvania, was mustered into service 23 June 1863 at Bloody Run,Pennsylvania as a private of Company A,Battalion Pennsylvania Infantry (Col.Litzinger) (Emergency,1863) and was honorably dis­charged 8 August 1863 at Harrisburg,Pennsylvania.

The Weekly Tribune: Jerry Powell,March 28,1862,Cambrian at Donelsc Cambria County had another representative in the fight at Fort

Donelson in the person of Mr. Jerry Powell ,son of Mr.David Powell of Cambria Township. He enlisted in a Chicago battery and was captain of a gun during the engagement. He was not injured. Bully again for Little Cambria.

Department of the Arrny:Office of the Adjutant General:Washington,D.C. The records show that David Powell, Jr.,age 44 years, was born

in Wales and by profession a farmer,was enrolled in 1864 in Co. C. 209th Regi­ment Penna. Infantry. Discharged 1865 at Alexandria, Va.

Daniel Powell,private. F.Company,Pa.Infantry. 8/15/62 - 12/22/62, Died in service at Frederick, the hospital:December 28,1862.

The Chicago Tribune:In the spring of 1862 Gen.Ulysses S.Grant,advancing from Cairo,Ill.,had broken the first line of rebel defense in the west by capturing Fort Henry on the Tennessee River and Fort Donelson on the Cumberland River. The Union army advanced up the Tennessee river with Corinth,Miss., •• as its ob­jective ••• Pittsburg Landing ••• Shiloh .... The battle of Shiloh,fought April 6 & 7, 1864 was the bloodiest and hardest fought of all in the Civil War •• ln Shiloh the first killing of our Chicago boys occurred ••• Jerry Powell (Battery A,C.L.A.,) their orderly sergeant was killed •• , whose body was lost among the thousands, though put on abroad a ship in the river. (Jerry,David Jr.,and Daniel Powell are the brothers of Elias D.Powell,the grandfather of Chester Forrester Dunharn) = 149 =-


THE KALB ( de Kalb} FAM IL ":I:

(Ancestors of Georgiana Powers Dunham)

JOHN KALB ( l } Born: May 2 7, 1797. Died: February l 8,1872. Mar ricd: Anna Stevenson March 11, 1819. Born: August 7, 1801.Died: 1852 (?) Children:l.John Stevenson (2.) Born: Dec.17,1819. Died: Nov. 17,1879.

2.. M;i ry (l) Born: June l q• 18l 1. Ma rried:Sarnue 1 Shoop,1846. Died: 1881 Children:?. l.John R. 2..Mrs.E.J.Gault.

3 .George (2) Horn: Feb r .11, 182. 3. Married: Dorcas Culp,Oct.l, 1846. 4.Joshua (l} Born:Nov.30,1824. Married:Ellen Shoop,Aug.31,1847. 5.Hannah (2) Born: J;rn.17,1827. Married Jame (s) Harkness,Oct.1,1846. 6. Rebecca (l) Born:Aug.l6, 182 8. Married: Isaac Mitchell,Sept.20, 1853.

Children: 4. I.George D. 7.Matilda (2) Born:May l,1830. 8 .• ~liza (l) Born:Oct.14,1832. 9.Elmira (2) Born:Jan.8,1834.

10.~!ariah (2) Born:Jan.8,1834. 11.Sus;in (2) Born: May 17, 1836. Mar ried:Sept.1, 1864: John Atkins.

Children: l. One son,and one daughter. 12.(Rev) Isaac (2.) Born: June 12,1837. U .A babe (daughter) Born: Feb.12, 183 9. 14.Sa rah Katharine (2) Born: March l 9,1840.

(Joern and Anna Kalb:ll children. John and Wife I •. .:ind Wife 2:3 children.)

(REV) JOHN STEVENSON KALB ( 2 ) Born: Dec.17,1819. Died: Nov. 17,1879. Married: Slizabeth (Elisabeth) Vickers,daughtcr of James and Sarah Vickers,

May 20,1847. Born: 1824. Died: August 26,1882. Children: 1. Sarah Anna (3) Born:Aug.5,1848. Died:May 8,1893.

z. John Wesley James (3) Born:May 10,1850. 3. Almira (3) Born: June 2,1852. Died: March 8,1927. 4. Martin Luther (3) Born:Oct.3,1854. 5~ William Arthur (3) Born:Feb.9,1857. 6. Adam CL1rke (3) Born: Dec.15,1859. 7. E:dward P) Born: April 9,1862. 8. Kirwan Kingsley (3) Born: March 14,1865.

MARY ALMlRA KALB ( 3 ) Born: June 2.,1852, Died: March 8,192.7. Married: Caleb Necan Cosgray,son of Wm John Cosgray and Rebecca Spragg,

=150 =


October 7,1882,at Delaware,Ohio. Children: 1, William John (4) Born: March 12,1884.

2. Mark Constant (4) Born: July 12,1887. 3. Elizabeth Mary (4) Born:May 22,1891.

ELIZABETH MARY COSGRAY ( 4 ) Born: May 22,1891,Carey,Ohio. Married: George Alcorn Powers,son of Charles W. Powers and Sarah Alcorn,

October 9,1921, Carey,Ohio. Born: Feb.11, 1882. Died: Dec .2 5,1943. Children: 1. Sarah Elizabeth (5) Born: November 12,1922.

2. Mary Augusta (5) Born: August 19,1925. 3. Georgiana (5) Born:May 15,1928. 4. Dorothy Jean (5) Born: August 29,1931.

GEORGIANA POWERS ( 5) Born: Toledo,Ohio,May 15,1928. Married:Chester Gray Dunham,son of Chester Forrester Dunham and Thelma

Mildred Gray, Toledo,Ohio,September 18,1955. Born: Chicago,Illinois, February 11,1923.

Child: Dorothy (6) Born:Acor•,Gold Coaat,W/C Atr1ca,August 27,1956 • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Special Data that requires further research and interpretation)


John Kalb (1) Great grandfather of A.John Kalb. Children:1 •. Andrew.2.John. 3.Philip. 4.George.

5.Christiania. 6. Elizabeth. John Kalb (2) Grandfather of A. John Kalb. Di<.!d: 1831-33. Absalom Kalb (3) Father of A.John Kalb.Married:Susanna Larkin. A.John Kalb (4)

··························································-··················································· Some Vickers Data

James Vickers (1) Born: June 24,1794. Died:March 9,1867. Married: Sarah Vickers. Born:Dec.22,1796. Died: ? Dec.13,1844.

Children: S. I. Elisabeth (2) Born:May 29,1824. Died:Aug.26,1882.

Married:John Stevenson Kalb,May 20,1847. 2. James Ambrose (2) Born: June 25,1826. Died:April 2,1902.

= 151 = 3. Margaret (2) Died: 192 5. Jas. Vickers: M: (2)Fannie A.Hudson.•



"From the be ginning of his ministry he was a diligent student. His means did not permit him to accumulate a very large library;but his books were well selected,carefully read,and well digested. He was a man of superior powers of mind,and giving his powers the benefit of careful discipline,he became disting­uished among his brethren for both comprehensiveness and clearness of thought. He continued to grow intellectually all through his ministry. In general literature he was well informed,in theology he was at home. As a preacher he was a prac­tical,faithful,and impressive expounder of the truth as it is in Jesus. His sermons were always clear and systematic,and often delivered with an unction that told with great power on his c ongre ga tion.

"There was nothing more distinctly marked in the character of brother Kalb than his wiyielding integrity. Principle not policy was his motto. 'What is right? What is duty? What does God require?' were the questions upon his heart,and the settling of these questions determined his course of action. His character was beautiful for its genuineness. He was one of the most modest and unpretentious of men. He was entirely devoid of all ambitious scheming and self-seeking. What he appeared he was. Truth, that kept him above all meanness, that rendered him incapable of deception, that made him always reliable as a friend,that invested him with a nobleness which the selfish and time-serving can never possess, was wrought in every fiber of his being; it stood forth in every utterance and act of his life; not faultless, yet his virtues were so many and com­bined so harmoniously to form a beautiful character worthy to be held in affec­tionate and enduring remembrance by his brethren. As a Christian his convic­tions were strong, his faith firm. He believed with his whole soul the great truths of the Bible. His piety was deep and uniform. He sought and found the profound depths of vital godliness." ••• by D. Rutledge, D.D.


"Her temper was quiet, her spirit free from demonstrativeness, whether in joy or grief, her religion deeply devout, but never boisterous, her manner re­tiring •.. Her home was her palace, and the scene in which her virtues were most of all conspicuous. There, whoever came, received a cordial greeting. Her pres­ence brought constant sunshine to her home, which she made ••• a model of neat­ness and taste •.• Her life has been a testimony for Jesus." (A press story)

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••o••••••••••• ..

c: 152 =




9 8

4 2 3

10 11


2 3 5 6 3 4 4 3

6 2

6 2

7 4 6

5 2 1 2 2

4 4 3

12 9



Abigail Abigail Adeline Frances Almon Smith Bathsheba


24 26 30 30, 31, 33, 55, 58,67 25

Benajah 24 Benajah 25

Chester Forrester 31,32,37-43, 71, 73, 76, 77,106,108,117,127 Chester Gray 31,44,45,46,47, 75, 76,106,108.117

Clara Belle 30 Cornelius Daniel Daniel Ebenezer Ebenezer Eleazar Eleazar Elisha Esther Eunice Hannah Hannah Humility Ira Israel Joanna Tcsse James Jonathan John John

25 24 25 5,6,25,26 26,27,55 24,25,49,50,51 25 25 25 26 24 26 24 26,30,55,58 25,51,53 2 2 25 24 6,18,19,21,22,24 24

Joseph 23,24,49,50 Joshua 25 Josiah 25 Joseph 24 Markus Democrates 32,44, 71, 72, 73,106 Mary Abbie 31,33,59,67

= 153 =



9 3 4 3 3 4 6 8

10 2 6 9

11 10 10 2

9 8

9 -----6 4 5 5 8 2 6 9

11 6




May Louise Mercy Mercy Micajah Nathaniel Nathaniel Nathaniel Norman Norman Alvin Persis Phebe Richard Billings Richard Marshall Ruby Marian Ruth Lillian Samuel Sarah Sarah Jane Sey:110:t, Jonn Silvanus Susanna Susanna Sylvanus Sylvanus Thomas Thomas


30 25 25 24 24,49 25 26 26,30,55,58 30 24 26 31,33,59

31, 32, 44, 71, 72,106,108,117 30 30 24 30 30,55 30 2. 6 25 25 25 30,55 24 26

William Forrester 31,32,33,34,59,106,108,117 William Forrester 106

*** Lucas 26 Dorothy 32 1 75,76,106,151

= 154 =



Generation Name Page

5 Alverta Rose 83 3 Alvin Meade 85,86 2 Ann 8T 3 Anna 84 4 Ann Maud 32 2 Benjamin 81 4 Burley Franklin 82,83 5 Burley Franklin, Jr. 83 3 Caroline 82 4 Carrie 83 3 Camilla Clotilde 31,85,86,89,106. 2 Daniel 81,82 1 David 79,80,81,82. 2 David 81,82 4 David R. 82 3 David Watkin 82 4 Dorsey 82 2 Elias 81,82,85,86. 3 Elizabeth 84 3 Ernma 84 3 Evan 82 3 George Henry 85

3 Gordon 84 2 Hannah Jane 81 3 Howell 82 4 Ida Jane 82 3 Isabelle 84

4 Izora 82

2 Jar11e s 81

2 Jeremiah 81,82

2 Jeremiah 81

3 Jeremiah 84

3 John 82

2 Jonathan 81

3 Lillian 85

3 Lydia 82

2 Mary 81,82

= 155 =



Generation Name Page

3 Mary 85 3 Mary Ann 82 3 Margaret 82 3 Margaret 84 3 Margaret Ann 82 3 Mary Emma 85 4 Mary Myrtle 8Z. 2 Moses (W) 81,82,85,86. 4 Myron W. 85 3 Robert W. 84 4 Roland H. 83 4 Reardon 82 2 Sarah 81 2 Sa.rah 81 3 Sarah 84 5 Schuyler Lloyd 83 2 Susan 81 5 Thelma Marie 83 5 Vonnell 83 4 Webster D. 82

= 156 =



5 8 6 9 7 3 6

6 3 3 6 7

9 6 7 6 5 3 4 5 6 5


Name Page

Abraham 104 Allen Gordon Andrew

106,107,108,111,112,114,117 104

Clara Jane Cora Eliza 105,120 Daniel 104 David 104 David Marshall 108,114 Delia 104 Ebenezer 104 Elizabeth 104 Eveline 105 Gracie Louisa 106,120 George Allen 107,108,111,114 George H. 105,110 George Marshall 6,31,106,8,12 ,13 ,14,17 ,20,2 5 Helen 105,110 Hiram 104 Isaac 104 Isaac 104 Isaac 104,105,110 Isaac 105,110 James 104

6 James G. 105,108,110,120 8 James G. 106,107 ,108,111,114,ll 7 _____ ;__ __________ ~--~--:------::~~~~=-=-'.""':""":":""!=--' ____ \ 9 James Gordon 107,108,111,114,117 1 John 6,101,102,104 2 John 101,102,104 3 John 104 4 John 104 5 John 104 6 Lucinda R. 105,110 9 Mabel Louisa 107 6 Margaret Harkness 105

= 157 =



Generation Name Page

8 Marguerite Eliza 106,107,108,111,113,117 s Mariah 105 6 Mar 104 10 M:iry Jane 108 8 Merton Brevier 106,107,108,114,117 7 Mildred Helen 106,120 4 Nathaniel 99,162,103,104,110,111 6 Nathaniel 104 5 Rhodes 105

10 Richard Charles 108,114 10 Robe rt Allen 108,114 5 Sophia 105

10 Susan Jane 108 5 Tarboth 105

10 Teresa Ella 108 8 Thelma Mildred 71, 73, 75, 76, 77,106,108,lll,113,ll7 9 Thomas Merton 107,108,111 6 Timothy D. 105,110 5 William 104

TH:S CAMERON FAMILY (The ancestors of Nancy Ellen Cameron Gray.)

ROBERT JOHN CAMERON ( l ) Born:Baden,Germany,Apr1l 13,1866. D1ed:Elg1n,Scotland,1932. Marr1ed:Emma B.Sautter of Portsmouth,Oh1o. Born:1866. Child: G~orge Robert (2) Born: P1qua,Cbiotl898.

GECfWB ROBERT GAURON ( 2 l Born:P1qua,Oh1o,1e98. Died:1948. Married:Alta Burdette Stesrns,daugbter ot Wilson Stearna,born

1n Wood Co,Cb1o,and Amanda Bowars,Born,Wood Co\Ohio,1863. Born:Wood County,Ohio,1902. (2nd marr1age:Mr.WardJ Child: (1st marriage) Nancy Ellen(;) Born:Foatoria,O.Mar.22,19'.53•

NANCY ELI.EN CAMERON ( 3) Born: Foat or 1~, Ohio, March 22, 1933• Married:Thomas M.Gray,son of A.G.Gray and Clara Teresa Wertz,

Foat or 1a , Oh 10,Septembar 25, 1954. Ch1ld:Teresa Ellen (4) Born:Foator1a,Oh1o,October 20,1955.

= 158 =



Generation Narne Page

6 Abjah 124 6 Alanson 124 7 Alanson Eliacomb 12 5,126, 12 8. 7 124 6 Alta 124 5 Amos 124 8 Charles C. 124 3 David 123 4 David 124 5 David 124 6 David 124 6 Ebenezer H. 124,125

Emmet S. 125 5 Eunice 124 7 Fitch 125 8 George K. 125 7 George W. 124,125 8 Granville O. 12 5 5 Hannah

8 Hannah Eliza 108,11,14,17,20,25,26, & 127. 1 John 123 2 Tohn 123 5 John 124 7 John 124 8 J"ohn H. 125

5 Judith 124

7 Julia Ann 125

8 Karl B. 125

5 Mar 12-1

8 Mary Agusta 125

8 Pearl Julia 125

8 Robert S. 125

7 Sarah Ann 125

7 Stephen 124

7 Wm Hutcherson 125

5 Zipporah 124

= 159 =



Family Location

Dunham Dunham-on-Trent ,England Dunham Scrooby,England Dunham London, England Dunham Leyden, Holland Dunham Lancaster ,England Dunham Plymouth,Mass. Dunham Plympton,Mass. Dunham Royalton, Vermont Dunham Barnard, Vermont Dunham Enosburgh, Vermont Dunham Richford, Vermont Dunham Montgomery, Vermont Dunham Onawa,Iowa Dunham Chicago, Illinois Dunham Toledo,Ohio Dunham Lake Erie & Catawba Island,Ohio.

Powell Llwyn-Du, Wales Powell Llanbrynmair, Wales Powell Machrn!leth, Wales Powell Aberystwyth, Wales

Gray Ar gyllshire ,Scotland Gray Londonderry, Ireland Gray Worcester,Mass. Gray Pelham,Mass, Gray Salem,New York Gray Fostoria,Ohio Gray Lake Erie & Catawba Island,Ohlo Gray and Dunham Oberlin,Ohio


16-17 19 19 19 19 20 20 28 28 29 29 29 b9 35 36 115-116

79 79 79 T9

100 100 101

103 112 115-llb 109


= 160 =

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