New round of Stimulus Checks nationwide: $1800 if you meet this criterion (2025)

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The government has just launched a new Stimulus Checks package that has become the best news to start the month of June. Just when it was expected a greater investment in social benefits and the return of the medium packages, you have a new opportunity to receive $1800 if you meet these criteria. We explain what they are and how you must do to get the money in your account.

New $1800 Stimulus Checks nationwide: The program you have been waiting for

The federal government has announced a new round of direct stimulus payments to provide economic relief during the ongoing challenges caused by the rise or prices. Eligible Americans could receive up to $1800 per person under this program, with the potential for additional money for dependents.

However, strict eligibility criteria based on income thresholds and other qualifications will apply to determine who gets the full $1800 amount. This new stimulus package aims to inject cash into the economy by putting money directly into people’s pockets.

Note that this is not the long-awaited fourth round of Stimulus Checks payments, but a nationwide program developed to be complementary to the states´ ones. The goal is to target relief at lower and middle-income Americans feeling the squeeze from inflation.

Are you eligible for this new Stimulus Checks? That´s what you have to know

Eligible individuals in the United States will receive a $1,800 stimulus check, full payment, but people with the following income levels; single taxpayers earning $75,000 or less, heads of households earning $112,500 or less, or joint filers earning $150,000 or less.

We are talking about payments for tax filers and those who depend on them for support. Dependent beginners of any age also qualify for $1,800 additionally per person. This means that a family of four could reasonable claim up to $7,200 of the credit following the new rates of $1,800 per child.

Where filers can take the full amount they reach, they have to provide a valid social security number, and they have to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. BIP also includes any aliens who have residential status and possess ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers); they may be entitled to the payments.

The stimulus checks are not an actual payment that American people received but rather, they are an early form of the 2024 Recovery Rebate tax credit. Therefore, the submission or even the payment is related to the tax filing of 2023 or 2024 depending on whichever the IRS has received when making the payments.

When will you receive the money? The payment schedule, unveiled

It is projected that in an early estimate of the $1800 payments, the White House and Treasury expect to dispense these by the end of June 2024, with an intended starting date of late May 2024. It is important to understand that not everyone will receive the payment at the same time.

When you will get the payment exactly depend not just on the amount of income, but also on which group of taxpayers will be covered in the first months of the program. Based on previous stimulus rollouts, here’s a general timeline for when different groups can expect their $1800 payments:

  • Late June 2024: The first checks will be direct deposit, which will go into the accounts of taxpayers who have filed their account information with the IRS.
  • Early July 2024: Paper checks will be issued to the rest of the people who have not registered for the direct deposit at the normal banking headquarters for the respective states and the lower class citizens will be paid first.
  • Late July 2024: Further cycles of electronic and mails payments will keep on being released mainly to the population with the highest income.
  • July-August 2024: Any remaining stragglers who experienced payment glitches, filed taxes late, or need to provide additional information to the IRS.

This is, as you have seen, the new round of Stimulus Checks coming to change everything. By this, we mean that it opens a new chapter in federal aid, which had been somewhat behind since 2022. In any case, everything is still pending to know the Government’s social benefits program for the second half of the year, which is expected to be ambitious due to the election season.

New round of Stimulus Checks nationwide: $1800 if you meet this criterion (2025)


New round of Stimulus Checks nationwide: $1800 if you meet this criterion? ›

That´s what you have to know. Eligible individuals in the United States will receive a $1,800 stimulus check, full payment, but people with the following income levels; single taxpayers earning $75,000 or less, heads of households earning $112,500 or less, or joint filers earning $150,000 or less.

Who is eligible for the 2024 stimulus check? ›

Citizens who are applying need to have a minimum age of 65 years to receive these stimulus checks. Individuals living alone should have a gross income of less than $75,000. Married couples living together and having filed their taxes combined need a gross income of not more than $150,000.

What is the $1,800 SSI check? ›

These benefits of the IRS $1800 Social Security Payment will directly benefit low-income seniors, widows, and people with disabilities. This payment will only be given to the citizens if they are eligible to receive it. The department will also optimize the seniors' working years and analyze other factors.

How do I know if I qualify for the inflation stimulus check? ›

You must have resided in California for at least half of the 2020 tax year and reside in the state on the date payments are issued. You must not be declared as a dependent by another taxpayer. Your adjusted gross income (AGI) must be less than $75,000.

Do I qualify for recent stimulus check? ›

Normally, a taxpayer will qualify for the full amount of Economic Impact Payment if they have AGI of up to $75,000 for singles and married persons filing a separate return, up to $112,500 for heads of household, and up to $150,000 for married couples filing joint returns and surviving spouses.

Has the IRS started issuing refunds in 2024? ›

Most refunds issued in less than 21 days; EITC refunds for many available starting February 27.

How do I know if I'm getting a stimulus check? ›

How can I check the status of my payment? The IRS has an online portal you can use at It may not be available when you visit because of heavy traffic, so keep checking if you can't get through. How much will I get?

What is the $16728 Social Security bonus? ›

Have you heard about the Social Security $16,728 yearly bonus? There's really no “bonus” that retirees can collect. The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a specific formula based on your lifetime earnings to determine your benefit amount.

What is the $943 Social Security payment? ›

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) provides monthly payments of up to $943 for people with limited income and resources.

Who qualifies for the Social Security bonus? ›

You can avoid this scenario by waiting until your full retirement age to begin taking benefits. This is 66 or 67 for most people, depending on when you were born. But there's a third option: Delay benefits until age 70. In doing so, you can get a Social Security bonus in the form of a higher benefit amount.

Who does not qualify for inflation relief checks? ›

The inflation relief payments are based on your 2020 taxes, and in order to qualify you need to have filed your 2020 taxes by the extended deadline of Oct. 15, 2021, according to the Franchise Tax Board. If you were late on your taxes and filed after Oct. 15, you generally do not qualify.

Is the IRS sending out checks right now? ›

The IRS has issued all first, second and third Economic Impact Payments. Most eligible people already received their Economic Impact Payments.

Will ssi recipients receive a fourth stimulus check? ›

Don't believe the hype — there's no fourth stimulus going out, to anyone.

How to claim stimulus check 2024? ›

If you didn't get a second stimulus check by then (mailed checks may take longer to deliver), you can claim your second stimulus check as the Recovery Rebate Tax Credit on your 2020 tax return. You must file a 2020 tax return by May 17, 2024.

Is there a one-time $12000 stimulus check? ›

The IRS has implemented a significant financial relief measure in response to the strain of inflation on household budgets. The $12,000 Stimulus Check is a one-time financial relief payment distributed by the government to eligible individuals and families.

How can I check to see if I got the $1400 stimulus check? ›

Check the status of your stimulus check on the IRS Get My Payment website.

Who is eligible for the $1400 Economic Impact payment? ›

$1,400 per-person checks

Single people making less than $75,000, heads of household making less than $112,500, and married couples filing jointly making less than $150,000 qualify for stimulus checks.

What are the IRS changes for 2024? ›

For tax year 2024, the standard deduction for married couples filing jointly rises to $29,200, an increase of $1,500 from 2023. For single taxpayers, the standard deduction rose to $14,600, a $750 increase from the previous year.

Who gets economic relief checks? ›

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides for Economic Impact Payments to American households of up to $1,200 per adult for individuals whose income was less than $99,000 (or $198,000 for joint filers) and $500 per child under 17 years old.

Who is eligible for IRS $300 direct deposit? ›

IRS GOV $300 Direct Deposit Eligibility Criteria

Filed your 2021 tax return on time. If single, your income must be $75,000 or less. If married and filing together, your combined income must be $150,000 or less. Dependents can be your kids, stepkids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, foster kids, or siblings.

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