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Illegal wildlife trade continues to threaten African elephants – study



Rundu vows to deal with ‘illegal land sale syndicates’


Rundu workers protest ‘draconian’ working conditions




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Over 250 employees contracted through Tsumeb politiciancum-businessman Gotty Ndjendjela’s recruitment agency have said their employers have no regard for human dignity.

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Bread and cereals ion annual inflat in December 2022. NAMIBIA STATISTICS



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suspended Rundu Cash and Carry employee - who was part of a group which held a peaceful demonstration last week over poor d ce en m 22 com working conditions - said she was once me Tax Act, 203 Amended Inco told to come to work wearing a nappy after she asked for permission to use 23 01/ 16/ T the bathroom. l for future Shilongo hopefut United split amid SuperSpor This is just one of the shocking deng ili African Stars sm tails that emerged from the employl sa ar he re s es after dr ees over the ill treatment they receive in their working environment at the hands of their bosses. “When you ask for toilet paper to go and use the toilet, you will be asked why you did not come wearing a nappy. A They even say that one has just arrived at work and you already want to go to the toilet,” one of the suspended worknews here: Get all the na LASH


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16 JANUARY 2023



De Sousa breaks national record – again!





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EDITORIAL Toivo Ndjebela

WE WANT BETTER: Disgruntled Rundu Cash and Carry employees during their peaceful demonstration. PHOTO: KENYA KAMBOWE

ers told Namibian Sun on the sidelines of the peaceful demonstration. Apart from their discontent over poor remuneration, 276 employees contracted through Tsumeb politician-

cum-businessman Gotty Ndjendjela’s recruitment agency have described their employers as having no regard for human dignity. Ndjendjela, who serves as the

SPYL bashes sale of Air Namibia planes to rivals

Tsuemb constituency councillor, owns the controversial Employees Placement Services Namibia CC (EPSN).

Continued on page 2

Craft Bistro immigration saga in court’s hands ELLANIE SMIT WINDHOEK

WE WARNED YOU: The Swapo Party Youth League has condemned the sale of Air Namibia’s Embraer jets to Wings Avia-

tion. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED It is imperative for the labour ministry to get its act in order and hold employers accountable for their bad deeds. The hunger for jobs is not reason enough to reduce our laws to a footnote while executing our mandate of ensuring that the labour sector is beneficial to all. Full column on page 2 Find us on


The Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) has condemned the sale of Air Namibia’s Embraer jets to Wings Aviation, a local leasing company. The airline’s liquidators Bruni and McLaren confirmed the sale of the aircraft to Wings, a company owned by WestAir group chairman Or visit our website:

Wolfgang Grellmann and managing director Gustav Holz. “SPYL is saddened to learn that the planes that belonged to our now liquidated national airline Air Namibia are being sold to WestAir. We have always maintained that the liquidation of Air Namibia was a concocted move to pave a way for a private airline, at the expense of our airline,” its secretary Ephraim Nekongo said.

Air Namibia’s liquidation gave rise to private airlines monopolising Namibia’s aviation sector, he added. “We have warned government throughout that the private airlines will take over Namibia’s commercial airspace, and monopolise it to amass maximum profits at the expense of our people.”

Continued on page 2

Craft Bistro general manager Petra Illing has filed an urgent application at the Windhoek High Court to stop her from being deported. The German national filed the application last week, citing the home affairs and immigration ministry, the immigration selection board and its chairperson and the immigration tribunal as respondents. Illing was taken in for questioning by immigration officials last Wednesday for allegedly working on an expired visa and operating a business illegally. She was subsequently given 48 hours to leave Namibia.

Continued on page 2

Contact details: Tel (061) 383 400 | P.O. Box 86829 | 11 General Murtala Mohammed, Eros, Windhoek | E-mail: [emailprotected]








Namibian Sun is a member of the Editors’ Forum of Namibia. We subscribe to the Code of Ethics for the Namibian media and applied by the Media Ombudsman.

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he recent spate of labour cases involving employers abusing their workers is a sign that government has relegated sound labour relations in the country to the peripheries. Our labour sector is seemingly one in which employers enjoy carte blanche to do as they please - knowing very well little or nothing will happen to them. Government has over the years bent over so much in order to ensure that the business climate in the country is sound; however, this was done to an extent where employers now run the show. The desperation to create jobs has also impacted government’s tolerance towards employee abuse. Namibia has implemented several friendly measures - ranging from structural reforms to attract multinationals to tax cuts to boost job creation. These noble measures are now seemingly being abused by employers who continue to rake in millions while paying workers peanuts. With labour unions doing little to fight for their members, workers are now left in the hands of activists to take up their fight. The blurred lines between unions and political parties have also contributed to the current conundrum because employers know very well that the influence of unions has dwindled over the years. It is therefore imperative for the labour ministry to get its act in order and hold employers accountable for their bad deeds. The hunger for jobs is not reason enough to reduce our laws to a footnote while executing our mandate of ensuring that the labour sector is beneficial to all.

For the most up-to-date news visit


Bistro Continued from page 1 Her troubles came to light when workers at Craft Bistro protested ill treatment, alleging they had not been paid for work done in November last year. In her founding affidavit, Illing described herself as a business woman, saying she has been in the country for 28 years, since 1994. She applied for several short-term work permits during her stay in Namibia, which were extended. The last lapsed on 11 November. She then applied for both a permanent residence permit and a shortterm work permit, but on 9 January, she was informed that her application was rejected. Illing wants the court to order the immigration selection board to issue her a short-term employment visa pending her application to become a permanent resident. The respondents have indicated that they intend to oppose the present application, including the issue of urgency, and wish to be afforded an opportunity to file their papers. They undertook not to take any action against Illing until the finalisation of the application. The matter will be heard by High Court judge Boas Usiku on 27 January.


Meanwhile, the ministry of labour and the owner of Craft Bistro on Friday signed an agreement that all the restaurant’s workers will receive their

COURT ACTION: Craft Bistro general manager Petra Illing is headed to court in an attempt to avoid being deported. PHOTO: CONTRIBUTED

outstanding salaries and that no one will be dismissed. This is according to Bernard Petrus of the labour ministry, who said that there are about 15 employees. Illing was employed at Craft Bistro as a manger, he added. “She does not have the proper documentation to be here. She is the one who has caused the conflict within the company. I told the owner I do not want that woman to instruct workers any more.” He said Illing reduced employees’ overtime payments and when they tried to claim, she refused to pay them.

“That is why the problem came in at the restaurant.” Craft Bistro reopened on Saturday, he said. Its owner Urs Gamma said the matter has been resolved with the help of labour ministry officials. He further clarified that Illing is not a co-owner of the bistro, but an investor in the business who held the position as general manager while he was not in the country. “She stood in for me while I was away. I was born in Switzerland, I have been a Namibian citizen since 1992 and I have the honour to be the honourable council of Switzerland in this country.” He added that a criminal case has also been opened against activist Michael Amushelelo for disrupting business, threatening guests and for a loss in business.


Expired documents

According to the petition read on their behalf by community member Vincent Kanyetu, the workers are demanding that all challenges faced by them be addressed. It is alleged that the employees don’t have written contracts of employment while there also exist no disciplinary records for them. The workers don’t receive monthly pay slips, they said, while bemoaning a lack of protective clothing as well as a lack of disciplinary codes and procedures. “We demand that the grievances of the workers, with regard to the unprocedural and unfair dismissals, be investigated by the labour inspectors,” the petition read.

City of Windhoek spokesperson Harold Akwenye confirmed that a fitness certificate for Craft Bistro expired towards the last quarter of last year. Notifications in the form of text messages and emails were sent as per the norm to those whose certificates expired, he said. “We normally expect the businesses to come renew their certificates after expiry. If not renewed, we send our inspectors to go do a physical investigation.” Akwenye said given the many investigations pending, their inspectors had not visited Craft Bistro yet. According to him, the penalty is a fine of N$2 000, plus a provisional late renewal fee of 15% as per the Government Gazette tariffs.

Tel (061) 383 400 P.O. Box 86829, Eros 11 General Murtala Mohammed Road, Eros, Windhoek Website: Email: [emailprotected] Editor: Toivo Ndjebela: [emailprotected] News Editor: Mathias Haufiku: [emailprotected] Sub-Editors: Jana-Mari Smith, Cindy van Wyk Reporters: Ellanie Smit, Jemima Beukes, Ogone Tlhage, Elizabeth Joseph Sport Reporters: Jesse Jackson Kauraisa, Limba Mupetami Entertainment Reporter: Michael Kayunde

Rundu: Kenya Kambowe, 081 7241 044 Ongwediva: Tuyeimo Haidula, 081 339 3112 Ondangwa: Enzo Amuele, 081 568 6675 Carmen Stenger/ Marketing and Sales Team Leader 081 239 7664/061 297 2102 Namibian Sun is a publication of Namibia Media Holdings Pty (Ltd) and is printed by Newsprint Namibia ISSN 1997-4876

Workers marched from the Rundu Sports Stadium to the office of Kavango East regional governor, Bonifatius Wakudumo, who received their petition. The workers have been suspended until 8 February after they took part in what has been dubbed an illegal strike on 28 December 2022. The strike emanated after the employees expressed their grievances over the manner in which they are being treated, and said they resorted to a protest after their employer failed to meet their demands.


Prove it

When contacted for comment, Ndjendjela told Namibian Sun that he is willing to pay as much as N$50 000 to any person who is able to prove that his agency defrauds workers of their monies. With his agency being employees’ paymaster, he said EPSN pays workers what is due to them as signed in their contracts, while a separate payment is paid to the agency by the client for their service. “Previously I said N$10 000, but now I am willing to pay N$50 000 to a person who will be able to get me successfully prosecuted in the court of law. I don’t take anything from what is due to the workers,” he said. On the issue of salary increments, Ndjendjela said some of those who are demanding a raise only started working two months ago. As far as the issue of ill treatment is concerned, he said he has learnt of the allegations and has engaged his clients. He added that he is not sure when employees will return to work as it will depend on the outcome of hearings that recently took place, which some workers failed to attend.


Designers: Theonistha Kohlman, Brandon Hanekom

Continued from page 1


Air Namibia Continued from page 1 The sale of the jets to Wings Aviation was deliberate, Nekongo added. “We will continue to stand firm that the deliberate liquidation of

Air Namibia was a wilful move to surrender our airspace to the private sector so that they exert monopoly over that sector.”


In a letter to finance and public enterprises minister Iipumbu Shiimi late last year, suitors and aviation partners Progress

Aviation and AB Airlines accused Bruni and McLaren of acting unethically regarding the sale of Air Namibia’s aircraft. This after the liquidators allegedly refused to view bids the partners made for two Embraer 135 jets they intended to buy following the airline’s demise in 2021. According to Progress Aviation

and AB Airlines, they complied with all requirements set out by Bruni and McLaren for the purchase of the aircraft last year, but were not treated fairly. The partners further requested proof from the liquidators that the aircraft were sold, but have yet to receive a favourable response.



NEWSINSHORT Havana Secondary School almost complete Havana Secondary School will soon be inaugurated. This according to Khomas regional council chairperson John Moonde, who said the “state-of-the-art” school will boast capacity for 1 480 learners. Construction at Abraham Iyambo Secondary School was also expected to start soon, he said. “Although there were some challenges experienced with the initial construction, the challenges are resolved and construction is anticipated to commence soon.” Renovations to the Hakahana Clinic have also been completed, he added. “Renovations and the construction of a doctor’s consulting room has been completed. Twenty entrepreneurs were supported with materials and equipment to the value of N$250 000. Meanwhile, “the construction of eight classrooms at Monte Cristo Primary School - with an estimated capacity of 320 learners - has been completed,” Moonde said. - OGONE TLHAGE

I’m not a politician - Amushelelo Forex trader Michael Amushelelo has denied that he is a politician, despite being in the top structures of the Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF). “Let it be understood that I am not a politician. Politicians are people who use other people’s children in order to gain power,” he said. According to him, a politician would never put him- or herself in a position to bring about direct harm to themselves. “They are often self-centred, entitled, self-righteous and think they are more important than others.” He added that Namibia lacked leadership. “Leadership is all about sacrificing yourself for the sake of your people, and leadership is about being at the forefront when things are tough...” The NEFF member said he joined politics because Namibia needs a good leader. “I love my people and country so much that I am willing to give my body, life and soul to ensure that my fellow Namibians have a better life,” Amushelelo said. - OGONE TLHAGE



Illegal wildlife trade continues to threaten African elephants – study The study found that forest elephant populations suffered higher rates of illegal killing than their savannah peers. STAFF REPORTER WINDHOEK


oor national governance and low law enforcement are said to be amongst the primary drivers of the lucrative global ivory trade, which continues to threaten the existence of African elephants, a study by the University of Cape Town (UCT) and Oxford University found. The study, which also listed low household wealth and health and global elephant ivory prices as other contributing factors, sought to uncover what might drive, facilitate or motivate continent-wide poaching. The illegal wildlife trade is one of the highest value illicit trade sectors globally, with thousands of wildlife species - worth billions of dollars being poached, trafficked and sold annually. This is a major threat to biodiversity and ecosystems, which are the bedrock of human well-being, as the recent multi-national United Nations Biodiversity Conference made clear. Published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society recently, the study found that forest elephant populations suffered higher rates of illegal killing than savannah elephants. The paper - in which Dr Tim Kuiper and Professor Res Altwegg of the Centre for Statistics in Ecology,

Environment and Conservation at the UCT department of statistical sciences participated - found weak evidence that armed conflicts may increase the illegal killing of elephants, and no evidence for effects of site accessibility, vegetation density, elephant population density, precipitation or site area.

Cause and effect

Addressing wider systemic challenges of human development, corruption and consumer demand would help reduce poaching, corroborating broader work and highlighting the ultimate drivers of the global illegal wildlife trade. Kuiper said: “We developed a model using 19 years of data on 10 286 poached elephants between 2002 and 2020, detected at 64 sites in 30 African countries”. He added that poaching of highvalue species like elephants and rhinos is driven primarily by sophisticated criminal syndicates. “The strong associations we found between poaching and factors like corruption and human development do not necessarily imply that these factors directly cause poaching. Correlation does not imply causation. Deeper research into these associations at particular sites will help to see what underlying processes are at play, and better understand cause and effect.”

POACHING HEADACHE: Poor national governance and low law enforcement are

fuelling the lucrative global ivory trade, which continues to threaten the existence of African elephants, a study has found. PHOTO: FILE

Economic-deprivation link

Professor Eleanor Milner-Gulland from the University of Oxford remarked: “Although we cannot claim causality, we make some suggestions about what might lie behind the associations which we found, based on understanding from previous research studies. For example, a key finding was that having con-


The Namibian Correctional Service (NCS) has identified the need to impart agricultural skills for inmate rehabilitation and reintegration as well as to attain food selfsufficiency. NCS Commissioner-General Raphael Hamunyela said this at the launch of an integrated food production project at the Hardap Correctional Facility. The project is being implemented at Nedersetting No.607, a portion of the correctional facility, by the NCS in collaboration with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), Impact for Africa and Lithon

Project Consultants. The initiative will support efforts in scaling up domestic food production, developing agricultural value chains and improving socio-economic outcomes, the stakeholders said. It will develop, prepare and execute an agricultural pilot project, producing numerous high-value crops for local and international markets. The project is anticipated to span over 100 hectares, with the pilot phase beginning on an initial five hectares. According to a joint statement, the project is expected to bolster agricultural production, boost the local economy and create a long-term pathway for self-sufficiency.

Rehabilitate and reintegrate

Hamunyela said the initiative not only contributes to the mandate of the NCS to provide safe, secure and humane custody for offenders to rehabilitate and reintegrate them into the community, but also to the food security of the country. This is evidenced by several activities such as the establishment of four hydroponics projects at four correctional facilities - Gobabis, Oluno, Walvis Bay and Windhoek Female, he said. Meanwhile, the donation of eight metric tons of wheat seeds, envisaged for planting in the coming season at Divundu, Evaristus Shikongo and Hardap correctional facilities, as well as the installation of a 10-hec-

May you be plus in 2023!

trolled for other factors, higher levels of local human well-being in the areas around a park was associated with lower poaching. “One explanation could be that, in areas of economic deprivation, local residents may participate in illegal killing to meet their basic needs or earn extra income, in the absence of viable alternatives.”

tare centre pivot irrigation system at Hardap - equipped with 42 solar panels - will also contribute to these targets, he said. “Furthermore, due to the good working relationship between us, the NCS was invited to and attended the South-to-South learning exchange in Zimbabwe in December. The exchange was aimed at sharing experiences and ideas on the effective implementation of sustainable integrated food systems that are transformative and promote rural economic growth.” He said this cooperation has other envisaged projects such as the establishment of the Kaoko-Otavi Correctional Facility. This is an agricultural irrigation project in the Kunene Region, covering 250 hectares, which is aimed at contributing to the country’s food security.





Rundu vows to deal with ‘illegal land sale syndicates’ In a public notice, the town council bemoaned the illegal sale of land in Kaisosi, Sikanduko, Ndama, Kasote and Kehemu. KENYA KAMBOWE RUNDU


fter more than a decade of ignoring the illegal sale of land within its informal areas, the Rundu town council now wants to put an end to the criminal activity. In a recently issued public notice, the council bemoaned the illegal sale of land currently taking place in the Kaisosi, Sikanduko, Ndama, Kasote and Kehemu areas. “Council has observed with grave concern the practice of illegally selling, purchasing and occupying land within the informal settlements by members of the community of Rundu,” it read. “It is in view [of this] that council is cautioning members of the public to be wary of the unscrupulous syndicates who are selling or purchasing plots in the informal areas. Furthermore, it should be known that plots in informal areas all belong to the council, therefore the sale of these plots is unlawful.” When contacted for comment, Rundu CEO Olavi Nathanael said the town council had to issue the

notice after it observed members of the public publicly advertising informal-area plots for sale. “This issue is getting out of hand, hence council needs to address it. We have also provided the guideline as to how one can own land in the municipal area and that is the process that needs to be followed.”

Lucrative business

A Namibian Sun investigation uncovered a syndicate spearheading these dealings at the riverside town. Apart from those who live on the outskirts of town selling off parts of their mahangu fields, the majority of those selling land to the landless - or even people with plots in town - are those who were at the forefront of establishing an informal settlement. In other instances, committees exist within informal settlements which receive monies in exchange for plots. A source, who opted to remain anonymous, echoed the CEO’s sentiments, saying that the issue of selling of land in informal settlements is “out of control”. According to them, the pricing of

SYNDICATE: The illegal sale of land at Rundu as gotten “out of hand”, the


virgin land has also increased, with unserviced plots with no structures costing up to N$30 000, while those with structures are sold for close to N$100 000, if not more. “The people who are selling these plots tend to make a lot of money while council is sleeping. People are no longer concerned about going to council to apply for land because all

they can do is to raise what is being asked and then after they get the land, they build their houses and live there without paying rates and taxes,” the source said. Interestingly, once a person has acquired the land in a dubious manner, the local authority - instead of dealing with the issue of illegal land occupation - installs water meters at these homes.

Council losing out

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When asked why the local authority provides water to areas known to have been unserviced and on land sold in a dubious manner, Nathanael said one of the previous groups of councillors made a resolution that saw council providing water to those areas. With thousands of illegal plots sold and houses constructed on them, council loses out on rates and taxes, which could have been revenue for the local authority faced with almost every challenge imaginable. However, according to the CEO, action will be taken against those found to be part of this syndicate. The town council would, he added, come up with a plan to deal with these land issues.


The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) has appointed thirdparty agents to collect tax liabilities. Spokesperson Steven Ndorokaze announced that the agency was empowered to appoint thirdparty agents in line with tax laws. “The tax laws administered by NamRA provide avenues for the recovery of tax debts and empowers the NamRA commissioner to direct a third-party agent - who holds any money on behalf of a defaulting taxpayer - to pay a specified amount to NamRA in satisfaction of the taxpayer’s arrears,” he said. Employers will now be allowed to collect tax arrears on behalf of NamRA, Ndorokaze explained. “The appointment of a thirdparty agent includes an employer where the taxpayer is employed who holds money on behalf or owes money to the defaulting taxpayer, who is then obliged - by virtue of the appointment - to pay the amount owed in tax over to NamRA. Similarly, this includes approaching financial institutions to transfer owed funds to NamRA,” he said. He added that tax dues owed to NamRA will be offset by any potential tax refunds.

Pay us first

“Taxpayers are informed that any tax refund owed to them shall first be set off against outstanding debt on any account. We therefore urge all taxpayers to pay on time or make necessary arrangements to settle their debt,” he said. The directive became effective on 3 January. Meanwhile, the agency has waived over N$11 million in penalties. This was revealed by NamRA commissioner Sam Shivute at the occasion of a taxpayers and traders appreciation day held last week. He said the total number of taxpayers who participated in the programme stood at 47 493, while an amount of N$1.3 billion has been collected and paid into the state account.



Save the Date 26 - 28 April 2023

NamRA: Third parties to pay tax dues



15 867 shortlisted for 200 NCS positions ELLANIE SMIT WINDHOEK

The Namibian Correctional Service (NCS) has shortlisted a total of 15 867 candidates for 200 available positions.

Initially, 33 259 people applied. According to a statement by NCS commissioner-general Raphael Hamunyela, the shortlisted candidates must report for evaluation tests between 18 and 27 January.

All candidates must bring along their original identity document or passport and certificate of conduct not older than six months. “Failure to bring along the aforementioned documents will lead to automatic disqualification,” Ha-

munyela said. Based on the list of candidates, 420 were shortlisted for sports, brass band and truck driver positions. All sport candidates as well as potential truck drivers are expected to report to the Independence Stadium in Windhoek on 20 and 21 January.


Brass band candidates must report to the Israel Patrick Iyambo Police College on 18 and 19 January. Other applicants, namely those between the ages of 18 and 25, will have their turn on 18 and 19 January, while those over 26 must report from 07:00 on 20 and 21 January.


Cattle exports, slaughtering drop Weaner prices trended sideways during December, which could be attributed to reduced demand due to filled feedlot capacity in South Africa at yearend, the Meat Board said. ELLANIE SMIT WINDHOEK


oth cattle exports and slaughtering declined by more than 37% in December compared to the previous month, while carcass prices increased. A decline of 37.8% in the number of cattle exported was recorded last month, dropping to 8 018 heads of cattle from the 12 908 cattle exported in November. According to the Meat Board of Namibia’s Monthly Market Watch for Beef, total slaughter numbers in Namibia also dropped by 37.6% - with only 4 494 heads of cattle slaughtered across all abattoirs in Namibia. “The all-grade average carcass price increased by N$1.44/kg from the previous month’s level of N$60.63. Weaner prices, however, remained steady at N$38.17/kg, only dropping N$0.35 from the November price of N$38.52/kg.” The Meat Board said weaner prices remained trending sideways during December and the steadiness of the price could be attributed to reduced demand due to filled feedlot capacity in South Africa at year-end, which is an annual occurrence. Previous trends show that during

January, prices can trend upwards until March, it added. “The B2 weaner price ratio currently stands at 60% for the month of January. This is 4% lower than the benchmark ratio of 64%. This drop implies that if the trend is sustained, it will be more profitable to grow weaners to slaughter weight as opposed to export weaners.”

Cattle marketing

Furthermore, the total cattle marketing declined by 37.8% from November. The Meat Board ascribed this decline to reduced slaughter at export and local abattoirs as well a drop in live exports. Historic trends indicate marketing will remain low and only pick up momentum March. Similar trends are seen in slaughter at local and export abattoirs. Meanwhile, South African Futures Exchange (Safex) feed prices declined between November and December by 5.68%. “Although easing from the rapid increase experienced during the years, feed costs remain expensive for farmers.” According to the board, projections indicate that yellow maize

DECLINE: Cattle exports and slaughtering dropped by more than 37% in Decem-


will remain below N$5 000/tonne throughout 2023.

International producer price

December saw Australian producer prices drop below European Union (EU) and United States of America (USA) prices for the first time in

2022, the Meat Board noted. Australian producer prices were recorded at N$76.44/kg, a decline of N$13.11/kg from the November price level of N$89.56. “This is noted to be a result of the oversupply of cattle ahead of holiday abattoir closure causing an over-

supply at Australian abattoirs. The highest price producers received was N$119.62/kg in September.” EU producer prices peaked during December, reaching N$92.63/ kg. These producer prices increased by 23.60% since January 2022. This increase is due to a recovery in prices seen throughout Europe, according to the Meat Board, where in Ireland prices increased by 13% from November. “The rise in prices could be due to continuous demand for manufacturing beef as well as tight supplies in northern European markets.” The USA producer price increased by N$1.17/kg in December, and was the highest price compared to other competing markets in the international price benchmark. “Up to 78% of the USA is currently experiencing a drought, which is projected to continue through 2023. The drought conditions - paired with the winter weather - have put a strain on cattle supply to abattoirs, resulting in reduced slaughter and an increase in beef prices,” it said.


Ordinary and Extraordinary Namibians telling their stories • Is there a definition of what makes a true hero? • Is it making significant decisions? • Standing bold to help sow seeds of compassion? • Is it someone that empowers communities? OR • Is it simply someone that makes a difference in your life?

The Evening Review is a daily interview-based talk show that dissects and expounds on current affairs as they occur in the country. Book your commercial video or L-shape on the show

SHOWS NTV & 1UP2 : Saturday’s 18:30


Republikein, Allgemeine Zeitung, Namibian Sun pages: Wednesday’s 17:30

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Amushelelo ta futitha opolisi Opolisi yaNamibia oya tulilwamo oshipotha moka tayi futithwa oshimaliwa sha thika poN$750 000 omolwa ehepeko netulo miipandeko lyaaheli paveta oshilyo shongundu yoNEFF. ELIZABETH JOSEPH OVENDUKA


ohahende tadhi kalelepo omuhwahwameki gwiikwaliko mongundu yoNamibia Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF), Michael Amushelelo oya shangele omukanda Etanga lyOpolisi yaNamibia, taya pula iifuta yongushu yooN$750 000, molwaashoka oya dhomona okwaako kwa Amushelelo pethimbo ye mu tula miipandeko mEtitatu lyoshiwike sha piti mOvenduka. Amushelelo okwa li a wayimine ekanka lyopambili tali ningwa kaaniilonga yokefe yiikulya yedhina Craft Bistro mOvenduka, taya nyenyeta kutya otaya ningwa nayi kaagandji yawo yiilonga Urs Gamma oshow Petra Illing oshowo oondjambi dhawo dhoka inadhi futwa. Illing, ngoka eli omukwashigwana gwaNdowishi ngashiingeyi ota konaakonwa molwaashoka okuli moNamibia keena omikanda dhokumu kaleka moshilongo, sho taku popiwa kutya omikanda dhe odha

pu ongushu oomvula ndatu dha piti. Omukanda ngoka gwa shangwa kuKadhila Amoomo ogwa popi kutya aanambelewa yopolisi oyiihumbata momukalo guuhwapindi nokutula miipandeko kaashili paveta omuyakulwa gwawo. Amoomo okwa popi kutya omuyakulwa gwawo okwa hepekwa kopolisi nonando ina tinda etulo miipandeko. Okwa tsikile kutya oye na uuvidio mboka tawu ulike nkene opolisi tayi hepeke omuyakulwa gwawo nonando ye ina tinda oku tulwa miipandeko. Amushelelo ota pula a futwe oshimaliwa shooN$500 000 omolwa uuwehame oshowo ooN$250 000 omolwa etulo miipandeko shaaheli paveta. Amushelelo okwa popi kutya okwa tulwa miipandeko potundi onti 12:45 na okwa pula opo a ka mone epango ihe osha ka kutha eidhopomo lyahahende gwe Kadhila Amoomo lyopotundi onti 15:00 opo a falwe koshipangelo shaKatutura. Konima sho a kuthwa ehokololo okwa mangululwa. Am ushelelo okwa popi kutya etulo lye miipandeko olya ningwa onga omukalo gwokumu ningila owala omatilitho. TA KWATHA: Oshilyo shoNEFF,

Michael Amushelelo osha popi kutya nonando okwa dhigipo uuhwahwameki wopapolotika, ota tsikile nokugandja omakwatho mpoka ta vulu. ETHANO: LYA ZA MOOMPUNGULILO

Omukokele a dhipaga ohonda ye yuulethimbo ele ELLANIE SMIT OVENDUKA

Omukokele gwoomvula 70 okwa lopotwa adhipaga ohonda ye yoomvula 71 pofaalama yedhina Farm Navare Pos moKhorixas, konima sho e mu ponokele nodhimbo. Pahokololo lyopolisi mboka yaali oya kala mekwatathano uule woomvula dha thika pomugoyi. Anuwa oya li ye na oontamanana nomulumentu okwa tameke ta dhenge omukiintu nodhimbo momutse nomolutu, noku mu teya okwaako shoka sha etitha eso lye. Omulumentu ngoka okwa tulwa miipandeko. Moshiningwanima sha yooloka omulumentu gwoomvula 38 okwa hulitha konima sho iimangeleke mEtitatu lyoshiwike sha piti konima yolukanda lwedhina Vaalkamp moMaltahöhe. Opolisi oya holola kutya omulumentu ngoka oyali noontamanana nomukadhona gwe onguloshi yEtiyali na okwali a hala okuteya po iipeleki yegumbo lyawo, konima sho omukadhona hulithapo ekwatathano lyawo lyopaihole.

Be on the lookout for the Active Kids team as we might come visit your school!


Come have some fun with Active Kids as we play and sing through exciting and fun facts about the world around us! Our coolest puppet friends Zoey, Zoshy and Zacky are there to teach us everything we need to know. Every week day at 09:00 on My Zone facebook pages and 10:00 on NTV.

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Swiatek inspired by Barty for ‘intense’ Australian Open World number one Iga Swiatek on Saturday said she’s ready for an “intense” opening Australian Open match while paying tribute to retired champion Ashleigh Barty for inspiring her to reach greater heights. SUPERSPORT


oland’s Iga Swiatek begins her Grand Slam campaign today against Jule Neimeier, the German world number 68 who reached the quarter-finals at Wimbledon last year. Recently, the pair clashed in the last 16 at the US Open, where Swiatek had to dig deep after dropping the first set before coming through 2-6, 6-4, 6-0 and going on to win the tournament. “We played in the US Open, and you saw how intense that match was, how tough,” Swiatek told reporters. “It’s not going to be easy. But any match in a Grand Slam is always more intense and more stressful than other tournaments. I’ll be ready for it.” Swiatek, the top seed, is a strong favourite for the first

Grand Slam of the year in the absence of last year’s retired champion Ashleigh Barty. The Australian, who is pregnant, dropped into Melbourne Park on Saturday for a “kids’ day” and enjoyed a light-hearted practice hit with Swiatek, who took over from her as world number one. “When she retired, I felt like she still had the best tennis out there,” Swiatek said. “So, yeah, I was pretty sad that I’m not going to be able to compete against her and maybe win.” But the 21-year-old credited Barty for making her a better player.

Huge respect

“She gave me a lot in terms of my motivation and my kind of willingness to practice even more and to have more variety on court. “When I played against her,

FUTURE: World number one Iga Swiatek. PHOTO: PLANET SPORT

I felt she just had all these different game styles and slices. Even in her boo,k she says she has five types of slice. I don’t know how that’s possible. I still have figured out only one type. “I have like huge respect for Ash. She really gave me huge motivation at the beginning of last season to get even better.

Dakar Rally to remain in Saudi Arabia

STAYING PUT: The Dakar rally will remain in Saudi Arabia for several more years. PHOTO: SUPERSPORT

I’m kind of grateful for that.” Swiatek seized Barty’s retirement to dominate 2022, securing eight Women’s Tennis Association titles and becoming the first woman in six years to win two Grand Slams in the same season – at Roland Garros and New York. Now she has her sights on a maiden title at Melbourne SUPERSPORT

Saudi Arabia will continue to be the home of the Dakar Rally for the next few years, with race director David Castera saying they still have so many deserts to explore. Castera was speaking after Saturday’s penultimate stage with Qatari Nasser Al-Attiyah poised for his fifth title. “I’m very happy we’re staying here, with so many deserts still to explore and with this country’s enormous potential,” he said. Motorsport’s toughest endurance test moved to the

Park, which would leave her needing only a Wimbledon championship to complete a career slam of all four majors. Swiatek departed in tears after losing to American world number three Jessica Pegula at the recent United Cup, and admitted she needed to be kinder to herself. “I think I’m always going to

have this part of me who is a perfectionist,” she said. “When I’m not feeling comfortable on court, it’s kind of hard to not be harsh. It’s for sure getting better. But, yeah, I mean, we care so much and we give ourselves to this sport that it’s sometimes tough to find this balance. But I’m getting better at it, for sure.”

conservative kingdom in 2020 after a spell in South America on an initial 10year contract. Dakar organisers Amaury Sport Organisation (ASO) announced the switch in 2019, saying a new chapter of the gruelling race’s history would be written in the “mysterious and vast deserts” of the land. Castera confirmed that a clause in the Saudi deal to pull out after five years would not be taken up. The race’s move to the oil-rich state sparked controversy, with accusations of ‘sports washing’ as the Gulf monarchy, often criti-

cised over its human rights record, attempts to burnish its image and attract foreign interest as it diversifies its economy away from oil. “Today there’s been a big change, it’s progressing at a fast rate,” commented Castera. “I’m not here to play politics but to organise a sporting event which has the legitimacy to exist here because the terrain suits it.” Saudi Arabia has invested heavily in attracting highprofile sporting events including tennis, golf and Formula One to its shores and is preparing a joint bid to host the 2030 World Cup.

Business7 is aired weekly on Wednesdays at 21:00 on NTV - channel 285 on DStv and channel 94 on GOtv with repeats at 20:30 on Saturdays. It is also broadcast on Wednesdays at 19:00 on the Facebook pages of Namibian Sun, Republikein and Allgemeine Zeitung. It focuses on current issues in the Namibian economy and analyses how global developments impact the country.

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Rashford interfered – Akanji

Dakar Rally to remain in Saudi Arabia

Manchester City defender Manuel Akanji said Marcus Rashford was clearly interfering with play in the lead-up to Manchester United’s equaliser in their Premier League match on Saturday.

Saudi Arabia will continue to be the home of the Dakar Rally for the next few years, with race director David Castera saying they still have so many deserts to explore in that country.



De Sousa breaks national record – again! Namibian sprinter Sade de Sousa recorded a time of 7.41 seconds on Saturday in the 60-metre women’s indoor sprint at the Virginia Military Institute Track and Field Invitational in America. LIMBA MUPETAMI WINDHOEK


amibian track star Sade de Sousa has regained her form and fitness on the American varsity circuit after breaking the Namibian national 60-metre record over the weekend. She recorded a time of 7.41 seconds on Saturday, an improvement on the 7.43-second Namibian national record she set last month. The Namibian Sun Sports Desk caught up with De Sousa, who expressed happiness with her performance. “I’m happy about it, even though it wasn’t what I was trying to get, but a win is a win. I’m just happy that I have been consistent with my times. “Everyone will probably be seeing more of me this year. It’s currently indoor season for all college athletes here, so I’m definitely working on the 60m race to cut down more time and prepare for the outdoor season. I will focus on the 100m and 200m when the outdoor season starts.”

WELCOMED RETURN: Namibian track star Sade de Sousa. PHOTOS: CONTRIBUTED

‘Much stronger and faster’

De Sousa, who has fully recovered from an injury which had her out for almost three years during which she missed some great races, said she is praying to stay injury-free and have a great season. “I have fully recovered. I’m much stronger and faster than I was before and I’m definitely getting stronger and faster as the weeks go on. It took three good years to properly recover from my injury and surgery. It was frustrating, but I’m happy I waited, stayed patient and didn’t force anything. It was

definitely worth it,” she added. The athlete - coached by Kieran Showler-Davis at the New Mexico Highlands University where she is studying towards a bachelor’s degree in

human performance and sports science - shared that her plan for this year is to be consistent. “I’m not really focused on anything or anyone else but myself and maintaining a consistent season. “This will be the first year where I’m able to have a proper season, so I just want to focus on that, run faster times and eventually get an All American title by the end of the season,” De Sousa said. “If I do happen to qualify for any big international competition that would be great, but that isn’t really my target right now.”

Page conte s nt

Namibia hopes for more spots LIMBA MUPETAMI WINDHOEK

The secretary-general of the Namibia Paralympic Committee Michael Hamukwaya says they are waiting to find out the number of slots Namibian athletes will be allocated to compete in the Manchester Para Swimming World Championships. The competition is slated for 31 July to 6 August, and will mark the the third time the world championships have taken place in the United Kingdom, following Glasgow in 2015 and London in 2019. Hamukwaya explained that they are still in the process of qualification and are looking to have local para athletes qualify towards this event as it is a pathway to the 2024 Paris Paralympic Games. “The qualification period will end somewhere in April, after that we will know how many slots will be allocated to Namibia.”

Selection criteria

Selection criteria, according to the World Para Swimming website, are that athlete should hold an active World Para Swimming athlete licence for the 2023 season; be internationally classified in an eligible sport class with a status of (i) confirmed; or (ii) review with a fixed review date of 2024 or later; have achieved a minimum qualification standard (MQS) at a 50-metre World Para Swimmingrecognised competition for the respective event (including relay events) between 1 January 2022 and 28 May 2023 (inclusive); and have achieved a MQS in accordance with the World Para Swimming athlete registration and licencing regulations valid for the 2022 or 2023 seasons. Namibian para athlete Mateus ‘Spiderman’ Angula said he is aware of the competition and will start training as soon as his coach informs him on the availability of funding, among other things.

I’LL BE READY: Paralympic swimmer Mateus ‘Spiderman’ Angula. PHOTO: FILE

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Company news Mango sale in jeopardy.


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The minimising of load shedding is the highest priority for Eskom, and continuous focus at all levels in the organisation is being given.

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18.2% Bread and cereals annual inflation in December 2022. NAMIBIA STATISTICS AGENCY

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The amendments include providing for the filing of a tax return or serving a notice of assessment in an electronic format. PHOTO MARKUS-WINKLER-BER/UNSPLASH

Amended Income Tax Act, 2022 commenced As at 01 January 2023

The amendments amongst others increased the threshold for the tax deductible amount in respect of contributions to a retirement fund and education policy from N$40 000 to N$150 000.


he Income Tax Amendment Act, 2022 came into force on 01 January 2023, the ministry of finance and public enterprises has announced. The amendments to the Act amongst others include strengthening the taxation of income received on the disposal of ownership of a petroleum licence, or right to mine petroleum in Namibia, including direct or indirect disposal of inter-

est in a company that holds a petroleum licence or petroleum right. The amount received from disposing off a petroleum licence, right to mine petroleum or interest in a company that holds the petroleum licence or right would be deemed to have accrued from the Namibian source irrespective: of whether the transaction was concluded in or outside Namibia; the place where payment of such amount is made; or the place where the funds

from which payment is made are held. Therefore, such an amount is taxable in Namibia. The objective is to ensure that any income from the exploitation of natural resources is taxed, whether such income is of revenue or capital nature. Secondly, the amendments increased the threshold for the tax deductible amount in respect of contributions to a retirement fund (pension fund, retirement annuity fund) and education policy. As from 2022/23 tax year, the aggregate of the amount that may be deducted in respect of these contributions is increased from N$40 000 to N$150 000. The increase in the deductible amount serves as an incentive for citizens to invest adequately for retirement and the education of the Namibian child, the ministry pointed out.

In addition, the amendments focus on providing for the filing of a tax return or serving a notice of assessment in an electronic format. A specific provision allowing for furnishing a tax return or serving a notice of assessment through an online platform (i.e. Integrated Tax Administration System), has been introduced. This provision enables and supports government efforts to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in tax administration through automation of processes. Moreover, it made provision for the transforming tax payments allocation rule. Unlike the previous system, where payments for tax where allocated in order of: tax, penalty and interest, payment will now be allocated in the following order: tax, interest and lastly penalty. This approach to

tax payment allocation lessens the tax burden on and improves the ability of taxpayers to settle arrear taxes. The new rule is equally applicable to tax payments pertaining to Value Added Tax. Lastly, it focused on strengthening thin capitalization rules. A limitation (of 3:1 ratio) in respect of tax deduction for interest incurred on intercompany loan has been introduced. An interest expense for subsidiary on a loan received from a parent would be limited to a deduction not exceeding a ratio of 3:1, if the parent owns at least 25% shares of such subsidiary or entitled to at least 25% of the profit or dividends of such subsidiary. This provision is introduced to prevent companies within Groups from shifting profits from Namibia to tax haven countries, the ministry said.


Market Watch


Acknowledges ‘pressure’ on consumers

Eskom welcomes Nersa’s tariff hike decision

Electricity pylons are seen in front of the cooling towers at the Lethabo Thermal Power Station, an Eskom coal-burning power station. PHOTO REUTERS

The power utility again apologised for the severe extent of load shedding, with Stage 6 currently being implemented.


skom says it appreciates the “tough decision” made by the National Energy Regulator of South Africa (Nersa) to hike electricity tariffs by more than 18% and

12% in the next two financial years respectively, adding that it “recognises the pressures this determination will place on consumers”. In a statement responding to the

shock tariff decision, which was announced by the regulator late on Thursday, Eskom CFO Calib Cassim said the revenue determination for the financial years 2023/24 and 2024/25 would “positively contribute from a financial and sustainability point of view and allow a further migration towards a price level that reflects the efficient cost

of producing electricity.” The decision follows a court order requiring Nersa to undertake the necessary regulatory steps to assess, consult and make a determination on Eskom’s revenue application in time for the first hike to be implemented in April this year. Eskom said it noted the tempering of the volume of diesel for the operation of open cycle gas turbines to a load factor of 6% - as compared to the 12% load factor stipulated in its revenue application. In announcing the tariff decision, the regulator said the hikes were conditional upon Eskom ramping up efficiencies in areas within its control, such as plant performance. “It is evident that both Eskom and Nersa are aligned that every effort needs to be made to improve the energy availability factor at Eskom power stations,”

the utility said, noting that the shortage in capacity is due to both Eskom performance and delays in the Independent Power Producers projects which need to be addressed. “Nersa has reconsidered capital-related costs when compared to the previous decision. This significantly contributes to allowing for Eskom to recover costs related to debt commitments.” Eskom said it awaits the reasons for the decision. The power utility again apologised for the severe extent of load shedding, with Stage 6 currently being implemented. “The impact on individuals and businesses is understood. The minimising of load shedding is the highest priority for Eskom, and continuous focus at all levels in the organisation is being given.” -Fin24

Court Helicopters Namibia PTY(Ltd) VACANCY: VACANCY: AW 139 & SK76 CO-PILOTS Court Helicopters (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd, a leading Aviation Offshore Helicopter company based in Oranjemund is looking for an AW 139 & SK76 Co-Pilot. Required Qualifications and Experience for the AW 139 & SK76: License: NCAA CPL or ICAO Equivalent Type Rating: AW 139 & SK76 Total Hours: 500 hrs. Total Multi-Engine: 100 hrs. Total on Type hours: 50 hrs. Additional Endorsements/Ratings Required: Winch, Sling and Simulator recency will be advantageous. The successful candidate must be willing to work on a 24/7 Operation providing emergency night cover. Preference will be given to a Namibian citizen. If you meet the above requirements, please email your C.V to: Email: [emailprotected] Closing Date: 31 January 2023


Market Watch


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Please call your Private Banker or alternatively SMS PMM to 34778 *Effective rate (withholding tax still to be applied)

FlySafair is second-most punctual airline

Two SA airports ranked in global top 20 Cape Town International Airport obtained the 16th spot with an 87.26% on-time performance and a 1.02% cancellation rate. CARIN SMITH


ow-cost South African airline FlySafair is the second most on-time airline in the world, according to an annual ranking by global travel data provider OAG, based in the UK. Its Punctuality League 2023 report, released last week, analysed flight data during 2022 to determine the most on-time airlines and airports in the world. FlySafair’s on-time performance of 95.3% got it the second place on the top-20 most on-time airlines in the world list. This is despite operating 47% more flights in 2022 than in 2019. The airline also had a 0.02% cancellation rate. It was only beaten by an Indonesian airline, which managed to obtain a 95.63% on-time performance. Garuda Indonesia only operated 25% of the flights they had in 2019. No other local airline could make it onto the top-20 list. FlySafair spokesperson Kirby Gordon credits two factors for the airline’s sterling performance. “First is the fact that we manage all our own maintenance, which means

we have full control over keeping our fleet in tiptop shape, thereby minimising delays due to technical issues,” he said. “The second factor is a great team with a great culture - a group of people who want to be the best in the world and who know that if they apply themselves, they can be.” Furthermore, two South African airports made the top-20 on-time list

for airports. Durban’s King Shaka International Airport took the fifth spot with an on-time performance of 89.73% and a 1.37% cancellation rate. The top four positions were taken by Japanese airlines. Cape Town International Airport obtained the 16th spot with an 87.26% on-time performance and a 1.02% cancellation rate.

COMPANY NEWS IN BRIEF PEPCO REPORTS REVENUE SURGE Steinhoff’s European discount retailer Pepco says its revenue surged by about a quarter over the key festive period, with record trading days across its brands, as it benefited from its ongoing store rollout, its status as a discount retailer in tough economic conditions, as well as a healthy stock position. Pepco, the owner of the discount Pepco and Dealz brands in mainland Europe and Poundland in the UK, said in an update on Thursday group revenue rose 27% in constant-currency terms to €1.65 billion (R30.1 billion) in the quarter to end December from a year prior, rising 24% on an actual basis which includes currency effects. Pepco added 105 new stores during the quarter, bringing its total to 4 066, and it operates in 19 territories, including the UK, Italy, Greece and across eastern and central Europe.

Steinhoff holds more than three quarters of Pepco, which accounts for about half of its revenue, and listed in Warsaw in 2021. Pepco said on its value-proposition as a discount retailer had proved successful in the current economic environment, with inflation remaining elevated across its markets, although inflation in clothing and footwear is running significantly below the headline rate. Inflation has surged across the eurozone in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, notably pushing up energy prices, but also food prices. Eurozone inflation hit a record high of 10.6% in October, although it then eased a little, falling to 9.2% in December. -Fin24 MANGO SALE IN JEOPARDY A “sudden turn of events” in that Minister of Public Enterprises Pravin Gordhan has

Western Cape Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities Mireille Wenger said that preliminary statistics received from Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) shows that Cape Town International Airport recorded “a spectacular recovery” in passenger numbers during the peak season month of December when compared to pre-pandemic numbers. The airport recorded 266 656 internation-

not yet approved the sale of Mango, means the transaction may have to be abandoned and the airline wound down. This is according to the latest status report to creditors released by the airline’s business rescue practitioner, Sipho Sono. An updated application for approval in terms of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) had been submitted to Gordhan by Mango’s parent company South African Airways (SAA) on 28 November 2022. In his previous status report at the beginning of December 2022, Sono indicated that the updated application addressed issues raised by SAA against the sale. In that previous report, Sono indicated that he was “hopeful” that Gordhan will approve the sale of the low-cost airline “imminently”. Sono states in his latest report that, regrettably, Gordhan has not made a decision yet. The PFMA allows for an application to be deemed as approved if there is no response within 30 days. However, SAA and its shareholder, the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), agreed on an extension period. “We understand that the minister wrote to SAA on or about 20 December 2022, expressing a view that he was not completely satisfied with the responses to the queries that were raised by SAA [about the Mango sale],” states Sono’s report. It is also his understanding that National Treasury has indicated to SAA that it does not regard SAA’s application to the DPE as complete and would also like to have a submission made directly to it. -Fin24

al 2-way passenger numbers for December 2022, resulting in a 95% recovery when compared to December 2019. The domestic terminal, for the same month, recorded a strong 72% recovery when compared to the 2019 figure with 790 514 two-way passengers recorded. Lee-Anne Bac, a tourism specialist at BDO, says Flysafair’s “stellar performance” should be celebrated. “This is a very proud moment for South Africa. On-time performance is important, because, from a passenger’s perspective, having confidence that the airline is going to get you to your destination on time is important, especially for onward journeys,” says Bac. “Better on-time performance means improved travellers loyalty and bookings. It also means lower costs for the airline as delays have significant ramifications for scheduling of resources - for the airline and airport.” While Bac also lauds the performance on the global top-20 on-time airports list of King Shaka and Cape Town International, she says it is disappointing that OR Tambo International in Johannesburg did not make the global list, nor the top 20 on-time airports in the Middle East and Africa sub-list. She says the challenge for South Africa’s star performers will now be to keep or improve on their ratings in 2023. -Fin24


Market Watch


Expanding mandate

Enoch Godongwana, South Africa’s Finance Minister.PHOTO BLOOMBERG

South Africa’s president Cyril Ramaphosa. PHOTO REUTERS

ANC wants SARB to directly create jobs Godongwana’s comments come after President Cyril Ramaphosa on 9 January played down suggestions that an amendment to the mandate is imminent. PRINESHA NAIDOO AND ANTONY SGUAZZIN


he g ov e r n i n g ANC supports the central bank’s inflation-targeting policy and independence but would like an explicit mention of job creation in its remit, Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana has said. “The mandate of the

South African Reserve Bank is to protect price stability in the interest of balanced and sustainable growth — implied in that is employment creation,” Godongwana, who is also a high-ranking member of the ANC, said. The central bank considers a range of issues including employment when implementing its constitutional mandate,

and a direct reference to jobs won’t affect its operations, the minister said. Godongwana’s comments come after President Cyril Ramaphosa on 9 January played down suggestions that an amendment to the mandate is imminent. Gwede Mantashe, the chairperson of the ANC, said the party had agreed at its national conference

Client Executive Vacancy HR & Training Portfolio Are you passionate about Human Resources, Training and Career Development? Then this is the position for you!

to change the remit, a prospect that rattled investors worried that modifications would weaken the Reserve Bank’s independence and commitment to its inflation target. “Price stability is sacrosanct,” Godongwana said, echoing Reserve Bank Governor Lesetja Kganyago’s stance. The central bank targets price growth in a band of 3% to 6% but its policy makers prefers to anchor inflation expectations close to the midpoint of that range. It has doubled the benchmark rate since November 2021 to 7% in response to the worst global inflation shock in a generation. While the move drew criticism from some politicians and labour unions, its stance meant South Africa hasn’t ex-

SARB governor Lesetja Kganyago. PHOTO REUTERS

perienced target misses of the scale experienced by some of its African and developed-market peers, and interest-rate hikes haven’t been as large as in other emerging markets. The central bank, under

Kganyago, maintains that the poor will be hit hardest if inflation is not kept in check and has repeatedly said that clearing obstacles that would bolster job creation and economic growth fall

outside the scope of monetary policy. Kganyago hasn’t formally raised the prospect of lowering South Africa’s inflation target range, Godongwana said.

Synergi Marketing is looking for a dynamic and energetic Client Executive for our HR & Training Portfolio. Paterson Grade: B3

Duty Station: Windhoek


Price stability is sacrosanct.

To actively manage, recruit, promote, market and sell the Synergi HR and Training client portfolio and to ensure that the Synergi HR and Training platforms remains top of mind in the Human Resources & Training industry.

Court Helicopters Namibia PTY(Ltd)

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS, SKILLS & COMPETENCIES • Discovering the needs of, and challenges faced by, clients – and using effective sales techniques and customer service to market the Synergi HR and Training portfolio. • Planning and coordination of account activity of each client, generating sales opportunities, and reporting status of account, having in-depth knowledge of client sales and marketing trends and spend. • In-depth knowledge of print, various social media platforms, best practices, and online media. • Studio / Broadcast engagements aligned to Synergi HR and Training Marketing and Client portfolio • Create video/social media/print ad content assigned to clients aligned to Synergi HR and Training client portfolio • Meeting sales targets, and engaging in upselling and cross-selling • Outstanding communication skills – including both speaking and writing in both Afrikaans and English, networking, sales, marketing and interpersonal skills • The ability to negotiate and collaborate effectively • Team player with the ability to liaise with several departments across the Synergi client portfolio • Resilience and the ability to work under extreme pressure, adhere to strict deadlines and stay calm when under pressure • Be able to come up and put together creative briefs according to client needs and liaising with the mproduction department. • Self-Motivated, driven, be able to perform independently and under supervision. Interested candidates who qualify for the above position can forward their CV with certified copies of qualifications and relevant documentation to: The Human Resources Department - E-mail: [emailprotected]. Please write “Client Executive HR & Training -Paterson Grade: B3” in the subject line. For further details on job requirements and competencies visit Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. No documents will be returned. Closing date: 17 January 2023

Interviews: 20 January 2023

VACANCY: VACANCY: AW 139 & SK76 COMMANDER Court Helicopters (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd, a leading Aviation Offshore Helicopter company based in Oranjemund is looking for an AW 139 & SK76 Commander with the following experience: License: Instrument Rating: Type Rating: Total Rotor-Wing experience: Total Command Time: Total Command Night Offshore: Total Command Multi-Engine: Total Command on Type: Offshore Experience:

NCAA ATPL (H) or ICAO ATPL (H) Command, multi-engine AW 139 & SK76 3000 hrs. 1000 hrs. 25 hrs. 750 hrs. 100 hrs. 1 year

Additional Endorsements/Ratings Required: Winch and Sling Rating Simulator recency will be advantageous. The successful candidate must be willing to work on a 24/7 Operation providing emergency night cover. Preference will be given to a Namibian citizen. If you meet the above requirements, please email your C.V to: Email: [emailprotected] Closing Date: 31 January 2023

Enoch Godongwana, South Africa’s Finance Minister.

The Reserve Bank is seen by investors, business and ratings companies as one of few pillars of institutional strength in an economy hollowed out by state graft during former President Jacob Zuma’s presidency. A 2017 proposal by nowsuspended graft ombudsman Busisiwe Mkhwebane to change the bank’s official mandate and curtail its independence sparked concern before it was blocked by the courts. The ANC’s previous attempts to make changes at the central bank have stalled and it won’t be able to effect a constitutional amendment on its own. It controls 58% of seats in the National Assembly, meaning it would need backing from opposition parties to push through any amendments. -Fin24

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y Toda... is

World religion day


Betrekkings gevra Employment Wanted

YEUREE (40), is op soek na versorgingswerk van bejaardes, kantoorskoonmaak- en huis werk. Ernstige mense kan my skakel by: 081-4778547. DM0202300407498

MARIA, is op soek na huiswerk vir 3 dae in die week. Sy kan was, stryk en huisskoonmaak. Het verwysings. Skakel: 0812219411. DM0202300407489


Vakatures Vacancies

SITE AGENT/SURVEYOR: Cascades Enterprises cc is having a position for a Site Agent / Surveyor with a minimum of 10 years experience and a holder of Surveying Degree or equivalent. Duties: Setting out civil works. *Preparing payment records. *Material and contracts management. *Topographic surveys. *Managing team on site and subcontractors. *Assisting in tendering and producing BOQ. Namibian Nationals will have first preference. Closing date: 20/01/23. Email C.V and certified certificates to: [emailprotected]. DM0202300407495

QUARTZ CONSTRUCTION PTY LTD: CFO for Construction Company in Windhoek. Manage budget process, coordination with construction budgets. Represent company to financial institutions, investors, and auditors. Provide timely and accurate analysis of budgets, financial trends, forecasts, and financial results. Create and establish financial objectives that align with the company’s plan for growth. Manage cashflow and planning process, ensuring funds availability. Requirements: B. Com Accounting degree with CCS program capability. Proficient in the use of Build Smart compulsory. At least 10 years work experience in finance in a senior management position and experience in the construction field. Please email CV to: [emailprotected] Closing date for applications: 25 January 2023. If you don’t hear from us within two weeks, consider your application unsuccessful. Equal Opportunity Employer. DM0202300407487

RICARDO, is looking for any type of driving job, taxi etc. country wide, obtaining C1 with GP. Contact: 081-7811942


AMPLE NATURE INVESTMENTS CC, requires 2 Agronomist specifically for its Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse. Location: Karibib Requirements: Diploma in Computer Engineering or Bachelor of Technology (Bio-Technology) Agriculture. - Minimum experience of 2 years or more in ‘Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse (NVP) Farming’. - Expertise in covered cultivation, micro irrigation and postharvest technology. - Fertilizer and irrigation management in Naturally Ventilated Polyhouse. Apply with your CV, qualification certificates along with ID proof on or before 15th January 2023 via email [emailprotected]. DM0202300407447

Our World has hundreds of nations with thousands of cultures that stretch back into pre-history, and throughout all that time we’ve had countless religions rise to prominence. Whether you’re Hindu, Jewish, Catholic, Shinto, Buddhist, or one of a million other faiths, World Religion Day is your chance to share your culture with others and take an opportunity to learn from others about theirs

Market Watch To advertise, call: The Classifieds t: 061-297 2055

No advertisements will be accepted telephonically. 009

Vakatures Vacancies

EASY SECURITY INSTALLATIONS: is looking for a Security Technician. Valid driver’s licence must be able to Weld, must be dedicated & willing to learn, able to work under pressure, experience will be an advantage, must be fluent in Afrikaans & English. Send CV to: [emailprotected]. DM0202300407456

JOSEPH & SNYMAN: Body Corporate Administrator Joseph & Snyman (Pty) Ltd, a leading property management and estate agency, is looking for a strong Body Corporate Administrator who will be responsible for administration/ management of various body corporates. Skills and Attributes: *Excellent written and verbal communication skills. *Strong typing skills. *Good organisational and time management skills, with the ability to multi-task. *Good human relations and interpersonal skills. *Basic understanding of bookkeeping & minute taking. *Trustworthy, ethical, self-motivated and self-disciplined. *Team player and ability to work under pressure. *Sober social habits. Required qualifications and experience: *Namibian citizen. *Grade 12 or equivalent. *At least two years of relevant experience in an administrative assistant’s position. *Knowledge of body corporate administration and procedures will be an advantage. *Exceptional computer skills in Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook. *Fluent in both English and Afrikaans. *Other languages will be an added advantage. *Valid driver’s licence. Key focus areas: Capture all financial transactions for various Body Corporates. *Handles all correspondence for various Body Corporates. *Preparation of monthly reports to Trustees. *Assist debtors department with recovery of debts. *Scheduling of and preparation of documents for Body Corporate AGM / Budget Meetings. *Taking minutes at Body Corporate meetings.*Handles all insurance matters for Body Corporates. *Administer and Manage all bank accounts, renewal of signatures & FIA documents. We offer an attractive remuneration package commensurate with experience and relevant qualifications. Interested persons can submit their CVs and relevant documentation to: [emailprotected] Closing date is 27 January 2023 and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. DM0202300407474

GARNISH INDIAN RESTAURANT: Indian Main- Course, Pastry and Tandoor chef wanted. Requirements: Minimum experience in a Indian restaurant of 8+ years. Please hand deliver your CV. DM0202300407476

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Market Watch


Vakatures Vacancies

ALUMINIUM & HARDWARE STOCKIST: Three positions available: Job Title: Driver / Warehouse Picker - Windhoek. Reports to: Warehouse controller - Windhoek. Main Purpose of Job: Take responsibility for picking and packing hardware or extrusions where required and/or delivery of such goods. In conjunction with warehouse controller to check all quantities of hardware or extrusions versus picking slips and invoices of customers and invoices of suppliers. Primary duties: * Take full responsibility of picking, wrapping loading and offloading of hardware and extrusions. * Take responsibility to check all hardware and extrusions versus picking slips to ensure goods are delivered correctly. * Take responsibility to check all hardware and extrusions versus invoices from customers to ensure all goods received correspond with invoices supplied. * Keep the warehouse clean and tidy at all times. * Have a friendly and helpful attitude towards all clients of NEW. * Take responsibility to wrap and load all relevant goods on customer vehicles. * Take responsibility to off-load supplier trucks and pack in designated racks after all goods has been checked against supplier invoices. * Do any deliveries as required by warehouse controller. * Agree to perform any lawful and reasonable instruction. * Follow Standard Operating Procedures as laid out in the company internal control document and abide by all Company policies and procedures. * A valid drivers license will be a requirement. A BE, C1E or CE driver’s license will be an advantage. Form an active part of the team to improve customer service and perform any other functions that may be requested by management from time to time. Application to: Francois du Toit. E-mail: [emailprotected] Closing date: 20 January 2023. Note – Short listed candidates may be required to do psychometric testing. Any formal application must be in writing and should be accompanied by a short CV. DM0202300407458


Spesiale dienste Services

DO YOU URGENTLY NEED CASH? Park your car and get up to 45% of it’s value! Cash in your account in 30 min! No payslip, no bank statement, just the car! Autocash 061-400676. It’s that simple! DM0202200406803


Te huur To Let

EROS: Acacia Close: 3 bed room, 2 bathroom duplex townhouse guest toilet, laundry, lapa with built in BBQ, double garage, carports. N$ 11,000. Please call: Annelize 081-1285451. DM0202300407466

MEGA PARK: Pionierspark, 2 bedroom townhouse, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen/ dining/ lounge, shade nett, parking bay. Private backyard, N$ 7 500, excluding water & electricity. Contact: 081-1249748 DM0202300407473

KLEIN WINDHOEK: as from now or 01 February 2023. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, office, living room and open plan kitchen, single garage, stunning view / balcony / garden. No pets. NAD 22 000 per month /furnished. CELL: 081-1298701 (WhatsApp only). DM0202300407496


Te huur To Let

AVIS VILLAGE COMPLEX: 3 bedroom unit, 2 bathrooms, lounge, dining room area, single garage, front and backyard, 2 courtyards. Rent: N$ 9 000 per month plus deposit, water included, electricity excluded. Contact: 081-1405670. DM0202300407493


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

IN THE HIGH COURT OF NAMIBIA MAIN DIVISION, WINDHOEK CASE NO.:HC-MD-CIVACT-CON-2021/02009 In the matter between: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NAMIBIA LIMITED PLAINTIFF and ROHA INVESTMENTS CC FIRST DEFENDANT ROMETISIUS NGHIDISHANGE HALWOODI SECOND DEFENDANT NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to a Judgement of the Court granted on the 30th day of June 2021, the following movable property will be sold by the Deputy Sheriff for the District of Oshakati on the 26TH day of January 2023 at 12H00 at Advanced Refrigeration, Main Road, Oshakati. 1x Hino Truck with registration number N 40721 SH CONDITIONS OF SALE Voetstoots and cash to the highest bidder. Dated at WINDHOEK on the 16th day of DECEMBER 2022. JC VAN WYK ATTORNEY Legal Practitioner for Plaintiff 18 LOVE STREET, WINDHOEK TEL:(061) 225438 (REF:JCVW/a/4738) DM0202200407376

IN THE HIGH COURT OF NAMIBIA (Main Division – Windhoek) CASE NO. I 1847/2015 JUDGE: HONOURABLE JUDGE SCHIMMING-CHASE Set Down: 3 FEBRUARY 2022 ROLL TYPE: Second Motion Court/Rule 108 In the matter between: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NAMIBIA LIMITED, Applicant/ Plaintiff and PATRICK NDAFEDIVA, Respondent/Defendant NOTICE OF MOTIONPLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT the above-name Applicant/Plaintiff will make application to this Court on FRIDAY, 3 FEBRUARY 2022, at 10:00 or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, for an order against the Defendants, jointly and or severally the one to pay, the other to be absolved, in the following terms: 1. That the immovable property to wit: ERF NO. 1831, OKAHANDJA, with Registration Division “J”, OTJOZONDJUPA REGION, measuring 300 (THREE HUNDRED) square meters and held by Deed of Transfer No. T4099/2013 be declared specifically executable and that a Warrant of Execution against immovable property be authorized. 2. Cost of suit on the scale as between attorney and client. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER THAT the affidavit of HARIETTE BRANDER will be used in support of this application. KINDLY set this matter down accordingly. DATED AT WINDHOEK THIS 10TH DAY OFJANUARY 2023 FISHER, QUARMBY & PFEIFER LEGAL PRACTITIONERS FOR PLAINTIFF CORNER ROBERT MUGABE & THORER STREETS ENTRANCE ON BURG STREET WINDHOEK REF: AAH/jvz/S1834TO: THE REGISTRAR HIGH COURT WINDHOEK – MAIN DIVISION AND TO: PATRICK NDAFEDIVA DEFENDANT ONGHA VILLAGE, OHANGWENA REGION (SERVICE BY SUBSTITUTED SERVICE) DM0202300407486


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

NOTICE Take notice that RITTA KHIBA PLANNING CONSULTANTS CC (TOWN, REGIONAL PLANNERS& ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS) on behalf of the owner of Portion 3 of the Farm Katima Mulilo Townlands No.1328, intends applying to the Katima MuliloTown Council for: SUBDIVISION OF PORTION 3 OF FARM KATIMA MULILO TOWNLANDS NO.1328, KATIMA MULILO INTO PORTION A (A PORTION OF PORTION 3), PORTION B (A PORTION OF PORTION 3) OFTHE FARM KATIMA MULILO TOWNLANDS NO.1328 AND THE REMAINDER OF PORTION 3 OF THEFARM KATIMA MULILO TOWNLANDS NO. 1328 AND THE SUBSEQUENT REZONING OF PORTION A(A PORTION OF PORTION 3) AND B (A PORTION OF PORTION 3) OF THE FARM KATIMA MULILO TOWNLANDS NO.1328 FROM “UNDETERMINED” TO “INDUSTRIAL” FOR A SOLAR PLANT ON PORTION A AND FUTURE EXPANSIONS ON PORTION B; CONSENT TO USE THE PORTION FOR INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES WHILE THE REZONING IS BEING PROCESSED. Portion 3 of Farm Katima Mulilo Townlands No.1328 is zoned ‘Undetermined’ and is approximately 105,0032 Ha in extent. Portion 3 of Farm Katima Mulilo Townlands No. 1328 is located within the proclaimed town boundaries west of Katima Mulilo Town. Portion 3 of Farm Katima Mulilo Townlands No.1328 is currently vacant. Once Council approves the proposed subdivision and rezoning, the intention of the client is to use Portion A for a solar plant and Portion B for future expansions. The number of vehicles for which parking will be provided on-site will be in accordance the Katima Mulilo Town Planning Scheme. Take notice that the locality plan of the Erf lies for inspection on the Katima Mulilo Town Council as well as at Ritta Khiba Planning Consultant CC, Erf 1012Dorado Park. Further take notice that any person objecting to the proposed use of the land as set out above may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof, with the Town Council and with the applicant in writing within 14 days of the last publication of this notice on 06 February 2023. APPLICANT: RITTA KHIBA PLANNING CONSULTANTS CC TOWN, REGIONAL PLANNERS & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS P .O. Box 22543, Windhoek Tel: 061-225062 or Fax: 088614935(fax to email) Mobile: 081-5788154 / E-mail Address: [emailprotected]. na /[emailprotected] DM0202300407500

IN THE High Court of Namibia Case No: HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2019/01463 In the matter between: FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF NAMIBIA LIMITED, Plaintiff and CLASSIC IMAGE INVESTMENT CC CC/2015/07690, 1st Defendant LEENA LIGOLENI UUSHONA, 2nd Defendant NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION Pursuant to a Judgment granted by the above Honourable Court, the following goods will be sold in execution by public auction by the Deputy Sheriff, OSHAKATI on the 26th day of JANUARY 2023 at Advanced Refrigeration, Main Road, Oshakati, at 12h00, namely: 1 x MAZDA DEMIO N6529T TERMS: CASH to the highest bidder. Dated at WINDHOEK this 11th day of JANUARY 2023 FISHER, QUARMBY & PFEIFER Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff Corner Robert Mugabe & Thorer Streets WINDHOEK Ref: AAH/js/GMFN241016-X DM0202300407506

6 035

Market Watch Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

REZONING NOTICE Take notice that RITTA KHIBA PLANNING CONSULTANTS (TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNERS) on behalf of the owner of Erven 735 and 736, Chalcedoon Street No. 60, Eros Park, intends applying to the Municipal Council of Windhoek for: REZONING OF ERVEN 735 AND 736, CHALCEDOON STREET NO. 60 EROS PARK FROM‘RESIDENTIAL’ WITH A DENSITY OF 1:900 m² TO ‘HOSPITALITY’ FOR AN ACCOMMODATIONESTABLISHMENT TO ALLOW BETWEEN 5-10 ROOMS (GUESTHOUSE) ON EACH ERF AND CONSENTFOR AN OFFICE RESPECTIVIELY AND CONSENT TO USE THE ERVEN FOR HOSPITALITYPURPOSES WHILE THE REZONING IS BEING PROCESSED. Erf 735, Chalcedoon Street No. 60, Eros Park is zoned ‘Residential’ with a density of 1:900 m² and measures approximately 900 m2 in extent. There is an existing building situated on th eErf. Once Council approves the proposed rezoning the intention is to use the Erf for Hospitality purposes for an Accommodation establishment to allow between 5-10 rooms (Guesthouse). Erf 736, , Chalcedoon Street No. 60, Eros Park is zoned ‘Residential’ with a density of 1:900 m² and measures approximately 900 m2 in extent. There is an existing building situated on the erf. Once Council approves the proposed rezoning the intention is to use the erf for Hospitality purposes for an Accommodation establishment to allow between 5-10 rooms (Guesthouse). The number of vehicles for which parking will be provided on-site will be in accordance the Windhoek Town Planning Scheme. Take notice that the locality plan of the erven lies for inspection on the town planning notice board at the Customer Care Centre, Main Municipal Offices, Rev. Michael Scott Street, Windhoek as well as at Ritta Khiba Planning Consultant, Erf 1012 Dorado Park. Further take notice that any person objecting to the proposed use of the land as set out above may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof, with the Municipal Council of Windhoek, 5th Floor, Office 516 and with the applicant in writing not later than 06 February 2023 before 12:00. APPLICANT: RITTA KHIBA PLANNING CONSULTANTS TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNERS P O Box 22543, Windhoek Tel: 061 – 225062 or Fax: 088614935(fax to email) Mobile: 0815788154 / Email Address: [emailprotected] Municipality of Windhoek: MS. SELMA BACHLER TOWN PLANNER DEPARTMENT OF URBAN AND TRANSPORT PLANNING OFFICE: +264 61 290 2332 E-mail: [emailprotected] DM0202300407502

IN THE High Court of Namibia (Main Division – Windhoek) Case No.: HC-MD-CIV-ACTOTH-2022/02694 In the matter between MASSHIRE EQUIPMENT SERVICES CC T/A COASTAL HIRE ONGWEDIVA, Execution Creditor and JOHN NAMUSHESHE CONSTRUCTION & INVESTMENTS CC, 1st Execution Debtor ELMICH SAKEUS, 2nd Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION PURSUANT to Judgement granted by the above Honourable Court, the following goods will be Sold In Execution by a Public Auction on THURSDAY 26 JANUARY 2023at 12h00 at ADVANCED REFRIGERATION, MAIN ROAD, OSHAKATI, namely: Mercedes Actros Truck R66 – Registration no.: N 70294 W TERMS OF SALE: Voetstoots and cash to the highest bidder. DATED at WINDHOEK on this the 12TH day of January 2023. LUBBE & SAAIMAN INC. Attorneys for EXECUTION CREDITOR No. 165 Nelson Mandela Avenue Eros, Windhoek Tel.: +264 (0)61 305200 Ref: MS – COA1/0025 WINDHOEK DM0202300407504


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

NOTICE Take notice that RITTA KHIBA PLANNING CONSULTANTS (TOWN, REGIONAL PLANNERS ANDENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS) on behalf of the owner of Erf 1081 Windhoek, Robert Mugabe Street No 11, intends applying to the Municipal Council of Windhoek for: REZONING OF ERF 1081 WINDHOEK , ROBERT MUGABE AVENUE NO. 11 FROM “RESIDENTIAL” WITH A DENSITY OF 1:900M² TO “OFFICE” WITH A BULK OF 0.4 AND CONSENT TO USE THE ERF FOR OFFICE PURPOSES WHILE REZONING IS BEING PROCESSED, CONSENT FOR A 50% FREE RESIDENTIAL BULK AND CONSENT TO ACCOMODATE AN ACCOMODATION ESTABLISHMENT OF 8 ROOMS ON THE 50% FREE RESIDENTIAL BULK. Erf 1081 Windhoek, is zoned ‘‘Residential’’ and is approximately 1 934 m² in extent. There are existing buildings situated on the erf. Once Council approves the proposed rezoning the intention is to use the existing buildings as offices as well as an accommodation establishment of 8 rooms. The number of vehicles for which parking will be provided on-site will be in accordance with the Windhoek Town Planning Scheme. Take notice that the locality plan of the erf lies for inspection on the Town planning notice board at the Customer Care Centre, Main Municipal Offices, Rev. Michael Scott Street, Windhoek as well as at Ritta Khiba Planning Consultants, Erf 1012 Virgo Street, Dorado Park. Further take notice that any person objecting to the proposed use of the land as set out above may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof, with the Municipal Council of Windhoek, 5th Floor, and Office No. 516 and with applicant in writing within 14 days of the last publication of this notice on 06 February 2023. APPLICANT: RITTA KHIBA PLANNING CONSULTANTS TOWN AND REGIONAL PLANNERS P.O. Box 22543, Windhoek Tel: 061-225062 or Fax: 088- 614935 fax to email) Mobile: 081-5788154 / E-mail Address: rkhiba@gmail. com DM0202300407501

NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998,particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional LiquorLicensing Committee, Region OTJOZONDJUPA 1. Name and address of applicant: KAAP AGRI (NAMIBIA) (PTY) LTD 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates to: KAAPAGRI – HOCHFELD 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: PLOT NO. 2,HOCHFELD (REMAINDER OF PORTION 3 (A PORTION OF PORTION 2) OF THE FARM HOCHFELD) 4. Nature and details of application: APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF A BOTTLESTORE LIQUOR LICENCE 5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: OKAHANDJA 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 23 JANUARY 2023 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 8 MARCH2023 Any objection or written submission in terms of Section 28 of the Act inrelation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of theCommittee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of themeeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard DM0202300407510


Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

NOTICE Take notice that RITTA KHIBA PLANNING CONSULTANTS CC (TOWN, REGIONAL PLANNERS& ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS) on behalf of the owner of the Remainder of Portion 1 (called Paddyvale) of the Farm Randveld No. 167, intends applying to the Kunene Regional Council, Outjo Constituency and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development for: SUBDIVISION OF THE REMAINDER OF PORTION 1 (CALLED PADDYVALE) OF THE FARM RANDVELD NO. 167 INTO PORTION A (A PORTION OF PORTION 1) OF THE FARM RANDVELD NO. 167 AND THE REMAINDER OF PORTION 1 OF THE FARM RANDVELD NO. 167 AND SUBSEQUENT REZONING OF PORTION A (A PORTION OF PORTION 1) OF THE FARM RANDVELD NO. 167, FROM ‘FARMLAND’ TO ‘INDUSTRIAL’ FOR THE PURPOSES OF A SOLAR PLANT ANDCONSENT TO USE THE PORTION FOR INDUSTRIAL PURPOSES WHILE THE REZONING IS BEING PROCESSED. The Remainder of Portion 1 (called Paddyvale) of the Farm Rand veld No. 167 is zoned ‘Farmland’ and is approximately 1066,6063 Ha in extent. The Remainder of Portion 1 (called Paddyvale) of the Farm Rand veld No. 167 is currently vacant. Once Council approves the proposed subdivision and rezoning, the intention of the client is to use Portion A for a Solar Plant. Take notice that the locality plan of the Erf lies for inspection on the town planning notice board and at Kunene Regional Council, Outjo Constituency as well as at Ritta Khiba Planning Consultant CC, Erf 1012 Dorado Park. Further take notice that any person objecting to the proposed use of the land as set out above may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof, with the Kunene Regional Council, Outjo Constituency and with the applicant inwriting within 14 days of the last publication of this notice on, 06 February2023. APPLICANT: RITTA KHIBA PLANNING CONSULTANTS CC TOWN, REGIONAL PLANNERS & ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS P .O. Box 22543, Windhoek Tel: 061 – 225062 or Fax: 088614935(fax to email) Mobile: 0815788154 / Email Address: [emailprotected]. na /[emailprotected] DM0202300407503

IN THE High Court of Namibia (Main Division) Case Number: HC-MD-CIVACT-CON-2022/03828 In the matter between: WAYNE DEON OPPERMAN IN HIS CAPACITY AS TRUSTEE FOR THE TIME BEING OF THE CHRIS ELOFF BUILDING MATERIALS TRUST T/A BUCO ONGWEDIVA, Plaintiff and KAOKOLAND MAINTENANCE CC, First Defendant IMMANUEL KAPOLO, Second Defendant, SEVERINA MEWILIKO NDAMWENEKWA SHILUMBA, Third Defendant BE PLEASED TO TAKE NOTICE that the under-mentioned assets, in execution of a Judgement granted on 2 November 2022 against the Defendants, will be sold inexecution by the Deputy Sheriff for the district of Oshakati, on THURSDAY, 26 JANUARY 2023 at 12:00 at ADVANCED REFRIGERATION, MAIN ROAD, OSHAKATI. 1x John Deere 5503 Tractor TERMS: Voetstoots and cash to the highest bidder. Dated at Windhoek on the 12th day of January 2023 ETZOLD – DUVENHAGE PER: HANNALIE DUVENHAGE LEGAL PRACTITIONER FOR PLAINTIFF NO. 33 FELD STREET WINDHOEK COL/je/BUC4/0095


monday 16 january 2023

Regskennisgewings Legal Notices

IN THE High Court Of Namibia (Main Division – Windhoek) Case No: HC-MD-CIV-ACTCON-2019/05263 In the matter between: SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES LIMITED: Execution Creditor and SPEEDSON FACTORY CC, Execution Debtor NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION IN EXECUTION OF COURT ORDER of THE HIGH COURT OF NAMIBIA, given on 28th day ofJanuary 2020 in the abovementioned case, a judicial sale by public auction willbe held on the 26th day of January 2023 at 12H00, Advanced Refrigeration, Main Road, Oshakati, Republic of Namibia, for the following: GOODS: 1x double axel car trailer, 3x double axel cattle trailers. CONDITIONS OF SALE: The sale will be held without reserve and goods will be sold to the highestbidder. The goods will be sold “voetstoots”. Payment shall be made in cash or by EFT. Dated at Windhoek this 10th day of January 2023. KATJAERUA LEGAL PRACTITIONERS Legal Practitioner for Judgement Creditor 1ST Floor, Heritage Square 100 Robert Mugabe WINDHOEK (Ref: SME1/0042) DM0202300407505


ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS NAMIBIA If you want to drink, that’s your business. If you want to stop, that’s ours. Windhoek: 081 325 6144 Swakopmund: 081 243 2649 E-MAIL: [emailprotected]

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Market Watch



Market Watch


Court Helicopters Namibia PTY(Ltd) VACANCY: AW 139 LICENSED AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE ENGINEERS Court Helicopters (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd, is offering exciting job opportunities for qualified Aircraft Maintenance Engineers at its Operating Base in Oranjemund -Namibia. Applications are welcome from Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (A&C and /or AVIONICS) licensed, qualified, and experienced to work on AW139 Helicopters. Preference will be given to Applicants who are Namibian Citizens and meet the following requirements: 1. Applicant must hold a License issued by the Namibian Civil Aviation Authority or the applicant must be able to obtain a Namibian License by converting a current foreign License. 2. A&C applicants must be rated on the AW139 Helicopter and have evidence of at least two years’ experience on type. 3. AVIONICS applicants should preferably have a minimum of two years’ experience working on the AW139 however overall experience working on similar helicopter types will be taken into consideration. 4. Preference will be given to Avionics Engineers licensed in the following categories: a. b. c. d.

Cat W Electrical equipment Servicing/Installation Cat W Instrument Installation/Servicing Cat W Radio Equipment Installation/Servicing Cat X Compass Direct reading Magnetic

In all cases above, preference will be given to applicants with experience working in the offshore helicopter environment. The successful candidate must be willing to work on a 24/7 operation providing emergency night cover, and will be based in Oranjemund, Namibia. If you meet the above requirements, please email your C.V to: Email: [emailprotected]

Closing Date: 31 January 2023

Get all the news here:



Cricket 2 MONDAY



Sport Wrap Coordinator: Limba Mupetami • Tel (061) 383 400 • E-mail: [emailprotected]







NMH Marketing Manager: Publications: Carmen Stenger • Tel (061) 248 759 • E-mail: [emailprotected]

Emilio Martin (left) and Willy Stephanus are two of African Stars’ well-known national players. PHOTO: ANDREW POOLMAN



frican Stars, log leader and the only unbeaten team in the Debmarine Namibia Premier League (NPL), showed the depth of their playing squad in a friendly ‘tournament’ format which also involved fellow premier league clubs Tura Magic and Unam, as well as a second African Stars combination. At Unam Stadium on Saturday morning, the host team was eliminated 1-0 by the African Stars’ ‘second’ combination, with the winning goal scored by Kaejarukako Katjimune. In match two, Tura Magic were overshadowed 5-3 by the African Stars team for which Willy Stephanus, Tjahikika Mbakondja (two), Edmar Kamatuka and Katoorua Mbuenda found the goal net. Later the afternoon, Tura Magic redeemed themselves with a 4-0 win against Unam, before the ‘final’ between the two African Stars teams.

Worrying moment

A worrying moment for African Stars coach Mervin Mbakera may have been the aerial challenge to first-choice goalkeeper Kamaijanda Ndisiro, which left him needing medical attention before later being replaced. Speaking to reporters afterwards, Mbakera seemed in good spirits following the competitive match practice for his extended squad. African Stars is scheduled to travel to the north this coming weekend for the resumption of the NPL season, facing Life Fighters at Otjiwarongo on Saturday before their Sunday appointment at Rundu against Julinho. Life Fighters are currently second on the NPL log (15 points from five wins and two losses), just four points behind leaders African Stars. Julinho is in seventh spot, jointly on 11 points each with Civics (fifth) and

4 2-1

African Stars smiling after dress rehearsal

The A side - led by Willy Stephanus, one of several experienced Brave Warriors stalwarts at the club’s disposal – won 3-0 against their B team, with two goals scored by striker Daniel Salazar, including one at an angle from the left-hand side about 25 metres out.

Six-try Bulls get their revenge


NPL resumes next weekend

Led by Willy Stephanus, the A side won 3-0 against the B team, with two goals scored by striker Daniel Salazar.


Our thoughts are with his family, friends and loved ones in this very difficult time.


Might Gunners (sixth). Mbakera pointed out that the support staff – including African Stars’ recently appointed director of football, former Brave Warriors coach Ricardo Mannetti – should be a telling indicator of the club and its players moving into an upward curve. “Remember that Ricardo was the one who introduced stars such as Peter Shalulile, Petrus Shitembi and Wangu Gome to us. He has a wealth of experience and a proven eye for talent development, which should serve our club very well from the academy level upwards.” The coach believes it is high time for Namibian clubs to be much more active at continental level in competitions such as the CAF Champions League. Mbakera further expressed appreciation to Unam and Tura Magic for their involvement in the exercise and wished them well for their remaining NPL campaigns. Other friendly results on Saturday At Okahandja: Okahandja United beat Spoilers 2-0; Okahandja United beat Tigers 3-2. At Outjo: Life Fighters beat African Lions 4-1; Life Fighters beat Outjo Academy 1-0.

Gen. Murtala Muhammed AVE P.O. BOX 3436, Windhoek Tel: 061 297 2000; Fax: 061 223 721

Shilongo hopeful for future amid SuperSport United split LIMBA MUPETAMI

Dragged on

In a sad end, Namibian international footballer Benson Shilongo has parted ways with SuperSport United. The Namibian international joined the Tshwane outfit last September and is understood to have put pen to paper on a twoyear contract at the time, but was still waiting to make his official debut. Benson confirmed the news, describing the situation as “sad” but adding that he is hopeful for the future. The Brave Warriors forward is still in South Africa and is still training with SuperSport for a while, hoping another opportunity will arise. SuperSport United CEO Stan Matthews also confirmed to SABC Sport that they have parted ways with Shilongo. He explained that a matter involving the forward and his former club, Egyptian side Ismaily, appeared to not have been resolved to pave the way for his second stint in the Premier Soccer League. Shilongo spent two years at the now defunct Platinum Stars before moving to North Africa in 2018 to initially join Pyramids and then later Ismaily.

Namibia’s Benson Shilongo. PHOTO: FILE

“We agreed upfront with Benson that we would want to bring him on board only after his matter with his previous club was finally settled. Unfortunately, that matter has dragged on longer than expected and will now only be heard later in the year, so we have agreed that it’s best for both parties that Benson explore other options and we can reassess things when his case is settled,” Matthews told SABC Sport. The reason for Shilongo leaving Ismaily in December 2021 was due to the club failing in their commitment to pay his salary. He transferred to Israel for a few months and it was thought he was cleared to subsequently move on and return to South Africa with SuperSport. “Benson has been super professional and dedicated throughout his time training with us and it’s frustrating and unacceptable really that any player should have a matter drag on for well over a year without being fully resolved through the dispute resolution structures in place. “We hope he can get on with his livelihood and playing the game he loves soon,” Matthews said. – Additional information SABC SPORTS


Sport Wrap


WEEKEND SPORT RESULTS 13-15 January 2023

Picture of the week









Llanelli Scarlets






Leicester Tigers


Sukkot Playground in Windhoek’s Dolam is always a hive of activity over the weekend. Young boys and girls frequent the grounds to play football matches. Last year, the playground was renovated by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), in collaboration with City of Windhoek, in order for children to continue playing in a safe and fun space. The grounds are where talent can be scouted when football games take place. Most of the players said they struggle with balls to play with, and would appreciate donations to continue horning their skills. PHOTO: LIMBA MUPETAMI

CRICKET, SA20 2023 Paarl: Paarl Royals (82/3) beat Joburg Super Kings (81 all out) by seven wickets. Cape Town: Durban’s Super Giants (154/5) beat MI Cape Town (152/8) by five wickets.

Withdraws from Sharjah Warriors

SATURDAY CRICKET NAMIBIA 50-OVER PREMIER LEAGUE WHS Vegkop Stadium: AMH Motor Holdings WHS Old Boys (220/5) beat Samsung Wanderers (214/7) by five wickets. United field: MR24/7 Welwitschia (202 all out) beat Trustco United (156/9) by 46 runs.

CRICKET NAMIBIA 40-OVER FIRST DIVISION Wanderers field: Wanderers II (58/2) beat Otjiwarongo 54 all out) by eight wickets. Doc Jubber field: WHS Old Boys II (120 all out) beat Shaheen Titans (115 all out) by 5 runs.

Marcus Rashford of Manchester United celebrates after scoring their second goal during the Premier League match against Manchester City at Old Trafford on Saturday. FOTO GETTY IMAGES



Manchester City










Nottingham Forest


Leicester City


Wolverhampton Wanderers


West Ham










Smit out for six months A late injury resulted in Namibia’s all-rounder JJ Smit withdrawing from Sharjah Warriors, a club that plays in the newly established ILT20 tournament. LIMBA MUPETAMI


he inaugural United Arab Emirates (UAE) International League T20 (ILT20) tournament commenced over the weekend in Dubai - much to the enthrallment of cricket fans. It’s not all good news, though, with 27-year-old JJ Smit revealing to Sport Wrap that he withdrew from the tournament because of an injury to his left knee. “I hurt my left knee a few years ago and have been playing with the injury ever since. It is serious and I’m going to be on the sidelines for about six months,” he said. The ILT20 will see several of the world’s leading players competing in six teams over the next month. Even though Smit will not be featuring, cricket fans can, however, still expect to see other Namibian players such as Eagles captain Gerhard Erasmus and David Wiese featuring in the inaugural league. Both are signed to Gulf Giants.

Into Touch

The year that awaits! LIMBA MUPETAMI


Sale Sharks


Stade Toulousain






Union Bordeaux-Begles



Northampton Saints




Exeter Chiefs


La Rochelle





Montpellier Herault




Lyon OU


14-49 32-3


CRICKET, SA20 2023 Paarl: Paarl Royals (82/3) beat Joburg Super Kings (81 all out) by seven wickets. Cape Town: Durban’s Super Giants (154/5) beat MI Cape Town (152/8) by five wickets.

This year will see some of world sport’s biggest events feature in a bumper calendar year. When it comes to Namibian athletes and their participation, I really want to see the likes of Christina Mboma, Beatrice Masilingi, Sade de Sousa and Veja Hinda do well. I hope boxer Jeremiah Nakathila will get a world title shot. I would also love to see growth for other boxers such as Charles Shinima, Philipus ‘Energy’ Nghitumbwa, Alfeus ‘Mosquito’ Shaanika, Harry Simon Jr and Flaime Nangolo on a bigger stage. I want Simon Jr and Nangolo

A knee injury resulted in Namibian all-rounder JJ Smit withdrawing from Sharjah Warriors. PHOTO: FILE

Meanwhile, left-arm pace bowler Ruben Trumpelmann will represent club Desert Vipers. In the first match of the league, Dubai Capitals won by 73 runs against Abu Dhabi Knight Riders. Gulf Giants were scheduled to face Abu Dhabi Knight Riders at Sheikh Zayed Stadium in the third match of the league before going to print, while in the fourth

match, Desert Vipers were set to face Sharjah Warriors at the Dubai International Cricket Stadium. The main objective of the league is to provide the opportunity to the native developing UAE players to take their game to the next level while playing with worldclass players. The league is expected to conclude on 13 February.

to step out and back up their trash talk. They are young, but it would be exciting to see them fight worthy opponents - this will show that they have what it takes. When it comes to football, the likes of Steven Damaseb and Prins Tjuiza are now the future of the Brave Warriors. I hope more players like them can be brought into the set-up. We need to revamp the Warriors squad, but that can only happen if the team gets a chance to take part in friendly matches and so forth. In terms of the Namibia Football Association, I beg for stability and cohesion. I further hope MTC will spread its wings and continue to bless other sport codes, and I’d love to see other cor-

porate companies follow suit. I hope that the women;s and men’s senior indoor hockey teams bring medals home from Pretoria’s Indoor World Cup. Furthermore, seeing the national rugby team win a match for the first time on a World Cup stage is something I really hope to witness. In addition, I hope that the Debmarine Premiership gets better in terms of organising and disseminating news, and that the way players are treated improves. I’m hoping for a bigger and better sponsorship for para athletes in order for them to perform on a bigger stage. All in all, I pray that this year’s sports calendar is exciting and that Namibia can thrive. If you would like to be featured in the column section, send an opinion piece on any sport topic to limba@ Kindly also attach a high-quality headshot along with its photographer credit, if applicable. Columns will be published on discretion of the Namibian Sun Sports Desk team. - [emailprotected]

Giant left his mark in Walvis Bay

Dougie Dyers dies at 85

Rafael Nadal will kick off his Australian Open title defence today with a first round test against rising Brit Jack Draper as a new era begins on the blue hardcourts of Melbourne Park. At the first Grand Slam following Roger Federer’s retirement and Serena Williams’s “evolving away” from tennis, Spaniard Nadal carries the flame for the fading golden generation as he bids for a 23rd major title - and third at Melbourne Park.




Snyman told Netwerk24: “Dougie was simply a giant. He was very far ahead of his time, a telling example of a prophet who was not honoured in his own country. It’s a great pity that after unification he was no longer proactively used in rugby”. Dyers, Snyman and the late Dr Danie Craven made the decision together in 1980 that players of colour should


The 36-year-old is third up at Rod Laver Arena, returning to the centre court where a year ago he conjured the “miracle of Melbourne”, coming back from two sets down to topple Daniil Medvedev in a five-set classic. However, as Nadal observed on Saturday, tennis moves quickly. The top seed has had only one win since September’s US Open and admitted his title defence was vulnerable to an early shock after two straight defeats in the lead-up.

Old Boys, Welwitschias triumphant

Hailed a ‘true pioneer’ of the sport, the former Springbok rugby selector died last Tuesday.

Ahead of his time

Nadal launches title defence

Tennis star Rafael Nadal. PHOTO: ATP TOUR

Dougie Dyers was a former Springbok selector and respected administrator. PHOTO: GALLO IMAGES

man of absolute “character, courage and vision”. This is how former Springbok and ex Western Province coach Dawie Snyman paid tribute to the late Dougie Dyers last week. Dyers, a former Springbok rugby selector who left a legacy in WP and South African rugby before and after unification in 1992, died last Tuesday at the age of 85. Dyers was also a founding member of Kudus Rugby Club in 1961, the Walvis Bay-based club said in a tribute posted on its website following his death. To this day, Kudus remains a strong competitor in the Namibia Rugby Union premier league and a regular contributor of talent to national teams. “Our thoughts are with his family, friends and loved ones in this very difficult time. May you find solace in the memories of ‘Oom’ Dougie and the knowledge that he was a true pioneer in South Africa. We as Kudus Rugby Club Salute you.”


Sport Wrap


As a player, Dougie Dyers captained the South African Proteas on their European tour in 1971. PHOTO: RUGBYPASS

participate in the annual Craven Week tournament in Stellenbosch. “This was 10 years before Nelson Mandela was released. We did not have the approval of the university, the WP Rugby Union or the South African Rugby Board. We nevertheless proceeded and after that, it was never the same,” Snyman said. Before unification, Dyers was connected to the SA Rugby Federation, a coloured governing body which in the apartheid years worked together with the SA Rugby Council, under the leadership of Craven, to pursue nonracialism in the game.

Paved the way

As a pioneer across racial boundaries, Dyers was appointed in 1971 as the first captain of a national team of colour to leave South Africa’s national borders when he led the Proteas on their European tour in 1971. The following year, he was also the captain of the Proteas in a match against England – the first international match on South African soil where coloured and white players

played against each other. In 1974, he was also the Proteas’ captain in a match against the British and Irish Lions. Administrators and players who were connected to the federation were sharply criticised from the ranks of the then non-racial South African Rugby Union for their cooperation with the “white” governing body. “He had a different political vision, not necessarily a different goal, about the path he had to walk to get to the destination. He, like John the Baptist, paved the way for South Africa to be able to undergo the transformation we have had since,” Snyman put it into perspective. “It was a choice of two political paths. One was a revolutionary path and the other one of cooperation. Dougie walked the path of cooperation. “Dougie and Dr Craven are the two people who were the core in terms of the practical implementation of white, brown and black people being able to play rugby together.”

– Adapted from Netwerk24

The first two one-day premier league matches for 2023 took place on Saturday in Windhoek, where AMH Motor Holdings’ WHS Old Boys Cricket Club 1 and the MR24/7 Welwitschias 1 bagged two valuable league points each towards the white ball championship. At Vegkop Stadium, Old Boys hosted Imperial Wanderers 1, taking revenge with a comprehensive fivewicket victory over the White Stallions. Wanderers batted first with Niko Davin, Lo-han Louwrens, Karl Birkenstock, Nyasha Nyasha and Michale Durant (not out*) contributing 63, 28, 24, 29 and 29* runs respectively towards their score of 214 for the loss of seven wickets in 50 overs that included 15 extra runs. For Old Boys, Shaun Fouché took two wickets for 48 runs in 10 overs, Donovan Zealand 2/45 in 10 and Malan Kruger 2/29 in seven. However, it was Zhivago Groenewaldt’s excellent spell of 1/20 in 10 that made him man of the match. He also bowled three empty overs when the visitors could not score a single run. Old Boys’ runs came from the willows of Fouché (27), Divan la Cock (36), Kruger (48), Zane Green (36), JP Kotzé (26), Gerhard Janse van Rensburg (12*) and JW Visagie (8*) to reach 220/5 in 38 overs with

72 balls to spare. Wanderers conceded a whopping 27 extra runs. For Wanderers, Danie van Schoor took 3/31 in seven overs, Christiaan Delport 1/29 in three and Davin 1/11 in two. Birkenstock did not take a wicket, but the 3.78 runs he conceded in his nine overs made him the most economical bowler after Groenewaldt.

Trustco United (156/9) vs Welwitschias (202/10)

The Welwitschias batted first and saw batter Samson Chivi (105) scoring more than half of his side’s runs (202/10 in 38.3 overs) to scoop up the man of the match award. Their tally included 33 extras to beat the home side by 46 runs. Michael van Lingen (4/31 in 10), Handré Klazinga (3/53 in 7.3), KC Griffiths (1/29 in eight), Ramsay McDonald (1/12 in three) and Melrich Robyn (1/11 in four) took wickets for United. McDonald (31), Henry Hayes (20), Van Lingen (24), Hendrik Van Der Walt (15), Klazinga (14) and Dickson Vambe (15) as well as 26 extras contributed towards United’s total score of 156 all out in 37.4 overs. The Welwitschia bowlers Simon Shikongo with 4/29 in 10 and Justus Hangula (2/22 in 7.4) were deadly on the attack, while John-Eric Thierauch, Junior Kariata and Ricardo Strauss contributed one wicket each. - [emailprotected]

Malan Kruger cuts at a delivery with wicketkeeper Lo-han Louwrens from Wanderers behind the wickets.


Sport Wrap


Some not happy with United equaliser

Rashford interfered – Akanji

Six-try Bulls get their revenge SUPERSPORT Wandisile Simelane scored a brace as the Vodacom Bulls exacted sweet revenge for their earlier defeat at the hands of Exeter Chiefs, beating the English side 39-26 in a pulsating game at Loftus Versfeld on Saturday night. In a game that seemed to have everything - including a red card for England international Henry Slade and a change of referees as Mathieu Raynal pulled a hamstring on the 50thminute mark - the Bulls outscored Exeter six tries to four to rack up a solid victory and take revenge for their loss at Sandy Park last month. But the bonus point Exeter picked up late in the game will be valuable for them as they moved above the Bulls on the current log in pool A, with the Bulls sitting fourth now and taking a massive step towards qualifying for the play-offs with the victory.

Manchester United’s Marcus Rashford in action with Manchester City’s Manuel Akanji. PHOTO: THE STAR

Despite the linesman raising his flag for offside, referee Stuart Attwell awarded the goal, allowing United to mount a comeback and win 2-1. SUPERSPORT


anchester City defender Manuel Akanji says Marcus Rashford was clearly interfering with play in the lead-up to Manchester United’s equaliser in their Premier League match on Saturday. City defenders tracked Rashford’s run from an offside position as he

chased the ball for 30 metres before Bruno Fernandes stepped in at the last second to score. The linesman raised his flag for offside, but referee Stuart Attwell awarded the goal, allowing United to mount a comeback and win 2-1. “Fernandes tells him he’s not in an offside position and he can shoot. That’s when he stopped and for me it’s a clear interference,” Akanji told

Viaplay. “I understand he didn’t touch the ball. But what I always thought the rule was if you chase the ball and your intention is to play the ball... it’s clearly offside, but the ref decided it’s not.”

‘No doubt’

United’s Luke Shaw told Sky Sports that the City defender covering Rashford was not able to reach the ball. “Rashy obviously made the run but I think the player who was with him, I don’t think was going to be able to get the ball anyway,” he said. “I don’t

think he actually did interfere at all. “I think Rashy was clever to know that Bruno was there and leave the ball. For me, it was a goal.” Former English referees chief Keith Hackett said there was “no doubt” Rashford was interfering with an opponent. “To allow Bruno Fernandes’ goal to stand is total nonsense. If we do not call that offside, then the offside law is an ass,” he wrote in The Telegraph. “They will argue that he [Rashford] has to touch the ball to be active. The law is awful and requires a complete rewrite.”

Wandisele Simelane in action. PHOTO: VODACOM BULLS

Bucs shine against Gallants SUPERSPORT Saturday’s DStv Premiership action got underway at the Royal Bafokeng Stadium as Marumo Gallants suffered a 2-0 home loss against Richards Bay Football Club. While Gallants created more goalscoring opportunities, the Natal Rich Boyz made the most of their chances as goals from Sanele Barnes and Tshepo Mabua were enough for the Durban side to collect maximum points. Elsewhere, Orlando Pirates returned to winning ways after their 3-1 victory against Golden Arrows at the Orlando Stadium in the adjacent fixture. The Soweto giants dominated the encounter from the get-go, while Arrows sat back in soaking up the pressure. However, Pirates’ individual quality was too much for the visitors to handle as Monnapule Saleng, Terrence Dzvukamanja and Vincent Pule got their names on the scoresheet for the Buccaneers.

Over in the Eastern Cape, Chippa United welcomed Cape Town City to the Nelson Mandela Bay Stadium in the 17:30 fixture, as the two sides shared the spoils in a 1-1 draw. The Mother City team saw most of the ball throughout the 90 minutes and created more efforts on target as well. An own goal by Justice Chabalala put the Chilli Boys on the back foot in the 28th minute, however, the home team levelled matters on the stroke of half-time courtesy of a strike by Etiosa Ighodaro. Also, Sekhukhune United made it three wins out of three in the league after they recorded a 1-0 victory against Stellenbosch FC at the Danie Craven Stadium. Babina Noko’s upturn in form was evident throughout the encounter and they looked solid in and out of possession. Chibuike Ohizu’s headed effort in the 34th minute was enough for Sekhukhune to walk away with maximum points, while the defeat leaves Stellenbosch winless in eight league games.

Richards Bay reclaimed second place in the DStv Premiership standings after two late goals secured a victory over 10man Marumo Gallants at the Royal Bafokeng Stadium on Saturday afternoon. PHOTO: RICHARDS BAY FOOTBALL CLUB

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.