MetaMaster54610's Death Battle Arena - Chapter 40 - MetaMaster54610 (2024)

Chapter Text

Name: Patricia Watson

Age: 13

Race: Cyborg

Title: Lab 8's Ultimate Weapon

Bio: Formerly a simple orphaned girl living a humble life with her best friend Marie Korbel, Patricia Watson's life would take a drastic shift when a group of slave traders working under the Medici Mafia arrived, burning down the orphanage, killing the caretakers and taking away the children, brutally mutilating Patricia for being too defiant by tearing out her limbs, smashing out her teeth and gouging out her eyes. Despite the horrific injuries, Patricia would survive long enough to be rescued by the Anti-Skullgirl labs, where she would have her missing appendages replaced by synthetic parasites that not only kept her alive, but also granted her the powers of the cartoons she loved to watch so dearly.

Costume 1: Standard appearance

Costume 2: Pajamas

Costume 3: Orphanage outfit

Costume 4: Maid outfit

Costume 5: Black and White Peaco*ck

Voice Actor: Sarah Anne-Williams

Playstyle: Peaco*ck is very much a zoner through and through, having many attacks that are good for keeping the foe at a distance and blowing through their defenses, but her health bar and close-range strength are below average.


Standing Light Punch: Pokes forward

Standing Medium Punch: Smashes a large pie into the foe

Standing Heavy Punch: Pulls out a large two-handed cannon and lights the fuse with her cigar to fire a short-range cannonball at the foe

Standing Light Kick: Causes one of Argus' eyes to bulge out and hit the foe

Standing Medium Kick: Stomps the floor to send a floorboard springing up with a white boxing glove on the end

Standing Heavy Kick: Attempts to kick a football that Avery holds up, only for Avery to move the football at the last second as Peaco*ck kicks what's in front of her instead

Air Light Punch: Brands the foe with her cigar, able to be followed up with

Air Medium Punch: Slightly protracts her metal teeth to snap at the foe like a bear trap

Air Heavy Punch: Pulls out a shotgun and fires it forward, causing a short-range burst that sends her and foes it hits flying back from the recoil

Air Light Kick: Takes off her hat and reveals Avery, who swings a chainsaw

Air Medium Kick: Pulls her hat over her head, causing her now enlarged head to erupt from a hole in the floor to bite at the foe from far below

Air Heavy Kick: Boots Avery out of her hat as he wildly slashes forward with knives

Crouching Light Punch: Swings a mallet onto the ground

Crouching Medium Punch: The eyes of Argus thrust out like daggers

Crouching Heavy Punch: Tips her hat to reveal Avery, who fires a shotgun down at the foe's feet

Crouching Light Kick: Avery pops out of Peaco*ck's hat and thrusts forward a large green boot

Crouching Medium Kick: Fires a laser from an Eye of Argus through a magnifying glass, aiming at the foe's feet

Crouching Heavy Kick: Plays a banjo solo as she slides on her knees

Special Attacks:

-Bang!: Peaco*ck pulls a revolver and fires one of three different shots depending on the button used.

--Light: A short-ranged flag that has the ability to stagger foes on block, good for handling foes at close range

--Medium: Fires a large blade at mid-range to skewer the foe

--Heavy: Fires up to three bullets across the screen

-A Day in the Life of George: Peaco*ck calls upon a large walking bomb that performs one of three attacks depending on the button used in the input:

--George's Day Out: George waddles across the stage at slow speed, exploding on impact with the foe

--Boxcar George: George drives a small go-kart across the screen to ram into the foe and explode on impact

--George at the Airshow: George drives onto the stage in a little plane and divebombs the foe, causing an explosion on contact with them or the ground.

-Shadow of Impending Doom: Peaco*ck whistles, and a black shadow appears under the foe's feet, causing a random object to land on the foe's head. Can be charged, with the weakest charge dropping fairly simple objects like cups and flower pots, the second dropping heavier objects like vases and bricks, and the last dropping large, heavy objects like anvils, cinder blocks, vehichles, elephants or Tommy Ten-Tons.

-The Hole Idea: Peaco*ck ducks into a large dark hole, then reappears from a different hole on another part of the stage depending on the button used in the combo, useful for escaping attacks, creating distance or catching your foe off guard.

-Eat My Dust: Command grab. Peaco*ck reaches forward a mid-distance with her hand. If she grabs the foe, she will pull them towards her, and all that is seen is a cloud of dust for a moment before the foe is thrown out.


-Forward: Peaco*ck pulls out a baseball bat and winds up for a swing, hitting the foe in the stomach and sending them flying away, watching them fly and declaring "HOOOOME RUUUUN!"

-Backward: Peaco*ck throws a large sack over the foe, slams them down on the ground, then kicks the sack across the ground, sending it rolling a few feet before the opponent goes flying out of it.

Super Moves:

-Argus Agony: Peaco*ck fires multiple energy lasers at once, from her hat, as well as the eyes of Argus, firing the lasers at multiple different angles, hitting the foe repeatedly and pushing them back on a successful hit.

-Lonesome Lenny: Peaco*ck slams a massive living bomb on the ground that sits there patiently as it waits to explode. Lenny's fuse takes five seconds to explode, but attacking him with decrease this amount of time, and Argus Agony can make him explode instantly. When he explodes, the ensuing eruption is very powerful and covers a wide range.

-Goodfellas: Peaco*ck swings a burlap sack at the foe. If it successfully hits, they will be stuck inside the bag, and she will slam them harshly onto the floor before summoning Andy Anvil and Tommy Ten-Tons, both of whom join her and Avery in violently stomping on the trapped foe while George violently beats them with a bat. Peaco*ck ends the move by flicking a cigar at the little bomb, causing an explosion that blows up the sack and sends the foe flying.


-Play Ball!: Peaco*ck pulls out a baseball bat and beats it into her palm before calling out "All right, Tommy, I'm gonna hit it outta the park!" The camera pans behind the foe to reveal Tommy Ten-Tons, wearing a baseball cap, who begins to pitch various objects at his boss. First comes a bowling ball, which hits the foe in the knee, shattering it and making them kneel. After that, a tire, which ends up wrapping around their waist, pinning their arms to their sides. Then comes an old fashioned rabbit ear television that shatters to pieces on impact, leaving the foe skewered upon shards of glass and splinters of wood on top of being violently electrocuted by the inner wiring. Finally, Tommy pulls out George, who panics and flails his limbs before being hurled at Peaco*ck, who swings and hits him at the foe, causing an explosion that blows them to bloody chunks as Peaco*ck watches their head fly into the sky, disappearing into a twinkle.

-Old Fashioned Scenario: Peaco*ck grabs the foe and shoves them in a burlap sack. The scene then cuts to some train tracks in the middle of the stage, where Peaco*ck is shown cackling and throwing her arms back as the foe is tied down to the tracks, desperately struggling to escape. The sound of a train whistle is heard, and the camera pans over to see a massive train being driven by Avery, who blows the whistle a couple more times before the train runs the foe over, splattering their body into paste and leaving nothing but a few bone fragments and a single finger left of them.

Friendship: Peaco*ck Amuck

Peaco*ck notices a large pencil enter her field of vision and raises a brow as it begins to draw something. When the pencil is finished, she is dismayed to see several happy, smiling flowers cheerfully swaying back and forth and singing a saccharine melody. "Oh yeah, real cute, so glad ya took me outta my precious cartoon violence for this junk." She says flatly to the player as the pencil comes back and starts adding more and more colorful things, giving random objects in the environment eyes and smiles, drawing rainbows and cute little talking horses and adorable living teddy bears, all of whom begin to dance around and sing happy, sugary sweet songs, as Peaco*ck falls to her knees, screaming and clutching at her ears, demanding to know who is responsible for it all. The camera slowly pans out to reveal Aeon, the goddess of time, who laughs softly and draws a moustache on Peaco*ck.

Intro: A large pitch black hole [with eyelashes] appears on stage and a mechanical foot steps out before Peaco*ck fully emerges, tipping her hat before grabbing her 'eye' and placing it back on

Outro: Peaco*ck pulls out a cigar, takes a deep drag from it, then smugly puffs out a cloud of smoke while resting a hand on her hip

Intro Quotes:

Time to paint the town red!

Course ya know this means full scale war!

Here comes trouble! And I ain't talkin' about you!

Outro Quotes:

HA! POW! RIGHT in the kisser!

Pffft! What a sucker, am I right?!

No sense in bumpin' gums anymore, right?

Special Character Intros:

Cuphead: Hooo boy! I can sense a brawl is brewin'!

Boba Fett, Deathstroke or Lobo: Uh-oh. Looks like those pranks on the Medicis are comin' back to bite me.

Akuma, Evil Ryu or Oni: Too bad for you, pal! I was literally made to deal with corrupting superpower junk!

Goomba or Koopa Troopa: Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was bounced all the way back to level one here!

Haggar: Ah, quit hasslin' me, old man, the sign needed a few touch-ups!

Zitz: How 'bout some leapfrog? I'll go first!

Most feline combatants: I tawt I taw a putty tat!

Bomberman, Natsu or Jinx: Oooh yeah! I'm down to cause a little wanton destruction!

Mario or Luigi: Yeah, let's-a go! Let's-a go right here, right now-a!

Most magic users: Ooh, sweet! Pull a rabid wolverine outta your hat!

Chun-Li or Robocop: Ah great, it's the fuzz...

Master Chief, Doomguy or War Machine: Super badass suit with a ton of awesome weapons? I already like you!

Metal Sonic: ...Wow. So there is someone just as uncreative as ol' Brainiac out there.

Bass: All right, you fin-headed dork, I'm gonna show ya who the real best of the best is!

Superman: It's a bird! ...Yeah, actually, a Peaco*ck IS a bird, so he ain't wrong!

M. Bison: I ain't no doll, weirdo! Don't you go tryin' to flatter ME!

Tails: Oh no, you're too young to fall into nerdiness!

Deadpool: I finally found him... The one guy on the planet that's loonier than I am...

Toph: ...I am gonna fight a little blind kid. Am I the bad guy right now?

Wolverine: Yeesh. Weapon X sounds like a raw deal. Glad I got the nicer facilitiy...

Ratchet and Clank or Jak and Daxter: C'mon, Avery, let's show these chumps what real teamwork looks like!

Joker, Sweet Tooth or Harley Quinn: Oh hey! Let's put on a show! I got the pies right here!

Sonya Blade: Aaaah, get the stick outta your butt, you army brat!

The Scout: A bat and a shotgun's all ya brought? I got those and SO much more!

Hulk, Doomsday or Broly: My, what large muscles and tiny brains you have!

Pinkie Pie: Uuuuuuugghhhhh... TOO. SUGARY. SWEET.

Venom or Carnage: That is a nasty little parasite. Lemme get it for ya!

Balrog or TJ Combo: Perfect timin'! Andy's been lookin' all over the place for a good scrap!

Sora or King Mickey: That key can open any lock!? Gimmegimmegimmegimmegimme!

Afro Samurai or Mob: I never did stop believing in imaginary friends! Mainly cause they were all I had for the longest time...

Roshi or Jiraiya: Phew... Thank goodness I have no figure.

Namor: Ah, don't get your speedo in a knot, elf boy!

King Dedede: I could make a WAY bigger hammer than that! ...I just couldn't LIFT it.

Ben 10: You're scared of peaco*cks? ...Avery, come say hi to our new friend!

Johnny Cage: Holy CRAP, I LOVE JOHNNY CAGE FLICKS! Just simple dumb fun!

Edward Elric: Oh, wasn't I supposed to meet up with someone here? Are they just too tiny for me to notice 'em?

The Mask or SpongeBob: Real life cartoon powers?! ACTUAL CARTOON POWERS?!

Red Ranger: Oh good, we're skippin' past all the lame high school drama and gettin' into the fun part!

Obi-Wan: Uncivilized?! Of all the nerve!

Todoroki: So, are you just constantly sweating on one side and shaking on the other or what?

Red Team or Blue Team: Whoever stuck the bunch of you together needs to be fired pronto!

Sanji: Hey, fella! Ya got a light?

Yoda: Who're you supposed to be, my conscience or somethin'?

Alucard: Yeesh... Takes a lot to give me the willies, and you're pullin' it off!

Popeye: I'll gladly pay ya Tuesday to give ya a knuckle sandwich today!

Tetsuo: *Sigh* Poor little lab rat.

Predator: Hide and seek time's over! Now we get to the fun part!

Bill Cipher or Discord: Oh, a wise guy, eh?

Special Character Outros:

Cuphead: I tip my hat to you if you tip your head to me!

Samus: So you're a girl this whole time, big whoop, not impressed!

Akuma or Evil Ryu: Ain't too late for you, and I ain't about to let it be too late for my best pal!

Koopa Troopa: Wow, it ran off so fast it left its shell behind, what a wuss!

Haggar, Zangief or Macho Man: Boy, ain't Marie gonna be jealous when I tell her about this?

Zitz: Aw man, a game over! This game's way too hard, ain't it?

Most feline characters: What a cat-tastrophe! ...Ah, damn that yappy catgirl!

Bomberman: No bomb you got's beatin' Lenny! Maybe George, but not Lenny!

Sonic or Archieverse Sonic: Ha! Might wanna cut back on those chilli dogs of yours, slowpoke!

Master Chief, Doomguy or War Machine: Now which toys do I wanna snag...? All of 'em, of course!

Metal Sonic or Bass: Ha! Now who's the ultimate creation, ya hunk of bolts?!

Most princesses: Hey, look at that! I crowned a princess!

M. Bison: Ah, just another Tuesday afternoon...

Strider Hiryu: All ya got's a bunch of metal animals, I got actual pals!

Robocop: Pfft! What kinda hack built ya, copper?! You don't even have proper running legs!

Deadpool, The Mask or Jinx: Now that was one hell of a time! Let's do this again soon!

Ganon: And this little piggy screamed and cried and whine ALL the way home!

Ratchet and Clank or Jak and Daxter: Two heads are better than one! And six heads are even better than that!

The Scout: BONK! BONK! Oh, I am saying that at least ten times a day from now on!

Pinkie Pie: Sorry, horsie, but your party's officially crashed!

Venom or Carnage: I already got two units, four's a crowd!

Balrog or TJ Combo: Pffft! You're nowhere near good enough to take on Andy!

Doctor Strange, Doctor Fate or The Doctor: That's what's up, doc!

Afro Samurai: Ha! Can't your imaginary pal do anything other than chatter and be annoying?!

Roshi or Jiraiya: I know an old bag called Black Dahlia that you should totally try to hook up with...

Ben 10: Ah, Xingo's way overrated, he doesn't have the sly wit that real toons do!

Johnny Cage: Just like my favorite movie, uh... I forgot, they all kinda blend together.

Aang or Steven Universe: Ah, don't be such a wet blanket, a little violence every now and then's fun!

Edward Elric: So your brother's a giant walking suit? Kinda life are you living, shorty?!

Mob: You're the kinda kid I'd give swirlies to if I were in highschool, don't be surprised!

Booster Gold: Y'know, I always thought you'd look good in yellow, Green Lantern.

Obi-Wan: So much for the high ground! Now you're flat on your back!

Red Hood or Butcher: So many bad guys need a good knock on the head, so what're we waitin' for?!

Red Team or Blue Team: Ah, red, blue, schmed, schlue, who cares about color anyway?

Batgirl: How's it even possible to be the popular pretty girl AND the nerd?!

Sanji: Now that I win, you're my personal chef! Now go and make me and the boys as much junk as ya can!

King Mickey: Ya just can't get me to take this silly cartoon mouse seriously.

Dio: ...Okay, so one of us is gonna have to pick a different vehicle-NOT IT, STEAMROLLER'S MINE!

Oni: Yeesh... WAY too late to salvage YOU. Bye!

Popeye: Urgh... Spinach... I'd rather eat bricks than that junk!

Harley Quinn: Get lost, lady, I don't need a shrink, especially not one like you!

Predator: Agh! I really wish I didn't look at that ugly mug!

SpongeBob: You still got it, spongey! Annoying laugh and all!

Bill Cipher: Yeah. Like I was goin' down to some one-eyed nacho with a goofy little hat.

Discord: This guy! I like this guy! You're a part of my gang now, guy!

Special Character Outros [My roster]:


Umbrella: Well, what have we here? The princess' shortstack little sis came for a little playdate!

Uzi: Bite you? Have you SEEN these chompers?!

Peter Pan: Whattya think of MY lost boys, eh, Petey?

Punisher: How's about I show ya MY guns, Mr. Gloomsville?!

Perry the Platypus: Oh. So when I want a pet platypus with a fedora, I get told it's 'poaching' but two kids have one no problem?

Wesker: Wait, you got a parasite too? Well where's it at?

Wreck-It Ralph: All right, time to wreck stuff, let's go!

Banjo and Kazooie or Yooka and Laylee: Outnumbered? Who're you callin' outnumbered, eh?

Agent 47: A hit on my head? I'll put a hit on YOUR head, chromedome!

Kaos: HA! Look at the little bald loudmouth, what a goob!

Special Character Outros [My roster]:

Annie: Okay, so I have a few questions, I wrote 'em all down, don't mind the size of the list, it'll be quick, really!

Pom: Andy, Tommy, don't go kickin' the puppies around, it's not cool!

Umbrella: Heh... Guess it's way past your bedtime, pipsqueak. Nighty night!

Peter Pan: Screw growing up. It just comes with pain and trauma.

Punisher: You ain't goin' NEAR Marie! She's my friend, I'll handle her!

Skipper: Who'da thunk a dapper little birdie could actually put up a fight?

Mr. Incredible: Pfft! Ya seem pretty credible to me, big man!

Banjo and Kazooie or Yooka and Laylee: Man, games need more classic old fashioned 3D collectathons, that's where it's at!

Postal Dude: Here, sign this! And make it out to Andy!

Kaos: Who'da thunk a guy who talks so much about doom and gloom could make me smile so much?

Theme: Learning One's Craft from Skullgirls

MetaMaster54610's Death Battle Arena - Chapter 40 - MetaMaster54610 (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.