How to play GoPro video on computer? - EPN (2024)

If you’ve captured some exciting moments with your GoPro camera, you may be wondering how to play those videos on your computer. Fortunately, it’s a relatively straightforward process that requires only a few simple steps. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of playing GoPro videos on your computer, ensuring that you can relive those thrilling moments on the big screen.

How to Play GoPro Video on Computer?

The easiest way to play GoPro videos on your computer is by following these steps:
1. Begin by connecting your GoPro camera to your computer via a USB cable.
2. Turn on your GoPro camera and ensure it is in the appropriate playback mode.
3. On your computer, open the file explorer or Finder window (for Mac users) and navigate to the connected GoPro camera.
4. Locate the folder that contains your GoPro videos. Typically, they are stored in the “DCIM” folder.
5. Copy the desired video files from the GoPro camera and paste them into a folder on your computer. You may create a new folder specifically for GoPro videos if you wish.
6. Once the files have finished copying, locate the folder on your computer and double-click on the video file you want to play.
7. The video should now open in your default video player, allowing you to watch it on your computer.

Now that you know the steps to play GoPro videos on your computer let’s address some common FAQs related to this topic:

Can I play GoPro videos on my computer without a USB cable?

Yes, you can. If your GoPro camera has Wi-Fi capabilities, you can connect it to your computer wirelessly and transfer the videos using the GoPro mobile app.

Which video formats do GoPro cameras support?

GoPro cameras typically record videos in MP4 or MOV format. These formats are widely compatible with most video players on computers.

Is my computer capable of playing GoPro videos?

As long as you have a computer with a modern operating system and a video player installed, it should be capable of playing GoPro videos without any issues.

What if I don’t have a video player on my computer?

If you don’t have a video player installed on your computer, you can easily download and install popular ones like VLC Media Player or Windows Media Player for Windows, or QuickTime Player for Mac.

Why can’t I play my GoPro videos on my computer?

If you’re unable to play your GoPro videos on your computer, it could be due to unsupported video codec or corruption. In such cases, try using a different video player or consider converting the video file to a compatible format.

Can I edit GoPro videos on my computer?

Yes, you can edit GoPro videos on your computer using various video editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, iMovie, or GoPro’s own Quik app.

Can I transfer GoPro videos directly from the SD card to my computer?

Certainly! If you have an SD card slot on your computer or a card reader, you can remove the SD card from your GoPro camera and transfer the video files directly to your computer.

Are there any online tools to play GoPro videos?

Yes, there are online video players that support GoPro video formats. Simply upload your video file to one of these platforms, and it will play your GoPro video directly in the browser.

What if my GoPro video is too large to transfer to my computer?

If you encounter issues transferring large GoPro videos to your computer, you can try compressing them using video compression software like HandBrake, reducing the file size and making it easier to transfer.

Can I play GoPro videos on my smartphone or tablet?

Yes, you can transfer and play GoPro videos on your smartphone or tablet by using the GoPro mobile app, which allows wireless transfer and playback.

What if my computer freezes or lags while playing GoPro videos?

If your computer freezes or lags while playing GoPro videos, it could be due to insufficient hardware specifications or an outdated video player. Ensure that your computer meets the minimum requirements and consider upgrading your video player or computer if necessary.

How can I improve the video quality of my GoPro videos on my computer?

To enhance the video quality of your GoPro videos on your computer, you can use video editing software with features like color correction, sharpening, and noise reduction to optimize the footage.

How to play GoPro video on computer? - EPN (2024)
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