Easy Simple Strawberry Shortcake Recipes (2024)




Did you know that “short” in shortcake describes the crumbly texture of the cake? There are some simple strawberry shortcake recipes we can use to discover the world of these crumbly cakes. We can even make them less crispy and more fluffy.

Easy Simple Strawberry Shortcake Recipes (1)

Simple strawberry shortcake recipes make the perfect dessert recipes for any occasion, thanks to the freshness of the strawberries. The term “shortcake” actually comes from the old English use of the word “short.”

Then, “short” describes the crumbly texture of a cake. That crumbly texture of the cake would come from lard or butter, giving the cake a crumbly and crisp bite. That texture makes for the perfect delivery system for fruit and cream.

Easy Simple Strawberry Shortcake Recipes (2)

The most popular shortcake is the strawberry shortcake. We can thank a cartoon character for part of that popularity, but also because they are delicious. The basic recipe for strawberry shortcakes is pretty straightforward.

We must follow the basic recipe closely to get that short texture. However, that doesn’t mean there is just one way to make strawberry shortcakes. We have some options along the way, and we definitely want to watch out for some pitfalls that could have us making batch after batch to get it right.

The first place to start with a good strawberry shortcake is obviously with the strawberries.

Easy Simple Strawberry Shortcake Recipes (3)

The shortcake is very important and will provide a good flavor to the most classic strawberry shortcake recipes. However, the strawberries will stand out even above the shortcake itself.

The trick isn’t to find a special breed of strawberries; anyone will do the trick. We can enhance the strawberries by using a method called macerating. Macerating strawberries sounds complicated, but it is one of the easiest cooking methods.

We just need to slice your strawberries how you’d like them and soak them in syrup to get the natural juices out. This process makes them sweeter and creates a strawberry syrup that will go perfectly with shortcakes.

Easy Simple Strawberry Shortcake Recipes (4)

How to Slice Strawberries for Strawberry Shortcake

Slicing strawberries for simple strawberry shortcake recipes is not exactly simple. The berries are small and can get slippery as you go. That slippery feel can even make slicing strawberries dangerous.

We might only need a few strawberries sliced if we only make a few shortcakes. However, creating an entire batch will mean cutting as many as possible. Fresh strawberries work best, especially for homemade strawberry shortcakes.

The easiest way to slice them is to use an egg slicer. An egg slicer is designed to slice a hardboiled egg into even slices. A strawberry fits perfectly into the slicer and gives you perfectly, evenly sliced strawberries for a fresh strawberry shortcake.

Easy Simple Strawberry Shortcake Recipes (5)

How to Avoid Soggy Strawberry Shortcake

Sogginess is one of the worst things that can happen to even the best strawberry shortcake recipes. Avoiding soggy cake is very important, especially when using fresh fruit.

Fruit is filled with juice, and that liquid can absolutely destroy the shortness of shortcake. There are several ways to prevent shortcakes from getting soggy; we can’t stop it all. The easiest way is not to assemble the cakes until you plan on serving them.

Another option is to use a very thin layer of apricot jam between the shortcake and the strawberries. Lastly, a layer of cream, whipped cream, or icing can help keep the juices from seeping into the shortcake too quickly.

Easy Simple Strawberry Shortcake Recipes (6)

Can We Use Frozen Strawberries for Strawberry Shortcake

This is a great time to answer a common strawberry shortcake question: can we use frozen strawberries? Easy strawberry shortcake recipes will make every process step as simple as possible.

However, we won’t find a good recipe that recommends frozen strawberries. Frozen strawberries may be more difficult to slice and will add far too much moisture. The layer of apricot jam or whipped cream will not prevent the melting frozen juice from making the shortcake soggy.

Fresh strawberries are the best option; unfortunately, they aren’t always in season. We can use other fruit instead if strawberries aren’t readily available. These are all the strawberry shortcake tips you will need to ensure these strawberry shortcake recipes come together perfectly.

Easy Simple Strawberry Shortcake Recipes (7)

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Easy Simple Strawberry Shortcake Recipes (2024)
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