Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

NOVEMBER 16, 1916 THE MARION DAILY. CHRUNICLE 1 PAGE THREE So "Oh Look! I can eat 'em all they won't hurt mel' That's because they're made with Calumet- -and that's why they're pure, tempting, tasty, wholesome--that's why they won't hurt any kid." Receired Highest Awards Now Cool Bool Slip Pound 'Cam BAKING POWDER TALUMEN CALUMET POWDER a DO CHICAGO GREEK INSURGENTS LEAVE KATERINA TO FRENCH GUARD Litokorn, Greece, Nov. surgents have completed the evacua-' tion of Katernia, leaving th town in the hands of a few French guards, The government troops have recommended their withdrawal to take up, quarters at Peloponnesus, on the Isthmus of Corinth, in compliance with the agreement between the entente commanders and the royalists. The world's highest powered motor ship has been built in Italy for the Brazilian navy, its motors developing power. The 1,806,019,560 eggs New Yorkers eat in a year, laid end to end, would reach more than twice around the world, and the annual egt; bill is 000,000.

In a new pencil sharpener several small blades are mounted conically at the end of a twisted wire, which is rapidly by pushing a spindle along it. ATLANTA, In WHITBY, in. COLLARS 15 ots. each, 6 for 00 ots. Cluett, Peabody Inc.

Makers 3. DIVORCE ACTION STIRS NEW YORK'S BOHEMIA MR'S LOUISE M'c. NORTON to of the their young woman who came between the Norton's from becoming knownfriends among the "Trufflers." It is only known that she is a menber of the Bohemian colony of artists and poets. Mrs. Norton attained considerable.

literary fame by the publication of her play "Little. Wax Candle," by a Bohemian printshop widely known for its exotic works. She is a daughter of the late John Lindsay McCutcheon, wealthy art collector and patron, of Pittsburg. New York, Nov. Washington Square District, known as Now York's Bohemia, with gossip today over the filing of a suit for divorce by Louise McCutcheon Norton, playwright, against Allan T.

Norton, poet and devotee of Shalley. The sealing of the papers prevented the name VAN BUREN Mrs. David Heckard was a Marion caller Tuesday. Mrs. Sanderman had.

as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sanderman' and children and Mr. and Mrs. William Sanderman and sons.

Mrs. Harlan Shields and children called on Mrs. Bert Buffington Tuesday. Mrs. Catherine Johnson of Marion was a caller here Mondav.

She spent the night with Mr. and Mrs. Harris. Mrs. William Rumple called on Mrs.

Omar Hewitt Tuesday afternoon. Bible study class will meet Friday evening, November 17, at the home of Granville Vardaman. 3f A. B. Cline of Bluffton was a business caller here Tuesday.

H. H. Hautem and Mr. 'Eddington of Marion were in town Tuesday looking after the interests of the Prudential Life Insurance company. E.

R. Roberts spent Monday in Van Buren. John Rinick has gone to Frankfort, where he will be employed at the coal dock. William Nelson is working at thecoal dock. Newlin Green and family are moving from the William Bird farm to the property owned by Mrs.

Catherine Johnson on Third Mr. and Mrs. Elliott spent Sunday with Milton Elliott. Fletcher. Mathias is crating his household goods, and he and his wife will soon move to.

Bowling Green, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. James Galbreath attended the surprise given on Mr. and Mrs.

John Wilson Sunday. Mrs. Dorothea Korporal was a visitor in Marion Sunday. There are 2,390,000 blind persons in the world. It is announced that the J.

G. Rainwater Lumber Company, of New Orleans, has bought the San Ramon and chartered five other vessels to establish a new line between New Orleans and Christobal-Colon, to be known as the San Ramon steamship line of New Orleans. Horseflesh as food was introduced into Gaul when the country was inquest vaded by by. the Julius Franks Caesar. after Records the conre-: lating to 1404 show that it was eaten in Paris at that time.



D. Brookshire are the proud parents of a baby boy born to them Saturday, November 11. Mr. and Mrs. Amos H.

Kimbrough and son, Walter, had as their Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Luckey and son, Geore; Mr. and Mrs.

George B. Kimbrought and children, Winifred, Rebecca and Charles, all of Marion. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Apple.

of Willow Branch, Hanco*ck county, spent Saturday night, with Mrs. Emma Harrold and children. Sunday they all motored to Swayzee and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Milt Dimmick.

Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Moon and family entertained at Sunday dinner the following Mr.

and Mrs. A. W. Kimes, Mr. and Mrs.

Leonard Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kimes, Mr. and Mrs. W.

A. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hasty, Lova Moon, Ray and John Moon, Ora Albert, Carroll McCombs, Blanche Kimes and Ellen Morgan. Those from Center church who attended the memorial services held at Jones Chapel Sunday afternoon in honor of Thomas Newhouse, who died of and Mrs.

diphtheria, A. W. were Kimes, as fol- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kimes.

Mr. and Mrs. P. Moon. Miss Lova Moon, Ray Moon, George Havens, Mr.

and Mrs. Arthur Davis, r. and Mrs. Leonard Moore, Mr. and Mrs.

Milt Gibson and Mrs. Mary Gibson, Miss Ellen Morgan. Services were conducted by the pastor. Rev. C.

A. Johnson of Gas City. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Peterson entertained the following guests Sunday: Mr.

and Mrs. Burr Jones and children of Marion, Mr. and Mrs. William Branner and daughter of Ohio, Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Gibson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Albert and children. Mrs. Emma Albert of this place was stricken with paralysis Sunday at 1 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Harvey Peterson.

where died Monday at 2 p. m. The funeral was held at the Center church Wednesday at 10:30 a. m. Burial in Park cemeterv.

Fairmount. Miss Blanche Kimes entertained the following members of the Needlecraft club Thursday: Miss Lova Moon, Grace McCombs, Murel Harrold. Agnes Kimes, Blanche Jones, Ethel Moore, Frances Wilson, Marie Edi dington, Mrs. Millie Wood, Mrs. Lala Hasty and Mrs.

Frances Moore. Mr. Cleasure of Rigdon while hauling. coal from Radley Monday stopped at this place, and in climbing from his ously was removed. wagon accidentally, fell and was serihis home, and was reported later.

to be in a serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dimmick had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs.

King and children of Marion. Mrs. Sprinkle of Marion spent Monday with her daughter, Mrs. 'Bert Dimmick. Mr.

and Mrs. Eli' Eddington and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eddington attended a silver medal contest at Manle Run Sunday afternoon. Mr.

and Mrs. J. R. Davis and family visited Mr. and Mrs.

John Kelly Sunday near Michaelsville. Mrs. J. F. McCombs is seriously ill.

Good Cough Syrup Made at Home Conts Very Little and Easily Made, but is Itemarkably Effective. You'll never really know what' a fine! cough syrup you, can make until you prepare this famous home-made remed: You not only. save $2 us compared the ready-made kind, but you will have a more effective and dependable. remedy in overy way. It overcomes the usual coughs, throat or chest colds in' 24 -relieves even whooping cough quiekly.

Get 214 ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth) from any good drug store, pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated syrup. Here you have a full pint-a family syrup supply--of that the most buy -at effective a cost cough. money can only 54 conta or less. It never spoils. The prompt and positive resulta given by this pleasant tasting "cough syrup have caused it to be used in more homes than any other remedy.

It a quickly loosens A dry, hoarse or tight cough, heals the inflamed membranes that line the throat and bronchial tubes, and rolief comes almost immediatoly. a did for throat tickle, hoarse bronchitis, croup and bronchial 8A ma. pound Pinex of is a highly concentrated comgenuine Norway pine extract, combined with guaiacol and has boon used for generations for throat and chest ailments. 'Avoid disappointment by asking your full. druggist for ounces of Pinex" with dircotions, and don't accept thing else.

A guarantee of absolute pros Studebaker, IMITATED BUT NOT EQUALED It is over a year ago that the present series of Studebaker cars were announced to the public. Six months ago added refinements and improvements on this same series were announced. Since then no company manufacturing automobiles has been able to offer the public a series of cars which equals the Studebaker in dollar for dollar value. For the same power, the same roominess, the same comfort, in other cars, you have to pay hundreds of dollars more. In its field, Studebaker leads every producer of motor cars in the world.

In number of seven-passenger SIXES and seven-passenger FOURS manufactured and 'sold since July, 1915, Studebaker leads every- manufacturer in the world. Other companies have changed their price, changed their designs, and changed their models. They have announced new models. But no company has been able to improve in any way on the style, appearance and up-to-dateness of Studebaker design- -Studebaker continues to be a "year ahead" just as the public said it was a year ago. The people who buy motor cars know motor car values.

-li: They know, because A they take the judgment of people who have tried Studebaker cars, and found that in actual value and in service, Studebaker lives up to its leadership. Studebaker cars are used, they sell more Studebaker cars. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY POWER--A x5 cast-in-block six-cylinder motor, fancies. Artistic refinements have been incorporated which, in simplicity, accessibility, efficiency, economy, from time to time, but it has not been necessary to and power, has been proven during the last thirteen make radical changes to attract- public attention. months, remarkable in all parts of the world as one of the most.

Studebaker cars are sold on intrinsic merit and beauty. motors ever used in a motor car. CROWN FENDERS -The crown fenders first inREAR AXLE -The Studebaker full rear troduced and still used by Studebaker, have been copied axle, which has been developed through four years and imitated by every other 1 manufacturer. service and experience under hundreds of thousands of FINISH- -The beautiful paint and varnish work Even the giant power of the big on the cars. Studebaker "SIX" motor cannot tear apart or wear Studebaker car can never be equaled out the gears and shafts of special Studebaker steel in price by any other manufacturer and will not until this Studebaker axle.

other rience and manufacturers facilities of possess the manufacturing expethe great Studebaker CorporaCHASSIS -The Studebaker Golden Chassis is still tion. in accessibility, simplicity, efficiency, and life-saving advances in the cost of genuine leather and curled the most beautiful not only in appearance, but UPHOLSTERY-Studebaker continues, in spite of factors of strength. hair, to use these materials in Studebaker cars, and SPRINGS--The three elliptic special Stude- no of the other Studebaker manufacturer price can within afford to hundreds use of material dollars of baker steel springs, with torque arm and radius rod driving members, are still standards of perfection. New this quality in finishing its cars. ideas have been tried, first by Studebaker in its experi4 SERVICE- -Systematic Service, originated and mental laboratories, and by other manufacturers under promoted by Studebaker, has been imitated by cars which they sold to the public, and no spring sus- other but no other manufacturer has pension has yet been found which, will equal the three- so large responsive dealers' organization to coquarter elliptic of the Studebaker in comfort, road- operate throughout the entire country in making this ability, in perfect mechanical operation--it costs more service national, and when buy a Studebaker car, than other types, but its, superiority renders cost no matter where you drive, you find Studebaker Sysnegligible.

tematic Service. This, in itself, is a feature which ELECTRICAL SYSTEM- -The Studetaker elec- the makes average the appeal buyer. of Studebaker cars very strong to trical system, developed by four years' study concentrated on Studebaker, has developed the lightest, STUDEBAKER- -Back of the Studebalrer car most efficient, the most reliable lighting and start- there is a history of unparalleled good will and ing system ever put on an automobile. There is no business success, extending over sixty years, giving electrical system in the world, at any price, which is assurance to the owners of Studebaker cars that their now used on Studebaker cars--and this system has actual investment, and there is no car in the market superior in any, way, or perhaps even equal, to that purchase is not an experiment, not a gamble, but an been designed exclusively for Studebaker. in ratio to first cost, which has a higher second hand value than a Studebaker.

This is. en indication of baker car STYLE--The have not been beautiful body lines of the Stude- public confidence in the products of the great House affected by freakish fads and of Studebaker, FOUR the will able Now call let names people at us of our who consider dozens show have of room, bought we prominent can give and Studebaker If reli- you you SIX cars. You can call on them for testimony as $875 of to will the service value understand we of give, why Studebaker and in Studebaker cars their and leads. reply the kind you But $1085 let us demonstrate to YOU Studebaker 1. o.

b. Detroit qualities of leadership. f. o. b.

Detroit 7. PHONE ON THE 2056 WIGGER'S SQUARE ters, Mr. Marie and Mrs. Bert Todd and daughand- Mildred, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs.

William Kennedy of Fairmount. Mrs. Eva Todd and daughter, Mildred, spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Pearl Davis and children. Mr.

and Mrs. C. D. Brookshire had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs.

Nick Brookshire and Thomas shire. Mr. and Mrs. J. N.

Gibson had as their Sunday guests Mr. James Knotts, of Elwood anda Nirs: Mart Collins. Mrs. Gibson and daughter, Mrs. Emma Guinn and Mrs.

Katie Eddington spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Essie Brookshire. and, Mrs. Elmer Comer and family spent Sunday near Greentown with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. N. Comer. Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Morgan of Cowan, near: Muncie, spent Sunday evening with his sister, Mrs. Mary Kimes. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Moore attendnd a musical service Sunday evening in Fairmount.

Miss Blanche Kimes Vis assisting Mrs. Etta Pinkerman with her household work. Mr. and Mrs. Mearing spent Sunday with relatives in Gas City.

Mr. and Keller Hilton and sons, Garland and Frank, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hilton. Sunday school at Center at 9:45.

Social meeting, 10:45. Endeavor ices at 7 Everybody invited. A motion picture camera that uses glass plates instead of films 'and also can be used to project pictures has been invented in Europe for amateurs. Well diggers near Athens, while down at the depth of seventyseven feet struck a good-sized log. This is the second log.

to be struck by well diggers in the vicinity of. Athens. Since the beginning of the war to June 30 last, more than 3,500,000 officers and men of the military and naval forces; horses and mules, 18,384. 17 guns and limbers have been carried DAUGHTER WOULD JOIN 0: HER FATHER IN PRISON St. Paul, Nov.

15- year -old Minnepalois girl appealed in a carefully written letter to Governor Burnquist cither to arrange for a pardon for her father or for her to go to state's prison to be with him. Prison bars have separated them five years, and the sought-for reunion will be deferred fifteen years longer or unless his the sentence father is pardoned, paroled is commuted. Gertrude Robinson is the girl pleading for frecdom for her father, Harry T. Robinson, convicted of robbing the box office of the Shubert theater in St. Paul and imprisoned since carly in November, 1911.

Her parents separated years ago, and her father placed her with people living in Minneapolis and has been trying to support her his earnings prison. "Papa' asked some friends to send me an Easter basket at his expense," the child's letter read, "but it never came, so I guess I am the only one who wants to help him and who really loves him." Major-General Edward Fielding, Chicago, vice-president of the Volunterrs of America, urges favorable ac- INDIANA 10c-15c-25c FOUR TIMES, STARTING TONIGHT JOIE CANADA A IN Under-Cover" ORIGINAL CHICAGO PRODUCTION. tion by the pardon board, saying many Chicago friends of Robinson would do anything, to help him, and adding: "Maude Ballington Booth is "constantly interested in some man behind the bars whom she has reason to feel will profit by the lesson he has received. She has arranged for these in country homes until they are located in positions." jr. 1: Seventy-seven federal employment offices have been established in nection with the division of information of the United States department of labor in thirty states.

A German metallurgist has invented a process using compressed air for hardening steel where only certain of a piece. of metal require hardening: About 90 per cent of the oil absorbed by waste or rags used in wiping machinery is recovered by a centrifugal machine that has been invented in England. It cost the state -of Illinois $59,000 in round numbers to maintain its employment office in six cities at an erage cost of 72. cents for each application for employment. Saturday at 9 O'clock Morning Sharp ANOTHER BIG I Chrysanthemum Sale IN THE 5 10c DEPT 1.

I. AT THE BOSTON STORE: Choice of. Beautiful 2000 25 CHRYSANTHEMUMS Cents Each 10c BE HERE! Limit 1 dozen to customer EACH Ch We were fortunate in securing another big lot just like those which sold so rapidly last Saturday. Chieftain and Roger Chrysanthemumg of round, bushy bloom, that' sell in any. floral shop at 25c each.

A These are to reach us just in time for the sale Saturday morning at o'clock, and they will be fresh. We urge you to: be here prometh at 9 o'clock for they are sure to sell out in hurry,.

Chronicle Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)


What is the name of the newspaper in Marion Indiana? ›

The Chronicle-Tribune is a morning newspaper for Marion, Indiana and surrounding areas.

What is the largest newspaper in Indianapolis? ›

The Indianapolis Star is the largest paper in Indiana.

Does Monticello Indiana have the newspaper? ›

Monticello Herald Journal | Monticello IN.

What is the newspaper in Bedford Indiana? ›

Times-Mail | Local News, Politics & Sports in Bedford, IN.

What was the name of the first Indianapolis Black newspaper and when did it start? ›

In 1865, Samuel G. Smother opened a grocery store, and later in 1879 The Indianapolis Leader was the first African American-owned newspaper in Indy.

What newspaper has the largest daily circulation? ›

News Corp's business-focused The Wall Street Journal (555,182) and The New York Times (267,639) remain the biggest dailies in the US, although their print circulations fell by 14% and 13% year-on-year respectively.

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers.

What is the name of the newspaper in Anderson Indiana? ›

The Herald Bulletin is a daily newspaper serving Anderson, Indiana, and adjacent areas northeast of Indianapolis.

Does Martinsville Indiana have a newspaper? ›

Reporter-Times: Local News, Politics & Sports in Martinsville, IN.

What is the name of the Houston newspaper? ›

Founded in 1901, the Houston Chronicle was acquired by Hearst in 1987.

What is the name of the newspaper in Johnstown? ›

The Tribune-Democrat | Johnstown PA.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.